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Wytwarzane dzięki symulacjom modele zastępujące świat są wolne od uwarunkowań biologicznych, emocjonalnych, historycznych, logicznych, życiowych.

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Katarzyna Kasia
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Gaston Milhaud rejects the principle of contradiction if it is conceived as an absolute and universal rule. He claims that it only holds in some narrowly defined circumstances. According to him, the greater is mental contribution to an act of cognition the more appropriate is the application of the principle of contradiction. My analysis of his views shows that he wanted to emphasize the differences between the objective reality and its mental or linguistic representations rather than undermine the logical principle of contradiction. Parallels can be noted between Milhaud’s views on contradiction and Leon Chwistek’s theory of the multiplicity of realities, as well as Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz’s concept of the cognitive role of language.

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Anna Jedynak
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The article presents the academic activities and methodological approaches of Russian historians Mikhail Pokrovsky (1868–1932) and David Riazanov (1870–1938) who worked in a difficult political climate. They both had their own criteria of objectivity in history and held their own political views. They shared the reality of Bolshevism, although their concepts of interpreting his- tory clashed with Bolshevist ways of thinking. Bolshevism practices and beliefs required drastic adjustments in academic studies, in particular in the social sciences. The article focuses on the interactions between the governing party and Pokrovsky Riazanov.
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Jan Krzysztof Witczak
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The article presents a brief exposition of alternative ways of creating virtual objects and the status of their existence inspired by the relevant views of Plato, Aristotle, Franz Brentano and Karl Popper as well as various conceptions of representation. I argue that the present state of research on the problem of “computer” virtuality shows that it is necessary to explore first the ontological issues of virtual objects. Only these issues will solve the mystery of the creation and existence of virtual objects. The consideration of these issues are suppressed by the fact that contemporary philosophy has removed both metaphysics and, with-it, ontology. That is why, and for reasons for reasons of substantive accuracy, I show how traditional ontological and ontologically inspiring approaches are—when modified— promising candidates for exploring the nature of virtual objects, first of all, problems of their existence and creation.

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Mariusz Mazurek
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In this paper, I present a short 10-point characteristics of the classical conception of truth. Subsequently I point to the importance and comprehensive usefulness of this truth, among others, to the possibility of applying it in some virtual environments, e.g., in those which include virtual objects of types A and C. I also emphasize that—independently of views of promotors and creators of the “post-truth era” (e.g. the will of politicians, propagandists and the authors of conspiracy theories)—truth as it is grasped in the classical theory is in principle non-withdrawable from social discourse, including its philosophical and scientific fields.
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Józef Dębowski

  1. Zakład Epistemologii, Logiki i Metodologii Nauk, Instytut Filozofii, Wydział Humanistyczny, Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie, ul. Kurta Obitza 1, 10-725 Olsztyn
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The aim of this paper is to indicate the preliminary conditions that should be met by the concept of extended knowledge. Cognitive artifacts undoubtedly affect human cognition and knowledge. Research on knowledge should therefore take into account significant technological changes. In this paper, I make use of the concept of the Extended Mind, and in epistemological research, I use the reliabilist theories of justification. The effect of this combination is the analysis of the phenomenon of extended knowledge on the examples of extended perception and extended memory. Research conducted in the field of extended epistemology and telepistemology provides a significant support.
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Tomasz Walczyk

  1. Instytut Filozofii UMCS, Pl. M. Curie-Skłodowskiej 4, Lublin
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Each work of literature creates its own world of fiction and presents a series of events that bring that world to life. Such a world is initially evoked by its author, but subsequently continues to exist supported by collective memory and imagination of the readers and critics. Altogether Roman Ingarden admits four metaphysical categories: the real, the ideal, the mental and the intentional world. A puzzling question arises if we inquire how various objects are included into any of these categories. Is it necessary that they meet some qualitative criteria, or is it possible that they are placed in a suitable category by being freely ascribed to it? The author chooses the second option and argues that this is compatible with the eminent role that Ingarden assigned to works of literature.
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Jacek Hołówka

  1. prof. em., Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Filozofii, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 3, 00-927 Warszawa
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This is an analysis of the strategies used to create a perception of Japan, or the ‘Japan effect’ – a term inspired by Roland Barthes ‘reality effect’ ( effet de reel) – in the fiction of Wacław Sieroszewski and Ferdynand Ossendowski, two Polish writers who were first to introduce Japan to the Polish general public. Both visited Japan, Sieroszewski in 1903 and Ossendowski in 1921; both were authors of popular fiction set in exotic locations. However, each of them chose a different strategy of presenting the Japanese setting of their stories. While Ossendowski's construction of the ‘Japan effect’ can be described as ‘encyclopedic realism’ (his narrative is stitched up with multiple notes and explanations), Sieroszewski takes a more direct, dramatic approach. Sieroszewski prefers to confront the reader with various exotic ‘props’ and to take him on a journey of discovery of the peculiarities of Japanese behavior, aesthetic values and ways of thinking.
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● Baroni H.J., The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Zen Buddhism, New York 2002.
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● Barthes R., Efekt rzeczywistości, przeł. M.P. Markowski, „Teksty Drugie” 2012, nr 4.
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Katarzyna Deja

  1. Wydział Polonistyki, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Kraków
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W artykule dokonuję rekonstrukcji i krytycznie omawiam (analizuję) podstawowe zręby Zdzisława Cackowskiego sposobu rozumienia filozofii i nauki. Podkreślam, iż według Cackowskiego filozofia jest nauką (i to nauką nomotetyczną), choć zarazem jest to nauka ze wszystkich najogólniejsza. Filozofia bowiem, podobnie jak nauki szczegółowe, spełnia wszystkie najważniejsze, tak jak je określa Cackowski, warunki i kryteria naukowości. Filozofia ponadto, podobnie jak każda inna nauka, prócz funkcji poznawczej, pełni również istotne funkcje praktyczne, w szczególności światopoglądowo-ideologiczne. Natomiast specyfika (swoistość) filozofii wynika z jej aspiracji uniwersalistycznych i według Cackowskiego polega na bezprecedensowo wysokim (najwyższym) stopniu ogólności odkrywanych przez nią prawidłowości — prawidłowości dotyczących obiektywnie istniejącej rzeczywistości i jej poznania. O specyfice filozofii przesądza zdaniem Cackowskiego również to, że usiłuje ona zgłębić naturę jakościowych skoków pomiędzy podstawowymi segmentami świata realnego, np. pomiędzy obiektami kwantowymi i korpuskularnymi, przyrodą nieorganiczną i organiczną, procesami neuronalnymi i umysłowymi itp. By jednak nie oderwać się od rzeczywistości, zdaniem Cackowskiego, filozoficzne syntezy każdorazowo winny być zakotwiczone w wyspecjalizowanych badaniach nauk szczegółowych, w konkretnych wynikach tych badań oraz w szeroko pojętej praktyce naukowej i społecznej, czyli w sferze praxis. Sposób rozumienia filozofii przez Cackowskiego czyni ją zatem, z jednej strony, zasadniczo zbieżną z pozytywistyczną, scjentystyczną i marksistowską koncepcją filozofii, z drugiej zaś strony — sytuuje ją w wyraźnej opozycji do fenomenologicznej jej koncepcji. Zastrzeżenia i sprzeciw Cackowskiego wobec fenomenologicznego projektu badań filozoficznych były w jego twórczości względnie stałe (z biegiem lat zmieniały się tylko nieznacznie) i z reguły dotyczyły: (1) zakresu i sensu ich autonomii wobec nauk szczegółowych, (2) zasady bezzałożeniowości (i to bez względu na stopień jej radykalizmu), (3) Husserlowskiej „zasady wszelkich zasad” jako głównego metodologicznego principium, (4) fenomenologicznej koncepcji bezpośredniego doświadczenia, (5) możliwości i zakresu poznania ejdetycznego, (6) idei transcendentalizmu i koncepcji czystej świadomości oraz (7) zasadniczej postawy fundamentalistycznej, motywowanej zarówno wątkami kartezjańskimi, jak i, zdaniem Cackowskiego, całkowicie irracjonalną tęsknotą do odkrycia absolutu metafizycznego i epistemologicznego.
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Józef Dębowski
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This paper not only clarifies the concepts of secularism and secularization, but also analyzes them, and in its final part it evaluates them. The phenomenon of secu-larism is defined as an ideological and active attitude of hostility toward everything that is Christian. In turn, secularism, quite strongly associated with the current form of culture of societies and their development, is seeking autonomy and freedom. Rad-ical (sometimes irresponsible) secularization thesis of the Protestant (R. Bultmann, K. Barth, D. Bonhoeffer, E. Fuchs, F. Gogarten, G. Vahanian, P. van Buren, W. Ham-ilton, Th . J. Alitzer, J.A.T. Robinson, D. Sölle, W. Pannenberg) mind has been adopted by most Catholic theologians with a reasonable reserve. Catholic doctrine accepts the autonomy of temporal realities and a specifically understood process of profanation of the world (constructio mundi and consecratio mundi). However, the fact that different sectors of earthly life are governed by their own relevant laws, does not mean that the created things are totally independent of God, or that man can dispose of them freely and without any relation to the Creator (K. Rahner, J. B. Metz, P. Teilhard de Chardin, M. D. Chenu, J. Danielou, G. Thils, Ch. Duquoc, J. Maritain, H. de Lubac, Y. Congar, Cz. Bartnik, A. Skowronek, A. Nossol, J. Mariański). The position of the Catholic Church on this matter is contained in the conciliar Constitution Gaudium et Spes.

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O. Andrzej Napiórkowski OSPPE

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