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Anthropogenic forms are important components of the Upper Silesian landscape. Among them, the slag and spoil dumps of coal, ferrous and non-ferrous metals, have an extraordinary aesthetic and document value - they provide evidence of the history of industrialization of this region. Waste rock accumulated in the dumping areas might be a source of utilizable material; thus the existence of most of the dumps is transitional phenomenon. However, a part of forms built from the rocks of low technical parameters have pretty big chance to remain. It happens in Western Europe that some of the dumps are left in the landscape as the evidence of history. They are usually spectacular objects treated as the natural monuments.
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Marzena Lamparska-Wieland
Jan Maciej Waga
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Aesthetic Costs of Spatial Chaos. The most characteristic process of settlement’s development in Poland after 1989, is chaotic dispersion of the buildings, usually around cities, but also along the routes, tourist sites and agricultural areas. The result of this pressure is the fragmentation and the increasing isolation of the landscape ecological systems. These processes have also consequences in the degradation of aesthetic values of the landscape. This report shows the consequences of these processes and condemns the most important tasks that should be taken to repair the quality of the landscape. It is estimated that over 60% of the Polish population lives in the conflict countryside, undergoing pressure of spatial disorder, with reduced or degraded of compositional and aesthetic values. The disintegration of the landscape style and the place identity has also appeared in this areas. In the cities grows the visual aggression of advertising billboards. These phenomena are increasingly negatively assessed by the society. Improvement of spatial order and landscape aesthetics requires fundamental changes in the system of spatial planning, transfer of modern knowledge about the landscape systems to local governments and spatial planning staff, as well as a long-term, consistent work of the society.It is necessary to establish a new way of thinking and learning about the landscape systems. The development and dissemination of methods and techniques of GIS, opens up a new possibilities for diagnosing the physiognomy of the landscape. A methods of assessing the physiognomic structure of landscape as well as methods of design the composition of landscape interiors and scenic panoramas are developed. Since 2015, the landscape audit procedure is implemented. The National Landscape Policy, as well as a common landscape education should be developed, conducted in parallel to the already well-developed environmental policy and education.
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Przemysław Śleszyński
Tadeusz J. Chmielewski
Szymon Chmielewski
Agnieszka Kułak
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Contemporary design of food labels use different landscape pictures. Using the landscape in trade and market as a way of serving the message has long history and is very common. It was the main reason to create the concept of consumers landscape. According to research results two basic landscape images were observed — images of real landscape (pictures of recognizable and existing places, sites, cities, buildings, etc.) and images of imaginary landscape (imaginary view suggesting the certain type of landscape). The results of conducted researches could be helpful in recognizing the difference between real landscape and imaginary landscape. Conducted researches could be used not only in landscape architecture, but also in trade and marketing. Wide range of phenomenon called consumers landscape allows for expanding the studies on the dependency between a landscape vista and recognizing and selling the product.
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Anna Gałecka-Drozda
Ewa De Mezer

  1. Poznan University of Life Sciences, Department of Landscape Architecture
  2. Association of Polish Landscape Architects, Greater Poland Branch
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The paper presents the results of partially categorized interviews conducted among the inhabitants of the nine lakeside villages located in the Łęczyńsko-Włodawskie lakeland. The aim of the study was to show how the inhabitants of rural areas featuring high natural values perceive the environment of their own village and what are their landscape preferences. The article presents the landscape elements which, according to the respondents, are the most and the least attractive in terms of aesthetics values as well as are considered to be characteristic or distinctive for a given village. Besides, a set of characteristics features and factors determining the landscape values of the analysed areas were presented. The results showed that the inhabitants attach little importance to the aesthetics values of their dwelling-place. It was also shown that lakes are considered, by the majority of the respondents, as landscape elements of the minor significance. The most important feature deciding on the villages aesthetic qualities occurred to be the law and order referring to the spatial, technical and visual aspects of buildings and sites resulted from the fact that an owner is taking care of a given place. Recently renovated or new sites and objects obtained the highest rate.
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Dawid Soszyński
Barbara Sowińska-Świerkosz
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Changes in the land use structure, which are observed in recent years, generally indicate their negative impact on ecological quality considered in the landscape scale. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine whether such a trend also applies to protected areas, such as land-scape parks (LP). As research areas four parks located within the Roztocze and Solska Forest (Poland) were selected. Three factors were analyzed as an surrogate indicators of the ecological quality: the degree of anthropogenic transformation of land cover forms, landscape diversity and the degree of landscape fragmentation. The study included data for the years 2004 and 2012 and was based on the GIS and orthophotomaps analysis. The results showed a lack of general trends for the whole analyzed region. The impact of changes in the land use structure on the ecological values can be defined as positive for Krasnobród LP and South Roztocze LP. In the case of Szczebrzeszyn LP and Solska Forest LP the impact is difficult to determine due to the different results obtained on the basis of selected indicators. Therefore, in order to totally illustrate the analyzed dependence the landscape structure in other periods of time should be analyzed, as well as the correlations between the defined changes and a variety of natural and cultural considerations.
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Barbara Sowińska-Świerkosz
Malwina Michalik-Śnieżek
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The paper presents an original method for assessing the landscape physiognomy of the rural public spaces. It takes into account both the purely aesthetic qualities as well as those that affect the functionality, attractiveness and significance of a given space. The following features are evaluated: coziness, availability, the nature of the edges, presence of greenery, presence of water ecosystems, presence of landscape dominants and landmarks, opening and view connec-tions, presence of negative elements, local identity and tradition, bendiness, and the nature of light. The method has been applied to evaluate the selected rural public spaces of the Polesie region realized in the years 2008–2015. The study revealed that 40% of the analyzed places were rated positively, 33% neutrally and 27% negatively. The article examines the types of spaces which obtained the highest and the lowest raring position, as well as features that affect this as-sessment. Besides, the analysis of main advantages and disadvantages of newly created public spaces show direction of their improvement.
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Dawid Soszyński
Barbara Sowińska-Świerkosz
Adam Gawryluk
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Landscape is an object of perception, while its image is the sum of ideas on this object. Both terms used in the title of the paper have fairly strong impact on each other. In order to manage the city’s image well, it is necessary to take care of the landscape in all its areas especially in the “forgotten” and degraded ones. The aim of the author was to identify elements of landscape exposure along railway lines – areas with low aesthetic value in many cities around the world. The research area includes railway lines, in Cracow and Wrocław. The method adopted for the implementation of the study is the analysis of mental maps made in 2018 during field workshops. The paper is ended by conclusions on the landscape impact on the image of the city.

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Piotr Węgrzynowicz
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In the structure of cities functional and spatial transformations are constant and are reflected in their contemporary landscape. The enormous scale of present cities creates difficulties in managing their heterogeneous landscape. This city landscape is composition of a number of different landscape units with distinct characteristics and values. Identification and delimitation of those landscape units based on field and study research could therefore be the key for urban landscape management. The current administrative city districts do not include landscape in as material for administration. In one administrational city district even few landscape units can be found. The delimitation of city landscapes as a part of Local Spatial Development Plan may be the basis for setting detailed guidelines for landscape administration. Landscape units therefore could become efficient management tool for urban landscaping.
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Paweł Nowak
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Bezpieczeństwo to jedna z podstawowych potrzeb człowieka. Od czasów neolitu potrzebę tę spełniano poprzez specjalną organizację przestrzeni ludzkich siedzib – jako scenografii spodziewanych walk. Artyleria dalekosiężna zatrzymała rozwój fortyfikacji bastionowej, kleszczowej i poligonalnej, otwierając erę fortów, twierdz pierścieniowych, a w końcu fortyfikacji rozproszonej, broniącej granic krajów jako fronty ufortyfikowane. Paradoksalnie krajobraz, przygotowany jako przyszłe pole walk fortecznych – wyglądał jako pokojowy, parkowy, romantyczny krajobraz w typie angielskich ogrodów w stylu „beautifull”. Krajobraz znany z krwawych walk z okresu I Wojny Światowej obecnie nadal pozostają w służbie. Pełniąc funkcje wielkich kompleksów memorialnych, muzeów otwartych i wielkich kompleksów zieleni, zauważanych w planach rozwojów miast. Mają wartości historyczne, ekologiczne, kompozycyjne dla krajobrazu miasta, także wartości turystyczne. Twierdze nieistniejącej monarchii austro-węgierskiej są najlepszym przykładem wartości wspólnego technicznego i historycznego dziedzictwa narodów Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej. Projektowane według indywidualnych kierunków opracowanych przez austro-węgierską inżynierię wojskową, w skrajnie trudnych warunkach taktycznych i ekonomicznych, realizowane były w specyficznych warunkach federacyjnego państwa – swoistej „wspólnoty europejskiej”. Ich wyjątkowe i uniwersalne wartości stanowią podstawę do starań o ich transgraniczny wpis na Listę Światowego Dziedzictwa UNESCO.
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Krzysztof Wielgus
Jadwiga Środulska-Wielgus
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This paper presents the attempts carried out at the start of the twentieth century by Austro-Hungarian Army specialists in camouflage painting. Consideration to the landscape features of the surroundings helped the army to protect the fortifications from enemy observation. Against the background of global and European trends, where the development of camouflage came only after the outbreak of the First World War, these experiments were innovative and pioneering. This topic is important because of the international and European context of the research and introducing practical issues for a proper approach to reconstructing and conserving historic fortifications. The research was conducted in Austria, Poland, Italy, Croatia, Montenegro, and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Previous studies of camouflage with paint in Austro-Hungarian fortifications are incidental and contributory, hence the need for a cross-sectional approach and practical recommendations. Inquiries, literature studies, analysis of available archival sources and the limited iconographic material, and field research were conducted. The results indicate that there was no general camouflage painting scheme in Austria-Hungary and each site was treated individually within its unique context.
The study aims to conclude how to properly read the relics of camouflage painting and preserve and protect this specific engineering heritage. It is also possible to formulate guidelines on the basis of the results. The restoration of such paintings for educational purposes might be a part of conservation work programs, and the more extensive revaluation of architecturae militaris monuments that has recently been taking place both in Poland and abroad.
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Filip Suchoń
Reinfrid Vergeiner

  1. Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture
  2. Österreichische Gesellschaft für Festungsforschung
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Artykuł przedstawia zapis procesów projektowych konkursowych związanych z planowaną realizacją założenia krajobrazowego, rzeźbiarsko-architektonicznego w Parku Konstytucji 3 Maja w Białymstoku. Tematyka pracy dotyczy zagadnień określania zasad kształtowania kompozycji oraz budowy i morfologii formy architektoniczno-krajobrazowej. Projekt ukazany będzie w kontekście doświadczeń dydaktycznych na Wydziale Budownictwa i Inżynierii Środowiska Politechniki Białostockiej, na kierunku Architektura Krajobrazu.
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Sławomir Wojtkiewicz
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The variety of forms of Medieval landscapes reflects the political and social situation of European territories in the period between the fifth and the fifteenth century. From a contemporary point of view, we are dealing with a number of distinct types of landscape objects in European areas, such as 1. Medieval fortresses (castles); 2. residential settlements, including cities, towns and villages; 3. abbeys and smaller monasteries; 4. churches in open landscapes and pilgrimage centres; 5. areas of agriculture; 6. garden compositions; 7. specifically Polish relics of the past such as early-Medieval gords.
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Anna Mitkowska
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The present article provides information on the method of distinguishing between spatial natural units within a valley microregion in the Arctic zone. Geocomplexes fall into 20 types and are grouped under four categories of high order units, i.e. glacial, fluvial, slope and polygenetic geocomplexes. The lithomorphogenetic criterion is useful in differentiating other natural characteristics.

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Andrzej Mizgajski
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One of the most interesting and relatively little-known water acosystems of ”Lasy Janowskie” Natural Landscape Park is its old ponds which have been in most cases excluded from intensive fisheries for many decades. Four of them were studied in 1996, 2005 and 2013, regarding their planktonic rotifer assemblages. The total of 60 rotifer taxa were observed in the plankton. The number of their species in individual reservoirs ranged from 7 to 21, while their density amounted to 33–775 ind. dm-3. As many as 21 of the species observed in individual water bodies and study periods belonged to dominants. While watching the changes occurring in the plankton during the period of 17 years , we were trying to determine which of those tiny reservoirs were inhabited by more sustainable rorifer assemblages and which ecological qualities were more closely related to such sustainability: species richness, its diversity, density, bio-mass, composition or domination structure. The results of the studies revealed slight variability of ecological properties in planktonic rotifer assemblages in the ponds composing large reservoir groups, and significantly higher variability of those qualities in ”single” ponds, not belonging to large complexes.
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Andrzej Demetraki-Paleolog
Marcin Kolejko
Joanna Sender
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The Influence of Spatial Disorder on Landscape Ecological Systems. Preparation of this report included the following steps: (1) Identification of the main directions of changes taking place in the landscape ecological systems (LES) of Poland in the last few decades; (2) Development of general models of LES response to these changes, with particular emphasis on the ecological effects of spatial disorder; (3) Indication of the main structural elements of the national LES, particularly those at the risk of chaotic or collisional land development; (4) Presentation of ecological and social consequences of changes taking place in LES as well as indication of possible directions of repair, together with an assessment of the scale of costs. Many changes occurring in the development of the country have a negative impact on the spatial order, resources and conditions of the functioning of ecological systems and the aesthetic values of the landscape. Generally these changes cause: (a) decrease in the natural potential of some supply ecosystem services; (b) decline in the natural potential of regulating ecosystem services; (c) decrease in the natural potential of habitat services; (d) decrease in the potential of some cultural services; (e) a decrease in the investment attractiveness of the landscape. Achieving high parameters of the living space should in particular be focused on the protection and harmonious shaping of: (I) a rich natural system, ensuring ecological balance and good rest conditions on the national and regional scale; (II) spatial order, ensuring efficient functioning of the economic system, protection of cultural heritage and high environmental quality standards; (III) high values of landscape physiognomy, including regional identity. The most urgent tasks necessary to improve spatial order in Poland, in particular the condition of landscape ecological systems and the advantages of landscape physiognomy, should be considered: (A) development and successive implementation of the National Landscape Policy, aimed at repairing and protecting landscape quality, including harmonious planning and effective management of its resources and assets; (B) introducing into the legal system provisions allowing for effective protection of spatial order as well as ecological and aesthetic values of the landscape; including the protection of particularly attractive open areas against changes in the character of its natural topography and natural land cover, as well as the repair and
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Tadeusz J. Chmielewski
Szymon Chmielewski
Agnieszka Kułak
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The paper investigates the geographical denominations of Western lranian dialects, largely functioning also in the place-names, hydronyms, and oronyms of the area. The relevant lexical material, when taken together and approached as a system, opens larger possibilities for adequate analysis: the paradigm and internal ties of the constituent units become more visible and more clear revealing many otherwise unseen tendencies and peculiarities, particularly regarding the origin of given terms or groups of lexemes within the system. Moreover, as a mirror, it can detect various areal characteristics - first of all lexical and phonetic - of a language or language group in a particular territory. ln other words, it can reveal not only the features of linguistic development in diachrony, i.e. in time, but also in diatopy, i.e. in space.

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Gohar Hakobian
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The paper gives coverage to peculiarities of water elements application in landscape compositions created in 19th century by gardener of Dionizy Mikler (Denis McClair) at Volhynia. Being an ambassador of English landscape garden style in this region D. Mikler seamlessly integrated picturesque natural and artificial water components in the garden structure. There are considered the role and ways of interaction of water elements with the landscape compositions by giving examples of Polish landowner´s residences in Gorodok, Mizoch, Mlyniv and Shpaniv.
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Petro Rychkov
Nataliya Lushnikova
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Od dziesięcioleci trwa złożony i silnie postępujący proces zagospodarowywania polskiego wybrzeża. Doprowadziło to do głębokiej degradacji krajobrazu kulturowego miejscowości nadmorskich. Celem artykułu jest wyeksponowanie potrzeby planowego rozwoju pasa nadmorskiego w kontekście jego rozwoju turystycznego i zwrócenie uwagi, że wraz z nieustannie rosnącym zapotrzebowaniem naszego społeczeństwa na agresywny, pozornie komfortowy sposób wypoczynku, tracimy kolejne tereny wyróżniające się ciągłością rozwoju i niegdyś świadomie kształtowaną przestrzenią.
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Wojciech Bal
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Existing plans for the development of the continental coast and the islands of the Peter the Great Bay suggest establish-ing of large economic clusters. The most important condition for achieving sustainable development of the emerging natu-ral-economic system is to implement spatial planning of coastal zones. The work is based on the information about the nat-ural complexes of the territory and water area, obtained through landscape approach. The territory of the Shkota Island and its submarine slopes were used as a key area for the study of the features of the spatial organization of landscapes of coastal geostructures. We used a complex of physiographic, geoecological, cartographic and statistical research methods. For ter-restrial landscapes, 49 observation points are described and 4 profiles are laid; for underwater landscapes 64 observation points are described and 18 profiles are laid. As a result, a unified structural-genetic classification of land and underwater landscapes is established, the landscapes are mapped, and zones of interaction between aerial and aquatic natural complex-es are identified. The results obtained are the basis for identifying priority types of coastal-marine environmental manage-ment, functional zoning and spatial planning.

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Kirill Ganzei
Vasilii Zharikov
Nina Pshenichnikova
Andrei Lebedev
Ilia Lebedev
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The essay argues that Paul Kingsnorth’s novel The Wake is written in the spirit of the eighteenth-century pastoral tradition. The medievalist trope of primitivism is used in reference to the Anglo-Saxon culture and language. What characterizes the medievalism of the novel is presentism. Buccmaster represents both the Wild Man and the Noble Savage type. In the pastoral manner, Kingsnorth writes in the spirit of anthropocentrism and focuses on the social classes in the early medieval world that he “greens” in the novel.

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Anna Czarnowus
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City is a formal expression of social relations. It is a kind of ethos and dreams connected with history and identity of individuals. It is a structure with thousands of meanings. The opportunities it creates can lead to an outstanding civilization. At the same time it reveals all negative aspects of living. City is a collection of separate individuals combined with common perception of spatial affi liation and identity development. It is worth writing about city because despite its well-defi ned value it is an elusive being. In spite of being a kind of collective needs it is still on the move, transforms all the time reflecting human emotions. Existence of city as a phenomena itself is a symbol of realization of people’s most basic needs and the history of its development shows growing complication and diversification of expectations related to it. City along with is diversity reflects human beings of a particular time. It is a spotlight in which both successes and failures of communities and individuals in each epoch can be seen. Thanks to its interdisciplinary character it can be perceived as multidimensional place. It is a multifaceted organism with high hopes and unlimited opportunities. Differences in perception which are due to a number of its users results in a wide range of problems and expectations. Expectations of local communities and individuals of a whole city vary. As a result, what we call a city landscape must be very vague and differs depending on a particular field which is taken into consideration. The number of opportunities and city-related issues is infi nite. In the dissertation below, however, three factors are the crucial ones: structure, meaning and city phenomena as a landscape. Thanks to the interpretation of model and genius loci as well as defining social expectations we have managed to conceive the phenomena of spatial identity. We have decided on this method referring directly to the concept of landscape. City is in here widely defined between urban aspects of landscape and city landscape. We have tried to understand what city is in terms of landscape, where it comes from and where it goes to. It is a trial of translation the Gaugin’s method: where are we from? Who are we? Where are we going to? into the language of present perception of some particular aspects of town planning. We live at times of the unprecedented technological change which is followed by a social change. It all must have an impact on how city is perceived, what it looks like, how it is to live there and what it is going to be like – what the future has in store. We have tried to bring the reader’s attention to the problems and issues which had appeared before the advent of reality we live in. We have focused on what may have led to a kind of city crisis at the edge of 19th and 20th centuries and some radical solutions trying to overcome the arisen problems and its consequences today. Both its pompous character and sentimentalism of town planning and architecture in the early 20th century have made us be bored with form which is felt in many parts of the world even today. Another aspect of our work covers understanding city in social terms as well as contemporary and future solutions. We are of the opinion it is worth asking questions referring to the future and at the same time regarding its current state and recent past. It is commendable to look for particular tools and solutions. Three dimensions which are covered by the book are figurative. Structure – which is everything we perceive as a kind of a template, identifi cation – we assign to city. It is responsible for recognition, adaptation to some forms by which we defi ne space. Meaning is a step forward. While the structure’s equivalent is „I can see”, the meaning equals to „I know”. Meaning does not exist as a city without structure just like structure does not exist without meaning. Things don’t just exist, they have some characteristics and purpose and it refers to trees, buildings and all other urban elements constituting city in all steady and temporary aspects and time dimensions. Meaning is also interpretation and emotion regarding both community and individual. It is the answer to the question „why?” Some particular places and spaces are linked to some particular values which identify them. This system of values is a must to be able to interpret what space we are dealing with and its diagnosis. Meaning is very much about social aspect too. It has to do with perception and remembering city and it is connected with knowledge, tradition and culture of places. Another aspect linked to relations in city landscape combines other aspects and constitutes something to which city refers to. Phenomena is contribution and verifi cation. The way city works is fundamental to all city residents and users. A key to such understanding a city is the term of genius loci. By singling out objects, order, time, character and light we are able to widely identify essence of space and particular places. The graphic model by Panofsky acts here as a verifying tool. City landscape as a form is of great importance here. The sense of beauty is as essential as the way the city works. Social perception of city is not only shaped by the way it is used, but also by the fact what city is like and how it is perceived. Spatial order is an incredibly important factor understood here as everything what accommodates vaguely defi ned beauty and what is connected with its particular structure, history and identity. All these factors contribute to the value of city landscape. When it comes to city landscape studies social aspect is emphasized by the impact of humanities, especially sociology, which perfectly shows expectations related to space. Cities are built and seen in the context of particular tradition, culture and history. Their skyline and ways of functioning are embedded in mentalities of societies which they represent. Despite their diversity from the global point of view they are susceptible to similar trends resulting in crisis or prosperity periods. They are economic archetypes of success.

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Kinga Rybak-Niedziółka
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The construction of large solar parks requires dedicated landscaping methods. Solar parks — colloquially called photovoltaic farms or solar power plants — require landscape conservation measures to be implemented in the areas adjacent to these projects. This is an extremely important issue for sustainable development and the protection of cultural assets and identities, including the rural landscape. The aim of this work is to present the possibilities of landscape protection using the example of the planned solar park in the municipality of Pobiedziska in the Greater Poland Voivodeship. The studies use case studies, qualitative and quantitative analyses and in situ tests. The studies covered the planned investment area of 160 ha and the adjacent areas. The project proposals for landscape protection applied in this case — ‘green protection walls’ — were presented. The measures presented make it possible to preserve open-air landscapes in agricultural and rural areas from the point of view of sustainable development and the protection of cultural assets, and their formula, adapted to the landscape, can be applied to a large extent and can be dedicated to the local conditions in rural areas.
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Paweł Szumigała
Karolina Szumigała

  1. Poznań University of Life Sciences, Department of Green Areas and Landscape Architecture
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The Lublin region has a rich history of coexistence and interpenetration of different traditions, cultures and religions, witnessed by its cities and towns. Small towns of the Lublin region are now facing a variety of spatial problems which are related to, among others, the organization and revitalization of public spaces, progressive scattering of housing development or changes in the organisation of traffic. The aim of this article is to present problems connected with landscape design and the revitalization of small towns of the Lublin region as exemplified by Frampol.
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Małgorzata Sosnowska
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The aim of presented work was to evaluate the current tourist-leisure management and on this basis to designate the concept of management the Natura 2000 „Puszcza Notecka” area at Drawsko commune area. The natural-landscape valorisation revealed a very high level of environmental values. However, this potential is currently not fully utilized. For enrichment of current tourist infrastructure and full using potential of analyzed area the followed activities were here proposed: designation of new tourist routes, location a resort and small architecture objects.
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Marta Lisiak
Klaudia Borowiak
Weronika Boruszak
Jolanta Kanclerz

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