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The focus of the study was on the dynamics of the variation in the population of copiotrophic and oligotrophic bacteria and actinobacteria as well as the level of acid and alkaline phosphatase activities taking place during pine bark composting, depending on the application of different organic admixtures and the Effective Microorganisms microbiological preparation as well as variation in pH values and temperature. Above all, the trend in the variation in the population of microorganisms under analysis and enzymatic activity depended on the type of admixture applied to the composted pine bark. Apart from that, the course of microbiological activity was also influenced by temperature variation, which resulted from the course of the composting process. The results obtained in the experiment proved that the admixture of PGM (plant green matter) to the composted prisms had stimulating influence on the microbiological indexes under analysis.
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Justyna Starzyk
Wojciech Czekała
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In 1970–2010, during the period of spring circulation and summer stagnation, hydrochemical studies were conducted in Lake Ińsko (Western Pomeranian Lake Region, Poland) with determination of the lake susceptibility to degradation and trophic changes. Also, the effect of the catchment area on the water quality in this waterbody was assessed. The waters of the study lake were characterised by low static index, which is an additional indicator of low dynamics of water masses, and low susceptibility to degradation. In spite of this, significant changes in the lake quality and trophy were observed. The hydrochemical parameters defining water quality of the study lake continued to improve. In the 70’s, the water quality was at the border of class II and III, while in 2006 and 2010 it reached the level characteristic for class I waters. Moreover, in the 70’s and 80’s of the previous century, Lake Ińsko Duże was a mesotrophic lake. Then, an increase in the lake trophy was observed, resulting in signs of eutrophy. At the end of the 90’s and in the first decade of the 21st century, the study lake returned to the state of mesotrophy. No restoration works were undertaken in Lake Ińsko in the study period. The improvement in water quality, called oligotrophication, resulted most probably from the lake reaction to changes in the soil use in the catchment area, since fewer phosphorus and nitrogen compounds flow into the lake, and also from the regulation of the wastewater management in the town of Ińsko.
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Authors and Affiliations

Jacek Kubiak
Sylwia Machula
Przemysław Czerniejewski
Adam Brysiewicz
Wawrzyniec Wawrzyniak

  1. West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin, Faculty of Food Sciences and Fisheries, Kazimierza Królewicza street 4, 71-550 Szczecin, Poland
  2. Institute of Technology and Life Sciences – National Research Institute, Falenty, Poland

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