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In 2009 Pentor Research International, acting on behalf of the Museum of the 2nd World War in Gdańsk, organized impressive research into the knowledge and memory of the war in Poland. The comprehensive results are published in the book Między codziennością a wielką historią (Between everydayness and monumental history) by Piotr T. Kwiatkowski and others (Warsaw, Gdańsk 2010). The author of the present article comments on this research. He is mostly astonished by the regional differences in memory of the war in a country like present day Poland that is relatively homogenous. He proposes differentiating between what he calls „a stable memory” and a „momentaneous memory”. The latter appears strong but in fact it depends on what the TV says the last week before the research is done.
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Marcin Kula
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In post-humanist studies of identity, otherness and exclusion – conducted within the de-anthropocentrism of the humanities – questions arise about the condition of non-human subjects (animals, plants, things) that gain the cultural and social status of Others. As non-human entities, they have a socializing value, cement interpersonal relations, attract people to certain places. They have performative, integrative and co-creating abilities. The posthumanistic “turn towards things” opens the room for the construction of their social (auto) biographies, a development which already has been taking place in contemporary children’s literature. The problem of the creation of (auto)biographies of non-human subjects is presented in this article on the example of the picture book Otto: The Autobiography of a Teddy Bear by Tomi Ungerer. The artist gives the non-anthropomorphized plush toy the status of a non-human subject and an active actor of social life as a medium of unoffi cial memory of the Holocaust. Ungerer consciously and innovatively uses the key determinants of the posthuman discourse, including intimate childhood experiences.

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Katarzyna Slany
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The concept of city has got broad analytical perspectives, one of them are: the structural perspective, sociological, psychological, political, cultural, industrial and also the pedagogical perspective. In opposition to the concept of city is the concept of countryside, within which the concept of nature is regarded as an idyllic place, it is the place of childhood, the place of longing, it is the lost place that has been starting to go under the knife of time since the 20s of the last century. The apotheosis of the concept of city, that is being practiced by many artists, embracing the symbolics of the concept of city by mass culture and later by popular culture, causes the necessity to take the initiative of conducting the research that would attempt to establish the identity of the concept of city in modern culture. The article attempts to specify how the concept of city functions in popular culture through the analysis of chosen texts in popular music, starting from the 50s of the XX century until the XXI century.

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Marek Ejsmont
Beata Kosmalska
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In this article I try to think about the terms “stories” and “ontologies” in Ewa Domańska’s works: Mikrohistorie. Spotkania w międzyświatach (1999; 2005), Historie niekonwencjonalne (2006), Historia egzystencjonalna (2012), Historia ratownicza (2014) and I try to compare my conclusions with her latest publication. I am interested in the turning point in her thoughts, giving up the theory and methodology of history and switching to the ontology of the dead body. In order to do this I look through these publications and indicate which threads could help work out the excellent, innovative, and fresh conception of Nekros. The main part of the article is a detailed discussion of this. In the other part, I consider how to interpret more traditionally a past description like “cultural memory” and whether Domańska’s works accidentally invalidate them. I suggest a short statement of Marcin Napiórkowski’s and Stephen Marks’ works to show closer (Marks) and further (Napiórkowski) parallels or completely different presentations of similar problems.

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Marta Tomczok
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Jolanta Kolbuszewska: Some words about the most recent russian textbook of theory and methodology of history. The article is a presentation of two russian textbook published in Moskwa.
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Jolanta Kolbuszewska
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In his lecture on Adam Asnyk’s poetry delivered in 1896 Jan Kasprowicz came up with the term endymionism to refer to a relatively small portion of the poet’s work characterized by a tone of extravagant egotism and narcissism. Exemplary for this extravaganza was, according to Kasprowicz, the poem ‘Endymion’. It belongs to a sequence of poems voicing the poet’s trauma after the suppression of the 1863–1864 January Uprising, and is closely connected with the ‘A Dream of the Tombs’, his most opaque and depressive poem. In the Polish literary tradition – from Słowacki’s calling Krasiński the Endymion of poetry, through Norwid and Faleński to a number of Young Poland’s poets (Rydel, Wyspiański, and Lange to mention but a few) – the figure of Endymion marked a situation of the poet being misunderstood or flouted by critics and readers. But with Asnyk’s ‘Endymion’, who, despite the appearance of a lonely dreamer is in fact a guardian of the tombs of heroes who fell in an unequal fight, this mythological figure acquired a new meaning. It became a symbol of loyalty and a noble idealism making no concessions to mundane pragmatism. In the following decades endymionism of that kind would often blend into Parnassianism, a poetic movement committed to the idea of art independent of all practical concerns and obligations.

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Małgorzata Okulicz-Kozaryn
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The last decades have seen a growing interest in food and cooking and along with it a rise of the a new journalistic genre, the food column. This article focuses on two collections of Polish food columns, or, to be more precise culinary feuilletons, now also available in book form, Literatura od kuchni [Literature from Behind the Scenes] by Bogusław Deptuła and Więcej niż możesz zjeść [More Than You Can Tuck Away] by Dorota Masłowska. They provide the material for a study of two interrelated phenomena, the sensory processing which takes place in the course of the culinary experience, and the retrieval of those experiences from memory, triggered by exposure to certain events or artefacts. Viewed from that perspective, the culinary columns of either writer represent a record of his or her gustatory sensations, which constitute their (auto)biographical pasts. Each of them is made up of two blocks of memories, representing the remote past (childhood) and the past that is still fresh (recent travel experiences). The approach adopted in this study ties in with the methodology of sensory anthropology, especially its taste- and smell-specific subfields, and sensuous geography (most of the sensory reminiscences in Bogusław Deptuła’s and Dorota Masłowska’s culinary feuilletons are rooted in their experience of a particular geographical place).
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● Ackerman Diane, Historia naturalna zmysłów, tłum. K. Chmielowska, „Książka i Wiedza”, Warszawa 1994.
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● Wieczorkiewicz Anna, O wyobraźni kulinarnej i aprioriach jedzenia. Kultura uwikłana w konsumpcję, [w:] Terytoria smaku. Studia nad antropologią i socjologią jedzenia, red. U. Jarecka, A. Wieczorkiewicz, IFiS PAN, Warszawa 2014.
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Katarzyna Kurowska

  1. mgr, doktorantka na Wydziale Polonistyki, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Kraków
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Przedmiotem artykułu są uchwały Sejmu RP, których celem jest upamiętnienie wybranych postaci, instytucji i zdarzeń. Główne pytanie badawcze to kwestia ich skuteczności jako medium pamięci w Polsce. Na przykładzie wybranej instytucji kultury (Muzeum Śląska Opolskiego w Opolu) przeanalizowano praktyczne znaczenie uchwał sejmowych jako mediów pamięci zbiorowej. Sejm upamiętnił powstania śląskie w badanym okresie (od początku prac Sejmu X kadencji do 28.02.2017 roku) w ośmiu uchwałach. Powstania przedstawione zostały jako jeden z wielu czynów zbrojnych Polaków, co budzi zastrzeżenia zwłaszcza na Górnym Śląsku. Wywiady przeprowadzone z trzema kolejnymi dyrektorkami Muzeum Śląska Opolskiego pokazują, że uchwały upamiętniające są nieznane lub słabo znane. Nie stanowią bezpośredniego odniesienia w praktyce muzealnej. To kalendarz rocznicowy jest synchronizatorem działań różnych aktorów pamięci w państwie narodowym.
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1. Assmann, Aleida. 2013. Między historią a pamięcią. Antologia. Przekład Zofia Dziewnowska-Stefańczyk i in. Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego.
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Cytowane uchwały Sejmu RP (w porządku chronologicznym)
1. Uchwała z dnia 18 sierpnia 1994 r. w sprawie 75 rocznicy I Powstania Śląskiego (M.P.1994 nr 48 poz. 385).
2. Uchwała z dnia 19 czerwca 1997 r. w sprawie upamiętnienia 75 rocznicy powrotu Górnego Śląska do Rzeczypospolitej (M.P. 1997 Nr 38, poz. 371).
3. Uchwała z dnia 26 kwietnia 2001 r. w 80 rocznicę III Powstania Śląskiego (M.P. z 2001 r. Nr 14, poz. 219).
4. Uchwała z 19 kwietnia 2005 r. w 90. rocznicę ludobójstwa popełnionego na ludności ormiańskiej w Turcji podczas I Wojny Światowej (uchwała niepublikowana).
5. Uchwała z dnia 27 kwietnia 2006 r. w sprawie upamiętnienia 85. rocznicy wybuchu III Powstania Śląskiego (M.P. nr 32, poz. 348).
6. Uchwała z dnia 24 maja 2007 r. w sprawie uczczenia 85. rocznicy przyłączenia Śląska do Macierzy (M.P. nr 34, poz. 387).
7. Uchwała z dnia 28 kwietnia 2011 r. w sprawie upamiętnienia 90. rocznicy III Powstania Śląskiego (M.P. 2011 nr 34 poz. 395).
8. Uchwała z 29 lipca 2011 r. w sprawie ustanowienia Dnia Pamięci o Zagładzie Romów i Sinti (M.P. Nr 70, poz. 690).
9. Uchwała z dnia 13 lipca 2012 r. w sprawie uczczenia 90. rocznicy powrotu części Górnego Śląska do odradzającego się Państwa Polskiego (M.P. poz. 512).
10. Uchwała z dnia 15 maja 2015 r. w sprawie uczczenia ofiar Tragedii Górnośląskiej z 1945 r. (M.P. poz. 477).
11. Uchwała z dnia 29 kwietnia 2016 r. w sprawie uczczenia 95. rocznicy wybuchu III Powstania Śląskiego (M.P. 2016 poz. 424).
12. Uchwała z dnia 20 lipca 2018 r. w sprawie ustanowienia roku 2019 Rokiem Powstań Śląskich (M.P. 2018 poz. 730).
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Lech M. Nijakowski

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski
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Retracing the history of the investigation of memory - starting with the incentives of antiquity and, passing by the modem times as well as by the XIX century-constitutes a starting point from which one can proceed to the discussion of trends prevailing in contemporary analyses of the issue of interdependencies between history and the memory. As a result, the Author is able to confirm the usefulness of the investigation of memory for historical research, its advantages and the changes necessitated by approaching the subject of memory.
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Anna Gabryś
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In order to describe the features of Polish hospitality, autobiographical records containing memories of hospitality from various historical periods were compiled. The research material included about 300 episodes from 30 published sources. A targeted selection was made according to a combination of three criteria: a di versity of social positions among the authors, the biographies of the authors, and the detail of description. An analysis of the material was conducted in order to contribute to a better understanding of the social significance of hospitality. The oretical assumptions about hospitality in conditions of stability and social crisis were advanced. The analysis showed that in times of relative stability, hospital ity was biographically important when it allowed a person to transition between positions in the social structure (usually between close levels) and involved some form of promotion. On the other hand, in conditions of intensified change and crises, the order was disturbed: on the one hand, visits to the homes of persons occupying more distant positions in the hierarchy (both up and down the social ladder) became more common, but on the other hand, there could be a challenge to or rejection of traditional requirements of hospitality. The first situation occurs especially at the beginning of a crisis, and with the depletion of resources, the increase in the number of negative experiences, and socialization to a long-term threat, a survival strategy begins to take shape in which only the closest circles prevail. Such findings suggest that a more cautious look should be taken at both the theoretical concepts in which hospitality is considered a useful social invention especially in times of increased need and at the Polish self-stereotype as a nation with a culture based on hospitality, invariable generosity, and an inclination to selflessness.
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Dorota Rancew-Sikora

  1. Uniwersytet Gdański
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Artykuł podejmuje problem pamięci zbiorowej o czasach II wojny światowej wśród mieszkańców śląskiej wsi Bojszowy. Odwołując się do koncepcji traumy kulturowej Jeffreya C. Alexandra zadano pytanie: czy w przypadku pamięci mieszkańców badanej wsi o czasach wojny mamy do czynienia z wystąpieniem traumy kulturowej? Do analizy wybrano dwa problemy: pamięć o służbie mężczyzn w Wehrmachcie oraz pamięć o sąsiedztwie nazistowskiego obozu zagłady w Auschwitz-Birkenau (wieś znajduje się w bezpośrednim sąsiedztwie Oświęcimia). Odpowiedź na pytanie badawcze uzyskano dzięki analizie trzydziestu relacji zebranych techniką wywiadu pogłębionego. Badanie odtworzonych treści pamięci zbiorowej pokazało, że pamięć o służbie bojszowian w Wehrmachcie ma charakter traumy kulturowej. Pamięć o tych dramatycznych doświadczeniach przetworzona została na narrację, która odmieniła tożsamość mieszkańców wsi. Taki proces nie zaszedł w przypadku pamięci o obozie Zagłady, dlatego równie trudnych wydarzeń związanych z tym sąsiedztwem nie można ujmować w kategoriach traumy kulturowej.

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Tomasz Nawrocki
Krzysztof Bierwiaczonek
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The paper offers a reappraisal of the Puławy collection’s display through a detailed analysis of Virgilian evocations within the complex. The choice of inscriptions and ancient imagery framing the exposition’s narrative, as well as the surviving reception testimonies towards such strategies within Pulavian pavilions, demonstrate an ongoing questioning of chronological sequences, the primacy of authenticity, and aestheticising exhibits. Such anachronic distancing from a historicizing temporality would take place in favour of an intimate experience of familial-cum-national memorabilia, in accordance with the contemporaneously emerging category of the fetish.
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Aleksander Musiał

  1. Princeton University
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The article deals with the philosophical, epistemological and methodological issues of the contemporary debate on historical policy which has taken place in recent years in Poland between historians, philosophers, politicians and columnists.
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Piotr Witek
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In Vnutri mysliashchikh mirov, Łotman claims that there is a connection between cultural memory and the nature of culture itself. In this article I attempt to respond to this hypothesis in regards to the relationship between cultural memory and the idea of culture, while in the context of writings by Jurij Łotman and Boris Uspienski. Based on their work on this subject, I conclude that culture could not exist if there would be no cultural memory, nor changes within the duration and fabric of said memory. As such, an analysis of cultural memory while utilizing the methadology of the Moscow-Tartu school may also answer lingering questions about culture in general. It follows, therefore, that if investigating the connection between the formation of culture and the construction of cultural memory is a fruitful means of analyzing cultural history, then this may also be a legimitate method for our analysis of history in general.
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Karolina Polasik-Wrzosek
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Created in the distant past, attitudes and patterns of thinking have caused the mentality of contemporary Poles. The collective memory about the greatness delusions of old-time nobilities and the traumas suffered in the annexed territories today infl uence their thinking and behaviours as well national self-evaluation.

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Maciej Dymkowski
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Architecture created in Poland of 21st C. is somewhere a mode of selfpresentation, in another cases is a method of shouting down the others. It is also aomwhere talking without any thesis, instead with a large dose of a badly understood assertiveness. Whe should to built a clear architectural activity, more objectified, and tied with a contemporaneity. We should begin from the most basic rules, from the certain architectural grammar. The identity can be understood as a set of features, which e.g. let to distinguish architecture growing out in Poland, in contrary to architecture rooted somewhere elsewhere. Those are not always any formal features. In order to understand what a spirit of the place really is, e.g. in ancient Rome there was an idea of the watchman spirit. This spirit gives life to the people and to the places, accompany them since they a born until they are dead. It determines their character or the content.

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Ewa Kuryłowicz
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Whereas Ingarden’s studies on the strata of the literary work of art have attracted considerable critical attention, it is not the case with the other building-block of his theory, the concept of the literary work’s temporal phases. It was ignored by the French structuralists and the American pragmatists, and, more recently, by neuroscience, although the latter is founded on insights that are similar to Ingarden’s. A comparison of the two approaches shows that his concept of temporality remains as relevant as ever. It is an analytical tool of remarkable precision that can be used to examine schemas of understanding conditioned by the sequential nature of language, especially in case complex schemas elicited by utterances with many themes and hardly any temporal or causal links. Ingarden’s analyses shed light on the analogically-functioning memory mechanisms that generate cognitive schemas responsible for the integration of the experienced objects. Drawing on Edmund Husserl, Henri Bergson and philosophers of the Lvov-Warsaw School, Ingarden assigned the key role in that process to foreshortening and the retention-protention mechanism. After identifying these sources of inspiration it is possible to suggest an alternative solution to the problem of the cognitive value of neuroscience narrative protocols and to situate current developments in narratology in a broader conceptual framework.
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Danuta Ulicka
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At the turn of the 20th century, the January Uprising of 1863 was one of the focal points of Polish collective memory, shared by the Polish communities abroad. Their press marked the subsequent anniversaries of the Uprising with due solemnity, highlighting its importance for the history of the nation and seeking to engage its readers in a common show of respect. Editors of the Polish-language newspapers in the USA followed the same line, using the commemoration as a means to consolidate the unity of the Polish-American community.
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Krzysztof Wasilewski

  1. Wydział Humanistyczny, Politechnika Koszalińska, ul. Kwiatkowskiego 6e, PL 75-343 Koszalin
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This paper attempts to look at the history of the Gdańsk bookery in the context of the metaphor used by Samuel Schelwig in 1677, describing the Library of the Gdańsk City Council as a memorial erected owing to the donations of the subsequent generations – people willing to secure gratitude from the future generations through their participation in this noble project. The text also shows this practice in earlier, 15th-century realizations as exemplified by the collections of St. Mary’s Church Library, and presents the role of the commemorative function for the implementation of the idea to establish the current Gdańsk PAN Library in 1596. Here, this event is shown as a natural consequence of the city authorities being presented with the monastery library belonging to St. Franciscan monks from Gdańsk and the collection of books of Giovanni Bernardino Bonifacio, as well as the Gdańsk elite’s efforts to secure an institution of memory for the city and educational back-up facilities for local schools.
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Beata Gryzio
1 2

  1. Dział Zbiorów Specjalnych, PAN Biblioteka Gdańska, ul. Wałowa 15, 80-858 Gdańsk
  2. Szkoły Doktorskie Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, ul. Jana Bażyńskiego 8, 80-309 Gdańsk
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Commemorative sites, as special works of architecture, have their symbolic form and metaphor. The history of the project Everything to Eternity by Kristinn E. Hrafnsson and Studio Granda is a reflection on the process of designing a monument to a girl who died tragically. It presents the process by which a private commission led to a place that combines Iceland’s heritage with contemporaneity, giving a new social dimension to the resulting space. The monument is an honour, but is also a guiding sign to and background for the commemorative site on the Álftanes Peninsula in Iceland. The artistic, architectural, urban and ecological significance of the project is an indicator to designers as to how to interpret place-based context when creating a new form.
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Katarzyna Banasik-Petri

  1. Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University, Faculty of Architecture and Fine Arts

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