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The list of shallow—water molluscs: chitons (2 species), gastropods (33 species) and bivalves (36 species) of Isfjorden is presented. Distribution, frequency and domination structure are discussed and zoogeographical analysis is presented.

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Olgierd Różycki
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Assemblages of molluscs have been used for stratigraphy of Late Glacial and Holocene deposits in Poland. Changes of the climate as well as migration of species are main factors which control the recompositions of molluscan communities in this time. Thirteen malacostratigraphical zones have been definied. Eight of them corresponds with land environments, while the remaining ones (five) with water habitats. The succesions of these zones gives the malacostratigraphical subdivisions, which can be compared with similar schemes proposed in some other countries of Central Europe. They supplement palynostratigraphical zones or even can be used as main way of stratigraphical intrepretations.

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Witold Paweł Alexandrowicz
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This paper presents the impact of salinisation on the aquatic mollusc fauna in flooded mine subsidences in the Karvina region (Czech Republic). The results of the previous research on salinity in flooded mine subsidences show that some of them contain a high content of dissolved inorganic substances (above 1000 mg·l-1). These substances can affect the vegetation and animals occurring in the water and the surrounding area. The phylum of Mollusca was selected as a model group for the fieldwork as it includes species with the proven bioindication potential.

The occurrence of aquatic mollusc species was studied at 10 sites. The sites were selected based on the content of dissolved substances (the salinity gradient from <500 to >1000 mg·l-1. A total of 12 aquatic mollusc species were found, including one species identified as a potential bioindicator of the negative effect of salinisation on aquatic biota.

The analysis showed statistically significant positive correlations between the content of dissolved inorganic substances and the presence of alien species Potamopyrgus antipodarum (J.E. Gray, 1843). The gradient of salinity significantly affects the species composition of the mollusc fauna in flooded mine subsidences and may affect the biodiversity of this group.

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Kamila Kašovská
Łukasz Pierzchała
Edyta Sierka
Barbara Stalmachová
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This malacological analysis was conducted at a site with peat and calcareous tufas in Łapsze Niżne, Podhale

(southern Poland). The study was carried out in 6 main and several complementary sections, in which 37 mollusc

species were recognized represented by almost 11 000 specimens. The study enabled the reconstruction of

environmental changes during the accumulation of the Holocene deposits (from the Boreal Phase till present).

Conclusions drawn from these reconstructions were compared with results of malacological and palynological

studies from other sites in Podhale. As a result, regional environmental reconstructions for the Holocene of the

area were made. The specific composition, ecological structure and succession of molluscan assemblages from

Łapsze Niżne indicate a significant role for local factors, thus demonstrating the variability of environmental

conditions within a geographic region.

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Authors and Affiliations

Witold Paweł Alexandrowicz
Marcin Szymanek
Eliza Rybska
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The scope of this analysis included fluvial sediments of the low terrace of the Grajcarek stream in the Małe Pieniny Mts. (Western Carpathians). The structure of the terrace has been surveyed in five profiles. The sedimentary sequence includes alternating layers of gravel and calcareous mud with a maximum thickness of up to 2.2 m. A rich and varied malacofauna has been found in the mud. The age of the sediments was determined using the radiocarbon method. The sediments that make up the terrace cover the younger part of the Middle Holocene and the entire Late Holocene. The analysis of the malacofauna has allowed for the characterization of environmental changes. The most important of them dates back to the Middle Ages and is associated with the phase of intensive settlement in the Pieniny Mts.. It is indicated by deforestation and the related change in the composition and structure of malacocoenoses manifested by the replacement of forest communities by ones with open-country species. Gravel horizons are records of flood periods correlated with wet climatic phases. It is possible to distinguish six such phases covering the following periods: 6600–6100 y cal BP, 5500–5100 y cal BP, 4500–4100 y cal BP, 3200–2300 y cal BP, 2000–900 y cal BP and 400–200 y cal BP. They correspond to the periods of increased fluvial activity of rivers, intensification of mass movements, advances of alpine glaciers and the increase in the water level in lakes.
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Authors and Affiliations

Witold Paweł Alexandrowicz

  1. AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environment Protection, Chair of General Geology and Geotourism, Al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Poland

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