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The Protection House of the Charity Association (a nursing home) together with former buildings of the Sisters Koletek Convent in Cracow is going through a major revitalization. It is located at the intersection of three streets: Koletek, Dietla and Sukiennicza. There is an unique residential apartment, ‘The Royal Apartment’ and has a two - storey chapel with stained glasses and a wall polychrome. They were designed by Jan Bukowski. The breathe of a new life was taken into this abandon and sacrum interior


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Dominika Długosz
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The definition of the ubiquitous in art idea of sacrum is always quite subjective. That’s why it should be always viewed through the prism of an individual and cultural themes that guided and shaped the author or the founder of a particular piece of art. Natural and scenic wealth of Silesia with the cultural background and the garden design dated back to the 19th century, is an excellent example of pluralism of sacrum, which in the area of a garden can be marked by a path, sculpture that is a symbol of the national power, by a garden itself as a gift and by the landscape in general.
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Łukasz Przybylak
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During the first fourteen years of transformation, 1989-2003, according to surveys by the author of the paper hereby, there have been erected in Kraków the twelve new churches. Author already published the result of survey depending the first six of therm. So herewith there are last six shrines described. The way of creating them is significant and characteristic for contemporary Polish architecture in general, and particular typical for the trend of a new ecclesiastic architecture. Itr is a special mixture of the tradition, hence completed with aesthetic of Late Modernism, Post-Modernism, and the newest incorporation of Modernism – of the XXI C.

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Józef Szymon Wroński
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Artykuł przedstawia badania dotyczące roli budowli sakralnych we współczesnym krajobrazie Warszawy. Obiekty sakralne powinny być częścią elementów i systemów tworzących tożsamość każdego miasta. Badania koncentrują się na określeniu roli budowli sakralnych w kompozycji krajobrazu miasta, w tym wpływu przekształceń przestrzennych terenów położonych w najbliższym sąsiedztwie budowli sakralnych na kompozycję przestrzenną badanych założeń.
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Katarzyna Pluta
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Sacrum incorporating in spatial composition configuration of Silesian, catholic cemeteries was presented in this article. Cemeteries classification as Holy Places, protection of their sacral character as well as their spatial demands was highlighted. Analysis of problems connected with occurrence, legibility and realization of sacrum content within composed space was conducted for chosen Silesian necropolis.
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Grażyna Lasek
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The presented paper describes the phenomenon of secularisation and secularism in the culture of Western Europe, and attempts to identify its sources. The first point of the paper, The meaning of secularization and secularism, explains secularisation as a social process in which religion or, more strictly, religious institutes, religious behaviour, and religiously inspired conscience, are gradually losing their control over many fields of social activity such like education, arts or politics. Secularisation can be labelled as a philosophy of life “as if there were no God”, or a kind of ideology that tries to justify not only the very fact of secularisation but declares it a source and norm for human progress and demands the proclamation of man’s absolute autonomy in shaping his own destination. Among many philosophers who have influenced development of secularisation and secularism two stand out: R. Descartes (second point) and F. Nietzsche (third point). In the philosophy of Descartes one can identify at least four sources of modern secularism. These are: his concept of philosophy, theory of cognition with the resulting departure from classical concepts of truth and rationality and development of alternative ones, Cartesian metaphysics and the arguments for the existence of God and his concept of the nature of God evolving from those arguments. The last part of the article presents Nietzsche’s move away from the faith in Christian God and his turn to atheism. At least three fundamental causes for Nietzsche’s radical autosecularisation can be discerned: the emotional religion of his home, his disbelief in the authenticity of the Bible and his growing familiarity with the philosophy of Schopenhauer.

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Ks. Paweł Mazanka
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The chuch dedicated to The Holy Spirit, erected in Wrocław, in housing estate Huby, was created during the communist period, hence it was very difficult to design it, and to build. But it was also the period close to the collapse of this regime, so communist leaders were pressed to be more tolerant towards human rights than before, including the religious freedom and towards building new churches. The author of the church mentioned – a very active political oppositionist – when designing the strongly innovative church building, was simultaneously forced by fate to fight formal difficulties caused by oppressive rulers. Author makes the reader closer to those complicated double troubles: artistic, parallel to the political. Finally, the church building was happily completed, then became widely popular and accepted.

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Tadeusz Zipser
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Calvary sanctuaries were unique complexes whose functioning was connected with landscape. Beginning in the ’70s of the XVIIth century, a large number of calvary complexes was created in Silesia and the County of Kladzko. They were based on one of two basic models – Sacri Monti (among others Góra Świętej Anny, Wambierzyce, Bardo) and linear (Krzeszów, Brzeg Dolny, Góra, Rudy, Trzebnica).
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Marzanna Jagiełlo
Wojciech Brzezowski
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The article represents research into poetry written during the Revolution of Dignity (2014). Such artistic texts are analyzed as a kind of phenomenon of contemporary literature. These are the poems of famous authors or even amateurs, united by a common sacred code. They appeal to the patterns and archetypes of the collective consciousness of Ukrainians. In the poetry of Euromaidan the researcher underlines two types of sacralization, which can be conditionally called masculine and feminine (paternal and maternal). The masculine type of this process realizes a symbolic projection of the figure of Jesus Christ. This symbol emphasizes the determination of the act, active attitude, the idea of fighting for the truth, as well as the willingness to sacrifice their own lives for the common good. The feminine version of the proces of sacralization is the Virgin Mary. This image appeals not to the heroic act, but to its emotional reflection, more specifically – the suffering, pain, traumatic experience of the victim. It corresponds to the archetypal image of the Mother of God, the Suffering Mother, who sacrifices her own son to death and cries for him later. The embodiment of the Christian sacrum in the poetry of the Maidan testifies to the fidelity to both European and Ukrainian traditions.
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Jarosław Poliszczuk

  1. Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
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Od świtu ludzkości, czasów organizowania się i gromadzenia wspólnot osadniczych, poprzez czasy formowania się pierwszych miast, towarzyszyła człowiekowi wiara w różnorodne bóstwa1. Wraz z rozwojem kulturowym i społecznym także systemy wierzeń ulegały ujednolicaniu, kodyfikacji i przyciągały coraz większą liczbę wiernych, stając się czynnikiem społeczno-politycznym wpływającym istotnie na kształt i kierunki rozwoju młodych cywilizacji. Wraz ze wzrostem znaczenia nowych idei, organizacji przez nie przestrzeni sacrum i formalizacji zachowań, zaczęto kult "przekuwać w kamień"2. Analizując architekturę sakralną każdej epoki i studiując jej historię, można zaobserwować jak zmieniała się sinusoida stosunków społecznych pomiędzy tolerancją i religijnym współistnieniem z jednej strony, a nienawiścią i dążeniem do dominacji z drugiej. We współczesnym, bardzo zróżnicowanym, pełnym mnogości wyznań i różnic kulturowych świecie, architekci stają przed wyzwaniem w jaki sposób kształtować architekturę sakralną aby służyła pokojowej koegzystencji, akceptowaniu różnic, nie będąc jednocześnie zarzewiem konfliktów, wzajemnych roszczeń i pretensji.
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Michał Dmitruk
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This paper presents the palace and park complex in Kościelec, which is currently a district of Chrzanów, and the tangible and intangible values that make up its genius loci, including various forms of the sacred present there. The historical and landscape studies focusing on the structure and a restoration design of the palace, which became a public space, were presented. Cartographic materials allowed for a partial recreation of the complex’s circulation layout and its park interiors. Due to very modest amounts of iconography and source materials, comparative studies were used as well as period garden design manuals. Potential threats to the park and the sphere of the sacred in the event of alterations and changes in use were discussed.
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Agata Zachariasz

  1. Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture
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The writings of Lyudmila Ulitskaya, one of the most popular contemporary Russian novelists, attracts lots of attention from both Russian and foreign literary critics and scholars. The author’s popularity is also confirmed by the fact that her works have been translated into more than 20 different languages. The main goal of this article is to provide an analysis of the spiritual dimension of the novel The Kukotsky Enigma. At its very essence, the main subject of the study is the plot, which focuses on the anthropological aspect in the context of the transcendental dimension as such, hagiographic motifs and biblical metaphorics. The article also discusses the synthetism of genetic elements appearing in the novel that allowed the writer to combine Christian, mythopoeic, axiological, soteriological and theological contexts. Furthermore, an attempt was made to analyse the characters, considering spiritual and moral values they represent. The intersection of two spheres – the Sacred and the profane – together with the loci associated with them constitute additional object of the research.

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Zoja Kuca

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