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Compared to other European countries, Poland has scarce drinking water resources and exhibits

significant variation in annual runoff. On the other hand, the geothermal water resources present in sedimentary/structural basins, mostly in the Polish Lowlands and the Podhale geothermal system, not only provide a

valuable source of renewable energy, which is utilized, although only to a limited extent, but can also be used

for many other purposes. The paper presents the results of studies related to the desalination of low dissolved

mineral content geothermal waters from the Bańska IG-1 well using a dual hybrid system based on ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis. The desalination of geothermal waters may be considered a possible solution leading

to the decentralization of drinking water supply. In many cases, using cooled waters for drinking purposes may

be considered an alternative method of disposing of them, in particular for open drain arrangements, i.e. where

cooled water is dumped into surface waters.

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B. Tomaszewska
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The paper discusses the water resources of the Krężniczanka River catchment. The catchment with an area of 224.9 km2 is located south-west of Lublin. The characteristics of the groundwaters and runoff were determined based on hydrological and hydrogeological materials of the Department of Hydrology of the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University (UMCS). Mean runoff in the period from 2010 to 2016 amounted to 125.7 mm, precipitation 629.4 mm, and evapotranspi-ration 503.7 mm. A strong relationship was determined between the rhythm of runoff and ground-water level fluctuations. The contribution of groundwater supply in total runoff equalled 81.5%.
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Zdzisław Michalczyk
Stanisław Chmiel
Sławomir Głowacki
Joanna Sposób
Beata Zielińska
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This paper gives the results of investigations carried out in the Fugleberget basin which lies on the northern shore of the Hornsund Fiord, in the unglaciated region of raised sea terraces and on the slopes of the Fugleberget (569 m a.s.l.) and the Ariekammen (511 m a.s.l.). The investigations were carried out between 23 July, 1979 and 4 September, 1980, including the polar night. The Fugleberget basin represents well the area of sea terraces and coastal mountains uncovered with glacier and occupying large areas in West Spitsbergen. These areas are characterized by the presence of permafrost. The aim of investigations was to determine such fluvial processes as the duration of the hydrological period, the manner of water supply to the basin and an attempt to define the elements of the water balance. In addition studies were made on hydrological processes, particulary changes in the chemical composition of water, and the magnitude of denudation determined.

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Marian Pulina
Wiesława Krawczyk
Jerzy Pereyma
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This paper contains thsults of hydrological and hydrochemical investigations carried out in the basin of Werenskiöld Glacier against the background of determining climate elements. It also gives chosen elements of the water balance and mass balance determined from year-long investigations of the polar hydrological year 1979-1980.

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Marian Pulina
Jerzy Pereyma
Janusz Kida
Wiesława Krawczyk
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Wetlands play a significant role in agricultural landscape. They are the areas of exception-ally great natural values able to regulate water cycling in river catchments. In many cases they are the basic food source for bred animals.

Large areas of wetlands (c. 4 million ha) have been drained for agricultural purposes in Poland. Nevertheless, there are still numerous natural (or close to natural) wetlands, part of which is protected in nature reserves or national parks.

Having in mind the transformation of agriculture and the need of protecting water resources and natural environment, it is necessary to regulate the principles of utilisation and management of re-claimed wetlands. Water management should be adjusted to the type of an area and to environmental requirements. Regardless of the type and intensity of agricultural use of wetlands one has to aim at limiting rapid outflow of spring thaw and rainfall waters which means the reconstruction and increas-ing of natural retention capacity of the river catchment. It is necessary to provide an appropriate num-ber of water lifting facilities and their proper exploitation in land reclamation objects.

It is as well necessary to create appropriate organizational, legal and financial conditions stimu-lating actions to improve water balance and wetland protection.

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Waldemar Mioduszewski
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Permanent grasslands – according to the Water Framework Directive – are typical water related ecosystems so they largely affect water quality, its cycling and balance and therefore deserve protection. They are an element of landscape structure (ecosystem function or service) commonly considered a factor stabilising environmental changes.

Most threats posed to waters in Poland originate from present cropland structure with its definite predominance of arable lands over grasslands. Agriculture should therefore focus on the improvement of land use structure in order to minimise environmental hazards and to guarantee at the same time optimum economic effects. This could be achieved by turning arable lands into grasslands (where justified e.g. on light soils) or at least by maintaining present grassland area (condition in negotiations with the EU) and management that would consider environmental protection.

Increasing the contribution of grasslands to cropland structure or at least maintaining their pre-sent status quo would help to achieve compromise between the goals of farmers and environmental protection. Purposeful utilisation of ecosystem services, particularly those of grasslands, allows to maintain more intensive farming without environmental hazard. Limited should be only such activi-ties whose intensity exceeds regenerative or buffering environmental capacity e.g. on grounds par-ticularly subjected to water pollution or those included into Natura 2000 network.

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Halina Jankowska-Huflejt
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Lysimeters represent the ideal tool for direct measurement of soil water balance components in soil profiles. Changes in the water content in a soil monolith can be measured with sufficient accuracy by the precise lysimeter weighing system.Water content changes in soil monolith as derived from lysimeter mass represent one of the basic water balance compo-nent. This paper deals with the development and comparison of individual soil water balance components in two different soil profiles from the Easter-Slovakian-Lowland. Two lysimeter vessels were filled monolithically with two different soil profiles covered with grass: one sandy soil profile from locality Poľany and one silty-loam soil profile from locality Vysoká nad Uhom. A constant groundwater level of 1 m below ground level was maintained in both soil profiles. Under the same meteorological conditions, all differences in the development of water balance components were caused only by the differences in soil profiles. The actual evapotranspiration and water flows at the bottom of the soil profiles were compared. Sandy soils are generally considered to be more prone to drought than silty-loam soils. Under the specific conditions of this experiment (maintaining a constant groundwater level) the opposite was shown, when the silty-loam soil profile was more prone to drought than sandy soil profile. Sandy soilprofile from Poľany reacted more quickly to precipitation (or evaporation). Due to the higher hydraulic conductivity of the sandy soil compared to the silty-loamy soil, the groundwater level response to external stimuli was much faster.

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Andrej Tall
Dana Pavelková
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Krueng Baro Irrigation is focused on increasing the productivity of food crops in Pidie District, Aceh Province, Indo-nesia. However, due to the age of the irrigation infrastructure (more than 30 years) and its large networks, it is necessary to investigate the actual water conveyance efficiency. This study aimed to evaluate the conveyance efficiency of primary and secondary channels of the irrigation system, as well as to create a water balance model based on the actual water convey-ance efficiency. The model by using Excel Solver with its objective function is to maximize the area of the irrigated land. Based on the optimization model of the water balance, the design condition can irrigate an area of 9,496 ha (paddy-I), 4,818 ha (paddy-II), and 11,950 ha (onion). The measurement results reported that the actual efficiency of Baro Kanan and Baro Kiri was 56% and 48% smaller compared to the efficiency of the designs (65%). The water loss was due to the damage to the channel lining and channel erosion resulting in the high sedimentation, leakage, and illegal water tapping. These lead to a decrease in the area of the irrigated land. Based on the optimization model of the actual water balance, the irrigated land was reduced to 7,876 ha (paddy I) and 3,997 ha (paddy-II) while it remained the same for onion. Therefore, to increase the efficiency, the regular maintenance and operations are required by fixing the damaged irrigation structure and channels, the maintenance of sedimentation, and the strict regulation of illegal water tapping.

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Azmeri Azmeri
Alfiansyah Yulianur
Uli Zahrati
Imam Faudli
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Analysis of the national and regional plans shows that the current year, 2006, shall deter-mine the key lines of national and regional development practically till 2015, that means till the time when, under the Water Framework Directive, Poland should have achieved its major objectives. This year shall witness decision making not only on the key objectives, priority strategies and measures undertaken for social and economic development of the country and regions, but also allocation of the main streams of funds from the EU and public funds from national sources. This is a sort of chal-lenge for administration bodies responsible for water management, particularly in respect of pro-gramming water management tasks and their incorporation into documents which are strategic for development on national and regional level. Over 2006–2008 efforts of water management admini-stration bodies should be focused on incorporation of water management issues into the consecutive edition of the National Ecological Policy and environmental protection programmes – at regional level, to be followed by county and community levels. This paper is a part of the broad stream of methodology and pilot work on the implementation of provisions of the Water Framework Directive in Poland. The main body of the paper consists of the summary of work done for the pilot river basin of Upper Narew.

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Dorota Pusłowska-Tyszewska
Janusz Kindler
Sylwester Tyszewski
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The paper presents the course of variability of the moisture content of the top layers in shallow (45 cm) and medium-deep (90 cm) peat-moorsh soil profiles in the years 2015–2019 against the background of the same meteorological conditions and a similar level of the groundwater table. The relative precipitation index ( RPI) classifies the years 2015 and 2016 as dry, 2017 as wet, and 2018 and 2019 as average. For periods of atmospheric droughts, the average daily climatic water balance ( CWB) ranged from –5.30 to –1.35 mm∙d –1. The water table did not fall below 90 cm b.g.l. during the entire study period, and the range of its fluctuations was 8 cm greater in the shallow than in the medium-deep profile. The range of moisture at different depths varied significantly and ranged from approx. 6% in periods of drought to about 80% in wet periods. Soil moisture throughout the measurement period was above the plant available water range (p F > 4.2). The occurrence of soil drought in the shallow peat-moorsh soil profile had a range of up to 40 cm, and in the medium-deep profile of up to 30 cm. The sequence of no-precipitation days and the maximum amount of daily evapotranspiration during them determine the possible timing of drought; however, it is the precipitation distribution in individual months, considered in the current CWB values, that ultimately determine the formation of soil water resources at the research site.
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Ryszard Oleszczuk
1 2
Jan Jadczyszyn
Janusz Urbański
Ewelina Zając
Andrzej Brandyk
Jacek Niedźwiecki

  1. Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW, Institute of Environmental Engineering, Warsaw, Poland
  2. Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW, Institute of Civil Engineering, Warsaw, Poland
  3. Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation – State Research Institute, Puławy, Poland
  4. University of Agriculture in Krakow, Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Land Surveying, Department of Land Reclamation and Environmental Development, Al. Mickiewicza 21, 31-120 Kraków, Poland
  5. Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW, Water Center, Warsaw, Poland
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The article is devoted to the current scientific and practical problems of planning irrigation with phytomonitoring methods. In particular, it focuses on the methodological approach to tomato irrigation planning. The field experiment was laid by the method of systematic placement of elementary plots in four replicates. The PM-11Z phytomonitor was used to determine changes in stem diameter, juice flow, leaf temperature, and fruit growth.
On the basis of the experimental studies, parameters are defined for the start of watering with the positive, negative and zero water balance of the plant. It has been proved that when vegetative irrigation is planned with a positive plant water balance, the daily amplitude of stem contraction ( DCA) and the trend of the sap flow rate should be analysed. A fall in two consecutive morning stem diameter peaks ( MXSD) indicates a negative plant water balance, which is the starting point for watering. To assign watering with a zero water balance, it is necessary to use information from the fruit growth sensor and the juice flow rate. A decrease in their indications marks the need for the next watering.
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Andrii Shatkovskyi
Olexandr Zhuravlov
Volodymyr Vasiuta

  1. Institute of Water Problems and Land Reclamation of NAAS, 37, Vasyl’kivs’ka str., Kyiv, 03022 Ukraine

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