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The public and, above all, scientists clearly emphasize that the cause of global climate change caused mainly by carbon dioxide emissions is, above all, human activity and its combined emission. It is associated with the processes of fuel combustion in the energy, industry and transport, as well as with poverty being the main cause of difficulties in meeting basic energy needs in households and the incorrect way of heating them. The public is often made aware that the climate should be protected and at the same time convinced that global warming has no impact on the everyday lives of Poles. Meanwhile, Poland, due to the high share of coal in the energy sector, is indicated as one of the main culprits of carbon dioxide emissions in the European Union and exposed as a significant shareholder of climate change causing global warming. The aim of the work is to show the opinions of young people aged 15–24, in terms of their awareness of the human impact on climate change and indication of desirable directions of the modern energy policy, defining the level of support for these directions, which will significantly contribute to the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions.

The research conducted among young people shows that it is aware of the consequences of climate change, especially on a global scale, and to a much lesser extent in Poland, and still less in the Podkarpackie province. The studied youth emphasizes that climate change is currently one of the greatest threats, but it is one of many threats.

The young people emphasize that the energy policy in Poland should aim at the better utilization and reduction of energy consumption as well as increasing the share of energy based on renewable energy sources, associated mainly with public health protection, reduction of air pollution, as well as the energy security of the country. Young people show a lack of determination regarding the use of nuclear power plants, where we see supporters and opponents of this source of electricity in a similar relationship.

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Marian Woźniak
Bartosz Saj
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Nauczanie o judaizmie we współczesnej katechezie młodzieży szkół ponadgimnazjalnych spełnia ważną rolę w dialogu chrześcijańsko-żydowskim. Pozwala katechizowanym zauważyć i zrozumieć wspólne korzenie chrześcijan i wyznawców religii Mojżeszowej. Przyczynia się do zmiany sposobu postrzegania mniejszości żydowskiej oraz okazywania jej szacunku i zrozumienia. Uzupełnia i integruje działania edukacyjne szkoły związane z edukacją o historii i tradycji Żydów. Stąd też nieuzasadnione wydaje się jedynie sporadyczne odwołanie do tej problematyki w dokumentach programowych katechezy młodzieży szkół ponadgimnazjalnych oraz w zgodnych z nimi seriach podręczników krakowskich i poznańskich. Braki te w przyszłości wymagają uzupełnienia. Warte uwagi i znaczące dla dialogu chrześcijańsko-żydowskiego są materiały Lekcja religii wydane przez Wydawnictwo Święty Wojciech przy współpracy z telewizją W swych podstawowych założeniach mają one spełniać rolę środka dydaktycznego wspomagającego katechetów w przekazywaniu wiedzy o judaizmie oraz w kształtowaniu postawy dialogu i tolerancji. Ich skuteczność edukacyjną należałoby zweryfikować za pomocą badań empirycznych.
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Anna Zellma
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In knowledge based economy, which actually reflects the knowledge oriented modern society, career development of its members becomes the key factor, same as investing in career “portfolio”. In the article a career construct is invoked as an individual’s property considering individual career choices, individual career development planning and monitoring strategies. When addressing career related matter, one cannot overlook the issue of subjective meaning given to a career in the context of satisfactory outcome and success achievement experienced by the subject. Cognitively interesting issue addressed by the author are the results of research into evaluation of one’s own chances to succeed from the perspective of university students who are in the transition period from academic education to entering a job market.

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Agnieszka Cybal-Michalska
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Artykuł charakteryzuje pismo „Moriah” wydawane we Lwowie w latach 1903–1924 jako miesięcznik młodzieży żydowskiej. Pismo ukazywało się w języku polskim i było trybuną środowiska syjonistycznego. „Moriah” zamieszczała teksty popularnonaukowe, głównie z zakresu historii i literatury żydowskiej oraz utwory literackie przedstawicieli literatury jidysz i hebrajskiej. Pismo realizowało model wychowania w duchu narodowo-żydowskim, ale przede wszystkim popularyzowało idee syjonizmu.
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Sabina Kwiecień
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In 1914 the Russian authorities in Warsaw granted Przyjaciel Młodzieży and Przyjaciel Dzieci, two weeklies addressed to young people and children respectively, a permission to continue publication in wartime. While each magazine tried to hold on to its established format and content, room had to made for some topical items on politics and the war, carefully adapted to the perceptions of the juvenile audience. It not clear what happened to the two children’s magazines after the Russians were driven out of Warsaw by German troops in August 1915. All we can sure of is that their last printed editions were dated 23 October 1915.
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Krzysztof Woźniakowski

  1. Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. KEN, ul. Podchorążych 2, PL 30-084 Kraków (Prof. em.)
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The first part of this article focuses on one strand in the history of the weekly magazine Przyjaciel Dzieci (The Children’s Friend) under the editorship of Jan Skiwski (1892–1911), i.e. the gradual revision of the rules concerning the selection of its literary content, laid down by his predecessor Jan Kanty Gregorowicz (1867–1890). Skiwski modified them without abandoning the principles and artistic models of 19th century realism.

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Authors and Affiliations

Krzysztof Woźniakowski
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Płomyczek Afrykański [ The African Little Flame] (1943–1945) was a bimonthly children's supplement to Polak w Afryce [ The Pole in Africa], a weekly published in Nairobi for Poles evacuated in 1942 from the Soviet Union. This study, based on a collection of 45 issues from 1943–1945, attempts to characterize the content of this publication (themes, type of texts, layout), the circle of contributors as well as examine any facts that may throw additional light on its production and reception.
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„Płomyczek Afrykański”, dodatek dwutygodniowy do „Polaka w Afryce”, numery 1–45 (od 31 marca 1943 do 10 czerwca 1945).
„Książka Polska na Uchodźctwie”, dodatek dwutygodniowy do „Polaka w Afryce”, numery 3 i 4 (oba sygnowane datą 15 lipca 1943).
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Brzeziński J., Piśmiennictwo harcerskie w Afryce, „Skaut” 1945, nr 10, 353–355.
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Chojnacki W., Uwagi szczegółowe do pracy Jana Kowalika „Bibliografia czasopism polskich wydanych poza granicami kraju od września 1939 roku”, „Studia Polonijne” 1982, t. 5, s. 279–303.
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Królikowski Ł.Z., Skradzione dzieciństwo, Kraków 1991.
Lewandowska S., Prasa polskiej emigracji wojennej 1939–1945, Warszawa 1993.
Małkowski A., Jak skauci pracują, Kraków 1914.
Michalska I., Międzywojenne periodyki Związku Nauczycielstwa Polskiego dla dzieci jako pomoc w pracy szkolnej, „Przegląd Historyczno‑Oświatowy” 2015, nr 3/4, s. 99–112.
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Pawełczak M., Kenia, Warszawa 2004.
Popławski B., Hic sunt leones. Analiza percepcji przestrzeni Afryki we wspomnieniach Polaków, „Przegląd Humanistyczny” 2015, nr 4, s. 163–172.
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Rogoż M., Czasopisma dla dzieci i młodzieży Instytutu Wydawniczego „Nasza Księgarnia” w latach 1945–1989: studium historycznoprasowe, Kraków 2009.
Szeląg Z., Czasopisma dziecięce w latach II wojny światowej na obczyźnie, [w:] Pół wieku przyjaźni z dzieckiem i szkołą 1921–1971, red. S. Aleksandrzak, Warszawa 1972, s. 55–59.
Zins H., Polacy w Afryce Wschodniej, Lublin 1978.
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Michał Rogoż

  1. Instytut Nauk o Informacji Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. KEN, ul. Podchorążych 2, 30-084 Kraków
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The second part of this article examines the content of the main sections of the weekly magazine Przyjaciel Dzieci [The Children’s Friend] (1892–1911), i.e. popular science; travel, geographical and ethnographical materials; biography; a section called “teaching actions”; and religion. Also covered are miscellanea, practical tips, puzzles and cartoons, as well as new sections “About the World” and “Educational Games and Entertainment”. Finally, the article looks at a review published by Poradnik dla Czytających Książki [A Guide for Book Readers] in 1901, whose author claims that some of the information in Przyjaciel Dzieci is outdated or obsolete.

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Krzysztof Woźniakowski
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W artykule scharakteryzowano ukazujący się w Czes-kim Cieszynie w latach 1935–1938 dwutygodnik „Ogniwo” — czasopismo Zrzeszenia Organizacji Młodzieży Polskiej w Czechosłowacji. Przedstawiono wyniki analizy ilościowej i jakościowej czasopisma. Omówiono genezę, układ oraz główne tematy poruszane na łamach dwutygodnika, takie jak: historia, kultura, zwłaszcza literacka; regionalizm; krajoznawstwo, harcerstwo, sport, teatr, poradnictwo. Opisano również funkcję czasopisma.
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Katarzyna Tałuć

  1. Instytut Literaturoznawstwa Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach ul. Uniwersytecka 4 PL 40-007 Katowice
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The article presents a profile of Gazetka Radiowa published in Warsaw in 1937–1938, addressed to the youngest users of the radio, then a rapidly expanding new medium. The profile covers key aspects of the magazine's printing process, sales and marketing as well as an analysis of its content in comparison with other periodicals of this kind. An estimated fifty titles were launched in Poland in the radio guide market segment after the first issue of Przegląd Radiotechniczny went to print in 1923. While providing information about radio programmes and technology, they led the way in the transition to a new age of public communication.
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Izabela Krasińska

  1. Katedra Dziennikarstwa i Komunikacji Społecznej, Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach, ul. Uniwersytecka 17, PL 25-406 Kielce
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Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery (1908) enjoys unprecedented popularity in Poland and has played a considerable role in the shaping of modern Polish culture. As many as fourteen different translations of the fi rst volume of the series have been published; moreover, there exists an active Polish fandom of Montgomery’s oeuvre. The authors of this article briefly discuss the cultural and social aspects of this phenomenon which was triggered off in 1911 by Rozalia Bernsteinowa’s Polish translation of Anne of Green Gables. Her translation, still regarded as the canonical text, greatly altered the realities of the original novel. As a result, in Poland Anne of Green Gables has the status of a children’s classic, whereas readers in the English-speaking world have always treated it as an example of the sub-genre of juvenile college (school) girls’ literature. The identity of the Polish translator of L.M. Montgomery’s book remains a mystery, and even the name on the cover may well be pen name (though, at any rate, it strongly suggests that she must have belonged to the Jewish intelligentsia of the early 20th century). What we do know about her for fact is that she was a translator of German, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian and English literature. Comparing Rozalia Bernsteinowa’s Polish text to its English original has been a subject of many Polish B.A. and M.A. theses. The argument of this article is that her key reference for was not the English text, but that of the fi rst Swedish translation by Karin Jensen named Anne på Grönkulla (1909).

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Piotr Oczko
Tomasz Nastulczyk
Dorota Powieśnik
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This article examines the jubilee book Nasz Plon [Our Harvest] prepared by editors of the Warsaw weekly magazine [Children’s Friend] (1861–1915) to mark the golden anniversary of its first issue. Set to appear in April 1911, its publication, plagued by various delays, did not take place until the following year. The volume, edited in a rather unprofessional manner (probably by Jadwiga Chrząszczewska), was full of errors ranging from misprints to all kinds of factual blunders. Yet, despite its faults it has a special place in the history of the Polish press: it was the first jubilee book of a children’s magazine and thus a notable sign of the rising social status of the children’s magazines.

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Authors and Affiliations

Krzysztof Woźniakowski

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