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The research system of soils for evaluation of the ecological state of farm-land soils in Poland is presented in this paper. Granulometrie composition, pH, organic matter content and the content of heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn) in soils were determined. On the basis of existing criteria (tab. 1) the state of soil pollution with heavy metals for separate provinces and whole country was estimated. The average heavy metal contents (mg/kg) in surface layer of soils in Poland are as follows: Cd-0.21, Cu-6.5, Ni-6.2, Pb-13.6, and Zn-32.4. The farm-land soils of Poland generally contain natural and slightly elevated level of the investigated heavy metals. This allows to produce high quality of agricultural materials appropriate for consumption and feeding of animals.
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Henryk Terelak
Arkadiusz Tujaka
Teresa Motowicka-Terelak
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Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) originating from agrochemical industries have become an urgent environmental problem worldwide. Ordinary kriging, as an optimal geostatistical interpolation technique, has been proved to be sufficiently robust for estimating values with finite sampled data in most of the cases. In this study, ordinary kriging interpolation integrate with 3D visualization methods is applied to characterize the monochlorobenzene contaminated soil for an agrochemical industrial site located in Jiangsu province. Based on 944 soil samples collected by Geoprobe 540MT and monitored by SGS environmental monitoring services, 3D visualization in terms of the spatial distribution of pollutants in potentially contaminated soil, the extent and severity of the pollution levels in different layers, high concentration levels and isolines of monochlorobenzene concentrations in this area are provided. From the obtained results, more information taking into account the spatial heterogeneity of soil area will be helpful for decision makers to develop and implement the soil remediation strategy in the future.

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Lixia Ren
Hongwei Lu
Li He
Yimei Zhang
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Contamination of soil with heavy metals has become a worldwide environmental problem, and receives great attention. In this study, we aim to investigate soil pollution level affected by an industrial district nearby. The total amount of typical heavy metals in the soils (Hengyang Songmu Industrial Park, Hunan Province, China) was analyzed. In addition, the fraction analysis and laboratory simulation leaching via different pH rainwater was carried out to study the migration and transformation of heavy metals. The main results show that the contents of Cu, Zn, Pb, Cr and Cd in the samples were higher than the soil background values in Hunan Province. The heavy metals forms, analyzed by sequential extraction method, show that the proportion of the unstable form of Cd, Zn and Pb was more than 50%. Igeo values indicate that the heavy metal pollution degree of soil sample #5 at the investigated area is recorded in the order of Cd(6.42), Zn(2.28), Cu(1.82), Pb(1.63), and Cr(0.37). Cu, Zn, Pb, Cr and Cd in this area could pose a potential leaching risk to the environment which may affect the food chain and constitute a threat to human health. It would be necessary to take steps to stabilize and monitor the heavy metals in soil.

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Wenfa Tan
Yuan Li
Lei Ding
Yachao Wang
Jiangxiang Li
Qinwen Deng
Feng Guo
Xue Xiao
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Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons can affect all stages of plant growth from germination to reproduction. A sensitive response to PAHs loading can be assumed above all in the first stages of ontogenesis, the germination of seeds and the root elongation. The germination of the seed is the existential condition of the further development of the plant. In this relatively short period the plant has not yet sufficient detoxicative ability. The affection of germination due to the contamination of soils with polyaromatic compounds can be one of the factors of natural selection and even also of the plant evolution. It can be assumed that in plants there exists and is further developed the adaptation of germination to those selected conditions. In this study the phytotoxic effects of crude oil were studied. The effect of increasing concentration of the used oil in the soil (1, 10, 25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150 g/kg) on: the root elongation, biomass of roots, the stalk elongation, biomass of stalk and synthesis of chlorophyll of rye Seca/e cerea/e L., red clover Trifolium repens L., charlock Sinapis alba L., were studied. The results demonstrated that the increasing concentration of used oil inhibited on: the root elongation, biomass of roots, the stalk elongation, biomass of stalk and synthesis of chlorophyll by all tested plant. The species studied showed different sensitivity to the concentration of used oil.
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Anna Małachowska-Jutsz
Korneliusz Miksch
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The purpose of the study was to estimate in 2012 range and degree of soil contamination due to local diesel fuel leakage spills that occurred in 1980 and from any subsequent activities in the vicinity of the scientific Polish Polar Station in Hornsund, Svalbard. The area of the study covered the immediate vicinity of station buildings including areas of the 1980’s fuel barrel storage depot and location of current fuel tanks. Results of the study were compared with a similar study performed in 1980. As of 2012, areas potentially contaminated covered 0.9 ha, which was a 50% decrease compared to 1980. The area contaminated with total petroleum hydrocarbons was extremely localized. Spread of petroleum hydrocarbons from 1980’s source of pollution investigated 32 years later showed that petroleum derived products were environmentally mobile. Concentrations of total petroleum hydrocarbons in surface soils of the unsaturated active layer above the permafrost decreased significantly mostly due to surface runoff and dispersion through ephemeral drainages. Concentrations of total petroleum hydrocarbons increased with depth through time in sandy soils on the flat area where the largest 1980’s fuel barrel depot was located.

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Anna J. Krzyszowska Waitkus
Brian Waitkus
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The article presents the results of monitoring the aftereffect of the use of excessive zonal doses of mineral fertilisers on soil contamination with heavy metals (HM). With traditional soybean cultivation technology, the level of soil contamination when applying excessive doses (N 60P 180K 90) of fertilisers is quite high and indicates violations of the ecological balance of the agroecosystem. By the nature of the accumulation of heavy metals in meadow-chestnut soil, depending on the application of the studied doses (P 60K 30, N 30P 60K 30, N 60P 180K 90) of fertiliser, the content of HM (Pb, Zn, Cd) increases. The greatest contamination of the soil with Cu was revealed, the content of which increases to 3.2 mg∙kg –1 of soil, which is higher than the threshold of the maximum permissible concentration (MPC) – 3.0 mg∙kg–1. According to the level of contamination of the soil with copper, it belongs to the highly dangerous classes. In a comparative assessment of the level of soil contamination with HM, optimal norms of mineral fertilisers have been established, namely, against the background of effective resource-saving technology for growing soybeans. The application of fertilisers at a dose of P 60K 30 and N 30P 60K 30 does not significantly affect the level of soil contamination with HM, optimises the ecological state and nutrient regime of the soil, preserves and restores soil fertility indicators, and increases soybean productivity. This resource-saving technology provides a safe environment for soybean cultivation and a significant increase of 34.5–38.6% in crop productivity (0.53–0.76 Mg∙ha –1) and yield (2.57 Mg∙ha –1).
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Naziya Suleimenova
Ainura Togisbayeva
Gulnar Orynbasarova
Elnara Kuandykova
Svetlana Yerekeyeva

  1. Kazakh National Agrarian Research University, 8 Abay Ave, 050010, Almaty, Kazakhstan

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