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The stance of mysticism on language is located in the field of tensions between the fundamental inability to express the essence of God through the medium of language and the imperative, or the need, to talk about it. In the space betwixt and between, there extends mystic silence as a paradoxical, but effective way of communication and insight. Depending on individual mystics, whose selection from the Middle Ages to the Baroque is presented in the text, silence receives also various additional aspects.

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Cezary Lipiński
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Józef Andrzej Gierowski’s academic profile is presented in the light of his interest in the problems of universal history in relation to events, but above all to phenomena which allow for a better knowledge and understanding of the mentality of the people of the time, their activities and their consequences. Gierowski’s studies on the history of Europe were closely linked to the history of the Polish‑Lithuanian Commonwealth (especially the period of the Saxon Wettin dynasty on the Polish throne), highlighting its international position and associations, and the resulting foreign policy of its rulers. Among the questions raised, there was no shortage of issues relating to the culture and ideology of the Baroque and the Enlightenment and, of primary interest to the researcher, the problem‑laden, not fully deciphered transition period between the two currents.
The second ‘part’ of the article emphasises Józef Andrzej Gierowski’s understanding of Europe as a certain whole, encompassing not only political history, social or economic affairs, but also cultural patterns and phenomena to which he was particularly sensitive.
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Andrzej K. Link Lenczowski

  1. Uniwersytet Jagielloński
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The article analyzes reflections on the child in the most notable works of the 18th‑century Ukrainian historical narrative: the chronicles of Samovidets, Hryhoriy Hrabianka, Samiilo Velychko, and Istoria Rusiv. These works, being the only historical thought reflections of the Hetman State, had no equal. Later they were to become the basis for constructing the modern vision of the Cossack past on the part of 19th‑century Ukrainian historians, writers, and public figures. The focus is on those plots and contexts where the authors addressed children’s topics. The 18th‑century vision of childhood is investigated on that basis, along with the impact these stories had on later recipients and the formation of modern ideas about childhood in “old Ukraine”. Attempted is also a study of children’s topics as a tool for describing and constructing the past in Baroque rhetoric and historical narratives.
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Ігор Сердюк

  1. Полтавський національний педагогічний університет імені В.Г. Короленка
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Most of what we know about Mikołaj Sęp Szarzyński (? – c. 1580) and his work is plausible conjecture that cannot be fully verified. The small volume published twenty years after his death, Rytmy – a single extant copy was found accidentally in the early 1800s – represents his uncertain legacy. Yet not only is Sęp Szarzyński the second greatest pre-modern Polish poet after Kochanowski, but, owing to his sonnets and other compositions of his early maturity, he can be considered the creator of a new style that, under the influence of late Italian Petrarchism, brings Polish poetry closer to mannerism and, for some commentators, to the Baroque. This article will focus in particular on Sonnet III (‘To the Holy Virgin’). While drawing on Dante and Petrarca, the sonnet resonates with the themes and styles of contemporary Spanish Marian literature. Sonnet III is the cornerstone of Sęp Szarzyński’s sonnet cycle (the first in Polish literature) that marks the artistic culmination of a ‘passage’ to modernity, in which an attitude of doubt and the attendant “grammar of uncertainty” (cf. Jan Błoński) constitutes the writer’s main stylistic and existential signature.
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Literatura podmiotowa:

● Sęp Szarzyński Mikołaj, Mikołaja Sępa Szarzyńskiego Rytmy abo Wiersze Polskie, po iego śmierci zebrane y wydane, Roku Pańskiego 1601, wydanie foto-offsetowe, Czytelnik, Warszawa 1978.
● Sęp Szarzyński Mikołaj, Rytmy oraz anonimowe pieśni i listy miłosne z XVI w., oprac. Tadeusz Sinko, BN, Nakładem Krakowskiej Spółki Wydawniczej, Kraków 1928.
● Sęp Szarzyński Mikołaj, Rytmy abo wiersze polskie oraz cykl erotyków, oprac. i wstępem poprzedził Julian Krzyżanowski, BN – wyd. II zmienione, Ossolineum, Wrocław 1973.
● Sęp Szarzyński Mikołaj, Poezje, wstęp i oprac. Janusz S. Gruchała, BP, Universitas, Kraków 1997.
● Sęp Szarzyński Mikołaj, Poezje zebrane, wydali Radosław Grześkowiak, Adam Karpiński, przy współpracy Krzysztofa Mrowcewicza, BPS, IBL, Warszawa 2001.

Literatura przedmiotowa:

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Luigi Marinelli

  1. Sapienza, Università di Roma, Włochy
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This article is a critical reappraisal of Juliusz Słowacki’s translation of Calderón’s El príncipe constant (1843), which acquired a place of its own in Słowacki’s oeuvre and continued to attract a lot of interest throughout the 20th century. Its lasting appeal is due to its extraordinary unity of tone, dramatic construction and stylized language, which in effect, as some critics have said, out-Baroques Calderón’s Baroque original. This article analyzes this contention in detail and tries to answer the question what were the sources and reasons of Słowacki’s fascination with the 17-th century Spanish poet and playwright. The second part of the article deals with two of the 20th-century stage productions of the drama and the adapters’ handling of Słowacki’s text. The summary includes a brief survey of the treatment Calderón’s heirs accorded to his key trope perigrinatio vitae (‘life is pilgrimage’).

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Mirella Kryś
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This paper is devoted to a precious sobiescianum from the Kórnik Library’s collection of manuscripts – the binding of a hand-written panegyric with emblems by Johann Jakob Rollos, dedicated to King John III Sobieski. This piece of bookbinding art is marked by its restrained although exquisite decoration centred around the monarch’s supralibros in the form of a monogram under a royal crown, encircled by palm branches. First, the binding is analysed in terms of its materials, technique, and decoration. Conclusions from the analysis were used to situate the work in the context of French 17th-c. bookbinding, which led to the conclusion that it is a classic example of an à la Duseuil (à la Du Seuil) binding, which has numerous counterparts in the output of French bookbinders of the Baroque era. The genesis of the form of the supralibros is then analysed, indicating French sample design books presenting inter alia designs of monograms. Analogies between the Sobieski’s supralibros and the French supralibros with a monogram or an escutcheon under a crown and encircled by palm branches or similar motifs turned out to be significant. Attention was also devoted to the genesis of the form of the marbled paper from which the endpapers were made. Finally, it was attempted to situate the book in the context of John III Sobieski’s book collection, from which only a handful of volumes have managed to survive until our own times. Attention was also paid to the issue of the royal monograms in Poland in the last years of the 17th century and the first decades of the 18th century.
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Arkadiusz Wagner

  1. Instytut Badań Informacji i Komunikacji UMK, Toruń

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