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Uncontrolled emissions of landfill gas may contribute significantly to climate change, since its composition represents a high fraction of methane, a greenhouse gas with 100- year global warming potential 25 times that of carbon dioxide. Landfill cover could create favourable conditions for methanotrophy (microbial methane oxidation), an activity of using bacteria to oxidize methane to carbon dioxide. This paper presents a brief review of methanotrophic activities in landfill cover. Emphasis is given to the effects of cover materials, environmental conditions and landfill vegetation on the methane oxidation potential, and to their underlying effect mechanisms. Methanotrophs communities and methane oxidation kinetics are also discussed. Results from the overview suggest that well-engineered landfill cover can substantially increase its potential for reducing emissions of methane produced in landfill to the atmosphere.

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Yucheng Cao
Ewelina Staszewska
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United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change obliges member countries to make an inventory of greenhouse gases emission and, among others, an inventory of fugitive emission from coal mining system. To comply with this obligation, basing on 1992 data. Poland has evaluated so-called "emission factors" for identified sources of methane emission. According to IPCC/OECD guidelines, the emission factors multiplied by coal output allow simple evaluation of methane emission. Since the time when the emission factors were evaluated in 1994, coal industry in Poland has undergone major organisational and technical changes. At the same time significant development of basic knowledge on geology of methane in coal-bearing strata have occurred. Both these facts make the emission factors evaluated earlier inaccurate. A wide range of research indispensable for accurate evaluation of new emission factors is described in the paper. It is also recommended in the paper that by the time the research results are known, the improved emission factors. which take into account organisational changes of mining industry should be used. Methane emission from coal mining system in 1999 evaluated using those emission factors equals 527,889 Gg.
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Lidia Gawlik
Ireneusz Grzybek
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In longwall absolute methane emission rate forecasting, the range of the destressing zone is determined empirically and is not considered to be dependent on the geomechanical parameters of the rock strata. This simplification regarding destressing zone determination may result in significant differences between the forecast and the actual methane emission rates. During the extraction of coal seams using a system involving longwalls with caving under the conditions of low rock mass geomechanical parameters, the absolute methane emission rate forecasts are typically underestimated in comparison to the actual methane emission rates.

In order to examine the influence of the destressing zones on the final forecasting result and to assess the influence of the rock mass geomechanical parameters on the increased accuracy of forecast values, destressing zones were determined for three longwalls with lengths ranging from 186 to 250 m, based on numerical modelling using the finite difference method (FDM). The modelling results confirmed the assumptions concerning the upper destressing zone range adopted for absolute methane emission rate forecasting. As for the remaining parameters, the destressing zones yielded great differences, particularly for floor strata. To inspect the accuracy of the FDM calculation result, an absolute methane emission rate forecasting algorithm was supplemented with the obtained zones. The prepared forecasts, both for longwall methane emission rates as well as the inflow of methane to the longwalls from strata within the destressing zone, were verified via underground methane emission tests. A comparative analysis found that including geomechanical parameters in methane emission rate forecasting can significantly reduce the errors in forecast values.

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Andrzej Walentek
Krystian Wierzbiński
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The article shows the results of research on methane concentration changes along mine galleries. The experiment was conducted in a longwall area mined using a U-type system, and the results were obtained in situ. The main goal was to measure methane concentration by function of gallery length and dividing segments of methane data into segments, which ultimately enabled separate analysis of these methane data. The analysis led to the diagnosis of methane hazard through the detection of exceedance of the assumed tolerance area.
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Authors and Affiliations

Piotr Ostrogórski
Przemysław Skotniczny

  1. Strata Mechanics Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences, 27 Reymonta Str.,30-059 Kraków, Poland

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