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History has shown different approaches to improving productivity the way of companies do business. Since the early 1900s, the development of different production systems has played an increasingly remarkable role in global manufacturing countries. It seems, that the growth of understanding has widened the ideology of production systems used up to current ones. This article examines the development path of business development. It evaluates the suitability of the key tools used to support change in a modern business model in a customer-driven project business environment.
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Jyri Vuorela
Mikael Ollikainen
Vesa Salminen
Juha Varis

  1. Energy Systems, LUT University, Finland
  2. Smart Research Center, Häme University of Applied Sciences, Finland
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Production rates for various activities and overall construction project duration are significantly influenced by crew formation. Crews are composed of available renewable resources. Construction companies tend to reduce the number of permanent employees, which reduces fixed costs, but at the same time limits production capacity. Therefore, construction project planning must be carried out by means of scheduling methods which allow for resource constrains. Authors create a mathematical model for optimized scheduling of linear construction projects with consideration of resources and work continuity constraints. Proposed approach enables user to select optimal crew formation under limited resource supply. This minimizes project duration and improves renewable resource utilization in construction linear projects. This paper presents mixed integer linear programming to model this problem and uses a case study to illustrate it.

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S. Biruk
P. Jaśkowski
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The purpose of this article is to present the preparation of Project Risk Assessment Methodology and its mitigation in complex construction projects. The main text provides a summary of the approach, the method used and the findings. The conclusions have been drawn that the proper tools for quantifying risks have to be based on the criteria specific for mathematical statistic and probability or at least fuzziness. Function, which makes possible to categorize any risks into one of the five categories, is a combination of probability and the impact on one of the items: people and their safety or budget, cost, schedule and planning or quality and performance. An attempt was made to express numerically the relationship between risks impacts and their level of likelihood. Also, a method of associating the influence of projects risks impacts on the extent of the likelihood of project risk occurrence which makes possible to determine the direction and the strength of this relationship was presented.

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J. Konior
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Planning a construction project, the investor frequently faces the choice of the option of the planned investment. Assessment of options is difficult due to the complex nature of construction projects. Various methods of multicriteria evaluation are successfully applied in the assessment and analysis of options. For those methods to work, a handful of information must be prepared beforehand. Among others, it is necessary to establish the assessment criteria and determine their weight for specific cases. This stage is implemented in cooperation with experts. The results of evaluations, obtained on the basis of the experts' opinions, must be processed and prepared. The paper will discuss one possible option for assessing the experts' opinion.

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E. Szafranko
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Article deals with the problem of technology selection for construction project. Three criteria were proposed: cost, time and technological complexity. To solve the problem, fuzzy preference relations were used. Authors present an algorithm supporting multi-criteria decision-making process. The algorithm creates fuzzy preference relations on the basis of the fuzzy comparison: “xᵢ is better than xj”.Then, with the use of criteria weights it creates general fuzzy preference relation, finds all non-dominated (admissible) alternatives and the best one among them. The algorithm consists of 7 steps. Authors show application of the proposed algorithm – example calculations.

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N. Ibadov
J. Rosłon
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The purpose of this paper is to explore the issue of the criteria of project success and the complexity of the subject in the context of environmental and nature conservation projects financed by European Union. The article presents various definitions of project success The article deals with definition and evaluation process of the project success as well as specific conditions of EU project management. Thematic evolution and trends in defining project success are presented through systematic review of literature on project management. The first part of the article focus on reviewing different approaches to the subject of criteria of project success, which is the crucial part of the proces. It is impossible to determine critical success factors (CSF) without deciding on the criteria of the project success. Project success definition is an important and complex project management issue. The success of the projects was considered for the last 50 years in a various ways and by different project management scholars. There is a consensus about the importance of this aspect for the project management practice. However, the project management in the context of EU-funded projects is still subject of further research, as this issue was not yet properly analyzed. The article presents the specific of the environmental and nature conservation EU-funded project judgement proces. The procedures and the scope of the formal and substantive assesment which is the part of selection procedure were described. The paper presents also how formal and substantive assesment criteria correspond with success criteria definitions created so far by the researchers. Moreover, the article analyses how existing asssesment criteria, precisely defined in EU programmes documentation and procedures, can be treated as EU project success criteria. The article presents also the most important challenges and issues in determining the set of success criteria based on assesment criteria set for regional operational programmes and Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment for 2014–2020 programming period.

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Ewelina Pędziwiatr
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The construction industry plays a major role in the boost of the country’s economy, providing basic facilities for residential and creating thousands of job opportunities. During COVID-19, the construction sectors in Sindh Pakistan was highly suffered and leading to delays in the completion of projects. As the construction sector was globally affected, building construction projects were also affected by completing the projects on estimated time and cost. Thus, this research investigates the significant factors of time and cost that affected the Hyderabad building construction projects during COVID-19 situation. Questionnaire surveys were designed to collect data from the employees working on building projects in Sindh Pakistan. The collected data was analyzed through the Average Index method. Unsafe working environment; shortage of workers; and increasing project cost was observed as significant factors that were highly affected during COVID-19. The results and findings shall be supportive for stakeholders to take into consideration of factors in the early stage of the expected pandemic situation. This research suggested that the stakeholders shall modify or amend the contract clause regarding for pandemic situation and incorporate the identified factors in the contract that should be considered by stakeholders to save the time and cost of the projects.
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Haseeb Haleem Shaikh
Noor Yasmin Zainun
Shabir Hussain Khahro

  1. Jamilus Research Center, Faculty of Civil Engineering & Environmental Engineering, University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 86400 Parit Raja, Batu Pahat, Johor, Malaysia
  2. Department of Engineering Management, College of Engineering, Prince Sultan University, 11586, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
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Since the 1980s, seaport cities have been characterized by the spatiotemporal concurrence of highly modern terminals away from the city and derelict and/or sub-optimally used inner city harbours and waterfront sites. The post-Fordist city disintegrated into a polycentric fragmented structure with aggravated social confl icts between older residential areas of dockers and requirements for modern expensive waterfront condominiums. The cranes of the shipbuilders’ yards, which used to be a characteristic feature of the city silhouette and a symbol for dynamic port economies, have been dismantled, the land left derelict and contaminated. The formerly close functional and spatial relationship of port and city was relaxed from the end of the 1960s onwards and off ered opportunities for transformations. In this article different approaches for redevelopment und revitalization are discussed.

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Dirk Schubert
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This article is a presentation of the EtymArab© project, a start-up (“zero”) version of an etymological dictionary of Modern Standard Arabic. Taking the etymology of some generosity-related lexical items as examples, the study introduces the reader to the guiding ideas behind the project and the online dictionary’s basic features.
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Stephan Guth
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This article is a presentation of the EtymArab© project, a start-up (“zero”) version of an etymological dictionary of Modern Standard Arabic. Taking the etymology of some generosity-related lexical items as examples, the study introduces the reader to the guiding ideas behind the project and the online dictionary’s basic features.

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Stephan Guth
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This article is a presentation of the EtymArab© project, a start-up (“zero”) version of an etymological dictionary of Modern Standard Arabic. Taking the etymology of some generosity-related lexical items as examples, the study introduces the reader to the guiding ideas behind the project and the online dictionary’s basic features.

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Stephan Guth
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Investor bears responsibility for proper preparation of the investment process. One of his tasks is to prepare the project documentation and obtaina building permit. Frequently, during his work, there are situations and events whose im pact interferes with the design solutions. Regardless of reasons, alterations to a project constitute a source of cost risk. In each case, the Investor should be prepared for this type of a risk. Exposure to risk should be taken into account in the planning stage of the investment. Also, a model of investment execution should be chosen at this stage. The type of model is associated with the distribution of risk throughout the project. The aim of this paper is to identify events that generate risk related to alterations to Project Documentation in the context of the selection of the investment executionmodel.

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I. Rybka
E. Bondar-Nowakowska
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Management and Production Engineering Review (MPER) is a peer-refereed, international, multidisciplinary journal covering a broad spectrum of topics in production engineering and management. Production engineering is a currently developing stream of science encompassing planning, design, implementation and management of production and logistic systems. Orientation towards human resources factor differentiates production engineering from other technical disciplines. The journal aims to advance the theoretical and applied knowledge of this rapidly evolving field, with a special focus on production management, organisation of production processes, management of production knowledge, computer integrated management of production flow, enterprise effectiveness, maintainability and sustainable manufacturing, productivity and organisation, forecasting, modelling and simulation, decision making systems, project management, innovation management and technology transfer, quality engineering and safety at work, supply chain optimization and logistics. Management and Production Engineering Review is published under the auspices of the Polish Academy of Sciences Committee on Production Engineering and Polish Association for Production Management. The main purpose of Management and Production Engineering Review is to publish the results of cutting-edge research advancing the concepts, theories and implementation of novel solutions in modern manufacturing. Papers presenting original research results related to production engineering and management education are also welcomed. We welcome original papers written in English. The Journal also publishes technical briefs, discussions of previously published papers, book reviews, and editorials. Letters to the Editor-in-Chief are highly encouraged.
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Szymon Cyfert
Paweł Markowski
Paweł Mielcarek
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Underground spaces having features such as stability, resistance, and being undetected can play a key role in reducing vulnerability by relocating infrastructures and manpower. In recent years, the competitive business environment and limited resources have mostly focused on the importance of project management in order to achieve its objectives. In this research, in order to find the best balance among cost, time, and quality related to construction projects using reinforced concrete in underground structures, a multi-objective mathematical model is proposed. Several executive approaches have been considered for project activities and these approaches are analyzed via several factors. It is assumed that cost, time, and quality of activities in every defined approach can vary between compact and normal values, and the goal is to find the best execution for activities, achieving minimum cost and the maximum quality for the project. To solve the proposed multi-objective model, the genetic algorithm NSGA-II is used.

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S.A. Hosseini
A. Akbarpour
H. Ahmadi
B. Aminnejad
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This study presents a customized root cause analysis approach to investigate the reasons,

provide improvements measures for the cost overruns, and schedule slippage in papermachine-

building projects. The proposed approach is an analytical-survey approach that

uses both actual technical data and experts’ opinions. Various analysis tools are embedded

in the approach including: data collection and clustering, interviews with experts, 5-Whys,

Pareto charts, cause and effect diagram, and critical ratio control charts. The approach was

implemented on seven projects obtained from a leading international paper machine supplier.

As a result, it was found that the main causes behind cost and schedule deviations

are products’ related; including technical accidents in the Press section, damaged parts, design

issues, optimization of the machine and missing parts. Based on the results, prevention

measures were perceived.

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Maha AlKhatib
Safwan Altarazi
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The transport system is considered the “backbone” of the urban development. Along with the rapid economic development, the urban road transport system is being paid attention and invested by Hanoi city. By the year 2050, The Hanoi municipal government is expected to complete and hand over for use about 317 urban road transport projects. Due to the high demands of social and economic efficiency, the urban road transport projects in Hanoi face many risks. In which, there are 13 high dangerous risks for the urban road transport project in Hanoi. These risks have the high probability and severity impacted on the outcome of the projects. The project participant’s risk management standpoint will determine the solutions to respond the respective risks, thereby affecting the results of the project. In this paper, the authors compare the risk management standpoint of three main project participants, including owner/project management board, consultant and main contractor/subcontractor. The difference of the risk management standpoint is shown clearly by the project participants’ assessments of 13 high dangerous risks.
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Nguyen Quoc Toan
Nguyen Thi Thuy
Dinh Tuan Hai
Pham Xuan Anh

  1. Hanoi University of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Construction Economics and Management, No. 55 Giai Phong Street, Hai Ba Trung, Hanoi, Vietnam
  2. Hanoi Architectural University, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Km 10, Nguyen Trai Street, Thanh Xuan District, Hanoi City, Vietnam
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The objective of the research is to pinpoint issues in project management, as this is crucial for the development of a successful project. There is a need to expand the existing knowledge in project management, as it contributes to enhancing a company’s project management system. Additionally, the study presents effective remedies for project management challenges. Initially, we introduce the specific project, followed by an examination of the current state of production processes. In this context, we endeavour to propose solutions. The concluding section focuses on evaluating these solutions, summarizing the study, and achieving the study’s objective. These outcomes contribute to cost savings and ensure maximum customer satisfaction.
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Ľuboslav DULINA
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The main objective of the article is to present quantified and measurable risks likelihood appearance, impact and significance of inspected and monitored 48 commercial construction projects and their feasibility to be carried out. Original technical, financial and organisational feasibility studies in compliance with a rigorous Bank Investment Supervision requirements have been executed by the author in the period of 2005–2018. Methodology of construction project appraisal for financing and execution professional preparation have been laid out – technical documentation, arrangements, realisation. Analysis and assessment of Bank Investment Supervision consisted of project execution plan PEP, geotechnical and environmental conditions, permit design, agreements and decision impacts of local authorities, engineering contract for construction works, project insurance and performance bonds, schedule of execution tasks and their costs, payment plan, investment budget and project economical effectiveness, scope of monthly construction works execution assessed by Earned Value Method approach and handover procedure of construction project. An attempt was made to express numerically the relationship between risks impacts and their level of likelihood. Also, a method of associating the influence of projects risks impacts on the extent of the likelihood of project risk occurrence which makes possible to determine the direction and the strength of this relationship was presented. Finally, risks likelihood appearance, impact and significance variability of commercial construction projects within last two years of booming investment industry have been determined.

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J. Konior
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The article presents the author’s considerations relating to the current and common problem of multiculturalism. Nowadays “multiculturalism” can be defined as co-existence – in the determined physical, social and political sphere as well as in a concrete historical period of time – of many ethnic groups representing different axiological and normative systems. The social created by multiplicity of ethnic groups is very often a result of migration processes which totally formed such states as Canada or Australia. The sources of the European multiculturalism were, on the one hand, the officially accepted workforce as Federal Republic of Germany, on the other one – immigration being the effect of the colonial past of such states as France, Holland or Britain. All these countries took up more or less advanced actions towards being able to deal with the deepening ethnic diversification. There appeared political project – multiculturalism.

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Anna Śliz
Marek S. Szczepański
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We investigate the problem of setting revenue sharing rules in a team production environment with a principal and two agents. We assume that the project output is binary and that the principal can observe the level of agents’ actual eort, but does not know the production function. Identifying conditions that ensure the eciency of the revenue sharing rule, we show that the rule of equal percentage markups can lead to ination of project costs. This result provides an explanation for project cost overruns other than untruthful cost reporting.

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Bogumił Kamiński
Maciej Łatek
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The variation law of dissolved silica (DSi), dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP) and nutrition structure after the Three Gorges Project (TGP) impounding as well as their ecological effect were analyzed according to monitoring survey of the Yangtze River Estuary in spring (May) and summer (August) from 2004-2009. The results showed that after impounding, DSi and DIN concentration decreased and increased, respectively. During the study period, DSi decreased by about 63%, while DIN almost tripled. DIP concentration fluctuated slightly. With respect to nutrition structure, N:P increased, whereas Si:P and Si:N declined. According to chemometry standard of nutrient limits, nutrition structure tended to be imbalanced and the limiting factor of phytoplankton growth (P) was studied. Changes of nutrition structure have largely decreased diatom and caused different composition of dominant phytoplankton species. This may change ecosystem structure of the Yangtze River Estuary.

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Lei Li
Xinqiang Shen
Mei Jiang
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One of the important issues concerning development of spatial data infrastructures (SDIs) is the carrying out of economic and financial analysis. It is essential to determine expenses and also assess effects resulting from the development and use of infrastructures. Costs and benefits assessment could be associated with assessment of the infrastructure effectiveness and efficiency as well as the infrastructure value, understood as the infrastructure impact on economic aspects of an organisational performance, both of an organisation which realises an SDI project and all users of the infrastructure. The aim of this paper is an overview of various assessment methods of investment as well as an analysis of different types of costs and benefits used for information technology (IT) projects. Based on the literature, the analysis of the examples of the use of these methods in the area of spatial data infrastructures is also presented. Furthermore, the issues of SDI projects and investments are outlined. The results of the analysis indicate usefulness of the financial methods from different fields of management in the area of SDI building, development and use. The author proposes, in addition to the financial methods, the adaptation of the various techniques used for IT investments and their development, taking into consideration the SDI specificity for the purpose of assessment of different types of costs and benefits and integration of financial aspects with non- financial ones. Among the challenges are identification and quantification of costs and benefits, as well as establishing measures which would fit the characteristics of the SDI project and artefacts resulting from the project realisation. Moreover, aspects of subjectivity and variability in time should be taken into account as the consequences of definite goals and policies as well as business context of organisation undertaking the project or using its artefacts and also investors.
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Agnieszka Zwirowicz-Rutkowska
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The introduction of a baseline term to the dependency network most often results in a change, break and/or generation of a new sequence of critical path, depending on the type of such a baseline term and the exact date selected. Each of those situations has an impact on the location or need to include new time buffers in the modified Goldratt’s method. The purpose of this article was to identify possible effects brought by declaration of each type of baseline term and to point out actions to be taken in each case. It must be noted that guidelines provided should in each individual case be adapted to the specific character of schedule changes caused by implementation of the relevant baseline term. The example presented herein exemplifies one of such solutions to be implemented as a result of break of the critical path and need to introduce new time buffers.

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M. Połoński
K. Pruszyński
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The article presents the problem of scheduling a multi-stage project with limited availability

of resources with the discounted cash flow maximization criterion from the perspective of

a contractor. The contractor’s cash outflows are associated with the execution of activities.

The client’s payments (cash inflows for the contractor) are performed after completing the

agreed project’s stages. The proposed solution for this problem is the use of insertion algorithms.

Schedules are generated using forward and backward schedule generation schemes

and modified justification techniques. The effectiveness of the proposed procedures is the

subject of the examination with the use of standard test instances with additionally defined

financial settlements of a project.

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Marcin Klimek

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