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The explosive rise of wireless services necessitates a network connection with high bandwidth, high performance, low mistakes, and adequate channel capacity. Individual mobile users, as well as residential and business clusters are increasingly using the internet and multimedia services, resulting in massive increases in the internet traffic demand. Over the past decade, internet traffic has grown significantly faster than Moore’s law predicted. The current system is facing significant radio frequency spectrum congestion and is unable to successfully transmit growing amounts of (available) data to end users while keeping acceptable delay values in mind. Free space optics is a viable alternative to the current radio frequency technology. This technology has a few advantages, including fast data speeds, unrestricted bandwidth, and excellent security. Since free space optics is invisible to traffic type and data protocol, it may be quickly reliably and profitably integrated into an existing access network. Despite the undeniable benefits of free space optics technology under excellent channel conditions and its wide range of applications, its broad use is hampered by its low link dependability, especially over long distances, caused by atmospheric turbulence-induced decay and weather sensitivity. The best plausible solution is to establish a secondary channel link in the GHz frequency range that works in tandem with the primary free space optics link. A hybrid system that combines free space optics and millimeter wave technologies in this research is presented. The combined system offers a definitive backhaul maintenance, by drastically improving the link range and service availability.
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  1. Chowdhury, M. , Hasan, M. K., Shahjalal, M., Hossan, M. T. & Jang, Y. M. Optical wireless hybrid networks: trends, opportunities, challenges, and research directions. IEEE Commun. Surv. Tutor. 22, 930–966 (2020). https://doi.org10.1109/COMST.2020.2966855
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Isanaka Lakshmi Priya
Murugappa Meenakshi

  1. Department of Electronics and Communication, Anna University, Guindy, Chennai 600025, India
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VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd. has developed and utilized Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramic (LTCC) technology for about 25 years. This paper presents our activities related to photonics and millimetre-waves, including also a relevant literature survey. First a short summary of the technology is given. Especially, the unique features of LTCC technology are described in more details. In addition, several examples have been given to show the validity of LTCC technology in these high-performance fields.

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Markku Lahti
Kari Kautio
Mikko Karppinen
Kimmo Keränen
Jyrki Ollila
Pentti Karioja
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We are presenting a new low-cost Single Sideband (SSB) modulated Radio-over Fiber (RoF) communication system for millimeter (mm)-wave multiband wireless communication at the frequencies of 40 GHz, 80 GHz and 120 GHz. Its principle lies in the Carrier Suppressed modulation through a nested dual electrode Mach–Zehnder Modulator (MZM) and product modulator based baseband signal decomposition. In this novel method, the optical signal is decomposed into different SSB signals using a power splitter and product modulators at the base station. This proposed method uses a different technique for a baseband signal decomposition from the existing method. The proposed signal decomposition technique has reduced the nonlinearities due to the FBGs. The proposed method is compared with the existing method in terms of BER, data rate and OSNR. The simulation results disclose that our proposed scheme outperforms the existing methods at a higher data rate of 80 Gbps with a minimum BER and privileged Q factor.

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R.S. Asha
V.K. Jayasree
S. Mhatli
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Hybrid precoding techniques are lately involved a lot of interest for millimeter-wave (mmWave) massive MIMO systems is due to the cost and power consumption advantages they provide. However, existing hybrid precoding based on the singular value decomposition (SVD) necessitates a difficult bit allocation to fit the varying signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) of altered sub-channels. In this paper, we propose a generalized triangular decomposition (GTD)-based hybrid precoding to avoid the complicated bit allocation. The development of analog and digital precoders is the reason for the high level of design complexity in analog precoder architecture, which is based on the OMP algorithm, is very non-convex, and so has a high level of complexity. As a result, we suggest using the GTD method to construct hybrid precoding for mmWave mMIMO systems. Simulated studies as various system configurations are used to examine the proposed design. In addition, the archived findings are compared to a hybrid precoding approach in the classic OMP algorithm. The proposed Matrix Decomposition’s simulation results of signal-to-noise ratio vs spectral efficiencies.
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Sammaiah Thurpati
P. Muthuchidambaranathan

  1. Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, India
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Beamforming training (BT) is considered as an essential process to accomplish the communications in the millimeter wave (mmWave) band, i.e., 30 ~ 300 GHz. This process aims to find out the best transmit/receive antenna beams to compensate the impairments of the mmWave channel and successfully establish the mmWave link. Typically, the mmWave BT process is highly-time consuming affecting the overall throughput and energy consumption of the mmWave link establishment. In this paper, a machine learning (ML) approach, specifically reinforcement learning (RL), is utilized for enabling the mmWave BT process by modeling it as a multi-armed bandit (MAB) problem with the aim of maximizing the long-term throughput of the constructed mmWave link. Based on this formulation, MAB algorithms such as upper confidence bound (UCB), Thompson sampling (TS), epsilon-greedy (e-greedy), are utilized to address the problem and accomplish the mmWave BT process. Numerical simulations confirm the superior performance of the proposed MAB approach over the existing mmWave BT techniques.
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Ehab Mahmoud Mohamed
1 2

  1. Electrical Engineering Dept., College of Engineering, Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University, Wadi Aldwaser 11991, Saudi Arabia
  2. Electrical Engineering Dept., Faculty of Engineering Aswan University, Aswan 81542, Egypt
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In this paper a design of millimeter-wave six-port device for LTCC (Low Temperature Cofired Ceramic) technology is presented. Furthermore, problems with implementation of the project taking into account requirements of LTCC technology are discussed.

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Barbara Słojewska
Yevhen Yashchyshyn
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Future wireless communication networks will be largely characterized by small cell deployments, typically on the order of 200 meters of radius/cell, at most. Meanwhile, recent studies show that base stations (BS) account for about 80 to 95 % of the total network power. This simply implies that more energy will be consumed in the future wireless network since small cell means massive deployment of BS. This phenomenon makes energy-efficient (EE) control a central issue of critical consideration in the design of future wireless networks. This paper proposes and investigates (the performance of) two different energy-saving approaches namely, adaptive-sleep sectorization (AS), adaptive hybrid partitioning schemes (AH) for small cellular networks using smart antenna technique. We formulated a generic base-model for the above-mentioned schemes and applied the spatial Poisson process to reduce the system complexity and to improve flexibility in the beam angle reconfiguration of the adaptive antenna, also known as a smart antenna (SA). The SA uses the scalable algorithms to track active users in different segments/sectors of the microcell, making the proposed schemes capable of targeting specific users or groups of users in periods of sparse traffic, and capable of performing optimally when the network is highly congested. The capabilities of the proposed smart/adaptive antenna approaches can be easily adapted and integrated into the massive MIMO for future deployment. Rigorous numerical analysis at different orders of sectorization shows that among the proposed schemes, the AH strategy outperforms the AS in terms of energy saving by about 52 %. Generally, the proposed schemes have demonstrated the ability to significantly increase the power consumption efficiency of micro base stations for future generation cellular systems, over the traditional design methodologies.
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Authors and Affiliations

MHD Nour Hindia
Faizan Qamar
Henry Ojukwu
Rosilah Hassan
Kaharudin Dimyati

  1. Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  2. Faculty of Information Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), 43600 Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
  3. Network and Communication Technology (NCT) Lab, Centre for Cyber Security, Fakulti Teknologi & Sains Maklumat (FTSM), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), 43600 UKM, Bangi, Selangor Malaysia
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With the advent of massive MIMO and mmWave, Antenna selection is the new frontier in hybrid beamforming employed in 5G base stations. Tele-operators are reworking on the components while upgrading to 5G where the antenna is a last-mile device. The burden on the physical layer not only demands smart and adaptive antennas but also an intelligent antenna selection mechanism to reduce power consumption and improve system capacity while degrading the hardware cost and complexity. This work focuses on reducing the power consumption and finding the optimal number of RF chains for a given millimeter wave massive MIMO system. At first, we investigate the power scaling method for both perfect Channel State Information (CSI) and imperfect CSI where the power is reduced by ��/���� and ��/√���� respectively. We further propose to reduce the power consumption by emphasizing on the subdued resolution of Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADCs) with quantization awareness. The proposed algorithm selects the optimal number of antenna elements based on the resolution of ADCs without compromising on the quality of reception. The performance of the proposed algorithm shows significant improvement when compared with conventional and random antenna selection methods.

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Abdul Haq Nalband
Mrinal Sarvagya
Mohammed Riyaz Ahmed
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Millimeter-wave (mm-wave) transmitters are often fabricated using advanced technology and require a sophisticated manufacturing facility. Access to such technologies is often very limited and difficult to gain particularly at the initial stage of research. Therefore, to increase the accessibility of mm-wave transmitters, this study proposes a design that can be assembled in a standard microwave laboratory from commercially available or externally ordered components. The transmitter demonstrated in this paper operates above 100 GHz and is based on a lowtemperature co-fired ceramic board in which the antenna array, microstrip lines, and power-supply lines are fabricated in a single process. Different technologies are used to assemble the module, e.g., wire-bonding, soldering, and wax adhesion. Advantages and disadvantages of the proposed design are given based on experimental evaluation of the prototype. Although the performance of the developed transmitter is not as good as that of the similar modules available in the recent literature, the results confirm the feasibility of a mm-wave transmitter that is assembled without employing advanced technologies and superior machinery.
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Paweł Bajurko
Jakub Sobolewski
Grzegorz Bogdan
Konrad Godziszewski
Jacek Marczewski
Jan Kulawik
Michał Widlok
Yevhen Yashchyshyn

  1. Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Radioelectronics and Multimedia Technology, Warsaw, Poland
  2. Łukasiewicz Research Network, Institute of Microelectronics and Photonics, Warsaw, Poland
  3. SIRC Sp. z o.o., Gdynia, Poland

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