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1000 lat wojen i konfliktów średniowiecznych trudno ująć w jedną uniwersalną formułę, gdyż rzecz jest złożona, a stosunek do wojny w tamtej epoce było dość odmienny od dzisiejszego. Uważano, że wojna i konflikty wiążą się zazwyczaj z walką o panowanie i władzę. Średniowiecze nie znało jednak pojęcia wojny totalnej, nie dążono do wyniszczenia i zlikwidowania przeciwnika. Dużo wojen miało na celu wyniszczenie wroga lub uzyskanie dobrego okupu. Dominującą formacją przez znaczną część średniowiecza była konnica formowana przez rycerstwo, które później przeobraziło się w szlachtę. Schyłek epoki charakteryzowała już nowa struktura armii, gdzie większą rolę odgrywała piechota oraz wojsko najemne. Służba wojskowa była obowiązkiem wasala wobec seniora, ale ważną rolę odgrywali też w wojsku chłopi. Ciekawe, że wojnę traktowano często na pograniczu rozrywki, jako lekarstwo na nudę, w tym klimacie wytworzyła się cała kultura i etyka rycerska. Podstawowe reguły doktryny średniowiecznej zalecały dobre przygotowanie militarne dla utrzymania pokoju, słabi nie mieli racji. Podstawą stabilnego państwa było wojsko. Uznawano prawo do przeciwstawienia się tyranowi, władcy niesprawiedliwemu, który działał przeciw swojemu narodowi. W myśli chrześcijańskiej odróżniano wojnę świętą (która z czasem przybrała formę krucjat) oraz sprawiedliwą. Według św. Augustyna wojna była karą za grzechy i zbrodnie. Wojsko występowało często w służbie Kościoła i była to koncepcja „militis Christi”. Uważano, że ład europejski zależy od siły wojskowej, ale w znacznym stopniu także od propagandy wojennej. W Polsce interesowano się również teoretycznymi aspektami konfliktów zbrojnych i problemami wojny sprawiedliwej, co badali Stanisław ze Skarbimierza i Paweł Włodkowic.
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Wojciech Iwańczuk
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This paper aims at presenting a transcendental argument, so termed and constructed by John Rawls, as a justification of his theory of ‘justice as fairness’. The crucial stage in the chain of his reasoning is to establish the necessary condition of the political arrangement of the basic structure of society. This condition turns out to be acceptability of the publicly endorsed principles in the original position. However, the procedure of exercising free choice, as described by Rawls, presupposes a philosophical view of human nature, and consequently undermines the presumably purely theoretical basis for the principles of justice. The author discusses the impact of Kantian moral philosophy on Rawls’s theory of justification. He tries to show that the rejection of moral theory in favour of political philosophy was the result of a profound change in Rawls’s attitude to the idea of transcendentalism, as it is evidenced by his later thought.
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Stanisław Jędrczak

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Filozofii, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 3, 00‑927 Warszawa
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The idea that everyone should accept the terms of a contract, provided that others do so, is the core normative idea of John Rawls’s doctrine of social justice, presented in his major books: A Theory of Justice and Political Liberalism. In the present paper I argue that the principle of reciprocity makes it possible for Rawls to intertwine coherently two competing thought streams in the liberal tradition – the first one focusing on economic equality and the second one rooted in liberty. The idea of reciprocity adopted with the intention of satisfying the ideal of reasonableness in a well‑ordered society is the foundation of a genuine acceptance of the political conception of justice and of the civic ties and civic friendship. However, the historical and cultural analysis supports the conclusion that the Rawls’s project is buttressed by multigenerational experience of the discipline and ethos of the free market economy, which has not been openly endorsed by Rawls. Without support from such experience social solidarity within ethically neutral institutions would be hard to achieve unless it is expressed in terms of communitarian, patriotic or religious values.
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Dariusz Dańkowski SJ

  1. Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie, ul. Kopernika 26, 31‑501 Kraków
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John Rawls develops and precisely defines the concept of civil disobedience which had emerged from the American tradition of democracy and was already discussed in the 19th century by H.D. Thoreau. It is a part of a theory of ‘justice as fairness’ and it rigidly supports the conditions of resistance to the state employed in the effort to sustain moral order in the practice of democracy. This effort cannot be interpreted as a revolutionary rebellion against the state and law, for it aspires to implement a kind of reform which aims at a restoration of justice whenever it is deeply neglected or violated. In the nub of this theory lies the claim of the importance of the civil conscience as formed by the principles of constitution which reflect the principles of justice without presupposing an extended theory of good. The normative paradigm of ethics, according to which Rawls presents his theory of justice, should be complemented by virtue ethics, argues the author, and points to that the absence of civil virtues manifested deplorably in the present weakness of liberal democracy in the face of the growing pressure from populism.
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Alfred Marek Wierzbicki

  1. Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, Wydział Filozofii, Al. Racławickie 14, 20‑950 Lublin
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In this article I present an outline of selected feminist critiques of John Rawls’s theory. I limit myself to four problems: the concept of the social contract and the individual (C. Pateman), the concept of moral development (C. Gilligan) and the critique of the concept of justice (M. Nussbaum, N. Fraser). I offer an opinion on the undiminished relevance of the problems posed by these feminists.
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Rawls J. (1998), Liberalizm polityczny, przeł. A. Romaniuk, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN.
Rawls J. (2001), Prawo ludów, przeł. M. Kozłowski, Warszawa: Fundacja Aletheia.
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Magdalena Środa

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Filozofii, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 3, 00‑927 Warszawa
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John Rawls claims that self‑respect is arguably the most important of social primary goods. It has two aspects: the sense of self‑worth and confidence in one’s abilities. Both attitudes presuppose formation and completion of a reasonable life plan. Realization of a life plan is a stepping stone to personal achievement and happiness. Self‑respect implies acceptance of two rules of justice. Those rules presuppose an equal distribution of the social prerequisites for the growth of self‑respect. Self‑respect supports the sense of justice as well as political and social stability. A well‑ordered society makes it possible for everyone to achieve self‑respect through realization of an ambitious life plan, in accordance with Aristotelian conception of virtue. Virtue is also a prerequisite of happiness. In a poorly‑ordered society achievement of happiness is thwarted by socio‑economic inequality and artificial restrictions on selection of the life plans.
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Barbara Grabowska

  1. Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu, Instytut Filozofii, ul. Fosa Staromiejska 1a, 87‑100 Toruń
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Although John Rawls’s theory is an extensive project of the state structure which also discusses the functions of various democratic institutions, the reader tends naturally to look for something more, namely his opinions about human nature and the psychological underpinnings that ultimately determine men’s and women’s responsibilities in a democratic community. The clues offered by A Theory of Justice are disappointingly scarce, as they tend to blur the distinction between the descriptive and the normative aspects of the problem. Rawls’s analysis of such categories as moral sensitivity, or human motives, or social obligations do not take into account the natural limitations that typically accompany the demands formulated by the just state. Or, to put the same complaint differently, Rawls’s opinions about human nature sound unduly optimistic, if compared, for instance, with Kant’s moral theory to which he makes frequent references.
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Joanna Górnicka-Kalinowska

  1. prof. em., Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Filozofii, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 3, 00‑927 Warszawa
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In the paper John Rawls’s account of desert that serves as a premise of the difference principle is questioned. According to Rawls no merits can be located in the self because they arise from random genetic and social factors. Consequently, an individual does not deserve any appreciation for the virtues that can be attributed to them. Against this view I argue, in the first place, that the asymmetry between distributive and retributive justice, as it is professed by Rawls, is not tenable. Next, I question Rawls’s radical separation of the self from its attributes. I argue that random factors are not the only source of the attributes of the self. A person, regardless of her endowment, is able intentionally to develop new meritorious qualities and even transform her character and thereby earn personal deserts. The latter, however, cannot be credited to the individual alone, for they arise from shared aspirations and communal social transactions. In conclusion a reconciliation between the difference principle and a version of desertism is proffered.
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Adam Grobler

  1. prof. em., Uniwersytet Opolski, Katedra Filozofii, ul. Katowicka 48, 45‑052 Opole
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Paul Ricoeur claims that while John Rawls seeks to present his theory of justice as a purely procedural conception, which remains axiologically neutral, it is in fact entangled in certain presuppositions with ethical overtones. In order to bring those presuppositions out we need, according to Ricoeur, to consider that, contrary to appearances, its justification is not inherently linear but undesirably circular. This circularity of the justification of the theory of justice manifests itself in Rawls’s postulate to strive for a ‘reflective equilibrium’, which should reconcile accepted principles of justice with ‘our considered convictions’.
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Dupuy J.P. (1988), Les paradoxes de «Théorie de la justice». Introduction à l'oeuvre de John Rawls, „Esprit” 134 (1).
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Jarosław Jakubowski

  1. Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego, Instytut Filozofii, ul. Ogińskiego 16, 85‑092 Bydgoszcz
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When discussing justice, John Rawls focuses on smooth functioning, impartiality and social acceptability of the system of political obligations. His theory of justice is forged as a system of liberal democracy combined with constitutionally established principles of welfare state. Although Rawls distinguishes between political and moral norms, he believes that in a welfare constitutional state a reliable method of negotiating between demands of all citizens is accessible by adoption of a social contract. A social contract presupposes a nearly unanimous view on the character of a good political system. This is a case of soft naturalization. The author distinguishes it from hard naturalization that is not applicable to normative political theories.
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Jacek Hołówka

  1. prof. em., Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Filozofii, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 3, 00-927 Warszawa
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The text discusses Roger Scruton’s most important philosophical views. Scruton was a conservative whose world view was firmly grounded in the Anglo-Saxon philo-sophical tradition. At the same time, he was a man of versatile interests (aesthetics, music, architecture, ecology), which was reflected in his rich creativity. He was a critic of all leftist and liberal ideologies, so he rejected both the liberal meaning of freedom and socialist meaning of equality. He understood freedom as an element of social bonds and hierarchical order. His philosophy revolves around such categories as property, natural justice, common law and oikophilia, on which he bases his ecological project („green philosophy”). Scruton’s texts also contain elements of conservative political practice.

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Magdalena Środa
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Zgodnie z postulatem Maksa Webera, socjologia może przewidywać i wyjaśniać działania pod warunkiem ich wcześniejszego zrozumienia. Prezentowany artykuł rozszerza ten postulat na zjawiska społeczne w makroskali, dla których socjologia może szukać sensu, nawet jeśli nie jest on widoczny dla działających podmiotów. Perspektywą, która umożliwia taki zabieg, jest teoria zróżnicowania funkcjonalnego. Została ona zastosowana do opisania roli sędziowskiej, której znaczenie można właściwie skonceptualizować jedynie w kontekście relacji między systemami społecznymi. Autor wychodzi od koncepcji Niklasa Luhmanna, by zerwać z jego ujęciem i za Shmuelem Eisenstadtem zwrócić się w stronę systemu wartości, który mógłby legitymizować rolę sędziowską. Argumentacja autora podbudowana jest wynikami badań empirycznych i uzupełniającą je typologią procesów legitymizacji i delegitymizacji roli sędziowskiej. W konkluzji autor przedstawia konsekwencje teoretyczne sporów wokół roli sędziego oraz możliwości socjologicznego odczytywania aktualnych wydarzeń politycznych w Polsce.

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Michał Kaczmarczyk
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The aim of this paper is to highlight the relationship between normative theory and social ontology through an analysis of John Rawls’s concept of ‘well‑ordered society’. By expressing the ontological assumptions underlying Rawls’s theory, it is possible to better understand the role of practices and institutions in A Theory of Justice and to counter some of the criticisms levelled against Rawls’s institutionalism. The proposed interpretation of Rawls’s theory may be recognized as a contribution to the interactionist approach in the field of social ontology.
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Sen A. (2009), The Idea of Justice, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
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Wojciech Graboń
Marcin Woźny
2 3

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski, Szkoła Doktorska Nauk Humanistycznych, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28, 00‑927 Warszawa
  2. Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Filozofii, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 3, 00‑927 Warszawa
  3. Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Prawa i Administracji, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28, 00‑927 Warszawa
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The article discusses Rawls’s idea of the original position. I present two arguments in support of the claim that it is impossible to meet the necessary conditions (proposed by Rawls) for recreating the reasoning that presumably is performed in the original position. I claim therefore that the idea of the original position cannot fulfil its function of justifying the principles of justice. As the solution to the problem I propose a modified version of the original position argument, which can be labeled ‘a slightly lifted veil of ignorance’.
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Artur Szutta

  1. Uniwersytet Gdański, ul. J. Bażyńskiego 4, 80‑309 Gdańsk
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The Christian vision of love, so deeply personalistic and clearly emphasizing that the love of God and the love of neighbour cannot be opposed, has to take the social na-ture of man into account. If love is the centre of the Christian life and also points to the specificity of its vocation and mission, then it is impossible to imagine that this funda-mental life perspective does not find the right expression in relation to social life. This love should be expressed in a number of social attitudes, especially in those which are considered fundamental principles of social life. The ability to enact the principles of love is important in everyday social life. It involves multiple specific attitudes. This paper discusses – in the light of the encyclical Deus Caritas Est and Caritas in veritate by Pope Benedict XVI - the issue of love in three aspects: love in micro-relations, love and justice in macro-relations and love as a common good in macro-relations.

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Ks. Marek Kluz
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In the first part of the article, Krzysztof A. Makowski describes how the idea of granting Poland the opportunity to host the 23rd International Congress of Historical Sciences in 2020 in Poznań came about and how Poznań’s application to host the Congress was prepared. Moreover, the author presents the ongoing preparations for the Congress. In the second part of the article, Ewa Domańska discusses the origins and evolution of the idea of “alter-native modernities” and “epi- stemic justice” as leitmotifs of Poznań’s application. She stresses the need and importance of developing an intellectual alliance of East-Central European countries and lists activities that could help raise the region’s status as an important centre of knowledge building.
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Ewa Domańska
Krzysztof A. Makowski
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The issue of rationality and the term itself appear in the works of John Rawls, for instance in his famous volume A Theory of Justice. At the same time, in another of his books, Political Liberalism, we can find not only the correlated terms ‘rational’, but also the term ‘reasonable’. In that volume Rawls enlightens their meaning. In this article, the author analyses the terms mentioned more closely and reflects on their use in various contexts. The explanatory hypothesis adopted by the author is that the use of these two terms, not just one of them, may enrich our conceptual network and increase the possibilities of analysing the sphere of human action. The aim of the analyses is to confirm this hypothesis and to extract the specific sense of the term ‘reasonable’, and of its use, especially in Rawls’s Political Liberalism.
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Ryszard Kleszcz

  1. Uniwersytet Łódzki, Instytut Filozofii, ul. Lindleya 3/5, 90-131 Łódź
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The paper analyses and develops John Rawls’s defence of his theory of justice against the conservative objection that egalitarian conceptions of social justice are an expression of envy. The defence involves the following claims: (1) The content of the difference principle does not match an essential property of envy. (2) The parties in the original position are not motivated by envy. (3) None of the conditions imposed on the original position arise from envy. Next, it is argued that there are reasons to suppose that the parties in the original position would choose a more egalitarian principle of distributive justice than the difference principle. These reasons are grounded in the claim that self respect is the most important primary good and in the fact that the level of economic inequalities is negatively correlated with self respect among the least advantaged members of society. It is shown that even though the content of the more egalitarian principle matches the essential property of envy, the conservative objection remains unjustified.
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Adrian Kuźniar
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My current considerations concern the way in which the category of animals is present in contemporary philosophy, especially if it occurs in the context of moral philosophy and the theory of cognition and mind. These are, I suppose, the areas of inquiry inspiring wide interest, even if we focus on the narrow question of the place of animals in the domains of morality, cognition, and consciousness. Although John Rawls himself approaches these issues with caution, and his interest in these types of problems is marginal, they deserve some philosophical attention. There is a close relationship between the belief that non‑personal living entities such as animals are capable of feeling pain and pleasure on the one hand, and the human sensitivity or social sentience, on the other. We should face the question of what kind of society we want to live in: effective or sensitive. Ethical utilitarianism is in favor of an effective society. It may seem that there is no place for social sensitivity in it, and consequently that public interest is postulated in its place instead. However, I believe that an effective society is more sensitive to the harm done to or the plight suffered by non‑personal subjects than a sensitive society, if the latter is understood as Rawls frames it. Thus, we come to a specific paradox – which I shall refer to as the blunted sentience paradox – that the utilitarian, efficient society criticized by Rawls is in fact more morally sensitive than the egalitarian society he postulates. The paradox of the blunted sentience has its source in Rawls’s egalitarianism, for this egalitarianism is offered only to the chosen. It does not extend to those members of society who extend their care to those creatures whom Rawls denies subjectivity, but whose unhappiness constitutes an important factor in the social life of humanity. I propose to look at the fate of animals in modern society, and if we do so, we will notice some flaws in Rawls’s theory of justice that can perhaps be amended by espousing some aspects of emotivism. This proposed approach avoids what I have called the blunted sentience paradox.
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Adriana Schetz

  1. Uniwersytet Szczeciński, Instytut Filozofii i Kognitywistyki, ul. Krakowska 71–79, 71-017 Szczecin
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In his A Theory of Justice John Rawls presents a critique of utilitarianism. He focuses on utilitarianism in the version offered by John Stuart Mill, but Rawls’s analysis of Mill’s views is schematic and limited to Mill’s ethical theory. Rawls does not recognize the importance of perfectionistic themes in Mill’s theory, nor does he note the consequences of that issue for the problem of gender equality. Rawls discuses those themes in his Lectures on the History of Political Philosophy. If one is primarily guided by Rawls’s A Theory of Justice, however, the person will be unable to appreciate similarities between Rawls’s and Mill’s positions. When focusing on the Lectures it is possible to recognize these affinities that are only dimly insinuated in A Theory of Justice. In the later volume they are strong enough to support the claim that a more pronounced affinity may bind these two authors that are not obvious at the first glance. I proceed therefore (1) to expose some shortcomings in the presentation of Mill’s utilitarianism by Rawls; (2) go on to analyse Lectures on the History of Political Philosophy in order to present a more penetrating reading of Mill’s utilitarianism by including its perfectionistic content; and (3) finally on the basis of those claims I point to some practical consequences of Mill’s and Rawls’s views on gender equality.
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Authors and Affiliations

Elżbieta Filipow

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Filozofii, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 3, 00‑927 Warszawa
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Iris Marion Young was one of the most inventive political philosophers who responded to John Rawls’s A Theory of Justice, published in 1971. This work had brought political philosophy to life in an unprecedented way, and prompted Young, as well as R. Nozick, M. Sandel, M. Walzer, Ch. Taylor and R. Dworkin to engage in penetrating criticisms. The extensive discussion had been triggered by the normative content of the two principles of justice. Young’s analysis did not diminish Rawls’s contribution to the history of socio‑political thought, but rather reinforced the ideas he had formulated. She did not present an alternative view of her own, but extended the original thought by incorporating two elements in the theory: (1) refinement of procedural requirements, (2) revision of the normative content in such a way that it takes into account historical and situational contexts, complementing thereby Rawls’s ‘original position’ through a ‘politics of difference’ that takes into account the reality of unjust differences in the position that various individuals and groups occupy in a society.
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Dominika Jacyk

  1. Uniwersytet Wrocławski, Instytut Filozofii, ul. Koszarowa 3, 51‑149 Wrocław
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The paper attempts to place John Rawls’s social theory in an ontological frame of ideas. Józef M. Bocheński’s theory of systems was chosen to describe social reality without prejudging its role in the adequate theory. By adopting this approach the author presents several issues one by one: the characteristics of political philosophy and its relation to the ontology of social reality, Bocheński’s systems theory, the analysis of the industrial enterprise as a model example of a heterogeneous, dynamic and organic system, and Rawls’s structure of society. All this is done in terms of systems theory. The resulting outcome provides, among other things, a formal definition of Rawls’s basic social structure expressed in the language of systems theory, and it supports the thesis that the synthetic entity responsible for social functioning, such as the state, is correlated with the principles of justice as proposed by Rawls.
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Authors and Affiliations

Janusz Kaczmarek

  1. Uniwersytet Łódzki, Instytut Filozofii, ul. Lindleya 3/5, 90-131 Łódź

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