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Celem artykułu jest opis i ocena roli debaty akademickiej w sytuacji poważnego konfl iktu społeczno – kulturowego. Przedmiotem analiz jest wybrany przypadek – reakcje środowiska akademickiego w Polsce na kryzys migracyjny oraz kontrowersje związane z przyjęciem uchodźców. Spór o uchodźców obejmuje zarówno kwestie religijne, etyczne, społeczno-kulturowe, psychologiczne, polityczne, jak i ekonomiczne. Jest więc odpowiednim polem analizy roli szkół wyższych i badaczy reprezentujących różne dyscypliny w kształtowaniu sfery publicznej. Debatą akademicką nazywamy tutaj wymianę opinii podczas zgromadzeń z udziałem osób reprezentujących uczelnie i ośrodki badawcze. Od jesieni 2015 roku toczy się w Polsce dyskusja na temat kryzysu migracyjnego i przyjęcia uchodźców. Wiele wskazuje na to, że ta kwestia będzie już stałym tematem dyskursu publicznego. Przedmiotem naszego zainteresowania były te wydarzenia, które miały charakter akademicki (konferencje, seminaria, dyskusje organizowane przez ośrodki akademickie) lub debaty z udziałem osób reprezentujących środowiska akademickie. Analizie poddaliśmy tylko treści tych debat, których tematem zasadniczym był kryzys migracyjny. Analiza polegała na poszukiwaniu następujących informacji: (1) Kto był organizatorem i uczestnikiem debat oraz według jakich reguł one przebiegały? (2) Jakie postulaty w odniesieniu do decydentów przekazują przedstawiciele środowiska akademickiego? (3) W jakim stopniu i zakresie ta debata wpływa na dyskurs polityczny i medialny?
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Dorota Bazuń
Mariusz Kwiatkowski
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O znaczeniu prawdy, roli fikcji i skutkach życia w kulturze nadmiaru oraz o kryzysie demokracji mówi prof. dr hab. Stanisław Filipowicz, wiceprezes Polskiej Akademii Nauk.

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Stanisław Filipowicz
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In order to describe the features of Polish hospitality, autobiographical records containing memories of hospitality from various historical periods were compiled. The research material included about 300 episodes from 30 published sources. A targeted selection was made according to a combination of three criteria: a di versity of social positions among the authors, the biographies of the authors, and the detail of description. An analysis of the material was conducted in order to contribute to a better understanding of the social significance of hospitality. The oretical assumptions about hospitality in conditions of stability and social crisis were advanced. The analysis showed that in times of relative stability, hospital ity was biographically important when it allowed a person to transition between positions in the social structure (usually between close levels) and involved some form of promotion. On the other hand, in conditions of intensified change and crises, the order was disturbed: on the one hand, visits to the homes of persons occupying more distant positions in the hierarchy (both up and down the social ladder) became more common, but on the other hand, there could be a challenge to or rejection of traditional requirements of hospitality. The first situation occurs especially at the beginning of a crisis, and with the depletion of resources, the increase in the number of negative experiences, and socialization to a long-term threat, a survival strategy begins to take shape in which only the closest circles prevail. Such findings suggest that a more cautious look should be taken at both the theoretical concepts in which hospitality is considered a useful social invention especially in times of increased need and at the Polish self-stereotype as a nation with a culture based on hospitality, invariable generosity, and an inclination to selflessness.
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Dorota Rancew-Sikora

  1. Uniwersytet Gdański
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Profesor Anna-Katharina Hornidge tłumaczy, jak łączyć perspektywy naukowców, polityków, obywateli, przedsiębiorstw i państw w sposób, który pozwoli realnie walczyć z kryzysem klimatycznym.
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Anna-Katharina Hornidge
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In this interview, Kalle Pihlainen discusses the challenges which academic historical writing meets from other ways of using history. The proliferation of these contexts seems to offer numerous new opportunities, but they need to be responded to with advance theoretical reflec-tion. It is important to not fall under the illusion of direct access to reality (historical reality included). Hence, mastery of the constructivist perspective is still needed for doing reliable historical research and theoretical reflection on history. Representation still proves to be one of the most important questions. Pihlainen stands firmly for the narrativist philosophy of history, although one of his main concerns are materiality and embodiment.
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Tomasz Wiśniewski

  1. Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
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Kontekst rozważań stanowią niepokojące wyniki badań nauk empirycznych dotyczące ryzyka przekraczania tzw. granic planetarnych. Są one od około dwóch dekad nagłaśniane w ramach dyskusji o epoce człowieka – antropocenie. W ich obliczu przyjęte zostaje założenie o konieczności interdyscyplinarnej, prośrodowiskowej korekty szeroko pojętej myśli społecznej oraz uspołecznienia dyskusji o antropocenie. Autorka interpretuje i analizuje dwa modele: krytykę kapitałocenu Jasona W. Moore’a oraz planetarną myśl społeczną Nigela Clarka i Bronisława Szerszynskiego wskazując na wybrane zalety obu koncepcji, a następnie dyskutując słabości propozycji Clarka i Szerszynskiego. W ostatniej części artykułu zrekonstruowane zostały najważniejsze założenia i tezy tzw. ekonomii ekologicznej dewzrostu. Jak przekonuje autorka, dziedzina ta stanowi współcześnie najpłodniejszą egzemplifikację planetarnej myśli społecznej. W jej obrębie możliwe jest konstruktywne uspołecznienie akademickiej debaty o antropocenie.
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1. Angus, Ian. 2016. Facing the Anthropocene. Fossil Capitalism and the Crisis of the Earth System. New York: Monthly Review Press.
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3. Bińczyk, Ewa. 2018. Epoka człowieka. Retoryka i marazm antropocenu. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN.
4. Bińczyk, Ewa. 2018a. Utrata przyszłości w epoce antropocenu. Stan Rzeczy, 1, 14: 109–134. DOI: 10.51196/srz.14.6.
5. Bińczyk, Ewa. 2021. Pandemia i rozszczelnianie zdrowego rozsądku. Szansa na demontaż ‘business as usual’? W: P. Wielgosz, red. Ekonomie przyszłości. Warszawa: Biennale Warszawa, 27–35.
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10. Clark, Nigel, Szerszynski, Bronislaw. 2021. Planetary Social Thought. The Anthropocene Challenge to the Social Sciences. Cambridge, Medford: Polity Press.
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14. Ellis, Erle. 2018. Anthropocene. A Very Short Introduction. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
15. Fletcher, Robert, Crelis Rammelt. 2017. Decoupling: A Key Fantasy of the Post-2015 Sustainable Development Agenda. Globalizations, 14, 3: 450–467. doi: 10.1080/14747731.2016.1263077.
16. Galbraith, Kenneth. 2012. Godne społeczeństwo. Program troski o ludzkość. Przekład Adam Szeworski. Warszawa: Polskie Towarzystwo Ekonomiczne.
17. Gates, Bill. 2021. Jak ocalić świat od katastrofy klimatycznej. Rozwiązania, które już mamy, zmiany, jakich potrzebujemy. Przekład Michał Rogalski. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Agora.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ewa Bińczyk

  1. Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika
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W artykule opisujemy zmiany w zakresie jakości badań jakościowych wynikające z dostosowywania praktyk badawczych do warunków pandemicznych na kolejnych etapach procesu badawczego. Analiza powstała na podstawie 32 wywiadów pogłębionych z badaczami i badaczkami społeczno-humanistycznymi. Omawiamy „drogi do jakości” i „drogi do niejakości” w badaniach jakościowych w czasie kryzysu pandemicznego. Osoby prowadzące badania cechowała ambiwalencja w ocenie wpływu warunków pandemicznych na jakość ich badań. Analiza skupień pokazała z kolei, że strategie zapewniania jakości badań jakościowych w pandemii różniły się ze względu na uważność na zmiany jakości w różnych fazach procesu badawczego. Wyróżniono strategie polegające na dążeniu do osiągania jakości głównie na etapie realizacji badań oraz strategie holistyczne, skupione na zapewnianiu jakości we wszystkich fazach badania. Uzyskane wyniki zostały zinterpretowane w odniesieniu do czterech podejść do jakości badań jakościowych wyróżnionych na podstawie analizy literatury przedmiotu.
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Authors and Affiliations

Sylwia Męcfal
Beata Bielska
Katarzyna Kalinowska
Adrianna Surmiak

  1. Instytut Socjologii, Uniwersytet Łódzki
  2. Instytut Socjologii, Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu
  3. Instytut Socjologii im. E. Wnuk-Lipińskiego Collegium Civitas
  4. Instytut Stosowanych Nauk Społecznych, Uniwersytet Warszawski
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This article is historical and philosophical in nature. Its purpose is to outline the most important trends and problems in the 19th-century Spanish philosophy. This philosophy has not yet been the subject of deeper analyses, especially in Polish literature on the subject. This is a major oversight, because the nineteenth century is the time of the impressive growth of modern social, political, legal, moral and intelectual structures in Spain. An important role in their development was played by Spanish philosophers and their reception of modern European philosophy and science. The reception was accompanied by numerous disputes and discussions about the condition of the Spanish culture and its possible development directions.

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Dorota Leszczyna
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In this interview, Professor Edoardo Tortarolo discusses his intellectual trajectory and reflections on historiographical practice. Influenced by historians Franco Venturi and Reinhart Koselleck, Tortarolo shares his fascination with the philosophical approach to history. He explores the shifting paradigms in historiography, from nation‑state‑centred perspectives to embracing global history and the evolving relationship between history and other sciences. Looking ahead, Tor-tarolo envisions a changing landscape for historical studies, influenced by gamification, evol-ving mass media, and the merging of factual and fictional historical accounts. Despite the emergence of diverse narratives, he stresses the significance of traditional, veracious historical accounts. Expressing optimism, he believes the past holds a future with new possibilities.
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Hugo R. Merlo

  1. Uniwersytet Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
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The interview provides a record of a conversation held during the XXIII International Congress of Historical Sciences in Poznan, with late antiquity scholar and epigraphic specialist Ignazio Tantillo (professor at the Università di Napoli “L’Orientale”). The conversation revolves around the matter of understanding the peculiarities of Late Antiquity in terms of an autonomous period in history, the temporal and spatial framework of which remains the subject of deliberations to this day. In the article, Ignazio Tantillo discusses the role of new challenges and hopes for scholars of Late Antiquity in the coming decades. The conversation also includes a reflection upon the nature of the historian's involvement in the public sphere, the (paradigm of public history), especially in the context of the “cancel culture” phenomenon.
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Marta Nowak

  1. Uniwersytet Marii Curie‑Skłodowskiej w Lublinie
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Three decades have passed since Magdalena Abakanowicz presented her concept of Bois de Nanterre — Arboreal Architecture, in response to a call for a broader reflection on approaches to urban landscaping and a reinterpretation of the meaning and evolution of the Grand Axis in Paris. This paper analyses the work presented by the artist from an urban planning perspective. It shows how the rich and multi-layered metaphor for the 21st-century city, embodied in the concept of the Bois de Nanterre, offers a pioneering and radical lesson for addressing contemporary urban problems.
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Izabela Mironowicz

  1. Gdańsk University of Technology Department of Urban Design and Regional Planning Faculty of Architecture
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It is shown that the predicted energy crisis in Kazakhstan makes the issue of small-scale energy and complementary civil society institutions more than relevant. This crisis, caused by the deterioration of heating networks built during the former USSR, can be more than large-scale, as evidenced by the events in the city of Ekibastuz, where a significant proportion of the population was left without heating in the winter of 2022/2023. It is proven that the development of small-scale power generation should be complex, i.e. in the foreseeable future, one should focus attention on a combination of renewable and traditional energy sources, which implies a gradual increase in the share of renewable energy. The expediency of using the concept of “energy freedom”, at least in relation to the Republic of Kazakhstan, is substantiated. It is shown that the goal of the development of small green energy should be precisely the achievement of energy freedom for households, oriented towards the institutions of civil society. This implies, inter alia, the development of a wide range of non-trivial technical solutions that provide, for example, direct heat generation without an intermediate stage of conversion into electrical current. A specific example is considered, demonstrating the adequacy of the proposed approach. It is also shown that the primary measures to ensure the energy freedom of households can be implemented even when using equipment available on the market. Specific calculations are presented which prove that the transition to decentralized heat supply is economically feasible using available equipment.
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Aiganym Seidaliyeva
Sherniyaz Kabdushev
Saltanat Baipakbayeva
Eldar Kopishev
Ibragim Suleimenov

  1. NJSC “Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications named after Gumarbek Daukeev”, Kazakhstan
  2. International IT University, Kazakhstan
  3. L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Kazakhstan
  4. Academician of National Engineering Academy of RK, Kazakhstan
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Research on the economy of the Polish‑Lithuanian Commonwealth usually follows one of two paths: searching for the genesis of the crisis of the farm and serf economy or estimating the scale of war damage. Is it possible to join these two paths and present a complex model of the functioning of local communities during the crisis? Can it be used in the field of the rescue history?
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Patryk Kuc

  1. Uniwersytet Jagielloński
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In the interview, Dipesh Chakrabarty gives an insight into recent transformations of historical thinking and writing. He discusses various faces of recent democratisation of history, like the proliferation of environmental history and the decolonialisation perspective. He outlines the genealogy of the term “provincializing”, known from his notable work Provincializing Eu-rope. Finally, he elaborates on the emergence of “the planetary” (or “a planetary age”) and recalls the contributions of Martin Heidegger and Carl Schmitt on the conceptualisation of the issue.
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Tomasz Wiśniewski

  1. Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
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Reflecting on the question of the contemporary condition of historical thinking, focusing on the case study of Poland, I consider the causes of the crisis of authority of the professional historian in the modern information society, in particular the lack of interaction between academic historiography and society. Against this backdrop, I propose a reflection on a possible modifica-tion of the understanding of the historian's profession for the sake of dialogue with the "ordin-ary" recipient of history.
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Authors and Affiliations

Anna Brzezińska

  1. Uniwersytet Łódzki
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Among the several crises that occurred in the 16th century, the famine crisis and high prices in the years 1569–1574 had exceptional significance, as its intensity, scope and duration far out-weighed other economic collapses of the century. Despite this, the course of events and the consequences have been of virtually no interest to historians over the years, which begs the question: why? As it seems, the events connected with the crises in question were overshadowed in Western historiography by other numerous and significant political events at the time, such as the Battle of Lepanto (1571) and the Night of St. Bartholomew in France (1572). In the Polish-‑Lithuanian state, in contrast, between 1569 and 1574, the famine and high prices coincided with a crisis of royal power and the state. This, indeed, drew the attention of historians, but only to political issues, among them the Polish‑Lithuanian union of 1569, the succession to the throne after the heirless Sigismund Augustus died, the first free election, religious disputes, the flight of King Henryk Walezy (Henry III), and the neighbouring wars, rather than to the social problems connected with the mass death of the poorest in the state, and the resulting economic problems. Therefore, in this article, the author synthesises the course of the famine crisis of 1569–1574 in the Polish‑Lithuanian state and hypothesises that the events and implications of this crisis largely preserved the mentality of the nobility in the following centuries and their dominance in the economic and political life of the Commonwealth. This crisis also influenced a choice of different path for development of the Commonwealth compared to other European countries. To clarify, the author does not claim to have exhausted the subject, and the article is intended to spur a discussion and further detailed research.
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Jacek Wijaczka

  1. Wydział Nauk Historycznych UMK w Toruniu

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