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The wheel seems to be an invention which – created at the dawn of human civilisation – does not require any changes. Its implicit perfection is a derivative of the definition of the wheel given in mathematics. However, this simplified point of view needs to be confronted with the conditions of land transport, complete with the uneven surfaces hampering the movement of the wheel.
This work presents the subsequent steps, which – during an attempt at a reform of knowledge on land transport – could have led to Józef Hoene-Wroński’s invention of a new type of the wheel. The applied analysis was based on the law of creation developed by the philosopher. The invention is so revolutionary that it still cannot be accepted by constructors of land vehicles.
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Józef Okulewicz

  1. Politechnika Warszawska (emer.)
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In recent years adverse processes of suburbanization have been observed in cities. It has become a serious challenge for urban and transport planners, as it influences largely the quality of space, the quality of life, and the cost of running the city. This paper is dedicated to travel models in areas serviced by a railway system, and is based on a real-life survey example of the Błonie community, a district belonging to the Warsaw metropolitan area. Research carried out in 2014 focused on combined travels behaviors recorded using GPS locators as well as quantitative research (volumes of users across various transport systems).

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A. Brzeziński
K. Jesionkiewicz-Niedzińska
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The article is an attempt to present circumstances that nowadays determine negotiating, conclusion and performance of a multimodal transport contract in Poland. Author focuses in particular on parties’ approach, their business and legal conscience in this respect, as well as their decisions’ practical consequences. Doctrinal aspects of a multimodal transport contract are taken into account only as long as it is essential in examining the most common practices of the parties to the contract. Due to particular character of this publication, the method of author’s views presentation is as brief as possible.

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Krzysztof Kochanowski
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The bill of lading is one of the most important transport documents in maritime trade. Due to certain contract-like features it exhibits, it is sometimes incorrectly identified as a contract for the carriage of cargo by sea. The purpose of this article is to present the features of the bill of lading that exclude the possibility of equating this document with a contract for the carriage of goods by sea. A bill of lading is not a contract, but a unilateral declaration of the carrier’s will, in which the carrier confirms acceptance of the cargo on the ship and undertakes to deliver it to the legitimate recipient at the port of destination. A bill of lading is a transport document for cargo and a commodity security. For this reason, it cannot be said that a bill of lading is merely an evidence of the conclusion of a contract for the carriage of goods by sea.
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Marta Galewska

  1. Wydział Prawa i Administracji UG
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Integration of transport subsystems in transfer nodes of public transport in Poznań based on city railway stations, Poznań, being one of the strongest urban centers in the country, has a significant zone of impact (functional area). A natural consequence of this development model are significant communication issues caused by dynamic development of the suburban area. The solution of those issues is assumed to be basing the public communication system on a railway junction and, on its basis, creating the Poznań Metropolitan Railway. However, to ensure efficient functioning of such a system the need arises to integrate it with other systems of transport using transfer nodes. The aim of this article is to illustrate the potential of creating a polycentric system of multi-modal transfer nodes, based on existing city railway stations (district stations). The study focuses on the perspective of the passenger and the primary research method is the in-depth interview. This enabled to learn the opinion and identify the needs of passengers who use the facilities which are the subject of this study. The study also concentrated on analyzing thee communication behaviors of passengers and analyzing thee functioning of city stations themselves. Additionally, information was also acquired regarding the approximate destination of the passengers’ travel, which further allowed to specify the hypothetical impact range of individual city stations. Results of the study allowed to develop a range of recommendations intended to optimize the functioning of selected city railway stations, from a technical, as well as organization and management perspective. They have the potential to become a basis for developing a concept of sustainable public transport with a metropolitan reach.

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Wojciech Wachowiak
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The article presents the main elements of the European transport policy and the issues prevailing in the public debate in the last decade, i.e. 2010-2020. In particular, it analyses the challenges for European transport resulting from the need to combat climate change and to ensure a high level of environmental protection and safety, while taking into account the progressing technological revolution. The main assumptions of the European Green Deal, which aims to achieve climate neutrality by the European Union by 2050, are presented. The example of maritime transport serves to describe how various transport sectors are being brought into line with EU climate targets.

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Magdalena Adamowicz
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The paper presents differences between technical states and technical operation states of haul trucks in the technical operation process. The specification and analysis of operational parameters of technological vehicles used in surface mining is possible only due to more and more frequently used diagnostic – telemetric systems. While a detailed analysis of machines operation data can result in the more effective management of mining plant operations and the mining process itself. The determination of operational state indices and their individual components allows preventive actions to be commenced, resulting in improving the work organization of the entire mine machinery system. Moreover, the future technical state of machines operated in surface mining is strictly related to the current state and also depends on the events that occurred in the extraction system. A set of parameter values of individual state characteristics, which allow the haul trucks technical and operational state to be characterized, is a direct effect of a telemetric – diagnostic system operation.

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Przemysław Bodziony
Michał Patyk
Zbigniew Kasztelewicz
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Transport and Space in Socio-Economic Life. This paper deals with key issues arising when transport is confronted with chaotic socio-economic environments. Nowadays especially urbanised areas are facing some crucial issues concerning urban planning under conditions of spatial chaos. Transport, having an important role in connecting the space of social and economic life, is a mean to reduce spatial chaos but is also subjected to the impacts chaotic socio-economic forces have. Within this research the interrelation between transport and disordered environment in which transport has to operate is addressed in regard to: transport infrastructure investment planning, traffic congestion management, transport accessibility, accidents and transport safety and impact of transport on the environment. It is the expected role of transport system to reduce chaos, especially in urban areas. But to what degree transport is actually fulfilling this task? In fact in many places badly organized transport might add to the problem instead of solving it. The effect the chaotic spatial organisation has on transport accessibility influences daily economic and social activity of people. Specifically there are numerous cost drivers activated by chaotic transport development resulting mainly in higher costs of moving people and goods, negative impact on value of time in transport processes, direct costs involved like more intensive fuel and material consumption or heightened depreciation of vehicles. Transport could be also perceived as a source of many significant external effects for society and environment, which entails valid environmental costs. The list of transport external effects is relatively long. This is due to the fact that transport is also one of the most important sectors of the modern industrialized economy and modern society. Poorly planned transport system adds to the already chaotic socio-economic setup. This is especially visible in cities where different layers of chaos can interfere and create dangerous synergies. Due to the lack of adequate space management, and this is the case in the discussed spatial chaos, environmental and social externalities are growing, which leads to higher social costs, which every citizen pays for in the final bill. On the other hand well planned transport system should help to curb chaotic socio-economic environment. Thus the key problem analysed in this paper is whether and how transport system could be an ordering force planned and enforced in effective way in order to reduce chaos created by other activities or rather an additional negative effect within the whole spectrum of chaos drivers.
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Przemysław Borkowski
Jan Burnewicz
Aleksandra Koźlak
Barbara Pawłowska
Agnieszka Ważna
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Szacuje się, że w Unii Europejskiej blisko 80% przewozów regionalnych oraz 50% pasażerskich realizuje się z wykorzystaniem transportu lądowego. Zgodnie z prognozami International Energy Agency do 2040 roku należy się spodziewać wzrostu zużycia energii w sektorze transportowym w tempie 1,4%/rok biorąc jako bazowy stan z 2012 roku w odniesieniu globalnym. Polski sektor transportowy wykazał w 2015 roku zapotrzebowanie na energię w ilości 17,2 mln toe, co stanowiło 28% całkowitego zużycia energii w gospodarce (z czego ponad 95% przypadło na transport drogowy). Dominującymi paliwami wykorzystywanymi w omawianym sektorze były oleje napędowe i benzyny silnikowe, których zużycie w 2015 r. wyniosło blisko 9,81 mln toe i 3,75 mln toe. Analizując przygotowane przez Ministerstwo Energii instrumenty wsparcia mające na celu zwiększenie zastosowania paliw alternatywnych w transporcie drogowym, można się spodziewać, że w najbliższych latach w polskim transporcie drogowym nastąpi zwiększenie wykorzystania gazu ziemnego i energii elektrycznej. Sytuacja ta zmieni dotychczasową strukturę zużycia paliw oraz pozwoli ograniczyć emisję szkodliwych CO2, NOX i pyłów PM2,5 pochodzących z transportu.
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Michał Kościółek
Rafał Biały
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Wprzyszłości autonomiczne pojazdy będą mogły poprawić bezpieczeństwo. Ale czy kiedy oddamy maszynom podejmowanie decyzji, miasta będą nadal nasze? Zastanawia się dr inż. Rafał Kucharski z Instytutu Informatyki i Matematyki Komputerowej Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego w Krakowie.
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Rafał Kucharski

  1. Instytut Informatyki i Matematyki Komputerowej Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego w Krakowie
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Transport is one of the factors influencing the development of metropolitan areas. However, for its efficient work, numerous optimizations are required. Main tasks are shortening travel time, improving service quality and increasing the number of passengers served. The author has presented current studies on the field in optimization of public transport, mainly ways to optimize the transport network construction, based on large data sets about the population and their communication behaviour. Methods of combining various types of public transport with each other are presented. In the paper also are presents authors studies on the communication accessibility within the city of Cracow. Estimated distances from buildings to various types of public transport stops. The results were presented in aggregated form. Calculated communication speed of three types of public transport functioning in Cracow has also been discussed.

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Mateusz Ilba
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Someday soon, autonomous vehicles could greatly improve our safety. But once we turn decision-making over to machines, will our cities still be ours? – wonders Dr. Rafal Kucharski from the Group of Machine Learning, Jagiellonian University in Kraków.
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Rafał Kucharski

  1. Group of Machine Learning, Jagiellonian University in Kraków
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The aim of the study was to determine the contamination transport condition with sediment in the Widawa River, which inflows to the Odra River below Wrocław city. The transport simulations have been performed by means of HEC-RAS model, which was calibrated. Study and geochemical analyses indicate that pollutions are cumulated mainly in sediment of grain size, less than 0,20 mm. It was stated that the main sources of contaminations occurring in the Widawa River bottoms are: superficial run-off, municipal and industrial wastes. Sediment bed quality from the Widawa River in selected cross-sections has been analyzed. Samples of suspended load were collected and divided into eight fractions, for which the phosphorus concentration P was calculated. Deposit particles less than 0,20 mm contained most phosphorus, i.e. 73% (3,52 ppm), and particles greater than 0,20 mm about 27% (1,30 ppm) for the whole sample volume. Relationship between the phosphorus concentration P and the sediment grain size was determined. Analysis showed that the initiation of contamination-sediment suspension in the Widawa River is well described by Engelund criterion. Simulations of the migration of pollutions together with deposits in the Widawa River showed that during average flow discharge, the transport intensity of pollution was equal 2 mg/s, and sediments 6 kg/s. In the present work the water quality of the Widawa River has been also presented.

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Robert Kasperek
Marian Mokwa
Mirosław Wiatkowski
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Traditional fluid mechanics edifies the indifference between liquid and gas flows as long as certain similarity parameters – most prominently the Reynolds number – are matched. This may or may not be the case for flows in nano- or microdevices. The customary continuum, Navier-Stokes modelling is ordinarily applicable for both air and water flowing in macrodevices. Even for common fluids such as air or water, such modelling bound to fail at sufficiently small scales, but the onset for such failure is different for the two forms of matter. Moreover, when the no-slip, quasi-equilibrium Navier – Stokes system is no longer applicable, the alternative modelling schemes are different for gases and liquids. For dilute gases, statistical methods are applied and the Boltzmann equation is the cornerstone of such approaches. For liquid flows, the dense nature of the matter precludes the use of the kinetic theory of gases, and numerically intensive molecular dynamics simulations are the only alternative rooted in first principles. The present article discusses the above issues, emphasizing the differences between liquid and gas transport at the microscale and the physical phenomena unique to liquid flows in minute devices.

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M. Gad-El-Hak
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Optimization of dialysis needs methods for quantitative assessment of fluid and solutes transport in body compartments and solute

and fluid exchange between body and dialysate. A mathematical model describing the dynamics of these quantities during dialysis is presented. This model is first and foremost based on the existing models, but also includes some new solutions. All parts were combined and extended by the detailed descriptions of selected aspects. The “virtual patient” model was applied to simulate and test different methods of treatment and their influence on the condition of the patient. The purpose of this model is to serve as a decision support system for selection of “optimal” treatment options for particular patient.

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M. Gałach
A. Weryński
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During three austral summer seasons, dust and soil from clothes, boots and equipment of members of scientific expeditions and tourists visiting the Polish Antarctic Station Henryk Arctowski were collected and analysed for the presence of fungal propagules. Of a total of 60 samples, 554 colonies of fungi belonging to 19 genera were identified. Colonies of the genus Cladosporium , Penicillium and non−sporulating fungus ( Mycelia sterilia ) dominated in the examined samples. The microbiological assessment of air for the presence of fungi was also conducted at two points in the station building and two others outside the station. A total of 175 fungal colonies belonging to six genera were isolated. Colonies of the genus Penicillium were the commonest in the air samples. The potential epidemiological consequences for indigenous species as a result of unintentional transport of fungal propagules to the Antarctic biome are discussed in the light of rapid climate change in some parts of the Ant − arctic and adaptation of fungi to extreme conditions.
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Authors and Affiliations

Maria Olech
Katarzyna J. Chwedorzewska
Anna Augustyniuk-Kram
Maria Lityńska-Zając
Małgorzata Korczak-Abshire
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The article presents a method for assessing emissions of harmful substances and noise from road and air transport, as well as a combined assessment of the emissions of these transport pollutants. The original analytical dependencies reflecting the emissions of harmful substances from road transport, developed as part of the EMITRANSYS project implemented at the Faculty of Transport of the Warsaw University of Technology, were taken into consideration, in which the unit values of the actual road emissions of harmful substances are a function of, among other things, route length or speed of the vehicles. However, the dependencies associated with noise emissions were taken from the applicable international guidelines for assessing environmental pollution by traffic noise.

The article also describes a case study in which the impact of Warsaw Chopin Airport on noise along the Warsaw road network and the entire Warsaw agglomeration was assessed. Analyses and discussions were carried out in the scope of the change in transport noise due to air operations carried out in the analysed area. As agreed, the combined impact of road and aircraft noise in the area under study is far more unfavourable than street noise alone. Thus, it can be seen that the assessment of noise levels carried out separately for individual modes of transport (in accordance with applicable regulations) should be supplemented with the assessment of traffic noise from all modes of transport – especially in the case of simulation tests of ecologically friendly changes in the area of transport.

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Mariusz Jacek Wasiak
Adrian Ioan Niculescu
Mirosław Kowalski
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Traps to catch microfauna transported by wind were installed on already colonised by plants area, in the vicinity of the glacier. After 6-week-exposition 859 individuals of microfauna were caught, of which Nematoda constituted 71%, Tardigrada 22% and Rotifcra 7%. Number of microfauna individuals caught depended on distance from the already colonised areas and presence of plant parts, together with which animals can be transported more easily. Microfauna connected with vegetation, which is transferred together with plant parts, was transported in higher numbers. Probably these taxa (i.e. Diphascon within tardigrades and Dorylaimidae within nematodes) colonise new habitats at first, but other species dominate later in freshwater bodies.

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Katarzyna Janiec
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In the 1985 ablation season studies were made of the dynamics and size of the transport of suspended and dissolved material in a glaciated drainage basin (the Ebbaelva) and an unglaciated one (the Dynamiskbekken) in the central part of West Spitsbergen island. The dynamics of runoff, the exhaustion of sources of transportable suspended material, hysteretic effects during floods, the share of genetic type of water differing in the mineralisation level and chemical content, as well as the role of rain waters in mobilising soluble salts, are the principal factors of transport dynamics. The extremaly warm ablation season caused the extent of denudation to exceed the estimates made so far.

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Andrzej Kostrzewski
Alfred Kaniecki
Janusz Kapuściński
Ryszard Klimczak
Alfred Stach
Zbigniew Zwoliński
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The article describes the work of the seaport transport-technological system (TTS). Spend controlling analysis of the basic processes and port operations. It was found that the construction of an optimal system of controlling processes, leading to increased efficiency of the port. We consider a variety of factors that affect the efficiency of the port of reloading works and the importance of quality of work at every stage of the process. In order to determine the level of the expected impact of controlling the use of the analysis of the construction of the port of the quality management system, which is taken as a basis for the organization of transport and technological system of the port as a whole. It determined that the efficiency depends on the turnover of the port and thus the quality and quantity of treated vessels. At the same time your system needs to build their own port, to meet the requirements of customers, and dependence of the amount processed by the courts from time to time is the reciprocal of. The authors propose a model of controlling the transport and port system technology, taking into account factors that affect the process efficiency. The scheme of internal communication processes, transport and port systems technology, as well as take into account the external communication with customers. Use of risk systems in the port processes allows us to consider its bottlenecks, and provide impact of pointing it to a particular element of the system, when it is needed, that is applicable to many processes, owls, and is a universal method to increase the efficiency of the enterprise.
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Sergey Zinchenko
Andrey Parkhotko
Larisa Khlopetskaya
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Systemic transformation in Polish surface transport: An evaluation. The purpose of this paper is to provide some insight into the processes of restructuring and privatisation among rail, road, urban-transport, and inland shipping companies after 1989. Where freight is concerned, carriage on standard- and broad-gauge railways can be evaluated as partly deregulated, while where the carriage of passengers is concerned – all carriers up to mid-2005 had originated within the PKP Group. The most common form of transformation of passenger carriers is communalisation of existing companies. The first private operator (the present-day Arriva) appeared as late as 2007. The disintegration of national road carrier (PKS) resulted in the founding of c. 40 new freight firms, the majority of which were closed-down soon. The most common form of privatisation of the PKS passenger enterprises has involved leasing by workers. The privatisation has involved not only Polish investors but also foreign ones (Veolia, later on taken over by Arriva, and Israeli Egged Holding via its affiliate Mobilis). However, the share of public-capital ownership remains substantial, resulting often in final bankrupcy of road transport companies. Among the operators in urban transport public owership remains dominant in various forms (local authorities, municipal, budgetary companies). On the opposite, in inland shipping small private firms are dominant. Moreover, systemic transformation plus Poland’s EU accession have given rise to the conditions underpinning the emergence of Europe’s largest shipowners (OT Logistics).
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Zbigniew Taylor
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A dynamic economy contributes to the increase in the number of workers exposed to mechanical vibration caused by machines and transport equipment. As the means of transport are insufficiently recognised sources of mechanical vibrations, this article presents the results of whole-body and hand-arm vibration tests of 30 most common means of in-house transport. An analysis of vibration signals recorded at each workstation according to PN-EN 14253 and PN-EN ISO 5349 made it possible to determine the weighted values of components of directional vibration acceleration and the values of daily vibration exposure A(8).

In order to assess exposure to whole-body and hand-arm vibration at the tested workstations of in-house transport, indices of vibration hazard related to admissible values, the total evaluation index (developed in a previous study at CIOP-PIB) and a three-degrees scale for assessing exposure to vibrations were used. The assessment showed that the workstations were a major hazard. Vibration hazards at all those workstations were classified as either medium or high.

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Piotr Kowalski
Jacek Zając
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An initial assessment of the effectiveness of cast iron inoculation, performed by the method of impulse introducing the master alloy into

cast iron, is presented. The experiment was concerned with the hypoeutectic gray cast iron inoculated with either the Alinoc or the Barinoc

master alloy by means of an experimental device for pneumatic transportation. Examinations involved pneumatic injection of the

powdered inoculant carried in a stream of gaseous medium (argon) into the metal bath held in the crucible of an induction furnace. It was

found that the examined process is characterised by both high effectiveness and stability.

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M.S. Soiński
A. Derda-Ślęzak
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In the paper, the Reynolds transport theorem (RTT) for three phase systems is developed, in terms associated with a moving control volume. The basic tools applied to the derivation are the generalized transport theorem by Truesdell and Toupin, and generalized surface transport theorem by Aris as well as Slattery. The final results referenced to a generic extensive quantity demonstrate the theorem in the integral instantaneous form. As a further illustration of applicability of the theorem relation developed some specific forms are deduced from such as for multiphase systems in terms of fixed control volume, surface systems and homogeneous spatial systems.

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Teodor Skiepko

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