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The results of statistic estimation of measurements done within surface waters monitoring programme were described. The biogens concentrations (the years 1994-1998) and the oxygen indicators (the years 1992-1996) in the measurement point on Odra river in Krajnik Dolny constituted the date base. The time changeability of these indicators was well described by Jog-normal and gamma distributions was shown. The normalised distributions were also given.The autocorrelation and the periodicity were examined. It was stated that the considered time sequences were characterised by the strong autocorrelation and the periodicity. Using the ARIMA process the modelling of measurement series was realised. After the selection of models, the programming of examined indicators changes was accomplished. It was shown that using ARIMA models valuable results can be obtained.
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Authors and Affiliations

Jerzy Straszko
Marzena Jastrzębska
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This paper presents the statistical modelling of the monitoring data on oxygen indicators in the Rega River, collected in years of 1992-97. In the first part, the six probability distributions are examined to fit the experimental data. The results indicate that the lognormal and Gamma distributions give an adequate description for all considered data series, as measured by P-P probability plots, and a Kolmogorov-Srnirnov goodness of fit test. In the second part, the detailed statistical analysis was performed based on lognormal distribution. This study showed that the approximation of monitoring data with the appropriate probability distribution could be very useful for evaluating of water quality.
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Janina Możejko
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The aim of the study was to assess the content of soluble forms of fertilizer nutrients (N, P, K) in the cultivated soil layer up to 20 cm deep from agricultural land in the river valley, and the concentration of these nutrients in the surface wa-ters of the Raszynka River.

In the years 2016–2017, the surface water samples from the Raszynka Rriver (17 points) and soil (19 points) were col-lected from agricultural areas near the Raszynka River.

The surface water samples were collected once a month during the March–October 2016–2017. The contents of nitro-gen (Ntot, NO3-N and NH4-N), phosphorus (Ptot, PO4-P), total organic carbon (TOC and K and Ca) in soils and in waters were determined in the sample solutions.

It was shown that river water was of low quality due to the high concentration of nitrogen and phosphorus and electri-cal conductivity (EC). The most polluted were the waters of the lower section of the river located in the vicinity of arable land and agricultural built-up areas. The soluble forms of nutrients content in the cultivated soil layer was varied dependingon the kind of nutrient, way of agricultural land use, and the term of soil sampling. The content of dissolved P forms in the soil was the highest in autumn on arable lands after harvesting of vegetables (GO-W: 10.24 mg Ptotꞏkg–1 in D.M.) and this component may migrate with surface runoff and increase the risk of surface water eutrophication.

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Irena Burzyńska
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Bacteria from the Simkaniaceae family are intracellular parasites belonging to the Chlamydiales order, detected in surface waters, drinking water, chlorine water, and in wastewater. Its main representative, Simkania negevensis, is pathogenic to humans and animals, especially fishes, as it principally causes respiratory tract diseases. Bacteria from this family are also capable of surviving and existing in free-living amoebas, omnipresent in the natural environment, which makes them an additional risk for human and animal health. The aim of the present study was to search for representatives of this family in freshwaters from the Odra River and two municipal lakes (Rusałka and Goplana). Out of 100 water samples analysed, the sequence of bacteria of Simkaniaceae family was found just in 1 percent, because phylogenetic analysis revealed that the obtained OdraWCh30 sequence shows 93% similarity to Simkania negevensis strain Z as well as 87% similarity to Candidatus Syngnamydia salmonis isolate Ho-2008 and Candidatus Syngnamydia salmonis isolate VS10102006 and 84-85% similarity to endosymbiont of Xenoturbella westbladi, Simkaniaceae bacterium clone SM081012-5s and Candidatus Syngnamydia venezia strain Pi3-2. This is the first case of detecting sequence of bacteria of Simkaniaceae family in the aquatic environment in Poland.

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M. Pawlikowska-Warych
W. Deptuła
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In the 2008 ablation season, subglacial springs discharge, flow rate and profiling of the proglacial river, physical-chemical parameters (pH, temperature, electrical conductivity) and chemical composition (HCO3−, SO42−, Cl−, NO3−, NO2−, PO43−, Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, Fetot, Mn2+, Al3+, Zn2+, Pb2+ and SiO2) of water in the Werenskiold Glacier forefield were measured. Chemical composition of groundwater as well as water of lakes, the main watercourse, subglacial outflows and water representing direct meltwater recharge were studied to determine their origin, the depth of circulation and recharge systems. The results indicate that the main source of water in the glacial river were the subglacial outflows in the central part of the glacier. They generated 77% of the total amount of water in the glacier forefield. Direct inflow of groundwater from glacier moraine to proglacial river was marginally low and the water circulation system was shallow, fast and variable. There were no evidences for an important role of deeper than suprapermafrost water circulation systems. The water temperature, especially in the lakes, exceeding the mean daily air temperature during the ablation period, is due to the heating of the ground moraine rocks. A clear difference between groundwater chemical composition and surface water as well as subglacial runoff in terms of major ions, together with the homogeneity of chemical composition of the proglacial river from spring to mouth confirmed the marginal role of groundwater runoff in the drainage of the catchment area. It was confirmed that the chemical composition of groundwater and moraine lakes in the glacier forefield was shaped by geological factors, i.e., mainly chemical weathering of sulphides, carbonates and secondary sulphates. The possibility of secondary iron hydroxide precipitation and a high probability of complex aluminosilicate transformations were also demonstrated.
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Authors and Affiliations

Magdalena Modelska
Sebastian Buczyński

  1. University of Wrocław, Institute of Geological Sciences, Plac M. Borna 9, 50-204 Wrocław, Poland
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The Netherlands has a long tradition in water management, mainly stemming from the geography of the country. The ‘struggle with water’ has been organised from medieval times by the water boards (waterschappen), which are the oldest democratic institutions in the Netherlands. Nowa-days the water boards, 27 in the whole of the Netherlands, are not only responsible for flood protec-tion and regulation of water levels, but for water quality management and waste water treatment as well. In the years in which the WFD implementation has been underway in the Netherlands, several issues have arisen. Cooperation between all levels of government is key. This requires as clear as possible divisions of competences between the various parties involved. It also takes much time, es-pecially in a process in which many matters have to be invented ‘on the fly’, such as criteria for des-ignating water bodies, ecological standards, and the formulation of MEP and GEP.

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Thomas Ietswaart
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The study area of the Nida valley was examined to investigate variations in groundwater and surface water levels, as well as the interaction between them. In the valley, there were three branches. The two actives were the Nida River itself and the Smuga Umianowicka branch while the Stara Nida branch was dry during the measurement session. Over a 12-month period from June 2021 to June 2022, 7 monitoring points were equipped with piezometers, comprising 5 groundwater points and 2 surface water points. The monitoring frequency was set to 30 minutes. The results of this research indicate that there are significant differences in the water level at the same observed point at different times. This study demonstrates seasonal changes in both surface water and groundwater levels with higher levels in autumn and winter and lower levels in spring and summer, which are closely tied to the changes in meteorological conditions during the research period, such as precipitation and air temperature. The study results also indicate that during summer and winter at the Nida River and its riparian area, losing stream is the primary process occurring in the studied reach. Conversely, during autumn and spring, the main process is gaining stream. At the human-maintained Smuga Umianowicka branch and in its riparian area, losing stream is the main process during summer and autumn, and gaining stream is the main process during spring. During winter, losing stream and gaining stream processes can occur simultaneously, and neither process takes place mainly.
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Cong Ngoc Phan
1 2
Andrzej Strużyński
Tomasz Kowalik

  1. University of Agriculture in Krakow, Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Land Surveying, al. Mickiewicza 24/28, 30-059 Kraków, Poland
  2. Vinh University, Institute of Chemistry, Biology and Environment, 182 Le Duan St, Vinh City, Nghe An Province, Vietnam
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The aim of the study was to use regenerated activated carbon to adsorb phenol from a river. Coconut shell activated carbon was derived from used tap water filter cartridges. The activated carbon was carbonised and then activated with KOH at 200°C, under a nitrogen atmosphere. The resulting adsorbent was characterised on the basis of nitrogen adsorption by Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis and point of zero charge (pH PZC). The study of periodic adsorption included kinetic and equilibrium modelling, determined the effect of solution pH on efficiency and the possibility of regeneration and reuse of the adsorbent. The efficiency of phenol removal from model water was evaluated, followed by the possibility of their adsorption from a polluted river in Silesia Province. Phenol adsorption followed pseudo-second-order kinetics. The adsorbents showed high adsorption abilities, as determined by the Langmuir isotherm model. The model fits the experimental data well. The concentration of phenol in the river was in the range of 0.45–0.77 mg∙dm– 3, which means that its value was at least five times higher than the standard values. The use of regenerated activated carbon from waste filter cartridges removed phenol from the river by 78% using optimal test parameters.
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Authors and Affiliations

Anna Marszałek
Ewa Puszczało

  1. Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Energy and Environmental Engineering, Konarskiego St, 18, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
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Water quality is an environmental priority for irrigation in rainfed agriculture. Recently, water quality has been affect-ed by the uncontrolled disposal of wastewater, the use of chemical fertilizers in agriculture and, most significantly, by the excessive exploitation of water resources during the low season. The basin of the Maffragh in the Algerian north-east real is fed by two main rivers: Wadi El Kebir East and Bounnamoussa. From its source, the stream is continually contaminated with domestic and agricultural discharges through the tributaries causing a significant deterioration in water quality. In or-der to know the current state of water quality in the Maffragh basin and to determine its suitability for irrigation without any prior treatment, research has been conducted in the two streams at representative sampling points in catchment areas used for irrigating crops. To assess the quality of water and detectable compounds monitoring, laboratory methods are used. The various volumetric and colorimetric assays were carried out according to Jean Rodier. Organic parameters such as ni-trites, ammonium and phosphates, were measured using a UV/VIS 6705 JENWAY spectrophotometer, at wavelengths of 543 nm, 630 nm and 880 nm respectively for nitrites, ammonium and phosphates. The BOD5 and COD parameter was measured using a DIN EN 1899-1-H51 spectrophotometer and DIN ISO15705: 2002 spectrophotometer. The performed analyses on conductivity shows oscillating values ranging between 425 and 495 μS∙cm–1 for January 2018, while for the low water level of July 2018 the conductivity varies between 433 and 796 μS∙cm–1; this parameter is determinant for water quality assessment and its use for irrigation. Beside the conductivity test, the Riverside–Wilcox diagram was applied, to combine conductivity and sodium absorption rate (SAR). The obtained results of the two seasons show satisfactory results in the applicability of the water to irrigate in the basin.
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Authors and Affiliations

Selwa Boubguira
Derradji Zouini
Sayad Lamine
Nawel Dali

  1. University of Badji Mokhtar, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Geological Research Laboratory (LRG), BP 12 / 23000 Annaba, Algeria
  2. University Abess Laghrour Khenchela, Department of Ecology, Khenchela, Algeria
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Today, the uncontrolled abstraction of surface water and groundwater resources has created adverse consequences, which include: extinction of living organisms, land subsidence, salinity of coastal aquifers, increased pumping energy. Therefore, the need to manage available water resources is felt more than ever. Among the various water uses (agriculture, drinking, and industry), agriculture accounts for the bulk of water consumption. Due to the climate change and the growing population, determining the appropriate strategy and technology for irrigation is necessary. In the current study, a simulation model is used to numerically simulate the dynamics of daily soil moisture during the potato crop growing season and to estimate crop production and economic benefits. For climatic data, daily observations of a meteorological station have been used. Results and analyses have been presented for all cases of micro and traditional irrigation methods and agricultural management strategies of non-stress irrigation, low irrigation, and rainfed cultivation. The results showed that in the non-stress irrigation method, crop production and net profit are almost equal in both traditional and micro methods. In the low irrigation method, microtechnology has made crop production and net profit 1.75 times more than traditional technology, which indicates the impact of irrigation technology on crop production.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ngakan Ketut Acwin Dwijendra
Mahmood Salih Salih
Maria Jade Catalan Opulencia
Larisa Morozova
Elena S. Sergushina
Muhammad Noor Asnan
Mustafa Mohammed Kadhim
7 8
Manoharan Kavitha

  1. Udayana University, Faculty of Engineering, Kampus Bukit, Jl. Raya Kampus Unud Jimbaran, Kec. Kuta Sel., Kabupaten Badung, Bali 80361, Indonesia
  2. University of Anbar, Upper Euphrates Basin Developing Center, Ramadi, Iraq
  3. College of Business Administration, Ajman University, Ajman, United Arab Emirates
  4. Kurgan State Agricultural Academy by T.S. Maltsev, Faculty of Biotechnology, Lesnikovo village, Russia
  5. National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University, Republic of Mordovia, Saransk, Russia
  6. Universitas Muhammadiyah Kalimantan Timur, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Samarinda, Indonesia
  7. Al-Kut University College, Kut, Iraq
  8. The Islamic University, College of Technical Engineering, Najaf, Iraq
  9. Saveetha University, Saveetha School of Engineering, Department of ECE, Chennai, India
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The aspects of surface stability and groundwater exchange recognized by many researchers due to the intensification of agriculture and industry (manifested in, e.g., regulation and dredging of riverbed sediments of rivers) are now widely discussed on the international forum of water policy and management. It is essential to assess the spatial variability of water exchange through the river length and cross sections for the preparation of data and calculation of the groundwater flow model. This article presents research which describes the spatial distribution of the surface water-groundwater interaction within the river cross-section. Two measurement series were carried out to describe its variability. Additionally, a groundwater flow model was developed to simulate and represent the variable nature of water exchange in the hyporheic zone in the river’s cross-section. The model was successfully verified by means of measurements of water flux in the hyporheic zone. The precise spatial description of this variability is the first step to determine the possibility of introducing this variable in an accurate manner, within the limits of measurement uncertainties or simulation assumptions, in the construction of mathematical models of groundwater flow.
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Authors and Affiliations

Maria Grodzka-Łukaszewska
Zofia Pawlak
Grzegorz Sinicyn

  1. Faculty of Building Services, Hydro and Environmental Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
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The results of the study of the macrophytes of the rivers Turia, Vyzhivka and Tsyr, the right-bank tributaries of the upper reaches of the Pripet River, are presented. The species composition of aquatic and coastal aquatic vascular plants was investigated during the vegetation seasons of 2018 and 2019 at 9 observation points located along the rivers from the source to the mouth. The most numerous species composition, 57 species, was found in the Turia River, 36 in the Vyzhivka River, and 28 species were identified in the Tsyr River. The macrophyte index for rivers (Pol.: makrofitowy indeks rzeczny – MIR) was determined from the results, and the ecological state of the rivers was assessed according to the methodology of the macrophyte assessment of rivers (Pol.: makrofitowa metoda oceny rzek – MMOR). The investigation showed that water quality in the Turia River on sites No. 1, 3 and 4 belongs to class III, satisfactory category. The surface water quality on site No. 2 of the Turia River belongs to class II, a good category. The water quality in the Vyzhivka River on all test sites belongs to class II, a good category, which testifies to favourable ecological conditions for the development of higher aquatic plants along the whole course. The water quality in the Tsyr River on test site No. 8 (Kamin-Kashyrskyi, upper course) corresponds to class II, good category. On test site No. 9 (middle course), the quality of surface waters of the Tsyr River worsens to the class III, satisfactory category.
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Authors and Affiliations

Myroslav S. Malovanyу
Maria Boіaryn
Oksana Muzychenko
Oksana Tsos

  1. Lviv Polytechnic National University, Viacheslav Chornovil Institute of Sustainable Development, Department of Ecology and Sustainable Environmental Management, S. Bandera St, 12, 79013, Lviv, Ukraine
  2. Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University, Faculty of Chemistry, Ecology and Pharmacy, Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection, Lutsk, Ukraine
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Loads of N-NO3, N-NH4, PO4 and BOD5 carried in surface waters of the upper Dunajec catchment basin (at the section in Krościenko) in the years 1985–1998 are presented in this paper. Water quality of the Biały Dunajec (in Szaflary), Czarny Dunajec (in Ludźmierz) and Dunajec (in Krościenko) was characterised. Annual loads discharged from the area per km2 of the catchment were calculated from mean annual flows (SQ) and concentrations of studied components in river waters. Concentration of N-NO3 in waters of the Biały Dunajec was more than two times higher and that of phosphates – over seven times higher than the respective concentrations in the Czarny Dunajec and Dunajec. Different population density, numerous tourists and low level of water and sewage infra-structure were responsible for these differences.

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Authors and Affiliations

Sylwester Smoroń
Stanisław Twardy
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The very wet conditions of recent years in Europe have made it clear that measures will have to be taken in this century to prevent flooding. The question is how to manage groundwater in order to reduce the anticipated increased hydrological risk. Furthermore the surface water quality in the Netherlands is insufficient to meet the standards of the Water Framework Directive. The required improvements are difficult to reach, because the diffuse loads of nutrients from agricultural land can not be easily reduced. This demands for innovative solutions with respect to improve the surface wa-ter quality. In this pilot study the focus is on the purification in reed fields and use it as well to reduce the effects of the anticipated climate change. An experimental evidence on a practical scale is lacking and therefore in the woodland area of Lankheet in the eastern part of the Netherlands, 3 ha has been planted with reeds to purify the river water. The aim of the study is further to store the purified water in the groundwater in order to reduce climate change effects. For the hydrological situation a scenario study was set up, using a regional hydrological model to simulate the groundwater flow together with the water flow in a network of water courses. The analysis will give knowledge on the multifunc-tional use of such a system.

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Authors and Affiliations

Erik P. Querner
Henry M. Mulder
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Flooding in the northern part of The Netherlands has caused serious economic threats to densely populated areas. Therefore a project has been carried out in a pilot area to assess the retention of water in two river basins as a way to reduce flooding. The physically-based groundwater and sur-face water model SIMGRO was used to model the hydrology of the basins. The model was calibrated using discharges and groundwater levels. Scenarios of measures to assess the possibility of retaining water in the basin were then defined and tested. The first measure was the retention of higher dis-charges using culverts or gates in the upstream part of the basin. The second measure was to make the streams shallower and thereby, increase flood plain storage. The last measure was flood water storage in a designated area in the downstream part of one basin. The analysis indicates that holding water in the upstream parts of the basins proved to be feasible and can result in significant reductions of peak flows.

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Authors and Affiliations

Erik P. Querner
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In the discussion of water quality control, the first and most effective parameter that affects other variables and water quality parameters is the temperature situation and water temperature parameters that control many ecological and chemical processes in reservoirs. Additionally, one of the most important quality parameters studied in the quality of water resources of dams and reservoirs is the study of water quality in terms of salinity. The salinity of the reservoirs is primarily due to the rivers leading into them. The control of error in the reservoirs is always considered because the outlet water of the reservoirs, depending on the type of consumption, should always be standard in terms of salinity. Therefore, in this study, using the available statistics, the Ce-Qual-W2 two-dimensional model was used to simulate the heat and salinity layering of the Latyan Dam reservoir. The results showed that with warming and shifting from spring to late summer, the slope of temperature changes at depth increases and thermal layering intensifies, and a severe temperature difference occurs at depth. The results of sensitivity analysis also showed that by decreasing the wind shear coefficient (WSC), the reservoir water temperature increases, so that by increasing or decreasing the value of this coefficient by 0.4, the average water temperature by 0.56°C changes inversely, and the results also show that by increasing or decreasing the value of the shade coefficient by 0.85, the average water temperature changes by about 7.62°C, directly.
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AFSHAR A., KHOSRAVI M., MOLAJOU A. 2021. Assessing adaptability of cyclic and non-cyclic approach to conjunctive use of ground-water and surface water for sustainable management plans under climate change. Water Resources Management. Vol. 35 p. 3463– 3479. DOI 10.1007/s11269-021-02887-3.

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Authors and Affiliations

Tzu-Chia Chen
Shu-Yan Yu
Chang-Ming Wang
Sen Xie
Hanif Barazandeh

  1. International College, Krirk University, Bangkok, 3 Ram Inthra Rd, Khwaeng Anusawari, Khet Bang Khen, Krung Thep Maha Nakhon 10220, Thailand
  2. Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran
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Several conjunctive use approaches can be distinguished. Drought cycling of groundwater (GW) usage and storage relies on more surface water (SW) during wetter years and delivers more water from GW during drought years. This method has the benefit of temporal changes in water availability. Additionally, it is usually desirable in areas with internal variability of SW where surface storage of wet-year surpluses is uneconomical, suffer excessive evaporative losses, or cause unacceptable environmental disruption. In previous studies, the purpose of operating the drought cycling was to reduce operating costs. In these studies, the objective function of the proposed model was to minimise the present value cost derived from the system design and operation to satisfy a predefined demand during a finite planning and operation horizon. However, it is important to consider other objectives in operating water resources systems, including minimising water shortages accurately. Hence, in this study, two scenarios were focused on: 1) mi-nimising water shortagages, 2) minimising operational costs. Pareto solutions are then presented with the objectives of minimising costs and water deficit. In this study, the weighting method has been used to extract Pareto options. The results show that reducing costs from 234 to 100 mln USD will increase water shortage from 9.3 to 11.3 mln m3.
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AFSHAR A., KHOSRAVI M., MOLAJOU A. 2021. Assessing adaptability of cyclic and non-cyclic approach to conjunctive use of ground-water and surface water for sustainable management plans under climate change. Water Resources Management. Vol. 35 p. 3463– 3479. DOI 10.1007/s11269-021-02887-3.

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Authors and Affiliations

Tzu-Chia Chen
Tsung-Shun Hsieh
Rustem A. Shichiyakh

  1. Dhurakij Pundit University, Bangkok, Thailand
  2. Krirk University, Thanon Ram Intra, Khwaeng Anusawari, Khet Bang Khen, Krung Thep Maha Nakhon 10220, Thailand
  3. Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin, Department of Management, Krasnodar, Russian Federation
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The paper presents in form of a case study the results of 10-year long hydro-chemical studies on the Korzeń stream on which the “Skrzyszów” small storage reservoir was built. Studies aimed at evaluating the impact of the reservoir on the surface water quality in a Flysch stream. The basis for the analysis was results of 21 hydro-chemical water quality parameters, from the following groups of indicators: physical and acidity, oxygen and organic pollution, biogenic, salinity, metals. Indicators were determined in one-month intervals in two periods: 2005–2009 (before the reservoir was built) and 2015–2019 (after the reservoir was built). Obtained results were subjected to a statistical analysis. The trend analysis of changes was performed using the Mann–Kendall test or the seasonal Kendall test; significance of differences between indicator values from two periods was evaluated using the nonparametric Mann– Whitney U test. Results of analysis showed significant change trends of water quality parameters, in case of total iron concentration the trend was downward in both periods. Statistically significant differences between the values of definite majority of indicators were found in two analysed periods, indicating both favourable and unfavourable impact of the reservoir on water quality in the stream. Construction of the storage reservoir resulted in a significant change of physical and chemical indicators of water flowing in the stream. Random variation dynamics as well as tendencies and trends of changes over time have changed. In addition to modifying the stream hydro-chemical regime, the reservoir also affected the social and natural conditions.
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Authors and Affiliations

Wioletta Fudała
Andrzej Bogdał
Tomasz Kowalik

  1. University of Agriculture in Krakow, Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Land Surveying, Department of Land Reclamation and Environmental Development, Al. Mickiewicza 24, 30-059 Kraków, Poland
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The intensification of agricultural production is one of the factors determining economic development. Increasing mechanisation and use of fertilisers in agriculture lead to higher yields, but at the same time they can pose a threat to the environment. The overuse of chemical fertilisers contributes to increased concentration of nutrients in agricultural runoff. One of such areas is the Szreniawa River catchment, the study area located in the southern part of Poland. In this catchment, intensive mostly mechanical ploughing is applied in, for instance, vegetable production. The area has loess soils, which with intensive ploughing are susceptible to erosion. The study aims to determine changes in the quality of flowing waters against the background of agricultural production and land-use characteristics. Surface waters were classified as class II and occurred at all analysed points. The highest concentrations of N-NO3, N-NH4 and P-PO4 were found at a point in the middle of the catchment (lower part of research area). There, the lowest concentrations were recorded in 2018, which was related to the amount of precipitation during the growing season. On the other hand, the volume of plant and animal production closely correlated with the quality of surface water in the area. This was also confirmed by the land use structure. In conclusion, intensive agricultural production, mainly in terms of plough tillage causes significant hazards associated with soil erosion especially on agriculturally sensitive soils, although it provides good yields.
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Authors and Affiliations

Stanisław K. Lach
Agnieszka Kowalczyk
Marek T. Kopacz
Zbigniew Kowalewski
Mateusz Jakubiak
Robert. Mazur
Beata Grabowska-Polanowska

  1. AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Mining Surveying and Environmental Engineering, Department of Environmental Management and Protection, al. A. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Poland
  2. Institute of Technology and Life Sciences – National Research Institute, Falenty, Poland
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Monitoring of surface waters within the transboundary section of the Western Bug River showed, that during 2014–2018, a significant excess of the maximum permissible concentration (MPC) was observed for some substances for fish ponds. As a result of this, the water in the river for these substances was rated as “dirty” in terms of purity and correspond-ed to water quality class IV, namely: phosphorus was observed to exceed the MPC at the observation point Ambukіv vil-lage in 2015 (9.7 times), for manganese – an excess of the MPC at the observation point Ambukіv village in 2018 (9.7 times) and in point Zabuzhzhia village in 2014 (7.9 times), 2015 (8.0 times), 2017 (7.1 times), 2018 (8.3 times); for the total iron – the exceeding of MPC at the observation point Ambukіv village in 2016 (5.95 times) and 2017 (6.13 times); at the observation point Ustilug town in 2016 (5.23 times); in the observation point Zabuzhzhia village in 2016 (9.44 times) and 2017 (5.27 times). The assessment of the surface waters based on the determination of the pollution factor showed that during the study period their quality did not deteriorate but did not meet the norms. In general, surface waters of the river correspond to the second class of quality and are characterized as “poorly polluted” waters by the level of pollution.

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Authors and Affiliations

Igor Gopchak
Andrii Kalko
Tetiana Basiuk
Oleg Pinchuk
Ievgenii Gerasimov
Oksana Yaromenko
Viktor Shkirynets
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Developments in agriculture, industry, and urban life have caused the deterioration of water resources, such as rivers and reservoirs in terms of their quality and quantity. This includes the Saguling Reservoir located in the Citarum Basin, Indonesia. A review of previous studies reveals that the water quality index ( WQI) is efficient for the identification of pollution sources, as well as for the understanding of temporal and spatial variations in reservoir water quality. The NSFWQI (The National Sanitation Foundation water quality index) is one of WQI calculation methods. The NSFWQI is commonly used as an indi-cator of surface water quality. It is based on nitrate, phosphate, turbidity, temperature, faecal coliform, pH, DO, TDS, and BOD. The average NSFWQI has been 48.42 during a dry year, 43.97 during a normal year, and 45.82 during a wet year. The WQI helped to classify water quality in the Saguling Reservoir as “bad”. This study reveals that the strongest and most significant correlation between the parameter concentration and the WQI is the turbidity concentration, for which the coeffi-cient correlation is 0.821 in a dry year, and faecal coli, for which the coefficient correlation is 0.729 in a dry year. Both parameters can be used to calculate the WQI. The research also included a nitrate concentration distribution analysis around the Saguling Reservoir using the Inverse Distance Weighted method.
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Authors and Affiliations

Mariana Marselina
Anwar Sabar
Nurul Fahimah

  1. Bandung Institute of Technology, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Jl. Ganesha No 10, Bandung, Indonesia
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The research analyzed seasonal changes of the oxygen regime and related indicators on the example of water objects of the Ukrainian Polesie Region. The region shows different directions of economic use. Zebrafish ( Danio rerio Hamilton–Buchanan) and the Prussian carp ( Carassius auratus gibelio Bloch) were used as test objects to investigate survival responses. Dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration in water, pH values and temperatures were determined by standard methods. Based on research results, the main problems were determined pertaining to the oxygen regime of investigated waters, i.e. the increase in temperature and toxicity of the aquatic environment in the summer. A rather dangerous decrease in DO concentration, almost up to the levels of maximum allowable concentration (MAC) (4.10 mg∙dm–3 in group E1 and 6.07 mg∙dm–3 in group E2), was observed in August and it was typical for the reservoirs with a slow water movement. Flowing river waters (group E3) were eliminated due to their better aeration compared to other groups. The correlation analysis based on the presented data revealed a high and average degree of probable correlation between the DO concentration and water temperature, as well as an average degree of correlation with general toxicity determined on sensitive species of D. rerio, and in group E1 on the persistent species C. auratus gibelio as well. The interrelations and equations of the rectilinear regression can be used to predict the oxygen regime of the waters investigated and other surface waters having similar problems.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ella O. Aristarkhova
Tetiana P. Fedoniuk
Ludmila D. Romanchuk
Sergii V. Latushynskyi
Iryna V. Kot

  1. Polissia National University, Faculty of Forestry and Ecology, Zhytomyr, Ukraine
  2. Polissia National University, Educational and Scientific Center of Ecology and Environmental Protection, Staryi Blvd, 7, Zhytomyr, Zhytomyrs'ka oblast, 10008 Ukraine
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The article presents an assessment of the effects of anthropogenic activities on the quality of water in four streams flowing through a camp based on a combined assessment of environmental impacts and the water quality index. The quantitative and qualitative assessment of environmental impact was made after identifying the anthropogenic activities carried out in the camp. The water quality index ( WQI) was calculated after monitoring seventeen physicochemical and microbiological variables and the Montoya index was applied. The samples were collected during 48 sampling campaigns, organised over the period of six months in eight stations. Two stations were located in each stream, one before and one after it passed through the camp. The results indicated that streams 1, 3, and 4 show a slight deterioration in water quality, affected by anthropogenic activities carried out in the said camp; meanwhile, stream 2 shows an increasing deterioration in water quality. The water quality of the streams before passing through the camp was determined to be between “uncontaminated” and “acceptable”, while after passing through the camp it was classified between “acceptable” and “slightly contaminated”. The results indicated a non-significant difference between the downstream and upstream WQI values for streams 1, 3, and 4; while stream 2 did show a significant difference in the WQI between upstream and downstream; indicating that anthropogenic activities alter the quality of the water.
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Authors and Affiliations

Fernando García-Ávila
Magaly Jiménez-Ordóñez
Jessica Torres-Sánchez
Sergio Iglesias-Abad
Rita Cabello Torres
César Zhindón-Arévalo

  1. Universidad de Cuenca, Facultad de Ciencias Químicas, Cuenca, 010107, Ecuador
  2. Universidad Católica de Cuenca, Carrera de Ingeniería Ambiental, Ecuador
  3. Universidad César Vallejo, Professional School of Environmental Engineering, Lima, Perú
  4. Universidad Católica de Cuenca, Unidad Académica de Salud y Bienestar, Sede Azogues, Ecuador

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