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The rebuilding technologies are used to develop surface of ladle. Among many welding methods currently used to obtain surface layer

without defects one of the most effective way of rebuilding is using metal arc welding. This additional material gives more possibilities to

make expected quality of rebuild surface.

Chemical composition, property and economic factors allow to use metal wire. Because of these reasons, solid wire gives opportunity to be

wildly used as material to rebuild or repair the surface in different sectors of industry.

The paper shows a few ways to rebuild the surface in the massive cast with the use of metal active gas welding for repair. The work

presents studies of defect in the massive cast. It contains the pictures of microstructures and defects. The method of removing defects and

the results of checking by visual and penetrant testing methods are shown. The paper describes the methodology of repair the ladle with

metal active gas welding, preheating process and standards nondestructive testing method.

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Authors and Affiliations

R. Bęczkowski
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It is an established fact that when roads are planned and constructed, consideration needs to be given to ensuring the strength of the road surface. It is, however, also the case that when an existing road is being rebuilt or is under maintenance, its base may need to be fortified to increase the road’s vehicle-carrying capacity. The base may, for example, contain a high proportion of weak soil that would be difficult, time-consuming, and costly to remove. This paper aims to investigate the efficacy of using sand-filled piles to reduce road deformation. Experiments conducted on sponge samples confirm that there is a relationship between the total area of sand-filled piles and relative reduction in deformation. It finds that the relationship is non-linear, but that the relationship can be made linear by adjusting the area of sand-filled piles. When the area of sand-filled piles increases from 7.8% to 19.4%, the deformation module can change by up to 100%. Relative reduction in deformation can change from 14% to 45.5% when the area of sand-filled piles increases from 7.8% to 11.7%. The maximum reduction in deformation – 92.4% - occurs when the area of sand-filled piles exceeds 19.5%. Changing the loads borne also affects the deformation module. This paper found that when there was a 10 to 15kg load, and the number of sandfilled piles was increased, there was a change in the deformation module by 380-470%. When there was only a 5kg load on the sample, and the number of sand-filled piles was increased, there was a change in the deformation module by up to 1217%.
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Authors and Affiliations

Sami Mohammed Ayyad
Omar Asad Ahmad

  1. Amman Arab University, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Civil Engineering Department; Amman, Jordan Street–Mubis, 11953, Jordan,
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Dismantled during the Second World War, the Mannerist-Baroque organ from the Holy Trinity Church in Gdańsk was rebuilt and restored in the years 2008–2018. This unique, huge, extensive object is among the largest and most interesting gems of the art of music in Poland, deserving special attention not only because of its sound, but also its excellent decoration and its polemical, confessional ideological programme.
We probably owe the creation of the instrument to the community of Gdańsk Reformed Protestants – Calvinists. The initial decoration of the organ cases and galleries was largely based on the very popular stencils by the Dutch artist Hans Vredeman de Vries. After the Holy Trinity Church was finally taken over by Lutherans in the 17th century, the decoration of the organ was complemented with the theological message appropriate for this particular religious group and contained in the paintings that were incorporated into the gallery and the main case of the instrument.

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Archiwum Klasztoru Franciszkanów w Gdańsku

Darecka K., Piwek A., Odbudowa organów z kościoła św. Trójcy w Gdańsku. Inwentaryzacja i wytyczne konserwatorskie, mps, Gdańsk 2006.
Deurer J., Dokumentacja rysunkowo-fotograficzna organów z kościoła św. Trójcy w Gdańsku, Gdańsk 1943.
Dorawa M., Dokumentacja historyczno-konserwatorska organów z kościoła pw. św. Trójcy w Gdańsku, mps, Toruń 1984.

PAN Biblioteka Gdańska

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Authors and Affiliations

Tomasz Jank OFMConv.

  1. Klasztor Franciszkanów w Gdańsku, ul. Świętej Trójcy 4, 80-822 Gdańsk

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