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This article contains analyses of the allegorical imagery in four video clips from Dorota Masłowska’s 2014 album Społeczeństwo jest niemiłe [Society is not nice], i.e. Żona piłkarza [Footballer’s wife], Ryszard [Richard], Prezydent [President] and Tęcza [Rainbow]. Each of them refers to an actual event, situation and character, described by means of stereotype word labels. The characters typify both the behaviour associated with certain social groups as well as some more persistent traits attributed to the Polish nation and Poland in general. The article examines the strategies and devices (parody, pastiche, irony, allusion) used by Dorota Masłowska to embed the intense specificity of her video stories in more general, allegorical narratives.
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● Freedberg D., Potęga wizerunków. Studia z historii i teorii oddziaływania, przeł. E. Klekot, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Kraków 2005.
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● Kristeva J., Potęga obrzydzenia. Esej o wstręcie, przeł. M. Falski, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Kraków 2007.
● De Man P., Retoryka czasowości, przeł. A. Sosnowski, [w:] Alegoria, red. J. Abramowska, Słowo/Obraz Terytoria, Gdańsk 2003. s. 143–195.
● Masłowska D., Inni ludzie, il. M. Chorąży, Wydawnictwo Literackie, Kraków 2018.
● Masłowska D., Jak przejąć kontrolę nad światem, nie wychodząc z domu, il. M. Chorąży, Wydawnictwo Literackie, Kraków 2017.
● Masłowska D., Kobieta z brodą: Masłowska tańczy i śpiewa, rozm. przepr. K. Błażejowska, „Tygodnik Powszechny” 2014, nr 11, s. 30–31.
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Authors and Affiliations

Anna Folta-Rusin

  1. Katedra Lingwistyki Komputerowej, Wydział Zarządzania i Komunikacji Społecznej, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Kraków
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O zdjęciach robionych z setek, a nawet tysięcy kilometrów, mających dokładność kilku centymetrów, o nieoczywistych zastosowaniach obrazów satelitarnych i najnowszych technologiach służących nauce i praktyce.
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Paweł Strzeliński

  1. Wydział Leśny i Technologii Drewna, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu
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Na czym polega proces tworzenia obrazów? Co jest ich artystyczną inspiracją?
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Magdalena Zawisza

  1. Wydział Humanistyczny, Społeczna Akademia Nauk w Warszawie
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Jak można obrazować świat roślin? Czym się różni rysunek od mikrografii i dlaczego najlepszej jakości zdjęcie nie dorównuje ręcznie przygotowanym ilustracjom?
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Dominik Tomaszewski
Marzenna Guzicka

  1. Instytut Dendrologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk w w Kórniku
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The article presents a relation between a word and a picture against a background of art theology developing in Christianity. Such an assumption releases from the presentation of a selection of illustrations to biblical texts. Assumed deliberations have a form of an outline illustrated by the examples from the field of miniature painting and engraving, depicting in a literal sense a transformation of a word into a picture. The studies from the field of a word function in faith tradition created the whole theological and biblical literature. On the other hand analyses of the analo- gical role of a picture in Christianity are relatively new and only seldom are they conducted by theologians or art historians.

The title of the present dissertation constitutes a travesty of a sentence announced by St. John in the prologue of his Gospel: "And the Word was made flesh" (1:14). When John is talking about the Logos it means in our perspective a written word, that is the Revelation described in the Bible. Based on what St. Paul said in the Letter to the Romans (10:14-18) the expression: Fides ex auditu started to be used in theology. The question of the role of a picture in religion can be encapsulated in a paraphrase of this expression, as: Fides ex visu. Certain people in specific circumstances acquire faith through the sense of sight, through image.

The Prophets attributed to pictures magic forces and the power of influencing human souls. Therefore they pushed them into the field of magic and witchcraft, into the world of dark forces, using signs. According to their teaching a real cult does not need any material signs. A monotheistic religion wants to remain a religion based on reading and not watching „suspicious" pictures. Rejecting visual representations, the Old Testament favours verbal symbols. And not only has the image of a false godbecome the idol, but also a false image of the true God. The invisible God can be described, but not painted. Art is too weak to show the greatness of God. The undescribed God remained invisible. He made himself known to people only through the revealed word and depicting Him in paintings was forbidden because it was a threaten to the primary Plan of Salvation. In such an approach a word becomes a power and the rejected picture becomes weak because it is useless and even harmful. This was well expressed by Re'gis Debray, who wrote that art with its altars, paintings and figures was too heavy to be carried by the Jew, this eternal wanderer, on his way. Thus he took the book.

Despite strict bans we can find in the Old Testament statements containing human longing for watching God, either during the sleepas in the case of patriarch Jacob, or in a „face-to-face" meeting as Moses at Mount Sinai, or in a prophetic seeing as it was experienced e.g. by Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, or the other ones „seeing".

The situation changed in the New Testament, when the eternal Logos - the son of God became a man. It was possible to see God through the incarnate Word, as Jesus Christ became the most ideal icon of God. The incarnation gave a possibility of depicting the one that was so far Invisible. This can be contained in a sentence that „the Word was made a picture". The Mystery of the Incarnation was invoked by the iconodules at the Second Council of Nicea, in 787.

Christianity is a religion of a word and a picture, but Protestants are different from Catholics in their approach to pictures. Taking a doctrinal assumption on the sole primacy of a word (sola Scriptura), certain sections of the Reformation rejected a picture as a form of superstition. The specific character of Protestant art became the custom of placing citations from the Bible on paintings, or even placing the sole citations or the sentences of the Reformation in altar reredos.

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Ks. Ryszard Knapiński
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Otwornice – mikroorganizmy o ogromnym znaczeniu zarówno w przeszłości, jak i współcześnie.
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Anna Waśkowska
Justyna Kowal-Kasprzyk

  1. Wydział Geologii, Geofizyki i Ochrony Środowiska, Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza w Krakowie
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This article deals with the ekphrastic text/image (photography) relationships in Eli, Eli, Wojciech Tochman and Grzegorz Wełnicki's 2013 reportage from the slums of the Philippine capital Manila. The photos and the ekphrastic texts form a compact whole intended to produce the effect of unvarnished truth. It is this quality, the insistence on bearing witness to the truth, no matter how shocking, that determines the genre of Eli, Eli. The counterpointal arrangement of the images and the accompanying texts open the possibility of aesthetic and ethical discord between the testimony of the photographer and that of the reporter. However, in the end such tensions reinforce and validate the truthfulness of their report. This article discusses the strategy and the techniques deployed by the authors of Eli, Eli to establish a foolproof authenticity of their work.
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Paulina Kicińska

  1. mgr, Wydział Polonistyki UJ
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Hans Georg Gadamer in his studies on the essence of hermeneutics emphasizes in a special way the role of language in cognition and the understanding of the world. The paper intends to find an application of Gadamer’s hermeneutics in the linguists’ research of the linguistic worldview. Section 1 of the paper considers the worldview in linguistics, section 2 analyzes some aspects of Gadamer’s hermeneutics, while section 3 connects the problems considered in sections 1 and 2 and determines the aim of the paper. The presented considerations are situated in the reflection on the philosophical foundations of linguistic research.
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Zuzanna Sima

  1. Ośrodek Międzyobszarowych Indywidualnych Studiów Humanistycznychi Społecznych, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Kraków, Polska
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The article deals with the issue of the meaning of the Polish early education coursebooks for conservation/change in educational practices. It is the liberal and constructivist discourse to which the coursebook authors should refer (especially in the context of the present time and democracy) if these books are to become a tool of the prodevelopmental and emancipatory interest of both students and society. However, the research on Polish coursebooks for early education (grades I – III), show that this very condition has not been ful3 lled. In such a situation it is the German school coursebooks that might be inspiring because of their discursive background as well as of the methodological proposals and the range of content present in them. The article is also an attempt to reconstruct “the image of school” present in German early education coursebooks. It is possible to name and describe the key dimensions in this image such as: the democratic nature of teacher-student relations, the focus on the activation of students’ personal knowledge as well as on their ethical and cognitive autonomy, realistic vision of the world, trust in students’ competences, and creating the sphere of the nearest development.

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Ewa Zalewska
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Od kilku dekad brytyjskie kurorty nadmorskie (w tym Blackpool) przeżywają głęboki kryzys spowodowany przeobrażeniami rynku turystycznego, trendów społecznych i gospodarczych. Sytuacja ta domagała się wprowadzenia przekształceń dla zaadoptowania do nowej sytuacji ekonomicznej, turystycznej oraz kulturowych preferencji odwiedzających. Wyzwaniem dla miasta stało się zdefiniowanie nowej − zdywersyfikowanej i zawężonej do określonego pola działalności i aktywności − oferty turystycznej.
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Joanna Szwed
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The onymic image of the world in a translation through an intermediary language as exemplified by the anthroponyms in a collection of short stories “Baummoos pflücken” (lit. “The Lichen Collector”) by Zhang Wei.

The article addresses the issue of the linguistic image of the world — reflected in proper names — and of its translation. Chinese onyms and their related forms of address contain information about mutual relations between the speaker and the named object, thus offering a better insight into social relations in small language and cultural communities. The challenge for the translator is not only to translate these onyms, but also to preserve their social function in the text. This has been exemplified in the article by a translation of a collection of short stories from Chinese to Polish through German, where the intermediary language adds another coherence layer. The theory of the linguistic image of the world and proper names per se are a starting point for a critical analysis of this specific translation in view of the translation of onyms and of their potential for conveying the image of the world. Emphasis is placed on the transfer of the social functions of onyms into the target language. The influence of onyms and of their consistent treatment in the translation on the coherence of the studied text has also been taken into account.

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Edyta Grotek
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The main task for imagination in Roman Ingarden’s theory of literary work is to reconstruct fictional objects and their appearances, as well as to furnish details even not mentioned in the work but compatible with the schematic description contained in the work. Imagination, therefore, plays an essential role in the act of Ingardenian ‘concretization’, that is in an inner presentation of the written work by the mind of the reader. According to the program of anti‑psychologism, the imaginative activities do not belong to the literary work. In particular, the creative imagination of the author and the free inspirations experienced by a reader must not be regarded as part of the work. Ingarden understands imagination traditionally, as the ability of visualizing mental images. It is possible, however, to understand imagination in a different way, that may be called semiotic, when it becomes an art of giving meaning to fictitious, fantastical, metaphorical and symbolical sentences. Adopting such a conception of imagination reveals imaginative features in all the four levels of literary work indicated by Ingarden. In particular, the notorious Ingardenian ‘quasi‑judgment’ could be defined as the imaginative sentence.
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Łukasz Kowalik

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Filozofii, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 3, 00-927 Warszawa
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The question about a painting artwork assumes that its ontological, cognitive as well as aesthetic status is not clear and only a profound analysis can specify what lies hidden behind this concept. Ingarden underlines its ambiguousness and discerns that its elimination constitutes one of the major tasks of aesthetics. The ambiguity just mentioned can be discerned in the gap between a painting artwork and a canvas, Ingarden emphasizes. This distinction is already curious in itself, as the two terms may be considered synonyms, yet this affinity which presupposes a distinction seems to indicate that a canvas is not a painting and is not even a part of it but constitutes a separate physical item. In the first part of the article, I offer reasons, which prompted Ingarden to introduce and emphasize this distinction which underlies the answer to the question, what constitutes the painting artwork and what constitutes the canvas that bears it. The second part of my paper focuses on the essential relationship between the painting with its physical foundation. In the third section I discuss the consequences resulting from the maintenance of the distinction in question. This reconstruction of Ingarden’s views is accompanied by comments which are polemical in character but also constitute an expansion of the underpinnings involved in the distinction that has been analyzed.
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Artur Mordka

  1. Uniwersytet Rzeszowski, Instytut Filozofii, Al. T. Rejtana 16c, 35-310 Rzeszów
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W artykule omówiono i poddano analizie dwa źródłowe teksty Henryka Elzenberga dotyczące zagadnienia zależności i niezależności etyki od obrazu świata oraz sporu o zależność etyki od religii. Temat dyskutowany był w Polsce od połowy lat pięćdziesiątych. W tekstach Elzenberga poddany został precyzyjnej analizie semantycznej i realnej. Jej wynik pokazuje, że treść ocen i norm pochodnych, ich realność i uzasadnienie są zależne od obrazu świata, w którym oceny i normy funkcjonują. Zależność od obrazu świata ulega natomiast ograniczeniu w sferze ocen i norm podstawowych. Podobnie jest z zależnością etyki od religii. Religijny obraz świata wielorako wpływa na zakres podmiotowy i przedmiotowy etyki, jej strukturę, na świadomość mocy obowiązującej i siłę motywacyjną, ale nie ma wpływu na logiczne uzasadnienie etyki. Etyka poza religijnym obrazem świata jest możliwa. Elzenberg wypowiada się z pozycji intuicjonisty w teorii poznania moralnego i jest perfekcjonistą w podążaniu za tym, co poznane moralnie i etycznie ugruntowane. Odrzuca jednak nieścisłe twierdzenie o niezależności etyki od obrazu świata i religii w ogóle.
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Ryszard Wiśniewski
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The dual nature of water (acqua) in feminine portals – The work is an attempt to show how the concept of acqua (water) is conceptualized in Italian persuasive discourse regarding the health and beauty of modern women. The conducted research mainly based on the notion of imagery in language (Langacker) and linguistic picture of the world (Bartmiński) reveals a number of semantic and axiological aspects involved by the analyzed concept. The valuation of acqua is also noteworthy, as water functions in the linguistic system as a neutral concept, while the corpus subjected to the analysis shows that it has a double face: it is benevolent and destructive at the same time.

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Aleksandra Paliczuk
Agnieszka Pastucha-Blin
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In the article, basing on quotes from Polish fi lms made after 1990, author reconstructs a linguistic picture of Russia and Russians. In all analysed fi lms, regardless of their artistic value, picture of our eastern neighbours is mostly simplifi ed and stereotypised. We observe “secondary stereotypisation of stereotype”. These actions are taken to strengthen autostereotype of Poland and Pole, they are used in national psychotherapy.
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Bogusław Skowronek
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Ekphrases are fairly common in the literature of the Young Poland movement, with descriptions of paintings of women making up a notable portion of such visual representations. This article examines the functioning of the motif of a woman’s portrait in the work of writers of the late 19th and early 20th century, including Stanisław Przybyszewski, Kazimierz Przerwa-Tetmajer, Jan August Kisielewski, Karol Irzykowski, Wacław Berent and Stanisław Grudziński. The analyses, guided by feminist literary theory, focus on the implied artist's control over the painted figure (man over woman, but also the woman artist over the male recipient), the ways in which the work of art can becomes a vehicle of subconscious truths, the correspondences between emotions and colours.
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Literatura podmiotu

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● Irzykowski Karol, Pałuba. Sny Marii Dunin, oprac. A. Budrecka, Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich, Wrocław 1981.
● Kisielewski Jan August, W sieci, oprac. R. Taborski, Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich, Wrocław 1969.
● Przerwa-Tetmajer Kazimierz, Anioł śmierci, Universitas, Kraków 2004.
● Przybyszewski Stanisław, Homo sapiens. Na rozstaju, Lektor, Warszawa 1923.
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Lidia Kamińska

  1. Wydział Polonistyki, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Kraków
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The article focuses on the translation of non-literary Chinese proper names, a subject which to date has not enjoyed much research interest as a result of the common belief that proper names are untranslatable. The article discusses techniques used in the translation of Chinese anthroponyms, toponyms and brand names into Polish and English. The author refers to the strategies used in the process of transferring names to the target language and presents the consequences of applying given techniques from the cognitive perspective, which entails analysing the names in terms of their structure and meaning. Particular attention is paid to the connotations of the names, the impact they have on the speakers of a given language, as well as the mental images that can be derived from their structure. In the contrastive analysis of the names of tourist locations in Beijing and their Polish and English equivalents, the author applies the cognitive grammar approach as developed by Ronald W. Langacker. The image schemas of the names are used to present the distinct conceptualizations embodied in the names with the same references in diff erent languages. One of the chapters describes how European names are adapted into Chinese. The study also provides an overview of the characteristics of the Chinese onomasticon, a factor which makes translation from Chinese to European languages particularly complicated. The observations made in the course of the analysis permit conclusions to be drawn on the linguistic worldview created by Polish, Chinese and English propria.

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Karolina Galewska
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W tekście przyglądam się specyfice turystyki kulinarnej w południowo-meksykańskim stanie Oaxaca. Rozważam ją jako przestrzeń działania pozornie przeciwstawnych procesów związanych z (re)produkowaniem lokalnej i narodowej tożsamości kulturowej oraz z intensywną globalizacją. Współzależności te badam na etnograficznym przykładzie jednego z objazdów kulinarnych, w których uczestniczyłam w 2015 roku. Stanowił on część długotrwałych, wielostanowiskowych badań terenowych w Oaxace przeprowadzonych w latach 2011–2017, uzupełnionych interpretacją źródeł zastanych. Analizuję tortilla tour w szerszym kontekście jedzenio-obrazów (foodscapes), czyli przepływu pożywienia, ludzi i wyobrażeń na temat praktyk jedzeniowych (foodways) w transnarodowym społeczeństwie konsumpcyjnym. Przyglądam się także strategiom wytwarzania dziedzictwa kulinarnego na potrzeby turystyki kulturowej, która w założeniu ma prowadzić do stymulowania rozwoju społecznego i ekonomicznego wzrostu regionu.

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Renata E. Hryciuk
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The aim of comparing Ecce Homo by Adam Chmielowski (late nineteenth century) with The Surrealist Shooting (1949) by Andrzej Wróblewski is to show how the ability to depict God was gradually breaking down in the modern period. While Chmielowski tried to overcome that deadlock, Wróblewski after having decided to join the Communist revolution, focused on depicting the retreating God.
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Anna Markowska

  1. Uniwersytet Wrocławski
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Th e article presents issues related to the collection of over 200 collodion negatives made on a glass support in the so-called wet collodion process, housed in the Kórnik Library of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Kórnik. It describes the collodion process, which was invented in 1851, the characteristics of collodion negatives, and the themes presented on objects from the Kórnik collection. It subsequently discusses the characteristic damages of collodion negatives, with the most dangerous deposition of alkaline compounds on the surface of the glasses, which causes the destruction and loss of the image layer. It further presents the preservation activities carried out on the objects from the Kórnik collection including conservation treatments, photographic documentation, and photographic prints from the originals (1:1) on highly sensitive bromosilver-gelatin paper toned with selenium and Digigraphie prints. In conclusion, attention is drawn to the necessity of the continuation of research, conservation and restoration works on the collection of negatives.
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Tomasz Kozielec
Marta Nalaskowska

  1. Katedra Konserwacji-Restauracji Papieru i Skóry,Wydział Sztuk Pięknych UMK
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W roku 1887 Henryk Siemiradzki namalował obraz zatytułowany Chopin w salonie księcia Antoniego Radziwiłła w roku 1829. Obraz przedstawia scenę, w której gry Chopina słuchają członkowie rodziny książęcej oraz zaproszeni goście, wśród których znajduje się znany badacz przyrody Alexander von Humboldt. Siemiradzki opracował kompozycję obrazu na podstawie tekstu poznańskiego nauczyciela Marcelego Antoniego Szulca z roku 1873. Jednakże tekst Szulca jest autoryzowanym tłumaczeniem opowiadania napisanego przez niemiecką pisarkę Elise Polko w roku 1868. Obraz Siemiradzkiego był pokazywany w niektórych krajach europejskich w latach 1887–1892. W następnych latach znane były tylko kopie jego fotograwiury. Przez 106 lat obraz był uważany za zaginiony, aż pojawił się ponownie w roku 1998 w Nowym Jorku. Przeprowadzono analizę biograficzną okresów, w których Chopin, Humboldt i Radziwiłł mogli się spotkać jednocześnie. Jako miejsca spotkania tych osób rozpatrzono rezydencje księcia Radziwiłła w Berlinie, Poznaniu i Antoninie oraz Warszawę.
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Andrzej B. Więckowski

  1. Instytut Fizyki, Wydział Fizykii Astronomii, Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Zielona Góra; Instytut Fizyki Molekularnej PAN,Poznań
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The engraving presenting a view of the interior of the Library of the Council of the City of Gdansk was made in 1687 – just like the other 56 engravings showing the city in Reinhold Curicke’s work Der Stadt Dantzig historische Beschreibung (Amsterdam and Gdansk 1687). The author of the article analysed the view in terms of its style, technique and iconography. Reaching back to 1596, she presented the circumstances in which the Library of the Council of the City of Gdansk was established in its initial location, referring to the political situation in the Commonwealth after Sigismund III Vasa, a supporter of the counter-reformation directed at the Protestant Gdansk, ascended to the throne. Analysing the artistic value of the view on the interior of the Library, the author accentuated the appropriate decorum, differentiating the engraving in question from Curicke’s other illustrations forming a part of his work. According to the author, the above resulted from the fact that the city authorities wanted to highlight the role of child-rearing, education and science in the development of Gdansk. The message was expressed in a baroquising style allegorizing the image of science. It is this intention which makes the view of the interior of the Library different from the other realistic views of the structures, fragments of the city and suburban areas of Gdansk.
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Krystyna Jackowska

  1. PAN Biblioteka Gdańska, Dział Zbiorów Specjalnych, Pracownia Grafiki

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