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Sprawiedliwa transformacja powinna leżeć na sercu nie tylko regionom górniczym, dla których jest szansą na skok technologiczny. To także możliwość dla całej Polski na znaczną poprawę jakości życia i osiągnięcie neutralności klimatycznej.
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Adam Drobniak
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Celem artykułu jest analiza wpływu surowców kopalnych na produkcję energii elektrycznej UE do 2050 r. Autor stawia hipotezę, że surowce energetyczne pozostają istotną składową struktury bilansu elektroenergetycznego w UE w 2015 r. Z tego względu postawione zostały następujące pytania badawcze. Jakie jest współczesne znaczenie surowców energetycznych do produkcji energii elektrycznej i jak będzie się zmieniało do 2050 r.? Jak odnawialne źródła energii będą wpływały na zmianę modelu produkcji energii elektrycznej? Jakie znaczenie dla określenia roli surowców energetycznej ma istniejąca infrastruktura energetyczna? Przyszłość sektora energii bazuje na elektryczności, której zapotrzebowanie zostanie podwojone w nadchodzących dwóch dekadach. Rozwój samochodów elektrycznych będzie miał istotny wpływ na ten proces. Pomimo transformacji energetycznej, znaczenie paliw kopalnych pozostaje wysokie. Wpływa na to istniejąca infrastruktura energetyczna. Spośród różnych źródeł energii energetyka odnawialna będzie rozwijać się w sposób ciągły. Zmiany są nieuniknione, lecz dyskusyjne pozostaje tempo oraz różnorodność transformacji energetycznej w państwach unijnych.
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Mariusz Ruszel
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Społeczne konsekwencje końca energetyki konwencjonalnej na Śląsku.
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Łukasz Trembaczowski
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Czyli czym jest ekonomia ekologiczna, jakie diagnozuje wyzwania i zagrożenia środowiskowe oraz społeczne.
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Ewa Bińczyk
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Ludzkość jest zmuszona do zmiany sposobu, w jaki korzysta ze źródeł energii. Powinna przestać wydobywać paliwa kopalne i skupić się na OZE, zwłaszcza słońcu. Taka transformacja może okazać się długo poszukiwanym Świętym Graalem energetyki.
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Jan Kiciński
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Nowadays, one of the biggest challenges faced by EU countries is the pursuit of zero-emission economies. Certainly, it is crucial to determine the role of fossil fuels in the energy transformation. In light of the European Green Deal, EU countries should cease the consumption of hydrocarbons, i.e. coal, crude oil and natural gas, by 2050. Nevertheless, there are significant differences regarding the possibility of decarbonizing the energy sectors of the different EU Member States. For many years, Romania has been successively implementing an energy transformation, the main goal of which is the significant reduction of fossil fuels in the energy mix. Just a few years ago, one of the most important energy resources was coal, which is to be eliminated within the next decade. However, a much greater challenge is the reduction and subsequent abandonment of natural gas and crude oil. The key task facing Romania is to ensure energy security, which is why decarbonization will be strongly coupled with the country’s economic and political capabilities. The exclusion of fossil fuels in power engineering means that there is a need to develop alternative generation capacities, in particular in nuclear, wind and solar energy. This article presents the current condition of the energy sector in Romania, with a particular emphasis on the role of fossil fuels in its transformation. An analysis of documents and field research shows that there will be a dynamic decarbonization in the coming years, which will result in a significant reduction in the consumption of fossil fuels. The priority of Romania’s energy policy is to achieve a zero-emission economy, but ensuring stability and security in the energy sector will be of key importance in this process.
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Wiktor Hebda

  1. Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland
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The aim of the article is to present the views of Andrzej Walicki on the heritage of the Russian and Polish intelligentsia. His interest in the history of this social group resulted not only from the need for empathic understanding of its worldview(s), but above all from his pursuit of his own self‑definition and the desire to outline his life program. He believed that the main merit of the Russian intelligentsia was the ethos of sacrifice for the lower classes and the experienced imperative to ‘redeem’ the historical blame of the privileged classes. The main contribution of the Polish intelligentsia was the desire to include the lower classes in the modern political community – with the view to creating a civil nation. According to Walicki, the political breakthrough after 1989, along with the ‘shock therapy’, regrettably supported by a majority of the Polish intelligentsia, resulted for many people from the working class in a real pauperization and a major loss of life stability. The necessity to return to the traditional ethos of intelligentsia was (and is) the only way to restore in the social upper strata a sense of responsibility for the lower classes and a willingness to empower them to shape future social relationships.
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Maria M. Przeciszewska

  1. Fundacja Augusta hr. Cieszkowskiego, ul. Mianowskiego 15/65, 02-044 Warszawa
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This article presents the results of a study of the determinants of energy transformation of coal-dependent regions. The case study was on the region of Silesia. This region is the main producer of hard coal and coking coal in Poland, with nineteen mines and numerous coal-fired power plants. Silesia is highly industrialized and urbanized, contributing significantly to Poland’s GDP. However, it is also a leader in terms of methane and carbon dioxide emissions. The study used an approach based on Alvin L. Bertrand’s ‘stress-strain’ theory, to investigate the socio-cultural stresses emerging as a result of the interaction of external factors and internal process dynamics within the region itself. Then, using Marc Wolfram’s systems-based analytical framework approach, the current transformative capacity of Silesia was analyzed. The theoretical framework adopted assumes that socio-cultural stress can be inferred from past situations of tension, influencing the social structure of the region and shaping accepted patterns of adaptation to change. Socio-cultural stress emerges as a key determinant of a region’s coping strategy and shapes its ability to transform in the long term. The research approach presented in this article adopts a comprehensive framework that integrates socio-cultural, socio-ecological and technological dimensions, providing a holistic view of a region’s transformation challenges and opportunities. The research was conducted using focus group interviews and a structured interview questionnaire. Participants in the research were individuals representing a diverse community of experts and activists involved in the energy transition process in Silesia, including local government officials, businesses, professional associations and social activists.
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Wojciech Kowalik
Wit Hubert
Monika Pepłowska
Dominik Kryzia
Lidia Gawlik
Aleksandra Komorowska

  1. AGH University of Krakow, Kraków, Poland
  2. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute PAS, Kraków, Poland
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The European Green Deal is a strategy aimed at making Europe climate neutral in 2050. This work plan consists of several initiatives: European Climate Law, European Climate Pact, adaptation strategy, Farm-to Fork strategy and task to increase the EU 2030 climate target towards 55%. The aim of this article is to present the aims and structure of the European Green Deal with special notice on actions planed within „blue economy”. The maritime sector will have to play a central role in alleviating the multiple demands on the EU's land resources and tackling climate change by improving the use of aquatic and marine resources.
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Monika Adamczak-Retecka

  1. Katedra Prawa Europejskiego i Komparatystyki Prawniczej, Wydział Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
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Transformacja w sektorze wytwarzania energii elektrycznej jest warunkiem koniecznym, lecz niewystarczającym do zapobieżenia katastrofie klimatycznej.
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Jan Kozłowski
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Primary energy consumption depends on the size of the economy and its structure, including both industrial and service sectors, characterized by different energy demands. Some of the basic energy and economic indicators that can be used to analyze primary energy consumption include energy intensity, energy productivity and indicators measuring the activity of the economy (gross domestic product or gross value added). In the years 1995–2021, the Polish economy developed at a relatively constant pace, and the value of gross domestic product increased in real terms by almost 290% over the entire analyzed period. However, despite this increase, total primary energy consumption remained at the relatively constant level of around 3,800–4,600 PJ/year. This was caused by, among other factors, an increase in energy productivity on the one hand and a reduction in energy intensity on the other. It should be emphasized that a descriptive analysis of changes in primary energy consumption in Poland in the analyzed period, including changes in selected energy and economic indicators, does not allow the identification and quantification of the impact of all key factors on the total change of the examined value over time. In this context, the main aim of the research presented in this paper is to propose a decomposition model of primary energy consumption in Poland and adapt it to conduct analyses covering the period of economic and energy transition to quantitatively determine the impact of the identified factors on the total change in primary energy consumption in the 1995–2021 period. To perform the described research, decomposition analysis was applied, including a multiplicative and additive approach. A decomposition model was developed based on the formulated decomposition identity. Mathematical formulas of two methods were used to perform the calculations: a generalized Fisher index and the logarithmic mean Divisia index (LMDI). The obtained results indicate that the effects of demand and energy intensity factors had the most significant impact on the primary energy consumption change.
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Przemysław Kaszyński

  1. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
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Ewa Borzęcka's film Arizona presents contemporary life in a post-collectivised village. This film is an excuse for the author to wander into world of audio-visual historical narrative and the ethic implications of it.
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Piotr Witek
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The on-going economic transformation of the Moscow market towards the provision of services and trade requires the revitalisation of many districts. The case study — the Dominion Tower building — shows that solutions in the field of architecture and urban planning of buildings whose construction can be categorised as local architectural intervention into existing urban structure may be decisive in the success of an undertaking aimed at activating urban tissue within the interference area.
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Wojciech Duliński

  1. Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Institute of Architectural Design
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Small towns are an important element of settlement network. They change their status depending on, among others, the development of industry, and changes in the transportation system. Some of them lost civic rights, then regained them, and sometimes were incorporated into the neighboring agglomerations. Some small towns have merged together to create new structures in the settlement network. This article investigates this phenomenon on the example of south-west of Poland. It was also found that in several cases, a small town subsequently separated from the urban area and created a separate urban unit of its own.

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Zuzanna Borcz
Irena Niedźwiecka-Filipiak
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' Savoir-vivre with a past', or an Etiquette Guide of the Age of Transformation according to Agnieszka Osiecka, was published in the illustrated weekly Przekrój in 1993–1994. This article analyzes the column's content in the context of contemporary social and cultural change, focusing on issues from a broad field of dos and don’ts that acquired unexpected visibility during the early years of the Transformation, and tries to find out what was Osiecka's treatment of individual cases says of her own views.
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Anna Jawor

  1. Wydział Dziennikarstwa, Informacji i Bibliologii, Uniwersytet Warszawski, ul. Bednarska 2/4, PL 00-310 Warszawa
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This article analyzes the financial situation of the biggest print media in Poland and the strategies of coping with declining sales and advertising revenue.
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Jolanta Dzierżyńska-Mielczarek

  1. Katedra Dziennikarstwa i Komunikacji Społecznej Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego, ul. Świętokrzyska 21D, PL 25-406 Kielce
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The monthly Kultura published by Jerzy Giedroyc in Paris from 1947 had a significant, opinion-making influence on Polish intellectual and cultural life. In the 1990s, last decade of its history, Kultura opened its pages to reportage, a peculiar genre of reports blending first-hand reporting and reflection. This article examines those reportages in their role of multifaceted mirrors showing the individual at a time of the great transformation that began in 1989.
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Rozmowy i źródła internetowe
Brodziński K.:‑brodzinski‑2b33158 [dostęp: 14.12.2019].
Korespondencja mailowa z Agatą Tuszyńską z kwietnia 2019 r.
Rozmowa telefoniczna z Pawłem Smoleńskim z 12 kwietnia 2019 r.
Rozmowa z Jarosławem Kurskim, 10 czerwca 2019 r.
Wpis Mariusza Szczygła na portalu Instagram z 4 lipca 2019 r.

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Justyna Maguś

  1. Instytut Nauk o Komunikacji Społecznej i Mediach, Uniwersytet Marii-Curie Skłodowskiej, ul. Głęboka 45, PL 20-612 Lublin
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Celem artykułu jest prezentacja zjawiska feminizacji nieaktywności zarobkowej, rozumianego jako zbiór procesów utrudniających kobietom w wieku aktywności zawodowej podejmowanie i utrzymywanie pracy zarobkowej. Autorzy odpowiadają na pytanie, czym charakteryzuje się zjawisko nieaktywności zarobkowej kobiet i na jakie problemy (kulturowe,funkcjonalne, instytucjonalne) napotykają kobiety w podejmowaniu lub utrzymywaniu pracy zarobkowej. Autorzy egzemplifikują fakt, że feminizacja nieaktywności zarobkowej wynika z genderowych norm opiekuńczych oraz słabości państwa jako dostarczyciela dóbr i usług (także strażnika stanowionych norm). Tekst uwzględnia definicję kluczowego zjawiska, prezentację istotnych treści literatury przedmiotu i zarys kontekstów ważnych dla odczytywania aktywności kobiet na rynku pracy, informacje o zrealizowanych projektach, które dostarczyły podstawy empirycznej dla podjętych analiz oraz omówienie tego materiału wraz z konkluzjami uwzględniającymi zbiór cech feminizacji nieaktywności zarobkowej.
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Authors and Affiliations

Arkadiusz Karwacki
Katarzyna Suwada

  1. Instytut Socjologii UMK
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Na temat miksu energetycznego różne grupy społeczne mają odmienne zdania. Zmienia się on w czasie, w tempie, którego większość konsumentów energii nie docenia. Zmienia się nawet w Polsce, z pewnością niebędącej liderem transformacji energetycznej.
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Jan Kozłowski
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Wobec konieczności przekształcenia energetyki polskiej z węglowej na niskoemisyjną warto się zastanowić, jaką drogą mamy iść: czy budować elektrownie wiatrowe i słoneczne, czy też elektrownie jądrowe?
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Andrzej Strupczewski
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The aim of the article is to compare three literary pictures of the political transformation presented in The impostor (2014) by Javier Cercas, Spis cudzoloznic (1993) by Jerzy Pilch and Sonka (2014) by Ignacy Karpowicz. These novels emphasize their discursive character, thereby revealing that the history is always a narration, not an uninfected series of events. The transformation is shown in conjunction with the theme of cultural memory and imposture.

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Agnieszka Kłosińska-Nachin

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