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O tradycji teatru kathputli, indyjskich marionetkach i kolonii artystów w Nowym Delhi.
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Daria Dulok

  1. Freelancerka
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The general view of Tadeusz Rittner, a highly successful playwright of the early 20th century, as an uncommitted realist and author of ‘well-made plays’ has, no doubt, been formed and fixed by Zbigniew Raszewski, renowned historian of the theatre who wrote the introductions to the postwar editions of Rittner's plays. This article shows a rather different picture of Rittner, based on his journalism, autobiographical novels and lesser-known dramas in which he pursued his innovatory theatrical visions. The complete Rittner is, in fact, made up of metatheatricality, the grotesque, the aes-thetics of Viennese modernism and a fair share of commercialism.
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Sabina Brzozowska

  1. Uniwersytet Opolski
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● Battaglia J.F., Między Wiedniem a Galicją, Austria a Polska. Kalejdoskop stosunków kulturalnych od XVIII do XX wieku, na stronie:[165]-183%20Forst-Battaglia.pdf;jsessionid=1CFJq-TYi75eiUnEqUoHP2py9x7qphGpMHZ?sequence=1 [data dostępu: 13.09.2020].
● Danowicz B., Realizm, metafora, publiczność, „Nowy Świat. Tygodniowy dodatek Głosu” 1956, nr 17.
● Flach J., „Przegląd Polski” 1913, tom 189.
● Grzymała-Siedlecki A., Tadeusz Rittner, „Listy z Teatru” 1924, z. 1.
● [Gbr] Gubrynowicz B., „Gazeta Lwowska” 1913, nr 257.
● Hebanowski S., „Lato” Rittnera w Zielonej Górze, „Nowy Świat”, dodatek do „Głosu Wielkopolskiego”, 1956, nr 15.
● Litwinowicz-Droździel M., Zmiana, której nie było. Trzy próby czytania Reymonta, Warszawa 2019.
● Milanowski A., Czy Tadeusz Rittner był pisarzem polskim czy niemieckim?, [w:] Recepcja literacka i proces literacki. O polsko-niemieckich kontaktach literackich od modernizmu po okres międzywojenny, red. G. Matuszek, G. Ritz, Kraków 1999.
● Partyga E., Wiek XIX. Przedstawienia, Warszawa 2016.
● Piotrowicz W., „Wrażenia teatralne”: „Lato”, komedia w trzech aktach Tadeusza Rittnera w Reducie, „Słowo” 1929, nr 95.
● Raszewski Z., Wstęp, [w:] Rittner T., Dramaty, t. I, oprac. Z. Raszewski, Warszawa 1966.
● Raszewski Z., Wstęp, [w:] Rittner T., Głupi Jakub. Wilki w nocy, wstęp i oprac. Z. Raszewski, Wrocław 1956.
● Ratajczakowa D., Komedia w epoce Młodej Polski, [w:] taż, W krysztale i w płomieniu. Studia i szkice o dramacie i teatrze, T. 1, Wrocław 2006.
● Rittner T., Komedia, „Kurier Warszawski”, 1911, nr 285, s. 5–6.
● Rittner T., Lato. Komedia, [w:] idem, Dramaty. Tom II, oprac. Z. Raszewski, Warszawa 1966.
● Rittner T., O teatrze „wesołym” i „smutnym”, „Świat” 1906, nr 17, s. 10.
● Skucha M., Męskość fabrykowana. Rzecz o homospołeczności, [w:] Formy męskości I, red. A. Dziadek, F. Mazurkiewicz, Warszawa 2018.
● Sussman H., Mężczyzna ekonomiczny i powstanie klasy średniej, przeł. T. Kaliściak, [w:] Formy męskości 3. Antologia przekładów, red. A. Dziadek, Warszawa 2018.
● Wandurski W., Magiczny namiastek życia (Światopogląd teatralny Tadeusza Rittnera), „Listy z Teatru” 1924, z. 1.
● Wysocki A., „Lato” Rittnera w Burgteatrze, „Gazeta Lwowska” 1912, nr 240.
● Zaremba P., Rittner? Fellini? Englert! „wPolityce”. [dostęp: 15.09.2020].
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Sabina Brzozowska

  1. Instytut Nauk o Literaturze, Uniwersytet Opolski
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This article is a critical reappraisal of Juliusz Słowacki’s translation of Calderón’s El príncipe constant (1843), which acquired a place of its own in Słowacki’s oeuvre and continued to attract a lot of interest throughout the 20th century. Its lasting appeal is due to its extraordinary unity of tone, dramatic construction and stylized language, which in effect, as some critics have said, out-Baroques Calderón’s Baroque original. This article analyzes this contention in detail and tries to answer the question what were the sources and reasons of Słowacki’s fascination with the 17-th century Spanish poet and playwright. The second part of the article deals with two of the 20th-century stage productions of the drama and the adapters’ handling of Słowacki’s text. The summary includes a brief survey of the treatment Calderón’s heirs accorded to his key trope perigrinatio vitae (‘life is pilgrimage’).

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Mirella Kryś
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Badania polskiego teatru w czasie pandemii mogą nas wiele nauczyć. Z jednej strony obnażyły szkodliwe praktyki w zatrudnianiu artystów. Z drugiej dały szansę na prawdziwie równy dostęp do teatru. O tych zagadnieniach opowiadają Maria Babicka i Justyna Czarnota-Misztal.
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Maria Babicka
Justyna Czarnota-Misztal
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The window is a recurring image in the imaginarium and the art of Tadeusz Kantor. Fixed in his memory at an early age, it resurfaced in the spectacle Wielopole, Wielopole (1980) as a plain object "of the reality of the lowest kind", and in the 'cricotage' A Very Short Lesson (1988) as a quasi stage prop charged with metaphysical meaning. The window motif is also a persistent feature of his graphic art. Most notably, it appears in the drawing Man and window (1971), a picture for the Dead Class (Window) from 1983, an autothematic cycle of paintings You cannot look inside through the window with impunity (1988-1990), and Kantor's last dated drawing of pigeons being watched through a window. Kantor's fascination with the window as an objet d'art can be explained by his philosophical aesthetics (especially the use of objects as markers of the 'spaces' of the stage action). This article analyzes the image of the window as a 'site' of special significance in Kantor's art (an object that encapsulates the antynomy of inside/outside, or a claustrophobic incarceration/a barrier to entry) in the context of Hans-Ulrich Gumbrecht's theory of latency (i.e. the inability of throwing off the past, the suspension of time symbolized by artistic constructs of imprisonment).

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Katarzyna Szalewska
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Tadeusz Rittner steered clear of political themes in his dramas with the single excep-tion of the Wrogowie bogaczy (The Enemies of the Rich). First performed in 1921, the play exposes the insane madness of social (Bolshevik) revolution. At the same time, though, the tragic horror is handled with ironic distance and diverted into absurd grotesque. Moreover, Rittner invests the individual scenes and exchanges between the characters with hints and references that turn the story into a playful game with the theatrical traditions, including the familiar set of plot drivers, i.e. the pursuit of power, love/eroti-cism and art/imagination. For all its cleverness, the play, when staged at the Słowacki Theatre in Cracow, turned out a complete failure. One simple reason for it was that Rittner’s broad, generalized vision failed to meet the current demand for a more con-crete reenactment of historical events.
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Sabina Brzozowska

  1. Wydział Filologiczny Uniwersytetu Opolskiego
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This is a survey of selected publications by Stanisław Wasylewski that appeared in the Lwów Gazeta Poranna and Gazeta Wieczorna between 1911 and 1914. The analyses are based on extant copies of the two newspapers held in Poland in the collections of the Jagiellonian Univer-sity in Cracow. The material includes articles, theatre and book reviews as well as advertise-ments of novels to be published in serial installments.
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Beata Langer

  1. Instytut Nauk o Informacji, Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. KEN, ul. Podchorążych 2, PL 30-084 Kraków
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Stanisław Hebanowski (1912–1983) was a well-known theatre director and translator of plays. At the age of 57 years, he moved to Gdansk, which marked the beginning of his most prolific artistic creativity and the period of some of his greatest achievements in the Polish theatre. Hebanowski’s collection of books, which, in the representative part of 4,000 volumes, made its way to the Gdansk Library, reflects its owner’s broad, not only theatrical, interests. Almost all the books are signed and provided with ordering numbers and letter markings indicating their belonging to a particular section – according to the author’s language or the topic of a given item. The provenance of the books is indicated by markings and annotations of their previous owners: apart from gifts and items purchased in second hand and ordinary bookshops in Gdansk, Krakow, Lwow, Poznan and Warsaw, the collection also includes books originating from theatres in Gdansk, Lodz and Poznan, and school libraries in Krakow and Tarnogora, university libraries from Krakow and Poznan, monastery libraries from Kolomyia and Stanislawow, and a public library in Rzeszow, along with ones previously belonging to various individuals. Some of the books from Hebanowski’s library – printed texts of theatre plays – include numerous annotations made by their owner – testimonies to the director’s preparation for the staging of the appropriate drama.
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Maria Sokołowska

  1. PAN Biblioteka Gdańska, Dział Zbiorów Specjalnych
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The article presents the history of the competition and design of the building originally intended for the Juliusz Osterwa Theatre in Lublin (currently the Centre for the Meeting of Cultures). Both the concepts of the location of the building and urban conditions were discussed, as well as various conceptual designs of the theatre, awarded and distinguished in an architectural competition at the turn of the 1950s and 1960s. In the further part of the article, the concept of the experimental scene, proposed by Kazimierz Braun in the early 1970s, is discussed. The background for the reconstruction of the history of the design and construction of the building are changes in the style and arrangement of the modern theatre architecture, with particular emphasis on Central and Eastern Europe.
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Piotr Majewski

  1. Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie
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Autorka artykułu analizuje wpływ twórczości Marcela Prousta na utwory dramatyczne Tennessee Williamsa, zwłaszcza na dramat Szklana menażeria, znany także z hollywoodzkiej wersji filmowej. W sztuce tej ważną rolę odgrywają Proustowskie motywy, takie jak czas, pamięć i jej mechanizmy. Podobnie jak Proust, Williams nie ukrywa w swoim utworze elementów autobiograficznych. W Szklanej menażerii zwraca również uwagę inspirowane powieścią Prousta wykorzystanie motywów muzycznych oraz doszukiwanie się podobieństw między bohaterami literackimi a postaciami z dzieł malarskich. Choć Proust nie pisał dramatów, a Williams nie zostawił po sobie żadnej powieści, to łączyła ich miłość do teatru i przekonanie, że wspomnienie jest swego rodzaju spektaklem, a scena to szczególnie odpowiednie miejsce, by opowiadać o przeszłości.
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Joanna Majewska

  1. Akademia Teatralna im. Aleksandra Zelwerowicza, Warszawa
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This article discusses the theatre section in Gazeta Żydowska published under the control of the occupation authorities in the Generalgouvernement in 1940–1942. The paper focused first of all on theatres in the Warsaw ghetto. The news and reviews were to create the impression that Jewish culture was flourishing and the situation in ghetto was normalizing as the residents were adapting to the new conditions.
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Jakub Parnes
Agata Dąbrowska

  1. Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach, Wydział Informatyki i Komunikacji, ul. Bogucicka 3, PL 40-226 Katowice
  2. Uniwersytet Łódzki, Wydział Studiów Międzynarodowych i Politologicznych, ul. Narutowicza 59a, PL 90-131 Łódź
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The phenomenon of the so-called Polish monumental theatre has for nearly a century resisted attempts at conceptualization. Created by artists living in a transitional period and formed in a peculiar “trans-era” mental space, this theatre was wrought from a hybrid substance that combined a Romantic and post-Romantic content with an avant-garde form. Being “simultaneously national and supra-national”, it appeared as a unique conceptual and artistic construct; a construct that was touted as the innovative Polish input into the reform of European theatre. Owing to the heterogeneity of its subject-matter, it was at times included into, and at other times excluded from the body of endeavours of an avant-garde nature; the correct categorization was until now made difficult by the conceptual template constructed around the dogma concerning the incompatibility of the two areas: the avant-garde and the so-called national duties. Seen in the perspective of modern-day research on the variegated nature of Modernism and on its inner tensions, however, this phenomenon may emerge as an interesting illustration of the synthesizing efforts of Modernism.
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Joanna Stacewicz-Podlipska

  1. Instytut Sztuki PAN
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This article tries to outline the history of the theater of the absurd in Poland by focusing on the metaphor of theatrum mundi (a device which is characteristic feature of this type of drama) and its use by Tymoteusz Karpowicz in his dramas Dziwny pasażer [A Strange Passenger], Charon od świtu do świtu [Charon from Dawn to Dawn], Kiedy ktoś zapuka [When Somebody Knocks], Człowiek z absolutnym węchem [The Man with an Absolute Sence of Smell], Przerwa w podróży [A Break in a Journey]. This metatheatrical device enables the dramatist to create a world of play-acting for its own sake, a world without God, with characters unable to look beyond the exigencies of their role and thus to express his disenchantment with the 20th century and his estrangement from the post-World War II reality. It also enables him to explore the mechanisms of theatrical performance and the role of language in the creation of reality.

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Anna Karonta
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W niniejszej publikacji cztery dzieła architektury powstałe w Polsce w XXI wieku zostały zestawione parami w dwa kierunki w architekturze dobrane pod kątem zbiorów łączących je cech. Główny temat publikacji uzupełniają wstępne rozważania na temat możliwych pól analizy architektury powstającej w Polsce w XXI wieku.
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Hubert Trammer

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