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An analysis of the impact of mining with caving on the surface shows that a type of rock mass strata seems to be one of the critical factors affecting the process. Correlating the values of mining-induced surface deformation with the rock mass structure and the state of its disturbance is of crucial importance. Therefore, if other mining conditions are left unaffected, then those factors exert the key influence on a course and distribution of subsidence and rock mass deformation. A proper description of rock mass type and properties also seems rational for a proper determination of prediction parameters, especially in the case of a multi-seam coal mining, and/or the exploitation carried out at considerable depths. A general outcome of the study discussed in this paper is the development of the methodology and model practices for determining the rock mass type and, as a result, for selecting the optimal values of parameters for predicting the values of surface subsidence in relation to particular geological and mining conditions. The study proves that the type of rock mass may be described by such factors as the influence of overburden strata, the influence of Carboniferous layers, the disturbance of rock mass and the depth of exploitation.
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Authors and Affiliations

Katarzyna Kryzia
Tadeusz Majcherczyk
Zbigniew Niedbalski
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Recalling the body of experience gathered in the collieries of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin, the

increased risk of seismicity and rockburst occurrences in confined conditions including the exploitation of

remnants were identified. This study investigates geomechanical aspects of longwall mining in the areas

affected by old excavations aimed at relaxation of a multi-bed deposits within a thick coal seam or a group

of seams. It is assumed that high-energy seismicity is another factor determining the rockburst hazard

alongside the state of stress. A case study is recalled, describing a colliery where mining-induced seismic

activity of a de-stressed coal seam remained at the level comparable to or higher than it was experienced

in the de-stressed seam operations. An analytical model was used to study the stress state and potential

loss of structural continuity of an undisturbed rock body surrounding the longwall panel being mined

beneath or over the abandoned workings. Recalling the developed model of the system involving nonlinear

functions demonstrating the existence of abandoned mine workings within the rock strata, computer

simulations were performed to evaluate the rockburst hazards along the face area. Discussions of results

are based on observations of immediate roof convergence and the vertical stress concentration factor at

the longwall face zone. Computational data of the modelled mining situations demonstrates that despite

using the de-stressing method of mining, the occurrence of events impacting on mine working beneath

and over abandoned workings cannot be precluded. Here the scale of rockburst hazards is determined by

local mining and geological conditions, such as the type and extent of abandoned workings, their age and

vertical distance between them and the coal seam currently mined.

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Zbigniew Burtan
Andrzej Zorychta
Dariusz Chlebowski
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Optimum truck numbers of an enterprise can be found by dividing the period of time passed between a departing truck after loading, the arrival at the dumping location, the arrival at the point of loading again and the average loading time parameters of a truck. The average loading time of the truck is directly associated with the bucket fill factor and cycle time of the excavator. While the bucket fill factor depends on the mechanical strength and the discontinuity characteristics of the rock, the cycle time is related to bucket volume, the strength and the discontinuity characteristics of the rock. In this study, two relations predicting the average cycle time of the bucket fill factor for both hydraulic and electric excavators is done by seven excavators with different bucket volumes, and mass characteristics of eight different rocks from a coal open pit mine. According to the above, the optimum truck number was developed.
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[1] S. Alarie, M. Gamache, Overview of Solution Strategies Used in Truck Dispatching Systems for Open Pit Mines. International Journal of Surface Mining Reclamation and Environment 16, 59-76 (2002).
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Authors and Affiliations

Abdurrahman Tosun

  1. Dokuz Eylul University, Bergama, 35062, Izmir, Turkey
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A “rock bridge”, defined as the closest distance between two joints in a rock mass, is an important feature affecting the jointed rock mass strength. Artificial jointed rock specimens with two parallel joint fractures were tested under uniaxial compression and numerical simulations were carried out to study the effects of the inclination of the rock bridge, the dip angle of the joint, rock bridge length, and the length of joints on the strength of the jointed rock mass. Research results show: (1) When the length of the joint fracture, the length of the rock bridge, and the inclination of the rock bridge stay unchanged, the uniaxial compressive strength of the specimen gradually increases as the inclination of the joint fracture increases from 0° to 90°. (2) When the length of the joint fracture, the length of the rock bridge, and the inclination of the joint fracture stay unchanged, the uniaxial compressive strength of the specimen shows variations in trends with the inclination of the rock bridge increasing from 30° to 150° (3). In the case when the joint is angled from the vertical loading direction, when the dip angle of the joint fracture, the inclination of the rock bridge, and the length of the rock bridge stay unchanged, the uniaxial compressive strength of the specimen gradually decreases with an increasing length of joint fracture. When the dip angle of the joint fracture, the inclination of the rock bridge, and the length of the joint fracture stay unchanged, the uniaxial compressive strength of the specimen does not show a clear trend with an increase of the length of the rock bridge.

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L.X. Xiong
H.Y. Yuan
Y. Zhang
K.F. Zhang
J.B. Li
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A simple empirical study on the orientation, diameter, and extent of radial fractures (long and short) at the vicinity of the face-perpendicular preconditioned boreholes is described. Homogenous and heterogeneous mining faces were considered when studying the orientation of radial fractures, four and five face-perpendicular preconditioning practices were used to investigate the outspread and diameter of radial fractures from one blasted drill hole to another. Long radial fractures were observed to be developed along the direction of the maximum principal stress and short radial fractures were observed to be developed along the direction of the intermediate principal stress in a homogenous mining face. On the other hand, long radial fractures were observed to be developed along the direction of the intermediate principal stress, while short radial fractures were observed to be developed along the direction of the maximum principal stress when the mining faces subjected to heterogeneous rock mass. The diameters of the radial fractures observed were inconsistent and were not nine times the diameter of the original borehole. Furthermore, the extent of radial fractures from one borehole to another was noted to be gradually improved when the additional of preconditioned borehole was in place. This study maintained that the orientation of radial fractures is mostly controlled by the rock properties, however, extend and the diameters of the radial fractures are controlled by rock properties, the effectiveness of the stress wave and gas pressure and brittleness of the rock mass.

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Fhatuwani Sengani
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Geodesic measurements of mining area deformations indicate that their description fails to be regular,

as opposed to what the predictions based on the relationships of the geometric-integral theory suggest.

The Knothe theory, most commonly applied in that case, considers such parameters as the exploitation

coefficient a and the angle of the main influences range tgβ, describing the geomechanical properties of the

medium, as well as the mining conditions. The study shows that the values of the parameters a = 0.8 and

tgβ = 2.0, most commonly adopted for the prediction of surface deformation, are not entirely adequate in

describing each and every mining situation in the analysed rock mass. Therefore, the paper aims to propose

methodology for determining the value of exploitation coefficient a, which allows to predict the values

of surface subsidence caused by underground coal mining with roof caving, depending on geological and

mining conditions. The characteristics of the analysed areas show that the following factors affect surface

subsidence: thickness of overburden, type of overburden strata, type of Carboniferous strata, rock mass

disturbance and depth of exploitation. These factors may allow to determine the exploitation coefficient a,

used in the Knothe theory for surface deformation prediction.

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Authors and Affiliations

Katarzyna Kryzia
Tadeusz Majcherczyk
Zbigniew Niedbalski
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The evaluation accuracies of rock mass structures based on the ratings of the Rock Quality Designation (RQD) and discontinuity spacing (S) in the Rock Mass Rating (RMR) system are very limited due to the inherent restrictions of RQD and S. This study presents an improvement that replaces these two parameters with the modified blockiness index (Bz) in the RMR system. Before proceeding with this replacement, it is necessary for theoretical model building to make an assumption that the discontinuity network contains three sets of mutually orthogonal disc-shaped discontinuities with the same diameter and spacing of discontinuities. Then, a total of 35 types of theoretical DFN (Discrete Fracture Network) models possessing the different structures were built based on the International Society for Rock Mechanics (ISRM) discontinuity classification (ISRM, 1978). In addition, the RQD values of each model were measured by setting the scanlines in the models, and the Bz values were computed following the modified blockiness evaluation method. Correlations between the three indices (i.e., Bz, RQD and S) were explored, and the reliability of the substitution was subsequently verified. Finally, RMR systems based on the proposed method and the standard approach were applied to real cases, and comparisons between the two methods were performed. This study reveals that RQD is well correlated with S but is difficult to relate to the discontinuity diameter (D), and Bz has a good correlation with RQD/S. Additionally, the ratings of RQD and S are always far from the actual rock mass structure, and the Bz ratings are found to give better characterizations of rock mass structures. This substitution in the RMR system was found to be acceptable and practical.
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Qingfa Chen
Tingchang Yin
Wenjing Niu
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Underground mining extraction causes the displacement and changes of stress fields in the surrounding rock mass. The determination of the changes is extremely important when the mining activity takes place in the proximity of post-flotation tailing ponds, which may affect the stability of the tailing dams. The deterministic modeling based on principles of continuum mechanics with the use of numerical methods, e.g. finite element method (FEM) should be used in all problems of predicting rock mass displacements and changes of stress field, particularly in cases of complex geology and complex mining methods. The accuracy of FEM solutions depends mainly on the quality of geomechanical parameters of the geological strata. The parameters, e.g. young modulus of elasticity, may require verification through a comparison with measured surface deformations using geodetic methods. This paper presents application of FEM in predicting effects of underground mining on the surface displacements in the area of the KGHM safety pillar of the tailing pond of the OUOW Żelazny Most. The area has been affected by room and pillar mining with roof bending in the years 2008-2016 and will be further exposed to room-and-pillar extraction with hydraulic filling in the years 2017–2019.

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Ewa Warchała
Anna Szostak-Chrzanowski
Paweł Stefanek
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The main energy source in Poland is still hard coal and lignite. The coal combustion process produces large quantities of by-products, e.g. fly ashes, slag furnace and harmful chemical gases (CO2, NOx, sulfur compounds) which enter the atmosphere. Fly ashes, due to their being fine grained (cement-like), chemical and phase compound and reactivity, have also been widely used in various technological solutions e.g. in the production of ordinary cement, hydro-technical cement and the new generation of cements. The adequate amount of fly ashes additive has a positive effect on fresh and hardened cement slurry properties. What is more, it allows for the pro-ecological and economic production of cement mix The exploitation of natural resources is connected with performance mining excavations at different depths. After a certain period of time, those voids break down which, in turn, leads to the slip of upper layers and the so-called landslides forming on the surface. This situation imposes the necessity of basis and sealing rock mass reinforcement. To minimize the risk connected to geotechnical problems on the mining areas, there is a need to use engineering solutions which could improve soil bearing in a universal, economical and efficient way. This leads to the development of new cement slurry recipes used during geoengineering works, especially in the mining areas. Moreover, economic requirements are forcing engineers to use less expensive technical and technological solutions simultaneously maintaining strength properties. An example of such a solution is to use suitable additives to cement slurry which could reduce the total unit cost of the treatment.

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Authors and Affiliations

Małgorzata Formela
Stanisław Stryczek
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Hydrocarbon production under certain geological conditions of these deposits can cause surface subsidence and deformation of the terrain surface. Such deformations appear as subsidence troughs of considerable range and the magnitude of the subsidence depending on the total thickness of the reservoir, compaction properties of reservoir and on the number of other factors. In the past there have been widely recognized magnitudes of the subsidence up to 9 meters. The stress zones in the subsidence trough may affect the buildings and surface structures. However there have been well known some cases of destroyed boreholes or pipelines belonging to the gas or oil mine. Therefore there is a requirement to analyze the possibility of occurrence unfavorable phenomenon on the ground surface, to monitor surface deformations during production and to protect surface infrastructure located in the range of mining influences. In the paper the issue of surface subsidence caused by hydrocarbon production has been presented. The cause - effect relationship between the compaction of thereservoir rock and the subsidence of surface area has been assumed. The prediction model base on the influence function and on the superposition of elementary influences. For the purpose of building damage protection a new model of risk assessment has been developed. This model base on the elements of fuzzy logicallows to incorporate in the analysis the quantitative and qualitative factors that contribute to the risk of building damage. Use of the fuzzy logic made it possible to obtain one value which clearly discriminate the risk of buildings damage. However, risk analyzes of damage to the large number of buildings has been required additional tools. The spatial analysis has been made by using GIS. The subjects of the paper have been illustrated with a practical example.

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Ryszard Hejmanowski
Agnieszka Malinowska
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The paper presents the results of works related to the analysis of microclimate hazards in the Crystal Caves of the Wieliczka Salt Mine. The paper focused on the development of a device for monitoring, testing and preliminary measurements of the gravimetric water content of rock in the Crystal Caves. The multisensory measurement system equipped with capacitive soil moisture sensors has been developed, calibrated and optimised. The system was used for monitoring moisture content in the sidewall and thill of the Crystal Caves.
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Paweł Jamróz
Katarzyna Socha

  1. Strata Mechanics Research Institute, Polish Academy of Science, 27 Reymonta Str., 30-059 Kraków, Poland
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Mining-induced sinkholes are a common feature in underground mines. Sinkholes usually disrupt mining operations and associated infrastructure when they occur. This paper presents a case study of the Lubambe copper mine, where nine (9) sinkholes have been reported on the eastern and southern limbs. The development of sinkholes has resulted in increased mining costs due to the closure of the 182 mL decline on the eastern limb and the 175 mL truck route on the southern limb. This study establishes the influence that poor ground formation, rock stability, geological structures, and inappropriate mining practices have on the formation of surface sinkholes. Assessment of ground condition was done by core logging, and borehole analysis was conducted using GEM4D-BasRock software to classify the rock mass quality based on RQD, RMR, Q-System and GIS. Assessment of the mining operational environment was focused on the effects of varying stope designs and sequencing on ground stability. Results of the study indicate that the formation of surface-induced sinkholes is attributed to historical mining in weak rock formation and weathered rock coupled with subsequent failure of unsupported stopes with stope height between 8 and 25 metres and less stand-up time of 7 days.
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Victor Patson Mutambo
Serhii Chukharev
Pardon Sinkala
Draida Mikoloni

  1. University of Zambia
  2. National University of Water and Nature, Ukraine
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Rock excavation is a basic technological operation during tunnelling and drilling roadways in underground mines. Tunnels and roadways in underground mines are driven into a rock mass, which in the particular case of sedimentary rocks, often have a layered structure and complicated tectonics. For this reason, rock strata often have highly differentiated mechanical properties, diverse deposition patterns and varied thicknesses in the cross sections of such headings. In the field of roadheader technology applied to drilling headings, the structure of a rock mass is highly relevant when selecting the appropriate cutting method for the heading face. Decidedly differentiated values of the parameters which describe the mechanical properties of a particular rock layer deposited in the cross section of the drilled tunnel heading will influence the value and character of the load on the cutting system, generated by the cutting process, power demand, efficiency and energy consumption of the cutting process. The article presents a mathematical modelling process for cutting a layered structure rock mass with the transverse head of a boom-type roadheader. The assumption was made that the rock mass being cut consists of a certain number of rock layers with predefined mechanical properties, a specific thickness and deposition pattern. The mathematical model created was executed through a computer programme. It was used for analysing the impact deposition patterns of rock layers with varied mechanical properties, have on the amount of cutting power consumed and load placed on a roadheader cutting system. The article presents an example of the results attained from computer simulations. They indicate that variations in the properties of the rock cut – as cutting heads are moving along the surface of the heading face – may have, apart from multiple other factors, a significant impact on the value of the power consumed by the cutting process.

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Piotr Cheluszka
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It is the foundation of tunnel engineering to classify the rock mass surrounding tunnels. However, it is not easy to precisely determine the class of rock mass in practice as sufficient geological exploration need to be completed before rock mass classification, and there exists some disputes referring to the rationalization of dozens of methods for rock mass classification through the world. The principles and procedures of the basic quality method, which are widely used in China, are presented in this paper, and the application process of the basic quality method is showed with a project case of Zhongnanshan highway tunnel which has operated in safety for nearly a decade. Then, both the advantages and disadvantages of the basic quality method are analyzed in terms of practical engineering applications. In consideration of the defects of the basic quality method, the concept of the subclassing of surrounding rock in grade III–V is developed in the end and the criterion is given to determine the subclass of rock mass. This study is aimed at providing some useful ideas and a reference for rock classification in highway tunnel engineering.
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Du Yanqiang
Xie Bing

  1. Luoyang Institute of Science and Technology, School of Civil Engineering, No. 90 Wangcheng Avenue, Luoyang, China
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The road tunnel in Laliki was excavated in highly heterogeneous, severely tectonically damaged and mainly very weak rocks of the Western Carpathians flysch. In particular, the conditions were characterized by a high percentage of very weak laminated shale and weathered rock mass, an unfavorable and very steep slope of the rock layers and unstable hydrological conditions with outflows of water in loosened tectonic zones. That structure and properties of the rock mass highly uncertain. This paper describes the influence of geological engineering and geotechnical conditions on the primary lining of a main road tunnel. The deformation of the primary lining was analyzed in terms of the percentage share of sandstones and shale, geomechanical classifications RMR (Bieniawski 1989) and QTS (Tesar 1979), types of the primary lining and the use of rock bolts and micropiles. The analysis was preceded by characterization of geological engineering conditions and technological characterization of applied primary linings. Displacements of the primary lining, greater than acceptable, occurred several times in a top heading during tunneling. The primary lining was reinforced by additional rock bolts and wire mesh, a thicker layer of shotcrete and micropiles if deformation reached the emergency state for some types of linings and they didn't indicate any tendency for stabilization. The reinforcement was used until the deformation stabilization was achieved. In the most difficult conditions, the lining was reinforced by a longer micropile umbrella. Parameters for the primary lining were selected on the basis of ongoing geological engineering and geotechnical measurements, in accordance with NATM's principles. The rock mass around the tunnel in Laliki is an example of weak carrying capacity. The observed displacements in the rock mass indicate that the disturbed zone around the tunnel was heavily developed. The primary lining used in such conditions must bear a relatively high load capacity from overlying loosened material and therefore the lack of interaction with the surrounding rock mass should be assumed. The data obtained indicate that the use of the primary lining in the highly variable conditions in the Carpathian flysch requires accurate geological engineering and geotechnical analysis during the day-to-day process of tunneling in order to verify the projected assumptions. The primary linings should be reinforced as needed based on the results of geotechnical measurements, monitoring the interaction between the rock mass and the system of lining.

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Authors and Affiliations

Tadeusz Majcherczyk
Zenon Pilecki
Zbigniew Niedbalski
Elżbieta Pilecka
Mateusz Blajer
Joanna Pszonka
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The deformation modulus of the rock mass as a very important parameter in rock mechanic projects generally is determined by the plate load in-situ tests. While this test is very expensive and time-consuming, so in this study a new method is developed to combin artificial neural networks and numerical modeling for predicting deformation modulus of rock masses. For this aim, firstly, the plate load test was simulated using a Finite Difference numerical model that was verified with actual results of the plate load test in Pirtaghi dam galleries in Iran. Secondly, an artificial neural network is trained with a set of data resulted from numerical simulations to estimate the deformation modulus of the rock mass. The results showed that an ANN with five neurons in the input layer, three hidden layers with 4, 3 and 2 neurons, and one neuron in the output layer had the best accuracy for predicting the deformation modulus of the rock mass.

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Narges Saadat Tayarani
Saeed Jamali
Mehdi Motevalli Zadeh
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Desired rock fragmentation is the need of the hour, which influences the entire mining cycle. Thus, most engineering segments pay attention to rock fragmentation and neglect by-products like ground vibration and fly rock. Structural and mechanical properties of rock mass like joint spacing, joint angle, and compressive strength of rock pose a puzzling impact on both fragmentation and ground vibration. About 80% of explosive energy that gets wasted in producing ill effects can be positively optimised, with a new set of blast design parameters upon identifying the behaviour of rock mass properties. In this connection, this research aims to investigate the influence of joint spacing, joint angle, and compressive strength of rock on fragmentation and induced ground vibration. To accomplish this task, research was carried out at an opencast coal mine. It was discovered from this research that compressive strength, joint spacing, and joint angle have a significant effect on the mean fragmentation size (MFS) and peak particle velocity (PPV). With the increase in compressive strength, MFS explicit both increase and decrease trends whilst PPV increased with a specific increase in compressive strength of the rock. An increase in joint spacing triggers both increase and decrease trends in both MFS and PPV. While there is an increase in joint angle, MFS and PPV decrease.
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Authors and Affiliations

Sri Chandrahas
1 2
Bhanwar Singh Choudhary
N.S.R. Krishna Prasad
Venkataramayya Musunuri
K.K. Rao

  1. Department of Mining Engineering, IIT(ISM) Dhanbad, India
  2. Department of Mining Engineering, Malla Reddy Engineering College, Hyderabad, India
  3. Manager, UCIL Mine, Kadapa , India

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