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The presence of pesticides in natural waters of such countries as: USA, Canada, Russia, Germany, France, Swizcrland and also in the Bailie Sea and North Sea has been proved many times. The following compounds are detected most often and in largest quantities: lindan, DDT, which has not been used for many years now, Simazine, Atrazine, Chlorfenvinphos and Fenitrothion. The presence of pesticides in superficial waters in the Żuławy Wiślane region has been described many limes by Żelechowska and Makowski. Additionally, my own reserch confirmed the presence of phenoxyacetic acid herbicides in superficial waters in the northern-eastern region - in the Supraśl, Białka, Narew and Biebrza rivers. This paper presents the results of the determination of concentrations of phenoxyacetic herbicides and other pollutants in the Supraśl river. The samples were collected over a period of one year, from April 2000 to March 2001.
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Authors and Affiliations

Katarzyna Ignatowicz-Owsieniuk
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The procedure for simultaneous extraction from soil and determination by means of GC-ECD insecticides: aldrin, dieldrin, endrin and herbicide: atrazine was worked out. The proposed GC-ECD technique provides limits of detection in range 12 μg/mL - 18 μg/mL and 2 μg/mL, for insecticides and atrazine, respectively. Two different types of extraction: microwave assisted extraction (MAE) and ultrasound assisted extraction (UAE) with different solvents were tested to choose the procedure that provides the highest recoveries of analytes and low detection limits, typical for trace analysis (100 ppm or 100 mg/g, IUPAC). On the basis of recoveries and precision both extraction methods were compared. The insecticides recovery from soil samples obtained by UAE were in range 40-85%, coefficient of variation (CV): 1.3-5.0%, whereas for atrazine recovery was below 15% (CV: 8-18%). The most efficient and precise extraction procedure turned out to be MAE with n-hexane: acetone. The recoveries were in range 70-85% for insecticides and 84% for atrazine, CV: 0.4-2.2% and 5.3% for insecticides and atrazine, respectively. The presented MAE-GC-ECD procedure enables extraction and determination of aldrin, dieldrin, endrin and atrazine in soil samples with high recoveries, precision and limits of detections in range 6 ng/g - 8 ng/g in the case of insecticides and 1.5 ng/g for atrazine.

The MAE-GC-ECD procedure was applied for the above mentioned pesticides determination in environmental samples. Soils were collected in agricultural as well as rural areas in Poland. In all cases atrazine was determined in concentration range: 0.0187 mg/g - 0.1107 mg/g. Aldrin and dieldrin was detected in soil samples from two locations.

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Authors and Affiliations

Marianna Czaplicka
Hanna Barchańska
Anna Giemza
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It has already been well established that long exposure to low doses of pesticidesis linked to consumer risks. So, this study purposed to investigate the amounts of pesticide residues and potential health risks associated with them. The risk assessment was determined by two methods: 1. Pesticide toxicity index (PTI) depending on the maximum residue limit (MRL) to calculate the hazard quotient (HQ); 2. Health risk assessment (HR) using acceptable daily intake (ADI) and estimated daily intake (EDI) to calculate the health index (HI). Pesticide residues were estimated in 176samples of the most popularly consumed vegetables collected from major retailers and markets in Dakahlia, Egypt (during 2018). There were 111 samples contaminated with pesticide residues (63.1%), of which 29 samples (16.48%) were higher than the maximum residue limits (MRL).Residues of 23 compounds were found in the analyzed samples, of which chlorpyrifos was the most frequentin 33 samples (18.75%);while cypermethrin was the lowest (detected in one sample). According to WHO toxicity classification, 12 of the detected pesticides were moderately hazardous (class II), seven pesticides belonged to class III (slightly hazardous), three compounds were found in class U (unlikely to pose an acute hazard with normal use), while carbofuran is a highly toxic compound (class Ib). Also, the obtained data revealed that, the HI’s for the individual pesticides ranged from 0.0018 to 64.0% of ADI indicates no risk of adverse effects following exposure to the individual pesticides. The cumulative exposure amounts (PTI values) ranged from 1.58 in snake cucumber to 128.44 in potato tubers, indicating that, the combined risk index of pesticide residues was a significant health risk for consumers according to the individual risk index.It can be concluded that there is a need for strict regulation and regular monitoring of pesticide residues in foodstuff for consumers’ health protection.
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Akoto O., Azuure A.A., Adotey K.D. 2016. Pesticide residues in water, sediment and fish from Tono Reservoir and their health risk implications. SpringerPlus 5: 1849. DOI:
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Authors and Affiliations

Shehata E.M. Shalaby
Gehan Y. Abdou
Ibrahim M. El-Metwally
Gomaa M.A. Abou-elella

  1. Pests and Plant Protection Department, National Research Centre, Dokki, Cairo, Egypt
  2. Botany Department, National Research Centre, Dokki, Cairo, Egypt
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The pesticide persistence, in particular in soils, often significantly exceeding the declarations of their manufacturers is surprising. There are many publications devoted to the explanation of this phenomenon in the field literature, but the diverse research methodologies used may lead to the ambiguous conclusions. On the basis of the collected literature, the attempt was made to systematize the available information on the interactions of commonly used groups of pesticides with individual soil components. The complex mechanisms of interactions between pesticides and soil based on van der Waals forces, ionic and covalent bonding, ligand exchange and charge transfer complexes formation were demonstrated. It was also proved that the nature of interactions is strictly dependent on the structure of the pesticide molecule. The conclusion of the review may contribute to the choice of plant protection products that, in addition to their effectiveness, are as little ballast for the environment as possible.

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Authors and Affiliations

Hanna Barchańska
Marianna Czaplicka
Joanna Kyzioł-Komosińska

  1. Silesian University of Technology, Poland
  2. Institute of Environmental Engineering, Polish Academy of Sciences
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The paper describes the impact of two different plant protection products on silkworm ( Bombyx mori L.) development. These products are commonly used in agrotechnical treatments and are officially allowed to use in ecological agriculture. They are also fungicides, which suggests lower negative impact on other groups of organisms. The two used products were Biosept Active Spray (grapefruit extract) and Miedzian 350 SC (copper oxychloride) which were sprayed on mulberry leaves used to feed silkworms from the beginning of the 4th instar. As to measure the level of impact, the mortality of larvae (percentage of dead specimens) and cocoon shell ratio (percentage of shell weight in whole cocoon) were checked. The highest mortality was recorded in the group treated with 0,7% Miedzian solution (92,5%) as well as the lowest shell ratio (12,06) comparing to the control group (mortality 7,5% and shell ratio 17,43). In the Biosept group, no significant mortality was recorded (comparing to the control group) but mean shell ratio showed a significant decrease in the cocoon quality. The study shows that one of the pesticides is highly effective against a non-target organism.
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Authors and Affiliations

Daniel Fajfer
Małgorzata Łochyńska

  1. Department of Silkworms Breeding and Mulberry Cultivation, Institute of Natural Fibres and Medicinal Plants – National Research Institute, Poland
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In 2001, a total of 2125 samples of plant origin were analysed for residues of the most commonly used pesticides in Poland. Detectable residues were found in 18% of the samples, while in about 0.9% of the samples the residues exceeded national or/and EU harmonised Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs). The long-term (chronic) dietary intake, based on monitoring data, was calculated for 7 pesticides in 9 commodities. The intake of 1 of the pesticide analysed (endosulfan/black currant combination) exceeded 1 % of Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) indicating a sufficient margin of safety for the adult consumer. The short-term (acute) intake was estimated for 19 pesticides in 12 commodities according to the European Commission recommendations. The ADI level was exceeded for toddlers in 7 cases, carbendazim in mushroom, linuron in carrot, chlorothalonil in greenhouse tomato, tolylfluanid and EBDC in strawberry and flusilazole and diazinon in apple. In all cases, however, the safety factor of 2 for a toddler still existed.
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Stanisław Sadło
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Soil contamination with pesticide and biogenie compounds is a serious problem. The following compounds are detected most often and in largest quantities: lindan, DDT (not used for many years now), Simazine, Atrazine, Chlorfenvinphos and Fenitrothion. The presence of pesticides in surficial waters in the Żuławy Wiślane region has been described many times. Additionally, my own research con finned the presence of pesticides in superficial waters in Podlasie. This paper presents the results of the concentrations determination ofphenoxyacetic herbicides , biogenics and other pollutants in the Białka river. The samples were collected over a period of one year, from April 2000 to March 200 I. The analysis was carried out by reverse phase HPLC and TLC chromatography and colorimetric and spectrophotometric methods by HACH apparatus.
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Authors and Affiliations

Katarzyna Ignatowicz
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Glyphosate is an inhibitor of the shikimate pathway in plants and the most widely used broad-spectrum herbicide. Due to the abundance of its use, there exists a necessity to measure the levels both in humans and in the environment to control the nefarious outcomes of its use. The appropriateness, selectivity, and the specifi city of the employed analytical methods are crucial for the reliability of the resultant deductions when conducting biomonitoring studies on possible exposure to chemicals, whether the samples are biological or environmental in nature. The aim of this study is to evaluate the analytical techniques used to monitor glyphosate levels in human and environmental samples. A detailed web-based literature search was conducted to gather data on the analytical techniques used for glyphosate determination. The most preferred authentic samples are blood, urine, and milk. Environmental samples include plants, soil, and water. Among widely used analytical techniques used to detect glyphosate are High Performance Liquid Chromatography, Liquid Chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry, Gas Chromatography – Tandem Mass Spectrometry, and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Depending on the sample and study, the most suitable analytical method has been selected. A critical evaluation and publication of pre-existing literature on analytical methods in glyphosate-based herbicide detection will thus aid all relevant researchers in the determination of an appropriate, selective, and specific methodology
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Authors and Affiliations

Kumsal Kocadal
Fehmi Burak Alkas
Dilek Battal
2 3
Sahan Saygi

  1. Near East University, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Toxicology, Cyprus
  2. Mersin University, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Toxicology, Cyprus
  3. Near East University, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Toxicology, Turkey
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The aim of this study was to monitor pesticide residues in the blood of agricultural workers (farmers, pesticide dealers, and spraying workers) living in the Dakahlia Governorate, Egypt. Residue analysis revealed that 48, 76, and 84% of the farmers, pesticide dealers, and spraying workers had pesticide residues in their bloods, respectively. Eleven compounds were detected in the blood of examined individuals. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) classification, most of these pesticides (nine pesticides) were in moderately hazardous compounds. Carbofuran, a highlyhazardous compound was the most toxic. The compound with the lowest toxicity was hexytiazox, which is unlikely to pose an acute hazard in normal use. Chlorpyrifos was found in the blood of 38.3% of the study subjects, followed by acetamiprid (11.7%) and profenofos (10.7%), while fenvalerate was the lowest occurring compound (1.3%). Of the collected samples 41.3% was free of pesticide residues, while 58.7% of the samples was contaminated. Furthermore, the amounts of all detected pesticides were below the no observable adverse effect levels (NOAEL). Also, 38.7% of the samples had only one pesticide, while 8% of them contained residues of two pesticides, and 5.3% contained more than two compounds. The worker’s age did not affect the accumulations of pesticide residues in their bodies. However, there was a strong correlation between pesticide residues accumulation and an individual’s exposure time. Therefore, from these results it can be seen that encouraging greater awareness among pesticide users of the need to improve safe usage and handling of pesticides by education, advice, and warning them of the risks involved in the misuse of these poisonous materials is highly recommended.

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Authors and Affiliations

Shehata E.M. Shalaby
Gehan Y. Abdou
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Dieldrin and DDE are environmental metabolites of the organochlorine pesticides aldrin and DDT, respectively. During pregnancy, these chemicals can quickly infiltrate through the placental barrier, accumulate in amniotic fluid and fetus, and act as endocrine disruptors (EDs). The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of DDE and dieldrin and their parental substances at concentrations of 1 and 10 ng/ml on secretion of PGE2 and PGF2α from bovine endometrial explants (120-150 and 151-180 days of pregnancy) after 24 hr of incubation with EDs. The mRNA expression of COX2, PGES and PGFS and the concentrations of PGE2 and PGF2α were measured. EDs did not affect (p>0.05) COX2 gene expression, but DDT and DDE decreased (p<0.05) PGES expression and PGE2 secretion in the explants from 120-150 days of pregnancy. Depending on the dose, DDT and DDE increased (p<0.05) PGFS expression and PGF2α secretion from the explants from 120-150 days and decreased PGF2α secretion (p<0.05) from the explants from 151-180 days of pregnancy. Aldrin and dieldrin decreased (p<0.05) PGFS expression and PGF2α secretion from all explants. In summary, EDs disrupt the secretion of PGE2 and PGF2α by influencing the gene expression of PGES and PGFS.
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Authors and Affiliations

J. Mlynarczuk
M.H. Wrobel
K. Dobrzyn

  1. Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research Polish Academy of Sciences, Department of Physiology and Toxicology of Reproduction, Tuwima 10, 10-747 Olsztyn, Poland
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The paper presents the results on the studies on determination of concentrations or four phenoxyacetic herbicides, four triazine herbicides. seven insecticides and other pollutants in the Supraśl catchment. The samples were collected over a period or two years. from May 2003 to April 2005. This work will be a precious source or information about the occurrence of agropollutants in the surface water. The residues of herbicides active ingredients were determined using chromatography methods - GC with ECD and NP detection. The maximum residues or herbicide in surface water were detected in spring and autumn - up to 120 ug/dm: for phenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D, MCPA, MCPP). The most important fact noted during the research is that in surface water used for drinking significant amounts of crop protection substances were detected, which, in the light of the new law concerning the quality of drinking water. must undoubtedly be removed in the treatment processes.
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Katarzyna Ignatowicz
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Contamination by pesticides is known to be one of the major issues that are enormously degrading the quality of food and fodder crops together with increased agricultural, environmental and aquatic pollution. Many analytical and laboratory methods are available for detection of these pesticides in products in order to maintain food security but these methods are not readily accessible to most people including farmers for on-site and onfield detection in the crops. The development of more convenient, fast, and cost-effective methods that can be easily accessed by laymen based on simple paper strips or mobile analyzers etc. are need of the time. This review includes a brief discussion about novel devices which have been introduced in the field for pesticide detection viz. easy to use colorimetric and non-colorimetric detection methods based on various electrochemical and optical sensing strategies. These techniques exhibited promising results in field of on-site pesticide detection owing to their easy production, high sensitivity and readily accessible results obtained with these portable devices. This review further describes emerging prospects, deficits and challenges associated with the application of the aforementioned sensing devices.
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Authors and Affiliations

Khushbu Gumber

  1. Chandigarh University, Gharuan, Mohali, Punjab, India
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Human health risk assessment of pesticide residues in agricultural commodities is a key element of food safety strategy. The present study focused on potential risks resulting from selected fruit, vegetable and cereal samples with pesticide residues exceeding maximum residue levels (MRLs) from a 5-year survey of official control in Poland (2017–2021). A novel, common tool, the EFSA Pesticide Residue Intake Model PRIMo was used for short-term exposure calculation with embedded consumption data from EU Member States. The challenge of the research was to determine whether the International Estimated Short Time Intakes (IESTI) of toxic pesticides in the diet are acceptable or not. For the first time with long-term investigation which involved many legislative changes, we prepared a picture of the most dangerous pesticides present in fruits, vegetables and cereals for the most critical sub-populations of adults and children. We examined whether these substances have the potential to cause harm to humans. From the full spectrum of 545 analyzed pesticides, we considered 13 pesticides above safety limits in the concentration range of 0.03 to 2.5 mg · kg –1. The most frequently detected compound was the non-authorized, organophospate insecticide chlorpyrifos, which poses toxicological risks to humans. The results of acute exposure were up to 93% ARfD for adults and up to 130% for children. The Hazard Quotient (HQ) showed that consumption of agricultural plants with potential risk can be safe for adults and children, with some exceptions. Samples containing flonicamid/Brussel sprouts (HQ = 1.3) and chlorpyrifos/rucola (HQ = 1.1) could have negative health effects on humans. However, an approach which overestimates the exposure due to a worst-case scenario ensures the widest possible safety margin for the consumers.
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Authors and Affiliations

Magdalena Jankowska
Izabela Hrynko
Bożena Łozowicka

  1. Laboratory of Food and Feed Safety, Institute of Plant Protection – NRI, Bialystok, Poland
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The paper deals with the study upon the possibility to reduce migration of deposited pesticide wastes by using natural and waste sorption agents that would make a screen against plant protection means penetration into the hydrosphere. Sewage sludge from dairy treatment plant "Mlekovita" in Wysokie Mazowieckie as well as the same sludge with sawdust composted under natural conditions in Rudka Forestry Inspectorate was applied as natural sorption agents. Freundlich's and Langmuir's isotherms revealed that raw (no composting) sewage sludge showed better sorption features towards chloroorganic pesticides.
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Authors and Affiliations

Katarzyna Ignatowicz
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This study aims to determine the potential of Kebar grass extract in reducing the impact of liver damage in mice offspring ( Mus musculus) from parent exposed to carbofuran during lactation period. 42 lactation mice ( Mus musculus) used in the study were divided into seven groups, each group consisting of six mice. Carbofuran, Kebar grass extract, and vitamin C are administered orally on days 1 to 14 after birth. This group consisted of K (aquadest), P1 (carbofuran 1/4 LD50 0.0125 mg/day), P2 (carbofuran 1/8 LD50 0.00625 mg/day), P3 (Kebar grass extract 3.375 mg (0.2 ml) + carbofuran 1/4 LD50), P4 (Kebar grass extract 3.375 mg (0.2 ml) + carbofuran 1/8 LD50), P5 (vitamin C 5 mg (0.2 ml) + carbofuran 1/4 LD50), and P6 (vitamin C 5 mg (0.2 ml) + carbofuran 1/8 LD50). On the 15th day after birth, mice were sacrified and their liver taken for microscopic examination with hematoxilin and eosin staining. The scoring data were analyzed using Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney test. The result showed significant different (p<0.05) among the treatment groups. Mean of P4 in degeration is (1.13), necrosis (1.13) and inflamation (0.73), while the mean of P6 in degeneration is (2.20), necrosis (2.73) and inflamation (1.93). The conclusion of this research is giving Kebar grass extract is more effective in reducing degeneration, necrosis and inflammatory cell’s infiltration than vitamin C in in mice offspring ( Mus musculus) from parent exposed to carbofuran during lactation period.
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Authors and Affiliations

N.A. Yulitasari
S. Hidanah
V.F. Hendrawan
E.M. Luqman

  1. Department of Veterinary Science Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Universitas Airlangga Kampus C Unair, Jalan Mulyorejo Surabaya 60115 Indonesia
  2. Department of Animal Reproduction Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya, Jl. MT. Haryono No.169, Ketawanggede, Lowokwaru, Kota Malang, 65144 Indonesia
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The present study was designed to evaluate the protective efficacy of troxerutin against cypermethrin-induced behavioral defects, motor function abnormalities, and oxidative stress in mice. Twenty-four adult female albino mice were randomly divided into four equal groups. The first group served as control, the second group was treated with cypermethrin (20 mg/kg b.w) intraperitoneally at day 21, and the remaining two groups were orally supplemented with TRX (150, 300 mg/kg b.w) for 20 days and with cypermethrin (20 mg/kg b.w) intraperitoneally at day 21. Behavior activities recorded after cypermethrin exposure showed significantly impaired motor function (p≤0.05) as evidenced by the beam balance and pole test. The cypermethrin was also found to cause significant memory dysfunction. Moreover, the oxidative stress in terms of increased tissue malondialdehyde level (p≤0.05) was recorded in the cypermethrin group. The antioxidant activities of catalase and glutathione peroxidase were decreased (p≤0.05) after cypermethrin exposure. Troxerutin supplementation significantly improved the cypermethrin- -induced motor impairment and memory dysfunction. The supplementation of troxerutin significantly restored the redox status. Troxerutin attenuates the neurotoxic and behavioral deficits caused by cypermethrin. Furthermore, troxerutin also provides significant protection against cypermethrin-induced oxidative stress by improving the oxidative stress markers.
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Authors and Affiliations

S. Shehzad
Z. Farooq
S.K. Tahir
M.I. Masood
S.M.M. Anjum
A.A. Saeed
M.S. Yousaf
K.A. Majeed
I. Rabbani
S. Basharat

  1. Department of Physiology, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Syed Abdul Qadir Jilani (Out Fall) Road, Lahore 54000, Pakistan
  2. Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Syed Abdul Qadir Jilani (Out Fall) Road, Lahore 54000, Pakistan
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The purpose of this paper is to estimate levels of pesticide residues present on or in greenhouse vegetables of che south-eastern Poland. Samples taken by trained inspectors of Inspectorates of Plant Protection (national monitoring program) and by personnel of the Experimental Station (surveillance programme) were generally analysed unwashed and unpeeled. The results obtained were compared to their MRLs and then were used for che assessment of che long (chronic) and short-term (acute) exposure of adult consumers. Detectable residues (above limie of determination) were found in 45%, 36%, and 20% of che tomato, pepper and cucumber samples (national monitoring program), respectively, and in 78%, and 52% of che tomato and cucumber samples (surveillance programme). Long-term intake of residues by an adult consumer of the south-eastern Poland did not exceed the level of 0.2% of che ADI, indicating that sufficient margin of safety exist for the consumer. From shore-term exposure, only consumption of tomatoes containing DTCs and chlorochalonil residues were close to levels of respective ADIs.
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Stanisław Sadło
Ewa Szpyrka
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Multiresidue matrix solid-phase dispersion (MSPD) technique with capillary gas chromatographic detection for determination and quantification of ten commonly used organophosphorus pesticides (chlorpyrifos, chlorpyrifos-rnethyl. diazinon, dimethoate, fenitrothion, formothion, malathion, parathion, phosalone, pirimiphos-rnethyl) in fruits and vegetables is described. The method gave high recoveries for all spiked samples in 80-120% range. The limits of detection were from 0.01 w 0.1 mg/kg for che compounds studied and were much lower chan maximum residue levels (MRLs) allowed. The procedure was applied to the deterrninatien of ten organophosphorus pesticides in samples collected during che routine crop monitoring.
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Bożena Morzycka
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In this study, the removal of imidacloprid (IMD) pesticide onto activated carbon produced from nut shells of hazelnut (HAC), and walnut (WAC) has been investigated. The prepared activated carbons were characterised by total carbon, nitrogen and hydrogen content, surface areas and pore volume. Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were studied before and after adsorption experiments. Effects of adsorbent dose (0.02–0.2 g), contact time (10–120 min), initial imidacloprid concentration (10–100 mg∙dm –3), and pH (1–8), and temperatures (25–50°C) on the removal of IMD pesticide by HAC and WAC in the batch mode were studied. The removal percentage of imidacloprid pesticide by HAC and WAC was 93.79% and 94.72%, respectively. The study showed that the pseudo-second-order kinetics model fitted well for both activated carbons. Moreover, adsorption isotherm results were evaluated using Freundlich, Langmuir and Temkin isotherm models. The adsorption results correlated well with the Langmuir isotherm model ( R2 = 0.987 and 0.964) with maximum adsorption capacities of 76.923 and 83.333 mg∙g –1 for HAC and WAC, respectively, and an equilibrium time within 120 min. The nature of the adsorption of imidacloprid pesticide onto HAC and WAC is exothermic, spontaneous and physical in nature. The two prepared activated carbons (HAC, WAC) were successfully regenerated for three cycles and could be used as an effective and low-cost adsorbent for the removal of IMD pesticide from aqueous solutions. The production of the activated carbons of HAC and WAC will provide minimisation of these wastes in the environment.
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Authors and Affiliations

Somaia Gaber Mohammad
Ahmed A. El-Refaey

  1. Agricultural Research Center, Central Agricultural Pesticides Laboratory, Pesticide Residues and Environmental Pollution Department, 12618, Dokki, Giza, Egypt
  2. Matrouh University, Faculty of Desert and Environmental Agriculture, Soil and Water Science Department, Matrouh, Egypt
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The study was conducted at the University of Nebraska Pesticide Application and Technology Laboratory in North Platte, Nebraska in July 2015. Two application volume rates (100 and 200 l · ha−1) and three nozzle types (XR, AIXR, TTI) were selected at two flow rates (0.8 and 1.6 l · min−1) and at a single application speed of 7.7 km · h−1. Each collector type [Mylar washed (MW), Mylar image analysis (MIA), water-sensitive paper (WSP), and Kromekote (KK)] was arranged in a randomized complete block design. Each nozzle treatment was replicated twice, providing six cards of each collector type for each nozzle treatment. A water + 0.4% v/v Rhodamine WT spray solution was applied, given the fluorescent and visible qualities of Rhodamine, which allows it to be applied over all the collector types. MW had the highest coverage at 18.3% across nozzle type, followed by WSP at 18%, KK at 12% and lastly by MIA at 4%. MW resulted in a 58% increase in coverage, WSP in a 56% increase, and KK only an increase of 39% when the volume rate was doubled from 100 l · ha−1 to 200 l · ha−1 across nozzle type. MW coverage was similar to KK for half of the nozzles (XR 11002, XR 11004, AIXR 11002). Droplet number density fixed effects were all significant for nozzle type and collector type (p < 0.001) as was the interaction of nozzle type and collector type (p < 0.001). Results from this study suggest a strong correlation to data produced with WSP and MW collectors, as there was full agreement between both types except for the TTI 11004. Using both collector types in the same study would allow for a visual understanding of the distribution of the spray, while also giving an idea of the concentration of that distribution.

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Authors and Affiliations

J. Connor Ferguson
Andrew J. Hewitt
Chris C. O’Donnell
Greg R. Kruger
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Food and crops are sourced primarily from agriculture, and due to the enormous growth in population, agricultural goods are in great demand, while farmland is being developed for residences. Therefore, certain chemicals, like pesticides, are being overused and have become unavoidable to increase crop productivity and storage. Excessive release of pesticides into the environment and food chain may pose a health risk. Food and agricultural products need routine analyses to monitor the level of pesticide residuals. As pesticide detection techniques are labor-intensive and require highly qualified professionals, an alternative technique must be developed, such as analytical nanotechnology. The most commonly used nanomaterials for pesticide delivery, enrichment, degradation, detection, and removal are metals, clays, polymers, and lipids. In colorimetric analysis of pesticides, metal nanoparticles are widely used which are quick, easy, and do not require any sample preparation. This manuscript compiles the latest research on nanotechnology in pesticide formulation and detection for smart farming.
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Authors and Affiliations

Karthick Harini
Koyeli Girigoswami
Pragya Pallavi
Anbazhagan Thirumalai
Pemula Gowtham
Agnishwar Girigoswami

  1. Medical Bionanotechnology, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Chettinad Hospital & Research Institute (CHRI), Chettinad Academy of Research and Education (CARE), Kelambakkam, Chennai-603 103, India
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The paper discusses the impact of pesticides on the biological activity of soils, as well as an environmental assessment of the state of light chestnut soils by the Kazakh Research Institute of Agriculture and Crop Production with the aim to es-tablish diagnostic indicators that reduce biological activity. The study covers physical, chemical and biological properties of soils under crops of winter wheat in the light chestnut soil in the South-East of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The content of pesticides in soil samples was determined using the gas chromatography mass-spectrometric method. The paper shows results of the chromatographic analysis of soil samples regarding the content of pesticides. The study of changes of light chestnut soil biological activity was conducted to determine their relative resistance to pesticide contamination. Data ob-tained revealed the degree of light chestnut soil resistance to pesticide contamination. The study also identified species of soil invertebrates, as well as soil enzymes that should be used as bioindicators for the monitoring of the contamination with pesticides. Results obtained expand knowledge about changes in the biological activity of light chestnut soils due to pesti-cide contamination in the ecosystems of South-East Kazakhstan. In contrast to abundance indicators, the results suggest that the species composition of soil organisms can be used as a criterion for a qualitative assessment of the soil exposure to pesticides.
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Authors and Affiliations

Zulfiya Tukenova
Mustafa Mustafayev
Mereke Alimzhanova
Turar Akylbekova
Kazhybek Ashimuly

  1. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Faculty of Geography and Environmental Sciences, Department of UNESCO in Sustainable Development, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
  2. Azerbaijan National Academy of Science, Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry, 5, M. Rahim str., Baku, AZ10073, Azerbaijan Republic
  3. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Faculty of Thermal Physics and Technical Physics, Department of Physics and Technology, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
  4. Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Departments of Chemistry, Institute of Natural Sciences and Geography, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
  5. Scientific Production Center of Microbiology and Virology, Almaty, Kazakhstan
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At present, a deep transformation of the agrobiocenose organisation under the intense anthropogenic factors’ influence is of particular importance. Thus, a significant increase in the number and harmfulness of pests’, phytopathogens’ and weeds species was noted due to the prevailing favourable conditions for their mass reproduction, expansion of habitats, and harmfulness, which inevitably leads to a significant deterioration in the phytosanitary state of cultivated crops. The phytosanitary trouble of agrobiocenoses allows us to say that today plant protection, being the final link in the cultivating technology for agricultural crops, is one of the most important stages in preserving the harvest improving the quality of the products obtained, and reducing their cost. In the current study it was tried to review the modern paradigm of the agricultural technological process efficiency. The relevance of this research is due to the fact that modern technological processes in agriculture cannot be implemented without the practical use of plant protection measures, in particular, the chemical method, which consists in the use of chemical compounds against pathogens of plants, pests, weeds, and is the most common, contributing to a significant increase in the yield of cultivated crops and labour productivity in agricultural production. All this, in our opinion, indicates the high practical significance of the results obtained.
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Authors and Affiliations

Konstantin E. Tyupakov
Andzor K. Dikinov
Maryam A. Ortskhanova
Kheda M. Musayeva
Evgeniya A. Bolotina

  1. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin”, Department of Economics and Foreign Economic Activity, Krasnodar, st. Kalinina 13, 350044, Russia
  2. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekov”, Nalchik, Kabardino-Balkar Republic, Russia
  3. Ingush State University, Department of Economics, Magas, The Republic of Ingushetia, Russia
  4. The Chechen State University named after A.A. Kadyrov, Department of Economics and Economic Security of Industries and Enterprises, Grozny city, Chechen Republic, Russia
  5. The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Department of Economics and Finance, Institute of Public Service and Management, Moscow, Russia

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