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Keywords philosophy

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Katarzyna Kasia

  1. Department of Culture Theory, Faculty of Management of Visual Culture, Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw
Keywords philosophy
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On the notion of authenticity and whether it is worth pursuing.
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Mikołaj Sławkowski-Rode

  1. Faculty of Philosophy, University of Warsaw
Keywords philosophy

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Katarzyna Kasia

  1. Department of Culture Theory, Faculty of Artistic Research and Curatorial Studies,Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw
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The article discusses Nicholas Rescher’s metaphilosophical view of orientational pluralism. In his essay Philosophical Disagreement: An Essay towards Orientational Pluralism in Metaphilosophy Rescher explains a substantial difference between philosophy and science—namely, that philosophers—differently than scientists— continuously propose and undermine various solutions to the same old problems. In philosophy it is difficult to find any consensus or convergence of theories. According to Rescher, this pluralism of theoretical positions is caused by holding by philosophers different sets and hierarchies of cognitive values, i.e. methodological orientations. These orientations are chosen in virtue of some practical postulates, they are of axiological, normative, but not strictly theoretical character. Different methodological orientations yield different evaluations of philosophical theses and arguments. This article shows that Rescher’s account does not determine clearly acceptable cognitive values. If there are no clear criteria of evaluation of methodological orientations, then the described view seems to be identical to relativism adopting the everything goes rule. In addition, accepting orientational pluralism it is hard to avoid the conclusion that discussions between various philosophical schools are futile or can be reduced to non-rational persuasion.
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Marek Gurba
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Once flourishing in the early medieval India, the materialist Carvaka/Lokayata tradition of philosophy vanished centuries ago leaving mere bits from their foundational sutra, and from a few commentaries thereon. These are scattered in the works of their opponents, hence the winding path to reconstructing the Carvaka/Lokayata thought necessarily begins with evaluating the reliability of the source material. This paper deals with the problem of the brief account of two interpretations of the Carvaka/Lokayata aphorism: 'from these, consciousness', recorded by the 8th-century Buddhist authors Śantarak�ita and Kamalaśfla in the Lokâyata-parfk$a Chapter XXII of the Tattva-sańgraha(-pañjika), critically edited by the author of the present paper.

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Stanisław Jan Kania
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The current industrial constraints on production systems, especially availability problems

are complicating maintenance managers’ mission and making longer and further performance

improvement process. Dealing with these problems in a wiser managerial vision respecting

sustainability dimensions would be more efficient to optimize all resources. In this paper, and

after addressing the lean/sustainability challenge in a the literature to define main research

orientations and critical points in manufacturing and then maintenance specific context, two

case studies have been conducted in two production systems in Morocco and Canada, within

the objective to set a clearer scene of the lean philosophy implementation in maintenance

and within the sustainability scope from an empirical perspective. To activate the social dimension

being often non-integrated in the lean/sustainability initiatives, the article authors

reveal an original research direction assigning maintenance logistics as the leading part of our

approach to cover all sustainability dimensions. Furthermore, its management is discussed

for the first time in a sustainable framework, where the authors propose a new model considering

the lean/sustainable perspective and inspired by the rich Human-Machine interaction

memory to solve daily maintenance problems exploiting the operators’ experience feedback.

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Salima Hammadi
Brahim Herrou
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The author claims that Marx’s ideas have succeeded, the proletariat has been victorious in the class conflict but the victory is completely different from what Marx has expected. The vision of the proletariat state ended up in a total failure. The vestiges of Marx’s proposal testify to complete inapplicability of his main ideas to the circumstances of the contemporary world. The concept of a state managed by the proletariat class turned out to be defective. The ownership of the means of production has failed. The concept of private property defended itself and has even been strengthened. And where a public ownership won the upper hand, as in State Treasury, it turned out to be institutional and not collective. Moreover, the state interferes more and more vigorously in private businesses and their activities. On the other hand, however, the proletariat succeeded in the area of employment law where it won some durable legal guarantees. Thus Marx correctly perceived certain needs of the proletariat but proposed inapt solutions to them.

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Bartosz Rakoczy
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On a few examples of aquatic metaphors that invoke some of the most important philosophical concepts.

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Daniel Roland Sobota
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What kind of contamination poses the greatest hindrance to our experience of the world? Do the most important cognitive faculties in epistemology – reason and the senses – truly cooperate with one another? What might be getting in the way, polluting and contaminating our image of the world, effectively keeping us unable to ever directly access the truth that we assume exists somewhere out there?
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Authors and Affiliations

Katarzyna Kasia

  1. Department of Culture Theory, Faculty of Management of Visual Culture, Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw
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Our thoughts, when unmolded by words, can take the form of images. We may find it hard to discuss such weighty issues as “evil” or “violence” verbally, but artists can help us shed new light on these concepts and thus to better understand the world around us.
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Joanna Hańderek

  1. Institute of Philosophy, Jagiellonian University in Kraków
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Using the hands and minds of its most prominent representatives, humanity has been on a remarkable quest to combat evil, dangers, suffering, life’s hardships, and premature death. Who or what have our enemies been?
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Jerzy Trammer

  1. Faculty of Geology, University of Warsaw

Authors and Affiliations

Katarzyna Kasia

  1. Department of Culture Theory, Faculty of Management of Visual Culture, Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw
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Stanisław Lem is mostly known as a sci-fi writer and not widely perceived as a visionary of the cyber age, despite the fact that he foresaw the future of information technology better than most scientific experts. Indeed, his visions of future information- based societies have proved to be remarkably accurate. Lem’s stories fuse together elements of fantasy, philosophy, and science, but what we can really learn from them is the nature of humanity, technology, and philosophy, as well as the values of technological prophecies. Moreover, Lem gave birth to, without naming it as such, the concept of philosophy in technology, which is a perspective on technology and philosophy that explores the deep implicit philosophical foundations of technology and humanity.
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Paweł Polak
Roman Krzanowski

  1. The Pontifical University of John Paul II, Cracow, Poland
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In the first part of the article, I reconstruct the philosophical thoughts of Czesław Białobrzeski, a Polish philosophizing physicist. In the second part, I outline his biography and contribution to the development of physics. Philosophical reflections of Białobrzeski formed based on the leading issues in physics of the late 19th and mainly 20th century. He carried out his considerations in close connection to his scientific practice. The activity of the Polish scientist takes place in the formation and development period of quantum mechanics. Białobrzeski, similarly to many other physicists of the time, was well aware of the necessity of coherent explanation of the fundamentally new phenomena of the quantum mechanics. His take on the subject is rather original—he referred to the classical, philosophical theory of categories and proposed its ontological interpretation.
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Mariusz Mazurek

  1. Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii PAN, ul. Nowy Świat 72, 00–330 Warszawa
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The author presents the concept of man in the philosophy of Erich Fromm. The article consists of two parts. In the first part, the author presents how Fromm characterised the existential situation of man; in the second part he describes love as the main factor in the action and development of a human being. Man is part of nature, subjected to the rules of its laws, but he also transcends nature by the ability to use mind. A human subject is aware of his/her limitations and weaknesses with regard to nature. He/she feels lost and lonely in relation to other people and the natural world. Therefore, s/he looks for the frame of orientation and references. This search is the most important existential problem. Love is the solution to all problems of human existence. According to Fromm, man is the subject of love.

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Tadeusz Sznajderski
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The article is an attempt to formulate a philosophical interpretation of the figure of Ivan Karamazov’s “devil” or to explicate the theoretical and conceptual connotations associated with the demonic motif in Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s novel The Brothers Karamazov. The reasoning follows the line: the author of the novel – the hero of the novel – the figure of the devil. The questions explored in the article are related to the duality of Ivan, a character depicted in the novel (this issue is discussed within a broader anthropological context), to the conceptual and – most importantly – ideological background for “Ivan Karamazov’s nightmare”, to the intellectual and ethical conflicts unfolding in him, and finally to the ambiguous relationship between Christianity and socialism (theological and political contexts).
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Belknap R.L., The Structure of The Borthers Karamazov, The Hague, Paris 1967.
Bierdiajew M., Światopogląd Dostojewskiego, przeł. H. Paprocki, Kęty 2004.
Bułgakow S., Iwan Karamazow jako typ filozoficzny, przeł. R. Papieski, [w:] Wokół Tołstoja i Dostojewskiego, red. J. Dobieszewski, Warszawa 2000.
Dostojewski F., Bracia Karamazow, przeł. A. Pomorski, Kraków 2004.
Dostojewski F., Dziennik pisarza, przeł. M. Leśniewska, Warszawa 1982, t. 1, 3.
Dostojewski F., Idiota, przeł. J. Jędrzejewicz, Z. Podgórzec, London 1992.
Dostojewski F., Listy, przeł. Z. Podgórzec, R. Przybylski, Warszawa 1979.
Dostojewski F., Zbrodnia i kara, przeł. Cz. Jastrzębiec‑Kozłowski, London 1992.
Gessen S.I., Tragediya dobra v «Bratʹyakh Karamazovykh» Dostoyevskogo, [w:] idem, Izbrannyye sochineniya, Moskva 1999.
Girard R., Dostoyevskiy: ot dvoystvennosti k edinstvu, per. s fr. G. Kudelich, Moskva 2013.
Golosovker Ya.E., Dostoyevskiy i Kant: Razmyshleniya chitatelya nad romanom «Bratʹya Karamazovy» i traktatom Kanta «Kritika chistoyu razuma», [v:] idem, Imaginativnyy absolyut, Moskva 2012.
Jackson R.L., Dialogues with Dostoevsky. The Overwhelming Questions, Stanford 1993.
Miłosz Cz., Dostojewski badał choroby ducha. Wywiad, [w:] idem, Widzenia transoceaniczne, t. 1: Dostojewski – nasz współczesny, red. B. Toruńczyk, Warszawa 2010.
Miłosz Cz., Dostojewski i Sartre, [w:] idem, Widzenia transoceaniczne, t. 1: Dostojewski – nasz współczesny, red. B. Toruńczyk, Warszawa 2010.
Pomerants G., Otkrytostʹ bezdne: Vstrechi s Dostoyevskim, Moskva – Sankt‑Peterburg 2015.
Scanlan J.S., Dostoevsky on the Existence of God, „Archiwum Historii Filozofii i Myśli Społecznej” 1999, t. 44.
Sutherland S.R., Atheism and the Rejection of God. Contemporary Philosophy and “The Brothers Karamazov”, Oxford 1977.
Vysheslavtsev B., Dostoyevskiy o lyubvi i bessmertii, [v:] Russkiy Eros, ili Filosofiya lyubvi v Rossii, sost. V.P. Shestakov, Moskva 1991.
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Leszek Augustyn

  1. Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie
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This article provides an initial analysis, from a historical standpoint, of the problematic nature of conceptualizations of the notion of gene in molecular genetics. The starting point is an historical outline of the relation between classical genetics and molecular genetics; it is indicated how the conceptual baggage of classical genetics influenced the development of the concepts of gene used later in molecular biology. I also reveal two problems of genes in the philosophy of science, i.e., skepticism concerning genes and the concept of nominal gene. I conclude that concept of gene functioning within the framework of molecular genetics should be considered from the point of view of experimentalism and pragmatism. It seems that the concept of gene on the molecular level should be conceptualized—in order to remain functional—as broadly as possible and in relation to genetic material.

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Aleksander A. Ziemny

Authors and Affiliations

Katarzyna Kasia

  1. Department of Culture Theory, Faculty of Management of Visual Culture, Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw
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The leading purpose of this paper is to provide an answer to the question whether Karl Marx belongs to philosophy and history of philosophy, and whether placing him in these categories gives a fair picture of what he really intended to achieve. When analyzing Marx’s thought, one should remember that is his own eyes he was not a philosopher but a researcher who goes beyond the horizon of philosophy in order to undertake scientific and not ideological work aimed at organizing political battles of that time. Of course, what a particular thinker believes of himself cannot be an ultimate criterion for interpreting his/her academic output. The doubts are augmented when we consult Leszek Kołakowski’s Main Currents of Marxism – a book that is based on the assumption that “Karl Marx was a German philosopher”, and this starting point supports the critique of Marx’s thought. The problem arises from the fact that Leszek Kołakowski, who was a post-Marxist, despises science and philosophy, and sees myth as the basis of thought dynamics. Thus the question of the adequacy of his presentation of Marx aris es and strengthens the suspicion that Kołakowski did not present the real Marx’s philosophy but rather a myth of Marx’s theory centered on the idea of making people happy against their will and nature.

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Andrzej Ciążela
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Theories about the evolution of information in time have begun to be used systematically and repeatedly by communities of scholars to fruitfully generate new knowledge about the past only in 1780, first in German faculties of Protestant theology, among classical linguists and then around the turn of the 19th century in comparative linguistics. Ranke used such theories in the second quarter of the 19th century to generate knowledge of history, and then similar methods spread to biology, geology and archaeology.
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Aviezer Tucker
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Stanislaw Lem recognizes the far-reaching role of chance both in gaining knowledge and in explaining the development of cultural norms. The consequences are explored by him in fiction and non-fiction.
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Bernd Graefrath

  1. University of Duisburg-Essen, Department of Philosophy, Universitaets str. 12, D-45117 Essen, Germany
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In the paper I present the famous argument between Peter F. Strawson and Bertrand Russell on definite descriptions. I do not go into details of the two rival solutions to the problem of definite descriptions. Instead I present the controversy against the background of two traditions within analytic philosophy, i.e. the philosophy of natural language (Strawson) and the philosophy of ideal language (Russell). In consequence, the aim of this paper is to sketch the principal features of the two traditions and to indicate their influence on the argument. In the first paragraph I discuss Russell’s theory of descriptions and present it as a result of dramatic changes that he had made in his philosophy before he finally presented them in On Denoting in 1905. The second paragraph deals with the two traditions within analytic philosophy after the linguistic turn and underlines the role of Strawson in the philosophy of natural language. In the third paragraph I analyze in detail Strawson’s arguments against the theory of descriptions and I focus on some details that are usually omitted in standard presentations. The fourth paragraph discusses Russell’s response to Strawson’s objections, i.e. the counter-arguments formulated from the standpoint of philosophy of ideal language. I end with some suggestions about how to reconcile both approaches.

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Janusz Maciaszek
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In the article I indicate and synthetically discuss issues that can be found in the achievements of Bertrand Russell, and which can be included in the domain of metaphilosophy. I point to Russell’s philosophical inspirations and to his views on philosophy. His views are intertwined with the threads of the traditional understanding of philosophy and innovative elements. These innovative elements include assigning a special role to mathematical logic, of which Russell is one of the founders, and emphasizing the role of analysis in philosophical research. It is also characteristic of him to emphasize the role of science for philosophical reflection. At the same time, however, Russell rejects the radical slogans of logical positivism. This justifies the thesis that in his oeuvre there are threads of both traditional and innovative understanding of philosophy and its tasks.
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Ryszard Kleszcz

  1. Uniwersytet Łódzki, Instytut Filozofii, ul. Lindleya 3/5, 90-131 Łódź

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