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The article, drawing on the tradition of Frankfurt School, brings to the focus a great paradox of the Enlightenment – a hidden affinity of rationality and mythology. Noticing the phenomenon of great enthusiasm, underlying the message of the Enlightenment, it tries to pin down the starting point of a new scientistic eschatology – bringing to life a mirage of unending prosperity and unlimited profusion, following the advances of science. The idea of accumulation of knowledge is approached as a pivot of a new mythology. At the same time, putting light on the notion of “cognition industry”, the article offers critical insights tracing an inevitable erosion of high-minded dreams and expectations. Cognition industry is studied as a machinery turning up-side down the hopes of the Enlightenment – protecting the interests of instrumental rationality, and replacing the ideal of getting at the truth with the mechanism putting in motion the “production” of truth, operating in a domain of narrowly calibrated utility.
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Authors and Affiliations

Stanisław Filipowicz
1 2

  1. członek rzeczywisty PAN
  2. Wydział Nauk Politycznych i Studiów Międzynarodowych Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
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The author refers to Roland Barthes’s early concept of mythology in analyzing the films of Jerzy Kawalerowicz, one of the most outstanding Polish directors of the twentieth century. He interprets three of Kawalerowicz’s films, Pociąg [Night Train], Matka Joanna od Aniołów [Mother Joan of the Angels] and Faraon [Pharoah], which are read in the mythological register and in the political context. First the statements of the director in regard to each film are presented, then the judgments of film critics are provided, and finally the author gives his own interpretation. Night Train is shown as a film addressing the wrongs of the Stalinist era, and the problem of a totalitarian state. Mother Joanne of the Angels questions the sense of ideology in a totalitarian world, and is partially the director’s search for political identity, while Pharoah is a look at the post-October reformers and the reasons for their failure. Pharoah also provides a new vision of the state.

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Mateusz Nieć
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Vusamazulu Credo Mutwa (1921–2020) was one the most famous and controversial sangomas – sages, clairvoyants, healers and diviners – in South Africa. He was also the first sangoma who published books revealing sangomas’ esoteric calling, vocation and cooperation with spirits. He wrote extensively about Zulu mythology. A part of his version of mythology is the ‘history’ of the Bantu languages speaking peoples, their divine origins and the conquest of the lands in the South of Africa. Mutwa also wrote about relationships between Zulus and other ethnic groups, focusing on their mythological beginnings. The aim of this article is to analyse Mutwa’s myths and stories about the history of Bantu languages speaking peoples, relationships between Zulus and other peoples, and place it all within historical facts and religious beliefs known to academics. The article is part of the project ‘Esoteric landscape of Southern Africa’ financed by the Polish National Science Centre (Narodowe Centrum Nauki), Poland, project no. 2017/25/N/HS1/02500.
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Agnieszka Podolecka

  1. University of South Africa, University of Warsaw, Poland
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Maciej Rak's book is a very reliable and well‑structured study, based on unknown manuscripts by Jan Karłowicz, found in 2017 in the Scientific Archive of the Polish Academy of Sciences (AN PAN) and the Archive of the Polish Academy of Learning (PAU) in Kraków. An in‑depth analysis of Karłowicz's archives, i.e. the files of Lexicon of Polish Dialects [ Słownik gwar polskich], Lexicon of Polish Mythology [ Słownik mitologii polskiej] and the Little Lexicon of Lithuanian Mythology [ Słowniczek mitologii litewskiej], carried out on the broad comparative background, allows us to take a broader look at the scholar's achievements in the field of Polish dialectology as well as at his pioneering role in developing the concept of an ethnolinguistic lexicon. The reviewed study shows Karłowicz as a researcher who perfectly understands the linguistic and cultural realities of the former Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Lithuanian aspirations to construct their own identity, separate from the Polish one.
The monograph Jan Karłowicz in the Light of Archival Materials restores this nineteenth‑century researcher with broad humanistic horizons to his proper place and rank in the history of science, not only in linguistics. It provides accurate arguments for re‑evaluating a very critical review of the Lexicon of Polish Dialects, published by Kazimierz Nitsch in 1911. For a long time, this criticism had had a very negative impact on the general assessment of Karłowicz's output by other linguists. All the more, we need to appreciate Maciej Rak's insightful attempt of breaking the aforementioned negative opinion and providing new interpretation of Karłowicz's unpublished works, that can be seen as a valuable heritage of the culture created during the period of Partitions of Poland.
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Authors and Affiliations

Zofia Sawaniewska‑Mochowa

  1. Instytut Slawistyki Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Warszawa
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In 2006 Maria Janion wrote in The Uncanny Slavdom that “the new narrative of the humanities can tell the story of our culture differentlyˮ. Since that time such 'new narratives' have multiplied literally right in front of our eyes. While in the late 2000s the existence of a distinct Slavic fantasy subgenre was a matter of controversy, hotly debated by both authors and academics, today its presence and popularity is too conspicuous to leave any room for doubt. Each year the market is flooded with dozens of new Slavic fantasy books, which are then discussed in countless blogs, vlogs, discussion groups, and podcasts. The growth of interest in Slavic fantasy is phenomenal and seems to be part of a larger trend gaining ground not just in Poland but also in other Slavic nations. This gives rise to a number of questions which this article tries to address: What is Slavic fantasy? What place does it occupy in modern popular culture? What effects, beneficial or less so, will it have?
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Aleksandra Ewelina Mikinka

  1. dr, Instytut Filologii Polskiej, Wydział Filologiczny Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego

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