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The article’s subject is the status of the homosexual minority in the world of sports, which–as one would assume–is a hetero-normative world. The author draws attention to the different situations of lesbians and gays in sports as a result both of the manner in which sports themselves are seen and of how femininity andmasculinity in sports are viewed (certain types of sports activity are perceived as being masculine, and certain as being feminine). The attitudes of the male and female athletes themselves are described, as well as the attitude towards them in the sports environment and their perception in public opinion. The Gay Games, competitions for sexual minorities, are also presented, with their relation to mainstream (heterosexual) sports. Particular attention is paid to the ambiguous status of sexual minorities and various practices used within these milieus and towards them.

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Honorata Jakubowska
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This article presents an overview of German-language periodicals published in Stanisławów and Lwów in the first half of the 20th century. They reflect the cultural, social and religious diversity of the local German com- munity, for the most part descendants of migrants who came to Galicia after it was incorporated into the Aus- trian Empire at the end of the 18th century. The history of those publications and of the local German-speaking community came to end after the German attack on Poland in 1939 and the incorporation of eastern Galicia into the Soviet Union.
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„Evangelisches Gemeindeblatt für Galizien und die Bukowina”, 1904‒1918.
„Evangelisches Gemeindeblatt. Amtliches Organ der evangelischen Kirchenbehörde”, 1920‒ 1939.
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„Mennonitisches Gemeindeblatt für Österreich”, 1913‒1917, 1920‒1939.

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Isabel Röskau-Rydel

  1. Instytut Neofilologii, Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. KEN, ul. Studencka 5 PL 30-116 Kraków
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Artykuł przedstawia wyniki badania poświęconego ilościowej eksploracji odmian tożsamości narodowej Polaków oraz analizuje, jak wyróżnione rodzaje tożsamości narodowej przekładają się na postawy wobec różnych mniejszości i innych narodów. W tym celu wykorzystuje dane z ilościowego badania kwestionariuszowego przeprowadzonego na próbie dorosłych Polaków (15 lat i starszych) losowanej z operatu adresowego (N=1005). Na podstawie analizy skupień metodą k-średnich wyróżnia trzy kategorie tożsamości narodowej: narodowych apatrydów, dążących do obywatelskości oraz kredencjonalistów. Wyniki badania pokazują również, że wyróżnione odmiany polskiej tożsamości narodowej w sposób istotny statystycznie różnicują i przewidują postawy wobec mniejszości etnicznych, religijnych i seksualnych oraz wobec innych narodów. Badanie potwierdza istnienie pewnych uniwersalnych wzorów definiowania tożsamości narodowej oraz zależności pokazujących wpływ kryteriów etnicznych, jak i posługiwania się większą liczbą kryteriów w definiowaniu tożsamości narodowej na bardziej wykluczające postawy. Bazując na reprezentatywnej próbie oraz polegając na metodzie analizy umożliwiającej zidentyfikowanie rozłącznych kategorii artykuł weryfikuje istniejące typologizacje polskiej tożsamości narodowej.
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Mateusz Grodecki

  1. Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej
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The article examines the coverage of Cieszyn Silesia in the Ilustrowany Kurier Codzienny, a respected nation-wide daily based in Cracow, during the escalating crisis in Polish-Czechoslovak relations in August–October 1938. An analysis of over four hundred articles shows that while the primary focus was on the situation of ethnic Poles in the disputed region (Zaolzie, or Trans- Olza) and the problems facing Czechoslovakia on the international stage, the IKC also took care to provide its readers with information about the history and economic importance of the former Duchy of Cieszyn (Těšín, Teschen).
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Alicja Szumowiecka

  1. Szkoła Doktorska, Uniwersytet w Siedlcach
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Confronted with a natural tendency of marginalization national/ethnic minorities and immigrant communities respond by adopting two diverse strategies of showing their presence in the public sphere of the host country. Depending on the level of their integration and the goals they want to achieve, they can either stress their links (affinity) with the majority culture or the differences that mark them out. However, some minority communities succeed in achieving a distinctive presence in the public sphere already at the stage of launching its own media.

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Krzysztof Wasilewski
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Group identity is both a fundamental issue for social psychology and one of the key explanations of intergroup hostility. In this paper, on the basis of a nationwide survey ( N = 1016), we compare the strength of Poles’ identification with nation, place of residence, occupation and gender, while presenting regional variations in these identifications in Poland. In doing so, we analyze the relationship between acceptance of minority groups and these identifications. We also test whether the three components of national identity: the strength of ties, the ingroup affect, and the cognitive centrality are indeed, as suggested in previous studies, beneficial aspects of identity that have a positive relationship with attitudes toward out-groups. The findings we obtained, among other things, allowed us to look at identification with groups as more complex than was assumed during previous research. Different contents of identification, as well as different components of national identity, are differently associated with acceptance of outgroups. Particular attention is paid to broad, umbrella identifications that have positive associations with acceptance of minorities.
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Dominik Puchała
Michał Bilewicz

  1. Wydział Psychologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego

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