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Material of tesseraspids (Tesseraspidiformes) is reported from the uppermost Severnaya Zemlya Formation

(Lochkovian, Lower Devonian) of the Severnaya Zemlya archipelago, in the Russian Arctic, where it is associated

with other vertebrate remains, including corvaspids, acanthodians, and large but rare specimens of

osteostracans. The tesseraspid material is not abundant, and most often preserved as a “patchwork” of bony

platelets (tesserae), except for a few partly articulated specimens. We redescribe the holotype of Tesseraspis

mosaica Karatajūtė-Talimaa, 1983, whose head carapace is preserved as a flattened tube of adjacent tesserae.

This material is compared to the already published tesseraspid taxa, i.e., T. tessellata Wills, 1935, T. toombsi

Tarlo, 1964, T. mutabilis (Brotzen, 1934), T. oervigi Tarlo, 1964 emend. Dineley and Loeffler, 1976, T. denisoni

Tarlo, 1964, and T. talimaae Tarlo, 1965. All species are based upon rare and incomplete material, as no

head carapaces associated with trunk and tail are known, and so, the intraspecific variability is also unknown.

Distinction between “species” is based on the detail of the superficial sculpture of the tesserae of the head carapaces,

which is unsatisfactory. It is concluded that only four of the nominal species can be retained. A review

of all other known tessellated pteraspidomorphs indicates that our knowledge of tessellated heterostracans is

currently insufficient to support a meaningful classification.

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Blieck Alain
David K. Elliott
Valentina N. Karatajūtė-Talimaa
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In the recent years structural health monitoring (SHM) has gathered spectacular attention in civil engineering applications. Application of such composites enable to improve the safety and performance of structures. Recent advances in nanotechnology have led to development of new family of sensors – self-sensing materials. These materials enable to create the so-called “smart concrete” exhibiting self-sensing ability. Application of selfsensing materials in cement-based materials enables to detect their own state of strain or stress reflected as a change in their electrical properties. The variation of strain or stress is associated with the variation in material’s electrical characteristics, such as resistance or impedance. Therefore, it is possible to efficiently detect and localize crack formation and propagation in selected concrete element. This review is devoted to present contemporary developments in application of nanomaterials in self-sensing cement-based composites and future directions in the field of smart structures.

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E. Horszczaruk
P. Sikora
P. Łukowski
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Nowadays, resonators are widely used in automobile, industrial applications, aerospace engineering, and some other fields. One of the unique characteristics of resonators which made them highly convenient is their acoustic capability to attenuate noise without having to use any acoustic absorptive material. The device acts by manipulating the sound waves to create mismatch impedance. Recent studies also suggest that the typical bulk size resonator with narrow frequency bandwidth is not the only option anymore, since there are newly designed resonators that are capable of having wide attenuation bandwidth and are smaller in size. Numerical and experimental measures were executed accordingly with the same purpose to obtain efficient noise attenuation results from varying resonators’ and mufflers’ configuration in terms of quantity, types, and geometry. The aim of this review is to summarize recent developments on resonator study and to try highlighting some noteworthy issues that need to be unraveled by future research. Helmholtz resonator, Quarter wave tube, Herschel-Quincke tube and helicoidal resonator are part of the numerous resonator studies that will be covered in this paper.

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Khairuddin Muhammad Hariz
Said Mohd Farid Muhamad
Dahlan Afiq Aiman
Kadir Khairuldean Abdul
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The paper presents a review of current achievements in the Electrical Capacitance Tomography (ECT) in relation to its possible applications in the study of phenomena occurring in fluidised bed reactors. Reactors of that kind are being increasingly used in chemical engineering, energetics (fluidised bed boilers) or industrial dryers. However, not all phenomena in the fluidised bed have been thoroughly understood. This results in the need to explore and develop new research methods. Various aspects of ECT operation and data processing are described with their applicability in scientific research. The idea for investigation of temperature distribution in the fluidised bed, using multimodal tomography, is also introduced. Metrological requirements of process tomography such as sensitivity, resolution, and speed of data acquiring are noted.

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Jan Porzuczek
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The report encompasses the activity of the Committee on Ethics in Science in the year 2017.

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Andrzej Zoll
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The aim of the paper is to show the scale of preparing habilitation reviews ending with untypical conclusions and the impact of such reviews on the outcome of habilitation proceedings in one discipline – sociology. The general analysis of the outcome of the review comes down to the final conclusion; the detailed analysis proposed by the author also takes into account the degree of strengthening or weakening of this conclusion. In particular, the weakening of a positive conclusion may indicate that the actual evaluation of the work is rather negative and differs from the nominal evaluation. The article begins with a theoretical introduction in which the author analyzes the legal aspects of reviewing the achieve­ments to the habilitation degree, the imperfections of this process indicated in the literature, and briefly refers to American and Polish research in the field of pragmatics of RPT reviews, which provide tools to interpret the mechanism of formulating unobvious conclusions. A study conducted on a sample of 130 habi­litation cases in sociology from 2012–2019 showed that the results of the pro-ceedings were rather consistent with the results of the reviews. Nevertheless, a set of “border proceedings” have been identified that have received reviews with a low degree of certainty (weakened) or some, but divergent, degree of certainty. In their case, the outcome of the proceedings was unpredictable, i.e. proceedings with the same review configuration ended in different ways.

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Łukasz Remisiewicz
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Evaluation apprehension is the anxiety arising from a concern that one’s knowledge or expertise may be evaluated unfavorably by an audience. In this regard, the educational field comprising students’ discussions, lectures, presentations, and interactions is not an exception. Plethora of studies on student apprehension demonstrated that the construct is under the influence of different factors and can create various consequences. The aim of the present review is to complement and encapsulate previous research on student apprehension by providing an updated review on the concept in different disciplines. Data from 30 studies published in Elsevier, Springer, Taylor & Francis, and System were coded based on a coding scheme. The studies were broadly classified into four categories in the realm of education in terms of students’ disciplines; namely, Second/Foreign Language Learning (9 studies), Accounting and Finance (4 studies), Medicine, Nursing, and Pharmacy (6 studies), and miscellaneous disciplines (11 studies). The focus of this review pivoted around antecedents and consequences of student apprehension in each field. The analysis demonstrated the multidimensional nature of the construct caused by a host of variables and resulting in a multitude of ramifications. Based on these findings, some implications and strategies for mitigating student evaluation apprehension are presented.

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Safoura Jahedizadeh
Behzad Ghonsooly
Azar Hosseini Fatemi
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The article provides an overview of Brain Computer Interface (BCI) solutions for intelligent buildings. A significant topic from the smart cities point of view. That solution could be implemented as one of the human-building interfaces. The authors presented an analysis of the use of BCI in specific building systems. The article presents an analysis of BCI solutions in the context of controlling devices/systems included in the Building Management System (BMS). The Article confirms the possibility of using this method of communication between the user and the building’s central unit. Despite many confirmations of repeatable device inspections, the article presents the challenges faced by the commercialization of the solution in buildings.
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Authors and Affiliations

Bartłomiej Kawa
Piotr Borkowski
Michał Rodak

  1. Lodz University of Technology, Poland
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Phosphating is the process of depositing, by conversion, a layer of insoluble phosphate compounds, on the metal’s surface. Although phosphate coatings have been studied since the early nineteenth century, they are not only still being studied, but are an area of interest due to their many applications. The advantages of these types of coatings are well known, such as the low cost of the deposition process, the improvement of corrosion resistance properties, and the improvement of wear resistance and adhesion of further deposited layers such as paint. All this, leads to studies on the constant improvement of the properties of the phosphate coating, by modifying the parameters of the phosphating process, as well as by modifying/replacing the substances used in the phosphating solutions with “environmentally friendly” solutions. Also due to these advantages, several researchers are studying the possibility of using phosphate coatings in fields such as civil engineering or medicine (biomaterials coatings). This paper aims to present some essential aspects of phosphating and to bring to the fore the latest research on “eco-friendly” phosphating solutions and the possibility of using the phosphating process in other fields, such as the medical field. Also, the paper aims to discuss the possibility of eliminating/reducing the harmful effect that the use of phosphating has on the environment.
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D.-P. Burduhos-Nergis
A.V. Sandu
D.D. Burduhos-Nergis
P. Vizureanu
C. Bejinariu

  1. “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, 41 “D. Mangeron” Street, 700050, Iasi, Romania
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Digital twin (DT) is a solution for presenting reality in a virtual world. DTs have been discussed in the literature only recently. The aim of this work is to review and analyse literature connected to DTs. Under a systematic literature review the authors searched databases for the information how DTs can support organization operations and how they can support sustainability of companies. A literature review was performed according to a developed research methodology, which covers research questions and keywords identification, selection criteria and results analysis. Databases, such as Web of Science, Scopus and Science Direct, were searched. The titles, abstracts and keywords were searched for works related to digital twins, sustainable development and manufacturing processes. Moreover, the search was focused on real-time monitoring, data, decision-making etc. The keywords used in the searching process are specified in the methodology. Afterwards, quantitate and qualitative analysis were performed taking into account number of publication, year of publications, type of publication, based on keywords and available information concerning the papers. Deeper analysis was performed on available full texts of the papers. The main goal of this paper was to assess how much the specified problem is discussed in literature in the context of production organizations and real-time and what kind of topics are present in publications to indicate future research needs.
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Jerzy Pater
Dorota Stadnicka
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This article examines the process of the judicial Europeanization of the Polish Constitution. In Poland the judicial method of Europeanizing the Constitution is currently the primary way of adjusting constitutional norms to requirements resulting from EU law. The phenomenon of re-interpretation of constitutional provisions in light of the new and changing realities is a characteristic feature of contemporary constitutionalism. It has been a long time since most national constitutions have undergone significant textual changes. In Poland, the scope of judicial Europeanization of the Constitution is connected, to a great extent, with the inflexible procedure required for constitutional amendments. In this situation, these so-called “silent changes” of constitutional norms are the easiest and fastest way of reacting to requirements stemming from Poland’s EU membership. In the Polish case not only have the norms regarding the political system of the state changed, but also constitutional standards relating to the protection of fundamental rights and freedoms have undergone the process of the Europeanization. To some extent, these changes relate to procedural norms as well.
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Aleksandra Kustra
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Rye is an important crop widely cultivated in Europe, but one of the hardest to improve due to its allogamy and self-incompatibility. The market for rye-based products is constantly growing thanks to the popularity of organic farming, feed production and diverse industry applications. To address these demands, new highly productive hybrid rye varieties are needed. Currently, full potential of heterosis in rye breeding is hard to reach due to the limited success in in vitro cultures. This review summarizes the progress in rye in vitro cultures and proposes novel approaches to overcome recalcitrance in this species.

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Janusz Zimny
Krzysztof Michalski
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This article concerns constitutional problems related to the implementation of EU directives seen from both the legal and comparative perspectives. The directives are a source of law which share a number of characteristic features that significantly affect and determine the specificity of Member States’ constitutional review of the directives as well as the legal acts that implement them. The review of the constitutionality of EU directives is carried out in accordance with the provisions of national implementing acts. Member States’ constitutional courts adopt two basic positions in this respect. The first position (adopted by, inter alia, the French Constitutional Council and German Federal Constitutional Court) is based on the assumption of a partial “constitutional immunity” of the act implementing the directive, which results in only a partial control of the constitutionality of the implementing acts, i.e. the acts of national law implementing such directives. The second position, (adopted, explicitly or implicitly by, inter alia, the Austrian Federal Constitutional Court, Czech Constitutional Court, Polish Constitutional Court, Romanian Constitutional Court and Slovak Constitutional Court) concerns the admissibility of a full review of the implementing acts. This leads to the admissibility of an indirect review of the content of the directive if the Court examines the provision as identical in terms of content with an act of EU law. Another issue is related to the application of the EU directives as indirect yardsticks of review. The French Constitutional Council case-law on review of the proper implementation of EU directives represents the canon in this regard. Nonetheless, interesting case studies of further uses of EU directives as indirect yardsticks of review can be found in the case law of other constitutional courts, such as the Belgian Constitutional Court or Spanish Constitutional Court. The research presented in this paper is based on the comparative method. The scope of the analysis covers case law of the constitutional courts of both old and new Member States. It also includes a presentation of recent jurisprudential developments, focusing on the constitutional case-law regarding the Data Retention Directive and the Directive on Combating Terrorism.

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Authors and Affiliations

Aleksandra Kustra-Rogatka
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The International Classification of Function, Health and Disability (ICF) underscores a functional approach to aphasia assessment and therapy. The widespread uptake of the ICF necessitates a reflection whether the existing knowledge base on the Polish language of aphasia will permit speech‑language pathologists in Poland to make a strong contribution to this international trend. Using the PRISMA‑ScR methodology, a scoping review was conducted to describe and summarise the current state of research on the impact of aphasia on the subsystems of the Polish language and its mental processing. The findings indicate that although empirical studies of the Polish language of aphasia have so far addressed all the language subsystems, the level of scientific evidence in this area is low and the resulting knowledge base is incomplete and fragmented. There are significant research gaps, particularly in regard to pragmatics and discourse in aphasia, which need to be filled, so that the new empirical evidence can be used to develop functionally oriented and consequence‑based clinical tools and methods.
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Robert Dębski
Paulina Wójcik-Topór
Magdalena Knapek

  1. Jagiellonian University
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Currently more and more research is being done on integrated weed management to reduce or avoid herbicide use. Some growers are already using isotherapic dilutions to control weeds in organic farming. Isotherapy is different from homeopathy because it uses diluted and potentized (succussed) solutions of alcoholic macerate of the very pest causing health troubles. We set up a germination experiment to test if isotherapic dilutions of leaf macerate of annual ryegrass affect the dynamics of its seed germination in Petri dishes. Our results were diverse, from no effect to 10% more growing degree days necessary to reach 50% germination. It is doubtful that so low an effect will contribute to integrated weed management unless the slightly delayed germination triggers secondary effects at other life stages. This is in accordance with the scientific literature on that topic: two-fifths of the reports showed no effect, two-fifths resulted in positive responses and one-fifth had diverse responses for the criteria tested.

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Gwladys Fontanieu
Henri Darmency
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Malignant neoplasms are currently a severe medical challenge and the second leading cause of death worldwide. The modern anesthesia applied may improve the patient outcome. This paper presents a review of anesthesia management related to patients with gynaecologic malignancies. It includes the influence of the type of anesthesia on cancer recurrence, application of regional anesthesia in gynaecologic oncologic surgery, and selected aspects of anesthesia for robotic surgery. We performed a literature search on MEDLINE, EMBASE, Google Scholar, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, and Clinical Trials. The database search focused on the topics related to anesthesia in gynecological oncology. The authors also contributed through individual, independent literature searches.
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Paweł Krawczyk
Tomasz Lonc
Rafał Świstek
Paweł Tyszecki
Janusz Andres

  1. Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland
  2. Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine 5th Military Hospital with Polyclinic Kraków, Poland
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Oncological surgery is the primary treatment for gynecological malignancies and is inseparably linked with anesthesia. The modern approach to interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary perioperative care in gynecologic oncological patients improves the outcome. This paper presents a review of perioperative management of patients with gynecologic oncology related to enhanced recovery after surgery and cytor-eductive surgery with hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy. We performed a literature search on MEDLINE, EMBASE, Google Scholar, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, and Clinical Trials. The database search focused on selected topics related to perioperative gynecological oncology care. The authors also contributed through individual, independent literature searches.
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Paweł Krawczyk
Rafał Baran
Dominika Trojnarska
Robert Jach
Janusz Andres

  1. Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland
  2. Department of Gynecological Endocrinology and Gynecology, University Hospital, Kraków, Poland
  3. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland
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The report encompasses the activity of the Committee on Ethics in Science in the year 2018.

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Andrzej Górski
Mieczysław Grabianowski
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Agile Project Management is a topic that has become popular both in business and academia, since the publication of the Agile Manifesto – a historic landmark in this subject. In the next 20 years, there was a relevant scientific production that must be analyzed to provoke reflection about the knowledge built up in this period. In this sense, this study aims to analyze the relevant scientific literature on Agile Project Management through a systematic review and a bibliometric analysis of articles published in scientific journals with Digital Object Identifier, in English, from the Web of Science and Scopus databases, from 2001 to 2021. The research results enable us to gain insights into the characteristics of this knowledge domain, regarding its volume and evolutionary trend, main contributors (i.e. scientific journals, authors, and their affiliations), main studies, methods used, and its central thematic axes.
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Antonio Carlos Pacagnella Junior
Vinicius Romeiro da Silva

  1. State University of Campinas, School of Applied Sciences, Production Engineering Center (CENPRO), Brazil
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With continuous and rapid change in both technology and businesses due to climate change and governments regulations, Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) is receiving increasing attentions during last two decades. GSCM refers to the abilities of businesses to enhance operations and sustain environment at the same time and efficiently. In this paper, a comprehensive review of GSCM development and applications is conducted. This review aims to explore the recent developments of GSCM and necessity of adoption GSCM applications in businesses to insure sustainable development. First, a descriptive analysis of 796 paper adopted from Scopus database was conducted to review research on GSCM. Next, a bibliometric analysis of 235 paper was conducted to determine the recent trends and areas of GSCM and related keywords by using VOSviewer software. Then, a content analysis was carried out of 53 review papers by adopting WordStat software to analyze the impact of GSCM on related subjects and trends of GSCM. Finally, a summary analysis of GSCM advantages and challenges was conducted based on fundamental GSCM’s objectives. Results reveal that researches on GSCM are in upward curve with limitations in implementing GSCM applications due to high cost, and lack of sufficient experiences. Results also reveal positive moderate correlation of GSCM with environment, performance, sustainability and management practices indicating the limited implementation of GSCM applications. To further explore these limitations, this study summarized the recent challenges and future potential directions of GSCM in both businesses and environments.
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Ali Mohsin Salim Ba Awain
Abdullah M. Al-Ansi
Mohammed Jaboob
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The objective of this article is to carry out a systematic review of the literature on multivariate statistical process control (MSPC) charts used in industrial processes. The systematic review was based on articles published via Web of Science and Scopus in the last 10 years, from 2010 to 2020, with 51 articles on the theme identified. This article sought to identify in which industry the MSPC charts are most applied, the types of multivariate control charts used and probability distributions adopted, as well as pointing out the gaps and future directions of research. The most commonly represented industry was electronics, featuring in approximately 25% of the articles. The MSPC chart most frequently applied in the industrial sector was the traditional T2 of Harold Hotelling (Hotelling, 1947), found in 26.56% of the articles. Almost half of the combinations between the probabilistic distribution and the multivariate control graphs, i.e., 49.4%, considered that the data followed a normal distribution. Gaps and future directions for research on the topic are presented at the end.
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Renan Mitsuo Ueda
Ìcaro Romolo Sousa Agostino
Adriano Mendonça Souza

  1. Federal University of Santa Maria, Brazil
  2. Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil
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As communication grows ever more media-centric, it often intends to modify the addressee’s attitude. In this context, our chapter aims to investigate a relatively little- examined film review genre from the discursive, pragmatic and rhetorical perspective. The selected corpus consists of one hundred French and Polish journalistic reviews of three famous films from 2019. The act of persuasion we focus on corresponds to a set of strategies exploiting exploiting the deliberative and epideictic dimensions of discourse as well as the rhetorical principles of movere and delectare in order to instil particular views and concepts. Hence, to some extent, the described procedures draw on other discourses, such as elite, advertising, stylistic and filmic discourse. Therefore, our study centres around these new intrinsic features of the film review’s multifaceted nature considered as a sociocultural activity based on the justified assessment and the addresser’s ethos.
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Dominika Topa-Bryniarska

  1. Université de Silésie
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This is a survey of selected publications by Stanisław Wasylewski that appeared in the Lwów Gazeta Poranna and Gazeta Wieczorna between 1911 and 1914. The analyses are based on extant copies of the two newspapers held in Poland in the collections of the Jagiellonian Univer-sity in Cracow. The material includes articles, theatre and book reviews as well as advertise-ments of novels to be published in serial installments.
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Beata Langer

  1. Instytut Nauk o Informacji, Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. KEN, ul. Podchorążych 2, PL 30-084 Kraków
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During the three decades since 1989 Gazeta Wyborcza published a considerable number of articles, reviews, reports, essays (feuilletons) and news items about various aspects of Czech cultural life, especially contemporary literature (i.e. individual authors as well as issues and sites with literary connections). While a steady focus was kept on the work of the most popular, award-winning writers like Václav Hrabal, Milan Kundera, Ota Pavel, Jaroslav Hašek, Karel Čapek and Josef Škvorecký, Gazeta Wyborcza also promoted the fiction of Michal Viewegh, Irena Obermannová and Jáchym Topol.
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Michał Rogoż

  1. Instytut Nauk o Informacji, Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. KEN, ul. Podchorążych 2, PL 30-084 Kraków

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