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Badano wpływ osadu ściekowego na aktywność enzymatyczną pokrywy glebowej na terenie po otworowej kopalni siarki w celu oceny możliwości jego wykorzystania w leśno-łąkowej rekultywacji terenów Kopalni Siarki "Jeziórko". Wyniki, uzyskane po sześciu latach od zastosowanych zabiegów rekultywacyjnych wskazują, że osad ściekowy, dodany w odpowiedniej dawce, wpływał na ogól korzystnie na właściwości biochemiczne i chemiczne gleby. Oznacza to, że zastosowany osad może być brany pod uwagę, jako jeden ze środków służących do rekultywacji gruntów toksycznych.
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Elżbieta Jolanta Bielińska
Anna Slowinska-Jurkiewicz
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The paper presents results of the research on the influence of sewage sludge on the enzymatic activity of the anthropogenic soil on the area of the former borehole sulphur-mine as well as· the effectiveness of sewage sludge utilization for forest-meadow reclamation of this ground.
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Agnieszka Jagiełło
Marta Bożym
Witold Wacławek
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The demand for a net reduction of carbon dioxide and restrictions on energy efficiency make thermal conversion of biomass a very attractive alternative for energy production. However, sulphur dioxide emissions are of major environmental concern and may lead to an increased corrosion rate of boilers in the absence of sulfatation reactions. Therefore, the objective of the present study is to evaluate the kinetics of formation of sulphur dioxide during switchgrass combustion. Experimental data that records the combustion process and the emission formation versus time, carried out by the National Renewable Energy Institute in Colorado (US), was used to evaluate the kinetic data.

The combustion of switchgrass is described sufficiently accurate by the Discrete Particle Method (DPM). It predicts all major processes such as heating-up, pyrolysis, combustion of switchgrass by solving the differential conservation equations for mass and energy. The formation reactions of sulphur dioxide are approximated by an Arrhenius-like expression including a pre-exponential factor and an activation energy. Thus, the results predicted by the Discrete Particle Method were compared to measurements and the kinetic parameters were subsequently corrected by the least square method until the deviation between measurements and predictions was minimised. The determined kinetic data yielded good agreement between experimental data and predictions.

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Bernhard Peters
Joanna Smuła-Ostaszewska
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Native sulphur deposits mined using the underground melting method are characterized by a complex structure, which is the result of the many geologic processes which led to their formation.
The resource utilization rate and the consumption of hot water per ton of sulphur are the main criteria of mining effectiveness. They depend on the porosity and permeability of the rocks forming the deposit, the content and mode of occurrence of sulphur (ore texture), and the distribution of rocks with these varying features. Good recognition of geological and hydrogeological deposit features, exploitation results, is important for formulating the rules of controlling the course of exploitation in order to achieve the best recovery of sulphur with the lowest possible water consumption and to reduce operating costs.
Sulphur deposits are characterized by great local and directional variations in their structure and hydrogeological parameters. This makes the melting process irregular. The flow of hot water and melted sulphur is facilitated in certain directions. As a result, the shape, and distribution and form of exploited parts of the deposit are highly variable. Full information about the deposit is necessary for the proper understanding and prediction of processes that occur in the deposit during sulphur melting, for forecasting its effects, and for controlling the exploitation process. This information is obtained through the lithological description of core samples from exploratory and exploitation boreholes, geophysical borehole logging, and surface seismic surveys.
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Edyta Sermet
Marek Nieć
Przemysław Bokwa

  1. AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Poland
  2. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland
  3. KD SA w Sandomierzu, Sandomierz, Poland
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The research was conducted to evaluate the impact of sulphur compounds on the sex of Colorado potato beetle in the region of sulphur factory in Chmielów near Tarnobrzeg in 1995. The control plantations were situated in the village of Zarębki, about 30km from Chmielów. The object of the study was the average body mass of female and male specimen of the insect after full spring beetle appearance in potato plantations as well as the average body female and male mass after pupation of the larvae of the first generation and emerging from the soil. After six and twelve days of starvation, the average female and male body mass was determined. After twelve days of starvation the incident of cannibalism was noticed among the beetles of the first zone polluted by sulphur compounds.
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Zdzisław Przybylski
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Copper slag differs by chemical composition and structure, depending on the type of processing. Copper slag typically contains about 1 wt.% copper and 40 wt.% iron depending upon the initial ore quality and type of furnace used. The aim is to produce a typical foundry pig iron with the chemical composition of C > 3.40 wt.%, Si 1.40 to 1.80 wt.%, Mn 0.30 to 0.90 wt.%, P < 0.03 wt.% and S < 0.03 wt.% from copper slag. But foundry pig iron manufactured from copper slag contains a high sulphur content. Therefore, this study examines how to conduct desulphurization. Desulphurization roasting and reduction smelting with desulphurization additives used to remove sulphur from the copper slag. The results showed that desulphurization effect of desulphurization roasting is poor but when combined with reduction smelting with CaO addition is possible to manufacture low sulphur pig iron from copper smelting slag.

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Urtnasan Erdenebold
Choi Moo Sung
Jei-Pil Wang
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The purpose of this study has been to determine the effect of fertilisation with urea-ammonium nitrate (UAN) solution enriched with P, Mg or S on the content of macronutrients in the grain and straw of maize. The following fertilisers were tested in the field experiment: ammonium nitrate, urea, UAN – 32% N; RSM+S – 26% N + 3% S; RSM+P(Medium) – 26% N and 4.80% P; RSM+P(Starter) – 21% N and 7.86% P; UAN + Mg – 20% N + 4% Mg. In each year of the experiment, significant differentiation in the contents of P, K, Ca, Mg and S in maize grain and straw was observed, depending on the applied nitrogen fertilisation. However, considering the average values from each treatment achieved over the three years, it was demonstrated that the fertilisation significantly changed only the content of P and S in grain and K and Ca in straw of maize. The removal of nutrients was the highest in the second year of the research and amounted in kg∙ha –1: P – about 100, K – about 350, Ca – about 80, Mg – about 35 and S – about 31, which in turn were differentiated over the years of the experiment in the three years. The removal of P, K, Mg and S also significantly depended on fertilisation. Significant differences, however, most often concerned the control treatment relative to the fertilised ones. The contribution of grain to the accumulation of nutrients also varied significantly in the three years of the experiment. Significantly the lowest share of grain in terms of P and S accumulation was noted in maize grown without N fertilisation.
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Jadwiga Wierzbowska
Stanisław Sienkiewicz
Arkadiusz Światły

  1. University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Chair of Agricultural and Environmental Chemistry, Oczapowskiego 8, 10-719, Olsztyn, Poland
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Pathways of PCDTs and PCTAs in the environment are discussed. Data on levels of these compounds in various pan of the environment and their possible sources are presented. Finally, the data on biological effects of PCDTs and PCT As based on some preliminary toxicological investigations are given.
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Jacek Czerwiński
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51 samples from the Middle Triassic black shales (organic carbon−rich silt− stones; up to 4.9% TOC – Total Organic Carbon) from the stratotype section of the Bravaisberget Formation (western Spitsbergen) were analyzed with respect to isotopic composition of pyritic sulphur (δ34S) and TOC. Isotopic composition of syngenetic py− rite−bound sulphur shows wide (δ34S from −26‰ to +8‰ VCDT) and narrow (δ34S from −4‰ to +17‰ VCDT) variation of the δ34S in upper and lower part of the section, respec− tively. Range of the variation is associated with abrupt changes in dominant lithology. Wide δ34S variation is found in lithological intervals characterized by alternation of black shales and phosphorite−bearing sandstones. The narrow δ34S variation is associated with the lithological interval dominated by black shales only. Wide and narrow variation of the δ34S values suggests interplay of various factors in sedimentary environment. These fac− tors include oxygen concentration, clastic sedimentation rate, bottom currents and bur− rowing activity. Biological productivity and rate of dissimilatory sulphate reduction had important impact on the δ34S variation as well. Wide variation of the δ34S values in the studied section resulted from high biological productivity and high rate of dissimilatory sulphate reduction. Variable degree of clastic sedimentation rate and burrowing activity as well as the activity of poorly oxygenated bottom currents could also cause a co−occurrence of isotopically light and heavy pyrite in differentiated diagenetic micro−environments. Occurrence of organic matter depleted in hydrogen could also result in a wide variation of the δ34S values. Narrow variation of the δ34S values was due to a decrease of biological productivity and low rate of dissimilatory sulphate reduction. Low organic matter supply, low oxygen concentration and bottom currents and burrowing activity were also responsible for narrow variation of the δ34S. The narrow range of the δ34S variation was also due to occurrence of hydrogen−rich organic matter. In the studied section the major change in range of the δ34S variation from wide to narrow appears to be abrupt and clearly associated with change in lithology. The change of lithology and isotopic valuesmay sug− gest evolution of the sedimentary environment from high− to low−energy and also facies succession from shallow to deeper shelf. The evolution should be linked with the Late Anisian regional transgressive pulse in the Boreal Ocean.

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Przemysław Karcz
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The application of ferritic-matrix vermicular graphite cast iron in the production of fireplace fireboxes improves their thermal output, but the consumer market for these products prioritises their price. Given this consideration, this work concerns a comparison of the quality of vermicular graphite cast iron types produced from 0.025%S pig iron (a less expensive material) and 0.010%S pig iron (a more expensive material) in terms of the number and shape of vermicular graphite precipitates varying with the magnesium level in the alloy. It turned out that the vermicular graphite cast iron made with the 0.025%S pig iron demonstrated a slightly lower number of vermicular graphite precipitates. For both vermicular graphite cast iron melts, 0.028%Mg and 0.020%Mg in the alloys provided a vermicular graphite precipitate share of approx. 50% and 95%, respectively.
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[1] Mróz, M., Orłowicz, A.W., Tupaj, M., Lenik, M., Kawiński, M., Kawiński, M. Influence of microstructure and heat transfer surface on the thermal power of cast iron heat exchangers. Archives of Foundry Engineering. (in progres).
[2] Podrzucki, C., Wojtysiak, A. (1987). Unalloyed plastic cast iron. Kraków: Wyd. AGH. ( in Polish).
[3] Sillen, R. (2003). Proces PQ-CGL InMold – cast iron vermicularization in mold. Biuletyn Metals and Minerals. 3, 30-34. (in Polish).
[4] Källbom, R., Hamberg, K., Björkegren, L.S. Chunky graphite in ductile cast iron castings. World Foundry Congress, 184/1-184/10, WFC 06.
[5] Goodrich, G.M. (2001). A microview of some factors that impact cast iron (or the little things that mean a lot). AFS Transactions. 01-121, 1173-1189.
[6] Pietrowski, S., Pisarek, B., Władysiak, R. (2000). Investigation of the crystallization of cast iron with vermicular graphite and description of its analytical and numerical model. Research project KBN Nr 7T08B 006 13, Łódź, (in Polish).
[7] Żyrek, A. (2014). Manufacture of vermicular cast iron by the Inmould method with the use of magnesium mortars and evaluation of its resistance to thermal fatigue. PhD thesis AGH Kraków. (in Polish).
[8] Nodżak, G. (2002). Analysis of the possibilities produced in the foundry of WSK "PZL Rzeszów" S.A. castings of a high-power diesel engine head from vermicular cast iron. Master thesis, AGH Kraków. (in Polish).
[9] Orłowicz A.W. (2000). The use of ultrasound in foundry. Monograph. Krzepnięcie Metali i Stopów. 2(45). (in Polish).
[10] Ashby, M.F. (1998). Selection of materials in engineering design. Warszawa: Wyd. Naukowo-Techniczne. (in Polish).

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Authors and Affiliations

Marek Mróz
A.W. Orłowicz
M. Tupaj
M. Lenik
M. Kawiński
M.. Kawiński

  1. Rzeszow University of Technology, Al. Powstańców Warszawy 12, 35-959 Rzeszów, Poland
  2. Cast Iron Foundry KAWMET, ul. Krakowska 11, 37-716 Orły, Poland
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These studies were carried out within the framework of the European FuelSOME Project (No. 101069828), which focuses on establishing a multi-fuel energy generation system based on utilization of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC) and is dedicated mainly to the long-distance maritime shipping. For the SOFC stacks, the removal of sulphur contaminations from fuels is crucial as the content of sulphur compounds is strictly limited, even to dozens of mol ppb. The modelling and calculations were performed for a selected testing system of deep adsorptive purification of methanol to remove dibenzothiophene (DBT) on activated carbon (AC), where DBT was taken as a representative of compounds contaminating sulphur. An appropriate model of the adsorption column packed with activated carbon pellets was elaborated as a basis for process simulations and further techno-economic considerations. The research focused on modelling sulphur removal to achieve the required purity of methanol, then on cost analysis to optimize the proposed purification process. At the current stage, the aim of the performed studies was a preliminary check of a possibility of successfully performing deep adsorptive desulphurisation of methanol and an estimation of purification costs.
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Eugeniusz Molga
Robert Cherbański
Andrzej I. Stankiewicz
Michał Lewak

  1. Chemical and Process Engineering Department, Warsaw University of Technology, ul. Waryńskiego 1, 00-645 Warszawa, Poland
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This article presents the topic of atmospheric pollution. The authors have presented the most important national air-quality regulations. They have identified measurement stations in Kraków (Poland), collected data from them and conducted their analysis. The aim of the article is to present the research results on developing a statistical model for estimating air pollution in Kraków depending on the changing weather conditions during the year. The authors used the mathematical modelling method to prepare the air-pollution model. The article presents collected data showing the situation prior to the introduction of a number of environmental regulations in the city of Kraków. The paper is based on meteorological data in the form of daily average values of air temperature, wind speed, air humidity, pressure and precipitation. Emission data included the average daily concentrations of the selected air pollutants, including sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), nitrogen oxide (NO), carbon monoxide (CO), ozone (O3) and particulate matter PM10 and PM2.5. The results of the study indicate that the three most significant factors influencing the level of air pollution (appearing as explanatory changes in the models for each of the pollutants listed) are the value of ambient air temperature (a destimulant, except for ozone), wind speed (a destimulant) and the concentration of each pollutant on the previous day (a stimulant). The article concludes with a summary and conclusions.
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Authors and Affiliations

Monika Pepłowska
Dominik Kryzia

  1. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland
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Pyrite framboids occur in loose blocks of plant−bearing clastic rocks related to volcano−sedimentary succession of the Mount Wawel Formation (Eocene) in the Dragon and Wanda glaciers area at Admiralty Bay, King George Island, West Antarctica. They were investigated by means of optical and scanning electron microscopy, energy−dispersive spectroscopy, X−ray diffraction, and isotopic analysis of pyritic sulphur. The results suggest that the pyrite formed as a result of production of hydrogen sulphide by sulphate reducing bacteria in near surface sedimentary environments. Strongly negative δ34SVCDT values of pyrite (−30 – −25 ‰) support its bacterial origin. Perfect shapes of framboids resulted from their growth in the open pore space of clastic sediments. The abundance of framboids at cer− tain sedimentary levels and the lack or negligible content of euhedral pyrite suggest pulses of high supersaturation with respect to iron monosulphides. The dominance of framboids of small sizes (8–16 μm) and their homogeneous distribution at these levels point to recurrent development of a laterally continuous anoxic sulphidic zone below the sediment surface. Sedimentary environments of the Mount Wawel Formation developed on islands of the young magmatic arc in the northern Antarctic Peninsula region. They embraced stagnant and flowing water masses and swamps located in valleys, depressions, and coastal areas that were covered by dense vegetation. Extensive deposition and diagenesis of plant detritus in these environments promoted anoxic conditions in the sediments, and a supply of marine and/or volcanogenic sulphate enabled its bacterial reduction, precipitation of iron mono− sulphides, and their transformation to pyrite framboids.

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Anna Mozer
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Any type of material that increases soil yield, both qualitatively and quantitatively, to strengthen the soil and increase its fertility is called fertilizer. The current study examines the production of a new effective fertilizer. Results presented involve effects of new bioorganic-mineral compositions obtained from the combination of vermicompost and sulphur-containing waste from sulphuric acid production on the yield and quality of tubers (beets, carrots). An increase in the yield of tubers has been found to be 1.13–1.25 times when the bioorganic-mineral composition (~20 Mg∙ha–1) is introduced into the sierozem (serozem) soil. The best results are obtained with mass ratios in the range 30–45 and 55–70 for vermicompost and sulphur-perlite-containing waste, respectively. The effectiveness of the mixture of vermicompost and sulphur-containing waste is explained by the increased synergistic interaction of these components. The proposed composition has high structure-form-ing, water-retaining, nutritional and biologically active properties.
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Moldir O. Baikhamurova
1 2
Gaukhar A. Sainova
Amankul D. Akbasova
Gulshat D. Anarbekova
Mehmet A. Ozler

  1. Kazakh National Agrarian University, Faculty of Agrobiology, Abay avenue 8, Almaty 050010, Kazakhstan
  2. Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University, Ecology Research Institute, B. Sattarhanov avenue 29, Turkistan 161200, Kazakhstan
  3. Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University, Faculty of Science, Turkey
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Due to their potential to lower CO2 emissions linked with the cement and concrete industries, geopolymer binders are a desirable alternative for Portland cement binders. However, if they are to become a viable alternative to conventional Portland cement materials, their resilience in harsh conditions has to be further investigated. This paper presented mechanical and short-term durability properties of metakaolin based geopolymer concrete at sulphuric acid (H2SO4) solutions exposed with the concentrations of 2%, 3%, 4% and 5% for 14 days. (0%) or unexposed sample also prepared as referral and comparison. The geopolymer concretes were synthesized using an alkali activation of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and sodium silicate (Na2SiO3). The main objective of the study was to examine the durability and deterioration mechanism parameters like different acid percentages, changes in weight, compressive strength, density and water absorption. Morphology analysis also performed in this study. The results indicated that metakaolin geopolymer experienced some strength deterioration with increasing sulphuric concentration solutions which are from 32.58 MPa, 20.67 MPa and 4.25 MPa at unexposed (0%), 2% and 5% sulphuric acid immersion respectively. Furthermore, change in weight or mass loss and water absorption after the chemical attack resulted directly proportional to sulphuric acid concentration due to increment of crack on the sample. Among that, the metakaolin geopolymer submerged in 2% acid gives the optimum results in terms of durability, mechanical and physical qualities.
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W.M.W. Ibrahim
1 2
M. Ibrahim
2 3
M.Z.A. Azis
M.M. Al B. Abdullah
2 3
A.S. Sauffi
2 3
A. Romisuhani
1 2
S.H. Adnan

  1. Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Technology, 02600, Arau, Perlis, Malaysia
  2. Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), Center of Excellence Geopolymer & Green Technology (CeGeoGTech), 02600, Arau, Perlis, Malaysia
  3. Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), Faculty of Chemical Engineering Technology, Taman Muhibbah, Jejawi, 02600 Arau, Perlis, Malaysia
  4. Universiti Tun Hussein Onn, Faculty of Engineering Technology, Pagoh, Johor, Malaysia
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Recently, some major changes have occurred in the structure of the European foundry industry, such as a rapid development in the production of castings from compacted graphite iron and light alloys at the expense of limiting the production of steel castings. This created a significant gap in the production of heavy steel castings (exceeding the weight of 30 Mg) for the metallurgical, cement and energy industries. The problem is proper moulding technology for such heavy castings, whose solidification and cooling time may take even several days, exposing the moulding material to a long-term thermal and mechanical load. Owing to their technological properties, sands with organic binders (synthetic resins) are the compositions used most often in industrial practice. Their main advantages include high strength, good collapsibility and knocking out properties, as well as easy mechanical reclamation. The main disadvantage of these sands is their harmful effect on the environment, manifesting itself at various stages of the casting process, especially during mould pouring. This is why new solutions are sought for sands based on organic binders to ensure their high technological properties but at the same time less harmfulness for the environment. This paper discusses the possibility of reducing the harmful effect of sands with furfuryl binders owing to the use of resins with reduced content of free furfuryl alcohol and hardeners with reduced sulphur content. The use of alkyd binder as an alternative to furfuryl binder has also been proposed and possible application of phenol-formaldehyde resins was considered.

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K. Major-Gabryś
M. Hosadyna-Kondracka

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