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The vernacularisation of fifteenth-century medical Middle English texts deserves further study regarding those treatises that have remained unidentified in manuscripts (Voigts 1995: 185). Oxford, Bodleian Library, Ashmole MS 210 (hereafter Ash210) contains a zodiacal lunary in ff. 36v–42r attributed to Hippocrates. Catalogues have traditionally associated this treatise with Þe boke of ypocras. De la Cruz- Cabanillas and Diego-Rodríguez (2018) collated and compared several Latin manuscripts entitled Astrologia Ypocratis to see if it was the Latin exemplar of the Middle English translations of Þe boke of ypocras. Their study proved that the Latin tract does not stand for the exemplar of this vernacular treatise. Therefore, this paper aims to collate the lunary contained in Ash210 (ff. 36v–42r) to demonstrate that Ash210 contains a lunary which is not a parallel copy of Þe boke of ypocras, but which may be the Middle English translation of the Latin tract entitled Astrologia Ypocratis.
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Authors and Affiliations

Irene Diego-Rodríguez

  1. Universidad Antonio De Nebrija, Madrid

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