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Zabudowa głównej ulicy Żychlina – Gabriela Narutowicza, małego miasta lokacyjnego pogranicza ziemi łęczyckiej i Mazowsza, obecnie w województwie łódzkim, jest interesującym przykładem harmonijnej, stylowej architektury klasycystycznej końca XIX wieku. Jej perspektywę zamyka bryła późnobarokowego kościoła parafi alnego. Świadomie wyty czona w końcu XVIII wieku odzwierciedla dominujący kierunek północ-południe dawnego historycznego traktu z Łęczycy i Orłowa do Płocka.
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Bogdan Popławski
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Small towns are an important element of settlement network. They change their status depending on, among others, the development of industry, and changes in the transportation system. Some of them lost civic rights, then regained them, and sometimes were incorporated into the neighboring agglomerations. Some small towns have merged together to create new structures in the settlement network. This article investigates this phenomenon on the example of south-west of Poland. It was also found that in several cases, a small town subsequently separated from the urban area and created a separate urban unit of its own.

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Zuzanna Borcz
Irena Niedźwiecka-Filipiak
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Artykuł stanowi pewnego rodzaju syntezę teoretycznych podstaw badań prowadzonych przez autora w ramach pracy doktorskiej. Celem rozprawy było znalezienie narzędzia badawczego pomocnego w obiektywizacji decyzji planistycznych związanych z realizacją pożądanej infrastruktury turystycznej, niezbędnej do prawidłowego funkcjonowania turystyki zrównoważonej na wybranym obszarze. Autor zwraca szczególną uwagę na rolę turystyki w aktywizacji społeczno-ekonomicznej małych miast w warunkach zrównoważonego rozwoju.
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Bartosz Kaźmierczak
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W artykule Autor poszukuje odpowiedzi na pytanie, dlaczego w małych miastach województwa białostockiego okresu międzywojennego doszło do stosowania brutalnej przemocy przez niektórych mieszkańców narodowości polskiej, przy zróżnicowanym udziale Niemców, wobec obywateli polskich narodowości żydowskiej.

W pracy Autor odwołał się do tożsamości pogranicza jako kategorii socjologii pogranicza, która umożliwia analizę występujących na omawianym pograniczu polsko-żydowskim dwóch niemal przeciwstawnych typów tożsamości zbiorowych. Wskazano na pięć głównych wymiarów podziałów społecznych (przestrzenne, religijne, poststanowe, narodowe, cywilizacyjne) oraz na więź terytorialną, jako czynnik łączności międzygrupowej. W podsumowaniu Autor wskazuje na brak działań ze strony zewnętrznych aktorów politycznych i kulturowych w warunkach narastania procesów modernizacyjnych w małych miastach.

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Andrzej Sadowski
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The statutes of the community Association for the Establishment and Maintenance of Early Childcare Facilities ( Verein zur Errichtung und Erhaltung von Klein-Kinder-Bewahr- Anstalten) dating to 1870 underlines the goal behind the activity of the organisation: the provision of appropriate day care to children aged from 2 to 7 years during the time when their unwealthy parents work. In compliance with the guidelines of the authorities of the Association, the staff of the facilities shaped the moral attitudes of the children, educated them, taught them hygiene habits, and provided them with a good start to subsequent stages of their school education by conducting classes. Towards the end of the 1860s, the four Facilities – located in the Old Town (as of 1839), in the Lower Town (as of 1844), in the Old Suburbs (as of 1848) and on the edge of the Main Town (as of 1858) – provided care to about 700 little children. The Association activated the inhabitants of Gdansk – not only the ones actively participating in the work of the organisation, but also the ones providing financial support and support in kind. What should be stressed is the involvement of women in the activity: they were not only members of the Association, but, in line with the 1870 Statutes – which was exceptional in the social realities of the time – could sit on the Governing Council ( Verwaltungs-Rath), and even (in one case) on the Board ( Vorstand).
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Ewa Barylewska-Szymańska
1 2

  1. Muzeum Gdańska
  2. Instytut Historii Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Zakład Dziejów Pomorza
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The article discusses the monks’ names mentioned in the village register books of Kasina Wielka in the 17th and 18th century. The majority of them are the names of the priors of the Dominican monastery in Krakow and monks performing particular duties, for example stewards. There are 65 names of these kinds from a total of 89 male monastic names. All of them “had” a patron saint (except for Alan and Przecław). Only a few of them were also given to peasants. The names come from various languages and are interesting to study from the onomastic point of view.

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Józefa Kobylińska
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Nickel damages the male reproductive system. We investigated the beneficial effects of silibinin which has metal-chelating and antioxidant properties over nickel toxicity. Both antioxidative effects in testes and overall effects related to sperm motility, membrane and acrosome integrity of orally administered Silibinin were evaluated against the harmful effects of 30 day of intraperitoneal nickel sulfate (5 mg/kg/day) administration in rats. Male rats were randomized into control (Group1; n=6) and three experimental groups (n=6, each): Group2 Nickel sulfate (5 mg/kg/day), Group3 Silibinin (150 mg/kg/day), and Group 4 Nickel sulfate (5 mg/kg/day) + Silibinin (150 mg/kg/day). We found higher sperm motility, viable sperm and total sperm count in Groups 3 and 4 than the Group 2 treatment groups and the percentage of abnormal spermatozoa was similar in both groups (Groups 2 and 4). Increased apoptosis, activation of caspase3, 8, 9 and TUNEL were detected in Group 2. However, activation of caspase3, 8, 9 and TUNEL was reduced in Group 4. The protective effects of silibinin were demonstrated on histopathologic findings and some sperm parameters (sperm motility percentage, viable spermatozoa, sperm count, and abnormal spermatozoa percentage) in rats exposed to nickel.
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F. Temamogullari
A. Atessahin
C. Cebi Sen
N. Yumusak
M.S. Dogru

  1. Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Harran, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, 63200 Şanlıurfa, Turkey
  2. Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Fırat, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, 23119 Elazığ, Turkey
  3. Department of Reproduction and Artificial Insemination, University of Harran, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, 63200 Şanlıurfa, Turkey
  4. Department of Pathology, University of Harran, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, 63200 Şanlıurfa, Turkey
  5. Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Aksaray, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, 6800 Aksaray, Turkey
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Epididymal cysts are benign cystic formations of the epididymis that usually appear in adoles-cence or early adulthood. Their frequency doubles after the age of 14–15. Obstruction in the epididymal efferent ductules with subsequent prostenotic dilatation of them, as well as dysgenesis due to hormonal disorders during fetal or postnatal life, are possible. At the 1st Department of Pediatric Surgery of A.U.Th. we treated 11 cases of boys at the age of 11–16 who presented with acute scrotum because of an epididymal cyst. The diagnosis was confirmed by ultrasound scanning . Due to persistent symptomatology, patients underwent surgical exploration and removal of the cyst. The postoperative care of the patients was uncomplicated with immediate remission of symptoms. In one case, ipsilateral acute epididymitis oc-curred after 10 days, which was successfully treated with antibiotic therapy. It is reported that approxi-mately 50% of epididymal cysts involute within an average of 17 months. In conclusion, using the data obtained from the review ,of the small in number of international bibliography studies, it is proposed conservative treatment of asymptomatic cysts with diameter smaller than 1 cm and surgical excision [1] of large asymptomatic cysts with diameter greater than 1 cm, which do not regress after a follow-up of 24–48 months, cysts, regardless of their diameter, responsible for persistent symptoms and in the manifestation of acute scrotal symptoms due to inflammation, intravesical bleeding or secondarily torsion of the epi-didymis.
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Evangelia Schoina
Ioanna Gkalonaki
Ioannis Trevlias
Christina Panteli
Ioannis Patoulias

  1. First Department of Pediatric Surgery, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, General Hospital “G. Gennimatas”, Thessaloniki, Greece
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Spory wokół „siły liczb” demonstracji ulicznych przekraczają granice akademickich rozważań o sukcesie lub porażce frekwencyjnej. Zaniżanie lub zawyżanie liczby demonstrantów należą do stałego repertuaru narracji wokół polityki protestu. Równoczesność demonstracji, rozgrywających się w wielu miejscowościach i przestrzeniach zmienia charakter tych dyskusji i wymaga nowego ujęcia. W pierwszej części artykułu przywołano koncepcje teoretyczne, w których istotne są parametry frekwencji i liczebności. Autor wprowadza pojęcie demonstracji równoczesnych, wskazując na ich cechy: spontaniczność, konwergencję, integrację, multiplikację i multiskalarność. W odniesieniu do protestów przeciwko zaostrzeniu prawa aborcyjnego w Polsce, w 2020 roku, autor wskazuje możliwe sposoby badania demonstracji równoczesnych, odwołując się do danych z województwa zachodniopomorskiego. Dane te wskazują, że siła liczb nie oznacza wyłącznie frekwencji w skali miasta, ale jest sumą wynikającą z multiplikacji demonstracji w różnych lokalizacjach i niekwantyfikowanych cech, takich jak „nowość” roszczeń w przestrzeni miejscowości. Całość dopełnia dyskusja, w której przedstawiono kwestie nierozwiązane w dotychczasowych badaniach.
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Maciej Kowalewski

  1. Uniwersytet Szczeciński
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Current study was designed to investigate the protective effects of royal jelly on Flunixin me- glumine (FM)-induced spermiotoxicity related to sperm concentration, abnormal spermatozoa count and histopathological changes in mice testis. The subjects were divided into five groups according to FM and/or royal jelly intake: Control group; group 1, FM alone (25 mg/kg, im); group 2, combination of FM (25 mg/kg, im) and royal jelly (200 mg/kg, oral); group 3, FM alone (50 mg/kg, im); and group 4, combination of FM (50 mg/kg, im) and royal jelly (200 mg/kg, oral). The animals were fed once daily for 15 days and they were sacrificed last day. Epididymal sperm concentration and abnormal spermatozoa count were noted. Testicular histological findings were evaluated. On purpose, organization of each animal was graded according to Johnsen’s scoring to assess the spermatogenesis relying on seminiferous tubule cross-section scores. Comparing to controls, FM administration caused a decrease in sperm concentration (p<0.05), an increase in total abnormal spermatozoa rates (p<0.05) and more degenerative changes in testes in mice.

Royal jelly supplementation ameliorated both sperm concentration and abnormal spermato- zoa (p<0.05) comparing to the control group. In conclusion, we suggested that royal jelly might have protective effects in the FM-induced reductions in epididymal sperm concentration and in- crease in abnormal spermatozoa rate.

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F. Temamoğulları
F. Aral
R. Yılmaz
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Combined retrograde tracing and double-labelling immunofluorescence were used to investi- gate the distribution and chemical coding of neurons in aorticoerenal (ARG) and testicular (TG) ganglia supplying the urinary bladder apex (UBA) in the juvenile male pig (n=4, 12 kg. body weight). Retrograde fluorescent tracer Fast Blue (FB) was injected into the wall of the bladder apex under pentobarbital anesthesia. After three weeks all the pigs were deeply anesthetized and transcardially perfused with 4% buffered paraformaldehyde. TG and ARG were collected and processed for double-labelling immunofluorescence. The presence of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) or dopamine beta-hydroxylase (DBH), neuropeptide Y (NPY), somatostatin (SOM), galanin (GAL), nitric oxide synthase (NOS) and vesicular acetylcholine transporter (VAChT) were inves- tigated. The cryostat sections were examined with a Zeiss LSM 710 confocal microscope equipped with adequate filter blocks.

The TG and ARG were found to contain many FB-positive neurons projecting to the UBA (UBA-PN). The UBA-PN were distributed in both TG and ARG. The majority were found in the left ganglia, mostly in TG. Immunohistochemistry disclosed that the vast majority of UBA-PN were noradrenergic (TH- and/or DBH-positive). Many noradrenergic neurons also contained immunoreactivity to NPY, SOM or GAL. Most of the UBA-PN were supplied with varicose VAChT-, or NOS- IR (immunoreactive) nerve fibres.

This study has revealed a relatively large population of differently coded ARG and TG neu- rons projecting to the porcine urinary bladder. As judged from their neurochemical organization these nerve cells constitute an important element of the complex neuro-endocrine system involved in the regulation of the porcine urogenital organ function.

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Authors and Affiliations

Z. Pidsudko
Ż. Listowska
A. Franke-Radowiecka
M. Klimczuk
M. Załęcki
J. Kaleczyc
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This paper discusses the question of how the old Kazakh custom of the ban on uttering the name of a husband and his male relatives by his wife is still observed in modern Kazakhstan. To do this, material from five main regions of Kazakhstan (North, South, Central, East and West) was collected and analysed. The study aims to do a sociolinguistic analysis of the result of the questionnaire. Although this old tradition is well known and described a long time ago by such researchers as Nikolaj Ilminskii, Nikolaj Grodekov, Ybyraı Altynsarın, Grigorij Potanin, Aleksandr Samoilovich and others, no modern fieldwork was done to check whether this tradition is still alive and how it changes. As is known, present-day Kazakhstan had changed significantly since the 19th century, when Ilminskii first studied the Kazakh language and traditions, Wilhelm Radloff and the researchers mentioned earlier, who were linguists and explorers. However, many cultures are still observed. As Grodekov noted, the avoiding of the pronunciation of a husband’s name and his male relatives by his wife is familiar to the Kazakhs and Kirghiz. Somoilovich, basing on Mustafa Shoqaı’s materials, devoted a paper to this question. Perhaps the best story was related by Altynsarın, who has registered an anecdote how a woman who went to bring water and saw a wolf killing an ewe rushed back to her house and shouted for help, transforming the words ‘lake’, ‘reed’, ‘wolf’, ‘sheep’ and ‘knife’, since her husband and his male relatives bore names composed of these words.

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Dana Suleimen
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Genetic variability of two populations of Arctic freshwater crustacean Lepidurus arcticus (Crustacea, Notostraca) occuring in small tundra reservoirs near the Polish Polar Sta− tion in Hornsund (Spitsbergen) was studied. The allozyme polimorphism analysis of 11 en− zyme systems indicates a considerable distinctness and genetically heterogeneous character of the populations of L. arcticus inhabiting freshwater reservoirs of similar hydrological con− ditions situated close to each other (2 km). Our research revealed a complicated and geneti− cally heterogeneous character of the populations. Three hypotheses about genetic structure and type of reproduction were tested: hypothesis M – the free transfer without assigning a clone for particular reservoir and the lack of doublemutations; hypothesis I – separation of in− dividuals between reservoirs and the possibility of doublemutations; hypothesis S – presence of partial sexual reproduction in the population, probably with males. In conclusion participa− tion ofmales in reproduction is probable, despite their presence was not recorded in our study. Males usually occur in low numbers or not every year. The populations' clonal structure as well as the genetic diversity typical of species reproducing sexually was observed. The Hardy−Weinberg genetic equilibrium is maintained as new clonal lines appear due to the ge− netic diversity increasing incidentally as a result of sexual reproduction.

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Barbara Wojtasik
Magdalena Bryłka-Wołk
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Southern elephant male seals (Mirounga leonina Linnaeus, 1758) were studied at King George Island (62°14´S, 58°40´W) from September to December 1999. The first males came ashore at the beginning of September. Twenty-five adults were immobilized, hot iron branded, and measured. Thirteen out of the 25 marked males spent an average of 66 (+/-8) days on land. Early arrival was positively correlated with the time spent ashore (r = 0.88, P < 0.05). Nine harems were formed in the study area. At the maximum haul-out of females (28 October) mean harem size was 32ą42 females (range 3–107). During the course of harem development, 10 changes in male harem dominance were observed. These changes were more frequent during the early (1–20 October, n = 6) than during the mid (21 October – 10 November, n = 2) and late (11–29 November, n = 2) periods of harem development. Overall, there were 14 dominant males; five of these in two different harems and nine in one harem. Of the 25 marked males, 44% were resighted in the following breeding or moulting season, and 16% seemed to improve their potential breeding success.

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Alejandro R. Carlini
Sebastián Poljak
Gustavo A. Daneri
Maria E.I. Márquez
Joachim Plötz
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In 2018, the 90th anniversary of Professor Vasiliy Danilovich Bondaletov`s birth will be celebrated. The aim of the article is to remind readers of the quantitative and qualitative method of statistical analysis in anthroponomastic research developed by Professor Bondaletov, as well as to show its advantages over simplified descriptions of the frequency of personal names. In this article, the detailed analysis of male Christian names found in customs books from Northern Russia (1633–1636 and 1678–1680) was conducted. The comparison of statistical data, according to the suggestion of Professor V. D. Bondaletov, enabled us to observe subtle differences between the abovementioned resources, namely to estimate the level of their (dis)similarity and describe the dynamics of the evolution of the resources of male Christian names throughout the 17th century, as well as changes in the popularity of various names.

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Bożena Hrynkiewicz-Adamskich
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Using doubled haploid technologies inbreeding can significantly reduce the time to obtain homozygous parental lines required for the production of F1-hybrid of vegetable crops. This study aims to investigate the influence of factors on the efficiency of carrot embryogenesis in isolated microspore culture to optimise the elements of protocol for producing doubled haploids. Microspores were isolated from inflorescences of 21 genotypes and incubated in NLN13 medium supplemented with 0.1 mg·dm –3 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acids, 0.1 mg·dm –3 1-naphthyl acetic acids, 130 g·dm –3 sucrose, and 400 mg·dm –3 casein hydrolysate and its modifications. Embryoids and their groups were formed after 2–6 months, in some cases after 12 months of cultivation. Depending on the variant, the embryogenesis efficiency averaged from 0 to 4.9 embryoids or groups of embryoids per Petri dish (10 cm 3). Embryoids within the group were formed from different microspores. No significant effects of inflorescence position on the plant (branching order), sucrose, and casein hydrolysate concentration in the medium were observed. Significant advantages (p ≥ 0.05) for some genotypes were shown: 1) microspore suspension density 4·104 cells·cm –3 (5.0 embryoids per Petri dish were formed at a microspore suspension density of 4·104 cells·cm –3, 0.0 embryoids per Petri dish at a density of 8·104 cells·cm –3); 2) cultivating microspores of tetrad and early mononuclear stage (4.9 ±3.1 embryoids per Petri dish were obtained by culturing tetrads and early mononuclear microspores, while 0.6 ±0.7 embryoids per Petri dish were obtained by culturing of later developmental stages); 3) high-temperature treatment duration of five days (4.9 ±2.1 embryoids per Petri dish were obtained after five days of high-temperature treatment, 2.7 ±2.6 embryoids per Petri dish formed after two days of high-temperature treatment; 9.8 ±4.7, 10.1 ±6.1, 0.0 ±0.0 embryoids per Petri dish formed after two, five and eight days of high-temperature treatment respectively); 4) adding colchicine 0.5 mg·dm –3 to the nutrient medium for two days of high-temperature treatment, followed by medium replacement (3.3 ±2.6 embryoids per Petri dish were obtained by using a nutrient medium with colchicine, while 1.7 ±1.5 embryoids per Petri dish were obtained by culturing in the reference variant).
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Anastasia V. Voronina
Anastasiia V. Vishnyakova
Sokrat G. Monakhos
Grigory F. Monakhos
Alexander A. Ushanov
Aleksey A. Mironov

  1. Russian State Agrarian University, Department of Botany, Plant Breeding and Seed Technology, Timiryazevskaya street, 49127550, Moscow, Russian Federation
  2. Russian State Agrarian University, Breeding Station after N.N. Timofeev, Moscow, Russian Federation
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Combined retrograde tracing and double-labelling immunofluorescence were used to investigate the distribution and chemical coding of neurons in testicular (TG) and aorticoerenal (ARG) ganglia supplying the urinary bladder trigone (UBT) in juvenile male pigs (n=4, 12 kg. of body weight). Retrograde fluorescent tracer Fast Blue (FB) was injected into the wall of the bladder trigone under pentobarbital anesthesia. After three weeks all the pigs were deeply anesthetized and transcardially perfused with 4% buffered paraformaldehyde. TG and ARG, were collected and processed for double-labelling immunofluorescence. The expression of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) or dopamine beta-hydroxylase (DBH), neuropeptide Y (NPY), somatostatin (SOM), galanin (GAL), nitric oxide synthase (NOS) and vesicular acetylcholine transporter (VAChT) were investigated. The cryostat sections were examined with a Zeiss LSM 710 confocal microscope equipped with adequate filter blocks.
The TG and ARG were found to contain many FB-positive neurons projecting to the UBT (UBT-PN). The UBT-PN were distributed in both TG and ARG. The majority of them were found in the right ganglia, mostly in TG. Immunohistochemistry disclosed that the vast majority of UBT-PN were noradrenergic (TH- and/or DBH-positive). Many noradrenergic neurons contained also immunoreactivity to NPY, SOM or GAL. Most of the UBT-PN were supplied with VAChT-, or NOS- IR (immunoreactive) varicose nerve fibres.
This study has revealed a relatively large population of differently coded prevertebral neurons projecting to the porcine urinary bladder. As judged from their neurochemical organization these nerve cells constitute an important element of the complex neuro-endocrine system involved in the regulation of the porcine urogenital organ function.
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Pidsudko Z, Listowska Z, Franke-Radowiecka A, Klimczuk M, Załȩcki M, Kaleczyc J (2019) Distribution and chemical coding of urinary bladder apex-projecting neurons in aorticorenal and testicular ganglia of the male pig. Pol J Vet Sci 22: 427-430.
Russo D, Clavenzani P, Sorteni C, Bo Minelli L, Botti M, Gazza F, Panu R, Ragionieri L, Chiocchetti R (2013) Neurochemical features of boar lumbosacral dorsal root ganglion neurons and characterization of sensory neurons innervating the urinary bladder trigone. J Comp Neurol 521: 342-366.
Yamanishi T, Chapple C, Yasuda K, and Chess-Williams R (2002) The role of M2 muscarinic receptor subtypes in mediating contraction of the pig bladder base after cyclic adenosine monophosphate elevation and/or selective M3 inactivation. J Urol 167: 397-401.
Yoshimura N, Chancellor MB (2003) Neurophysiology of lower urinary tract function and dysfunction. Rev Urol (Suppl 8): S3-S10.
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Authors and Affiliations

Z. Pidsudko
J. Godlewski
K. Wąsowicz

  1. Department of Animal Anatomy, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Oczapowskiego 13, 10-719 Olsztyn, Poland
  2. Department of Human Histology and Embryology, School of Medicine, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Warszawska 30, 10-082 Olsztyn, Poland
  3. Department of Pathophysiology, Forensic Veterinary Medicine and Administration, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Oczapowskiego 14, 10-719 Olsztyn, Poland
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The present study investigated the expression of androgen receptor (AR) in neurons of the anterior pelvic ganglion (APG) and celiac-superior mesenteric ganglion (CSMG; ganglion not involved in the innervation of reproductive organs) in the male pig with quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) and immunohistochemistry. qPCR investigations revealed that the level of AR gene expression in the APG tissue was approximately 2.5 times higher in the adult (180-day-old) than in the juvenile (7-day-old) boars. Furthermore, in both the adult and juvenile animals it was sig- nificantly higher in the APG than in CSMG tissue (42 and 85 times higher, respectively). Immu- nofluorescence results fully confirmed those obtained with qPCR. In the adult boars, nearly all adrenergic (DβH-positive) and the majority of non-adrenergic neurons in APG stained for AR. In the juvenile animals, about half of the adrenergic and non-adrenergic neurons were AR-posi- tive. In both the adult and juvenile animals, only solitary CSMG neurons stained for AR. The present results suggest that in the male pig, pelvic neurons should be considered as an element of highly testosterone-dependent autonomic circuits involved in the regulation of urogenital func- tion, and that their sensitization to androgens is a dynamic process, increasing during the prepu- bertal period.

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Authors and Affiliations

J. Kaleczyc
N. Kasica-Jarosz
Z. Pidsudko
A. Przyborowska
W. Sienkiewicz

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