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The agrarian process includes many industrial phenomena and events. The goal of economics as a science is to precisely detect and describe the relationships between various market mechanisms. These phenomena can be presented as the desire “to describe reality in terms of systems, their components and relationships, both between components of the system and between different systems” (Jankowski 1997). The energy sector is a special field among many areas of the national economy, and the products of this sector have a major impact on the branches of the economy and the mechanisms of action occurring in them. The publication is devoted to the construction of a mathematical model used to support the energy policy of local government units. The aim of the study is to build a mathematical model of energy production, taking the development potential of renewable energy into account, as well as to propose the desired direction of energy policy development in the analyzed periods to the regional authorities and to offer a model for creating an energy policy in other local government units: poviats, communes. Until now, few authors have comprehensively dealt with this issue. To date, no detailed research has been published on issues related to renewable energy development and the use of mathematical methods in the construction of the energy production model in local government units. The undertaken research is a contribution to the development of knowledge about alternative energy sources in the energy margin.

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Marcin Rabe
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The contribution presents the main events in the life of Wojciech Chlebda (1950–2022), an eminent linguist, Polish and Slavic philologist, preoccupied throughout his career with the subject status of individuals and communities, as well as with the language‑culture interface. The main areas of his research, including the major tenets of his linguistic proposals, are also characterized, relating to the issues of phrasematics (speaker phraseology), lexicography as an instrument of national self‑identification, linguistic self‑identity, mental geography, and collective linguistic (non‑)memory.
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Anna Pajdzińska

  1. Uniwersytet Marii Curie‑Skłodowskiej Lublin
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Prof. dr hab. Stanisław Stachowski was a distinguished scholar, linguist, lexicographer, Turkologist and Slavicist. He was associated with the Jagiellonian University – the institution in which he proceeded to develop his scholarly career, holding various administrative functions and educating successive generations of Slavicists and Turkologists.
He was the author of a few dozen of scholarly monographs, including, inter alia, works devoted to the Serbian-Croatian language, the Upper Sorbian language and as well as works associated with Turkic and Balkan studies.
He received many accolades for his scholarly contributions, including an award presented by the Minister of Education, the Gold Cross of Merit in 1976 and the Knight’s Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta in 1986, and a medal from the Minister of External Affairs of the Republic of Turkey for his distinguished contributions in 2018. He was a member of a number of scholarly committees of the PAN, and, since 1990, also of the prestigious Societas Uralo-Altaica. He held the position of the editor-in-chief of the scholarly periodicals, Folia Orientalia as well as Prace Językoznawcze. Zeszyty Naukowe UJ.
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Jordanka Georgiewa‑Okoń

  1. Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Kraków
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The study is a retrospective‑analytical review of approaches to fixing female nominations in the Ukrainian lexicography explanatory and aspect‑based, and in particular, bilingual. Particular attention is here paid to the reflection of female nominations in the dictionaries of the 20th and 21st centuries due to their grammatical, semantic, word‑forming and stylistic characteristics, formation of the tradition of dictionary fixation of the Ukrainian female nominations as well as the problem of developing unified approaches to their lexicography. The parameters of description and comparison were as follows: the status of female nominations as separate units of lexicographical description, the nature of grammatical marking, peculiarities of semantic description in definition and illustration, indication of the nature of derivatives regarding the original masculine nominatives and their variants as well as a system of special dictionary notes. The study is based on the material of historical dictionaries of the Ukrainian language of the 14th to 18th centuries, bilingual explanatory dictionaries of the early 20th century and Russian‑Ukrainian dictionaries published in the nineteen twenties and thirties during the “period of Ukrainization”, explanatory dictionaries of the late 20th and early 21st centuries, neological, aspectal lexicographical editions, and in particular the latest dictionaries of the Ukrainian language.
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Алла Архангельська

  1. Оломоуць, Університет ім. Ф. Палацького
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The proposed research shows the process of the language dynamic changes in mass communication. The author analyzes the concepts of (media) communication(media) space(media) discourse in their evolution, explains the reasons for scientific shifts in the interpretation of these categories, emphasizes new approaches for the analyzed media linguistic phenomena. In order to objectify the scientific picture, the author has chosen authoritative works from Polish and Ukrainian media linguistics, by means of which distinguished is the panorama of the mentioned problem. A separate locus of the research is the monitoring of language innovations over the past five years (Shevchenko L., Syzonov D., Novi slova ta frazeologizmy v ukrainskyh masmedia [New words and phraseologisms / idioms in the Ukrainian mass media: dictionary], Kyiv 2017‑2022) based on material from the Ukrainian mass media. The collected e‑card index of media innovations and the annually published dictionary of new words and phrases helped to analyze the factors that have influenced the linguistic renewal of the Ukrainian language.
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Dmytro Syzonow

  1. Київ, Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

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