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The content of the study focuses on the issue of the right to work of persons with disabilities from the point of view of the provisions of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities adopted by the General Assembly of United Nations in 2006. The article discusses the formal elements of the national system supporting the professional activity of this group of people. The author also presents opinions of various entities, independent of state authorities, on the compatibility of solutions adopted in our country with the philosophy of the Convention.

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Adam Mikrut
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Gaston Milhaud rejects the principle of contradiction if it is conceived as an absolute and universal rule. He claims that it only holds in some narrowly defined circumstances. According to him, the greater is mental contribution to an act of cognition the more appropriate is the application of the principle of contradiction. My analysis of his views shows that he wanted to emphasize the differences between the objective reality and its mental or linguistic representations rather than undermine the logical principle of contradiction. Parallels can be noted between Milhaud’s views on contradiction and Leon Chwistek’s theory of the multiplicity of realities, as well as Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz’s concept of the cognitive role of language.

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Anna Jedynak
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Wrecks lying on the seabed pose a risk to both shipping and the marine environment and the interests of the country in whose area the wreck is located. This problem has been recognized internationally and resulted in the enactment of the Nairobi International Convention on the Removal of Wrecks under the auspices of the IMO. Under the convention, it is the ship’s registered owner who is financially responsible for removing the wreck from the seabed. In addition, the convention imposes an obligation to carry insurance or provide other financial security to cover the cost of removing the wreck. The interested state party will be able to make direct claims to insurers for claims related to the removal of the wreck. The scope of the convention covers the exclusive economic zone in principle, but it also contains optional provisions allowing its provisions to be extended to the territorial waters of the interested states.
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Dominika Wetoszka

  1. Katedra Prawa Morskiego, WPiA UG
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W czasach panowania Stanisława Augusta Poniatowskiego (1764–1795) kontakty polsko-szwedzkie, zarówno w zakresie stosunków politycznych, jak i gospodarczych nie były zbyt intensywne. Dopiero wybuch wielkiej wojny wschodniej (1787–1792) i zmiany w ówczesnym układzie sił na arenie międzynarodowej sprawiły, że w obu stolicach podjęto decyzję o zacieśnieniu wzajemnych relacji. Wyrazem postępującego zbliżenia pomiędzy Sztokholmem a Warszawą była z jednej strony warszawska misja Larsa von Engeströma, z drugiej – ustanowienie w Szwecji stałego przedstawicielstwa dyplomatycznego Rzeczypospolitej, ze starostą tłumackim Jerzym Michałem Potockim na czele. W 1790 r. rozpoczęto polsko-szwedzkie negocjacje sojusznicze, które (z różnych przyczyn) nie doprowadziły jednak do podpisania formalnego traktatu. Niemal w tym samym czasie, czyli na początku 1790 r., podjęto w Sztokholmie rozmowy w sprawie podpisania polsko-szwedzkiej konwencji handlowej i uzgodniono nawet podstawowe warunki przyszłego porozumienia, ale również i te negocjacje nie doprowadziły do pozytywnego rozstrzygnięcia. Przegrana przez Rzeczpospolitą wojna z Rosją w obronie Konstytucji 3 maja (1792 r.) doprowadziła do istotnego rozluźnienia stosunków polsko-szwedzkich. Możliwość wznowienia stosunków handlowych pojawiła się jeszcze przelotnie w czasie powstania kościuszkowskiego (1794 r.). Szwedzi nie zdecydowali się jednak nawiązać bliższej współpracy z powstańczymi władzami w Warszawie. Trzeci rozbiór (1795 r.) i wymazanie Rzeczypospolitej z mapy politycznej Europy oznaczało też definitywne zamknięcie krótkiego okresu ożywienia w stosunkach politycznych i gospodarczych pomiędzy Sztokholmem a Warszawą.
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Zbigniew Anusik
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Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, numerous abuses of labour rights of seafarers have been reported within international community. Seafarers’ rights, stipulated in Maritime Labour Convention of 2006, were violated by bans on going ashore in harbours, as well as by abandonment by seafarers’ employers after the end of contracts, partly as a result of national lockdowns. The Convention, aimed at creating a comprehensive regulation on maritime labour issues, including medical care and health protection, proved to be insufficient to safeguard proper working conditions of seafarers. Consequently, it is necessary to evaluate implementation of the Convention in the period of pandemic, for the purpose of taking into account knowledge and best practice developed in this period in further amendments to the Convention.
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Filip Walczak

  1. Doktorant w Szkole Doktorskiej Nauk Humanistycznych i Społecznych Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
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Maritime law is being faced with developments in design and production of autonomous vessels. With the rise of new technologies different risks emerge while traditional cease to exist. This paper suggests possible scenarios in relation to development of law relating to unmanned vessels. Second part of the paper is dedicated to analysis of the IMO civil liability convention and its application to autonomous ships on the example of the CLC.

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Zuzanna Pepłowska-Dąbrowska
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The article discusses the rules for judicial proceedings in cases for the establishment and distribution of a fund for limiting liability for maritime claims as they are set out in the Maritime Code and the Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims (LLMC 1996). The author presented the basic convention principles regarding the constitution of the fund and related effects as well as the issue of their interpretation and application in national law of selected countries parties of the convention. The article discusses the regulation of the main stages of the fund proceeding in the Polish civil procedure.

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Iwona Zużewicz-Wiewiórowska
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The article presents reviews of the European Union regulation on reporting formalities for ships entering the EU ports. It also analyses IMO regulation concerning that matter. Finally, the author exposes the differences between both legal systems and weaknesses of the solutions adopted. In the second part of the article the author discusses the Polish way of the reporting formalities system’s implementation. On the basis of a legal analysis as well as practice of the maritime authorities in Poland, the author finds that the Polish regulations seem to be exemplary.

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Justyna Nawrot
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Nairobi International Convention on the Removal of Wrecks came into force on 14th April 2015 and has been ratified by now by over 40 states across the world (among them Australia, China, India, South Africa and most of the EU countries). The convention provides legal framework for action taken by the Coastal States aiming at removal of wrecks posing danger or impediment to navigation, as well as to the marine environment, or damage to the coastline or related interests of one or more States.

The Convention fills the existing legal gap by enabling the States to remove wrecks beyond their territories (as well as within if States decide so). Beside the existing international regulations like Intervention Convention or UNCLOS, the Nairobi Convention clarifies the Costal State’s rights to remove wrecks from its EEZ if they pose a danger for safe navigation or marine environment. The Convention corresponds with mentioned conventions but also equips Coastal States with new legal instruments to deal with hazardous wrecks beyond their territory. The aim of the paper is to analyse the new rights and duties of states, as well as scope of the notion of navigational and environmental threats causes by wrecks. It will refer also to regulatory problems faced by the states implementing the Convention. Even if the Convention is to be applied to territorial sea, its multiple provisions are not. Moreover, the Convention leaves many important aspects unregulated. Those issues will be analysed from the perspective of a country which has not yet ratified the Convention, and will be confronted with the experience from other jurisdictions.

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Justyna Nawrot
Zuzanna Pepłowska-Dąbrowska
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The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), referred to as the “constitution of the seas and oceans”, established the legal regime of the seas and oceans. Under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) has a mandate as a global legislative entity to further regulate maritime issues on the basis of many of its provisions. IMO is explicitly mentioned in only one of the articles of UNCLOS, while several provisions of the Convention on the Law of the Sea refer to the ‘competent international organization’ in connection with the adoption of international rules and standards for shipping in matters relating to maritime safety and the prevention, reduction and control of marine pollution by ships. Bearing in mind the global mandate of the Organization as a specialized agency within the United Nations system established by the Convention on the International Maritime Organization, the expression ‘competent international organization’, when used in the singular in UNCLOS, applies to IMO. From 1973 to 1982, the International Maritime Organization actively participated in the work of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea to ensure that the development of IMO instruments was in line with the fundamental principles of UNCLOS. By including in several IMO conventions provisions that clearly state that these conventions do not infringe the codification and development of the law of the sea in UNCLOS, many interpretation doubts have been minimized.
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Dorota Lost-Siemińska

  1. Międzynarodowa Organizacja Morska
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From the announcement of the Independence by Ukraine in 1991 and signing many bilateral agreements with the Russian Federation on the state border, the joint use of the Azov Sea and the Kerch Strait, until the annexation of the Crimea in 2014, both parties did not manage to carry out maritime distractions on these waters, due to different positions. After the annexation of the Crimea, the situation became beneficial for FR, because in its hands there was a Kerch Strait and the Russian side started the economic blockage of Ukrainian ports on the Azov Sea. The Ukrainian site, wanting to increase the number of its ships in the Berdyansk base located on this sea, decided to move through the sea team consisting of 2 artillery cutters and a subsidiary (tug) belonging to the Navy of Ukraine. During the approach to Kerch Strait, an incident occurred on November 25, 2018 between Ukrainian ships and the ships of the border service of the Federal Security Service (shelling, detention of the ships, arrests and putting their crews before the court). The above action was inconsistent with international law violating Articles 32, 58, 95 and 96 of the Convention on the Law of the Sea from 1982. The International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea in its judgement ordered RF to give back the ships and send seamen to Ukraine. The warrant was performed partially: ships were returned, while seafarers returned as part of the exchange of prisoners between the parties. Currently, Russia continues to run the economic blockage of the Ukrainian ports, closing (due to military exercises) approaches to the Kerch Strait for ships and vessels of other countries. The current situation indicates that Russia implements its geopolitical goals and disregards the provisions of international law of the sea.
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Andrzej Makowski

  1. Akademia Marynarki Wojennej im. Bohaterów Westerplatte
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Złomowanie statków morskich ma historię sięgającą połowy XIX w. W ostatnich 20 latach stocznie złomowe z Azji Południowej zdominowały światowy rynek recyklingu statków wykorzystując tanią siłę roboczą i nie zawsze stosując się do obowiązującego prawa międzynarodowego. Międzynarodowa Organizacja Morska (IMO) doprowadziła do uchwalenia Konwencji z Hongkongu w 2009 r., która w kompleksowy sposób reguluje niemal wszystkie kwestie związane z bezpiecznym dla środowiska i dla ludzi recyklingiem statków. Unia Europejska wprowadziła własne regulacje, oparte na postanowieniach konwencji z Hongkongu, które odnoszą się głównie do statków zarejestrowanych w państwach unijnych, ale stwarzają pewne trudności w uznaniu stoczni złomowych znajdujących się w państwach trzecich, w tym państwach azjatyckich, do prowadzenia recyklingu statków podnoszących banderę państwa unijnego. Armatorzy statków, które mają być oddane na złom, stają przed dylematem czy poddać je drogiemu recyklingowi w zakładzie recyklingu wskazanym w europejskim wykazie zakładów, prowadzonym przez Komisję Europejską, czy zmienić banderę statku i wysłać je do stoczni w Azji, obchodząc przepisy unijne dotyczące recyklingu statków. Problemy tego rodzaju rozwiążą się same po wyjściu w życie Konwencji z Hongkongu, ale jak dotąd tylko 15 państw przystąpiło do konwencji, jednak z niewystarczającym tonażem, aby spełnić wszystkie warunki postawione przez konwencję do tego, aby weszła ona w życie. W artykule omówiono zagrożenia związane ze złomowaniem, umowę sprzedaży statku na złom, w tym używane na rynku formularze umów przygotowanych przez BIMCO, metody przekazywania statku stoczni złomowej oraz proces recyklingu stosowany przez stocznie zgodny z wymaganiami konwencji z Hongkongu. W tekście pokazanych zostało także kilka kopii dokumentów używanych w procesie recyklingu statku w praktyce obrotu.
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Cezary Łuczywek

  1. doktor nauk prawnych. Deputy Managing Director w przedsiębiorstwie zarządzającym statkami Green Management Gdynia
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The main reason behind the development of the International Safety Management Code was a series of tragic maritime accidents at the end of the twentieth century caused by human error. The ISM Code has introduced a brand new instrument, the safety management system (SMS), to the set of already existing legal devices, established to ensure safety during ship operation. Properly applied and implemented within the shipping company, SMS can be an advantage that will not only result in a measurable increase in the level of safety, but will also result in cost optimization and an increase in the company’s reputation. However, if an SMS is conceived without commitment and conviction on the part of the management, it will be only an empty and façade, bureaucratic procedure that will not only fail its purpose, but will also only be an additional burden for all staff. The following article will present the characteristics of SMS and its impact both on the broadly understood safety in the shipping company, and including vessels in its fleet, moreover the requirement of the efficiency of SMS procedures specified in shipboard manual for each vessel will be emphasized, which is the need to create a new safety culture.

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Michał Małczyński
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The Hong Kong Convention is an international attempt to regulate the scrapping of seagoing ships. It aims to ensure that ships recycled at the end of their lives do not pose unnecessary risks to health, safety and the environment. It aims to address all problems associated with ship recycling, including the fact that ships sold for scrap may contain environmentally hazardous substances such as asbestos, heavy metals, hydrocarbons, ozone-depleting substances and others. The Convention provisions also aim to improve working and environmental conditions at many ship recycling sites around the world. The second part of this article on the scrapping of seagoing ships is a translation into Polish of the English text of the Convention adopted in May 2009 by the International Conference on the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships.
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Ahmed I., Towards a Safe and Sustainable Industry of Ship Breaking: International Initiatives and South Asian Response, Journal of Maritime Law&Commerce, vol. 51, nNo. 3, July, 2020, s. 226; [dostęp 1.09.2021 r.]
Contradiction in Term: European Union must align its waste ship exports with international law and green deal, September 2020, s. 3; [dostęp 1.09.2021 r.]
Gopal M., Beached Waste and Wasted Beaches: A Critical Analysis of the New Ship Recycling Law in India; [do-stęp 1.09.2021 r.]
Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships, 2009. [dostęp 1.09.2021 r.]
Mikelis N., Developments in Ship Recycling in 2019, The Maritime Executive; [dostęp 1.12.2020 r.]
Rozporządzenie Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) nr 1257/2013 z dnia 20 listo-pada 2013 r. w sprawie recyklingu statków oraz zmieniające rozporządzenie (WE) nr 1013/2006 i dyrektywę 2009/16/WE, Dz. Urz. UE L 330 z 10.12.2013, s. 1
UNCTAD, Review of Maritime Transport 2020, s. 45; [dostęp 1.09.2021 r.]
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Cezary Łuczywek

  1. Deputy Managing Director w przedsiębiorstwie zarządzającym statkami (ship manager) Green Management Gdynia

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