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The aim of the article is to determine the main factors responsible for development of Podlaskie Voivodeship in the last 15 years and to answer the question whether they were suffi ciently strong impulse to divert the region from its development path. The research is based on the results of in-depth interviews with the main actors of the regional scene (representing administration, business and science). Statistical data and strategic documents (regional development strategies and regional innovation strategies) was employed in a supporting role. The development of the region has long been based on natural resources, especially agri-food industry (in particular milk production) and tourism. Implementing the concept of smart specialization in the region is seen as a big chance for agri-food industry and sectors linked in the value chain. However the chance to changing the development path of the whole region and moving to higher levels of innovation is very doubtful.

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Anna Dąbrowska
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The paper deals with the issue of financial efficiency, measured by the arithmetic rate of return, of indirect financial investments in the area of strategic raw materials (hard coal, copper, crude oil). Two forms of indirect investments were analyzed: shares of natural resources companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange and futures contracts for strategic commodities: hard coal, copper and crude oil.

The time of the analysis is the first 6 months of 2019 and 2020. The year 2019 was regarded as an analysis of the period of economic growth, and the year 2020 was the analysis of the period of economic crisis. The comparisons were made in two dimensions. Firstly, it whether indirect commodity investments show the characteristics of efficiency resilience to the time of the economic crisis was checked (by comparing the achieved rates of return in the two analyzed periods). Secondly, which of the analyzed forms of investment (stocks, contracts) gives better investment results during economic growth and economic crisis was compared.

As it was shown in the paper, indirect commodity investments do not show an above-average rate of return neither during economic growth nor economic crisis. The achieved rates of return on shares compared to changes in the WIG20 index in the analyzed first half of 2019 were negative. Only one company showed a positive and significantly higher than the market rate of return. Very similar results were achieved by the analyzed companies in 2020.

On the other hand, the analysis of prices and rates of return on commodity futures contracts showed that in the period of economic growth it is effective to take a long position on crude oil contracts and a short position on hard coal contracts. In a period of economic crisis, the opposite position is profitable due to the observed growth in hard coal prices and a significant drop in crude oil prices.

The answers to the research questions posed in the paper do not provide indications for recommending indirect forms of investment in commodities as an alternative to analogous forms of other sectors of the economy. The analysis shows that the impact of the economic situation on the efficiency of commodity investment is most noticeable for crude oil, and the least (among the analyzed commodities) for indirect copper-based investments.

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Krystian Pera
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The western embankment of the Żerań Canal is an area of exceptional natural, cultural and recreational qualities. This site is also the location of the planned construction of a high pressure gas pipeline supplying Żerań Power Plant, which is a strategic undertaking for the north-eastern Warsaw. The study done at the Department of Landscape Architecture of the WULS-SGGW was aimed at determining values of natural and landscape resources and elaboration of the concept of site’s new development after construction of the gas pipeline.
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Jan Łukaszewicz
Beata Fortuna-Antoszkiewicz
Elżbieta Myjak-Sokołowska
Jakub Botwina
Piotr Wiśniewski
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The article reviews one of the important problems of water usage – operational management of irrigation. The article discusses a methodological approach to the estimation of economic efficiency of water usage in the conditions of climate change in the territory concerned. So far, there has not been a simple method to determine this indicator. When assessing climatic conditions, taking into account their influence on the productivity of agricultural crops, it is necessary to take into account meteorological factors that have a decisive influence on the development of agricultural crops and, accordingly, determine their yield. These include primarily heat and moisture. Moreover, it is necessary to take into account their possible negative influence on the development of plants, considering that for each crop a certain optimum regime of temperature and soil moisture is required in different phases of its growth. To assess climatic conditions taking into account the potential crop productivity, we can use the CPA formula. Calculations have shown a close relationship between the CPA and the yield of agricultural crops. Correlation coefficients of the obtained bonds vary from 0.85 to 0.98 depending on the culture and the territory.
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Authors and Affiliations

Viktoriia Zaporozhchenko
Andrij Tkachuk
Tetyana Tkachuk
Viktor Dotsenko

  1. Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University, Faculty of Water Management Engineering and Ecology, Serhiia Yefremova St, 25, Dnipro, Dnipropetrovs’ka oblast, 49600, Ukraine

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