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This paper endeavours to study aspects of wave propagation in a random generalized-thermal micropolar elastic medium. The smooth perturbation technique conformable to stochastic differential equations has been employed. Six different types of waves propagate in the random medium. The dispersion equations have been derived. The effects due to random variations of micropolar elastic and generalized thermal parameters have been computed. Randomness causes change of phase speed and attenuation of waves. Attenuation coefficients for high frequency waves have been computed. Second moment properties have been briefly discussed with application to wave propagation in the random micropolar elastic medium. Integrals involving correlation functions have been transformed to radial forms. A special type of generalized thermo-mechanical auto-correlation functions has been used to approximately compute effects of random variations of parameters. Uncoupled problem has been briefly outlined.

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Manindra Mitra
Rabindra Kumar Bhattacharyya
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No one could have expected that on the first day that LIGO detectors were running, scientists would register signals of gravitational waves. We discuss the watershed discovery confirming the general theory of relativity with Dr. Andrzej Królak from the PAS Institute of Mathematics and Dr. Michał Bejger from the PAS Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Centre, both members of the Virgo-POLGRAW group.

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Andrzej Królak
Michał Bejger
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We talk to Professor Andrzej Trautman, Full Member of the Polish Academy of Sciences and Emeritus Professor at the University of Warsaw, about the consequences of the general theory of relativity, the theoretical foundations of gravitational waves and the difficulties in proving their existence.

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Andrzej Trautman
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Bragg scattering of waves propagating in a periodically disturbed substrate is widely applied in optics and micro-acoustic systems. Here, it is studied for Rayleigh waves propagating on a periodically grooved elastic substrate. Practically applied groove depth in the Bragg grating reflectors does not exceed a few percent of the Rayleigh wavelength. Here, the analysis is carried out for periodic grooves of larger depth by applying the elastic plate model for the groove walls. The computed results show that the surface wave existence and reflection depends strongly on both the groove depth and period, and that there are limited domains of both for practical applications, primarily in comb transducers of surface waves.

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Eugeniusz Danicki
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Comb transducers are applied in ultrasonic testing for generation of Rayleigh or Lamb waves by scattering of the incident bulk waves onto surface waves at the periodic comb-substrate interface. Hence the transduction efficiency, although rarely discussed in literature, is an important factor for applications determining the quality of the measured ultrasonic signals. This paper presents the full-wave theory of comb transducers concluded by evaluation of their efficiency for a couple of examples of standard and certain novel configurations.

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Eugeniusz Danicki
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The problem of transmitting vibrations with audible frequencies by steel springs, constituting the vibration isolation system was considered in this paper. The analytical relationships allowing determining the value of the transmissibility for the springs resonance frequencies responsible for the transmissibility of high frequency vibrations have been derived and checked by means of FEM method. Also the occurrence of the increasing stresses in the springs in the areas between the resonances has been shown. The typical system, i.e. the serial system with rubber cushion, has been analyzed, reducing the transmission of high frequency vibrations by the spring. It has been shown that the transmission is reduced not as a result of differences in the wave impedance of the boundary of both media but due to the increased dispersion of energy in the rubber, and the analytical relationships allowing the evaluation of the effectiveness of this method have been derived.
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Jerzy Michalczyk
Leszek Majkut
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The explosive rise of wireless services necessitates a network connection with high bandwidth, high performance, low mistakes, and adequate channel capacity. Individual mobile users, as well as residential and business clusters are increasingly using the internet and multimedia services, resulting in massive increases in the internet traffic demand. Over the past decade, internet traffic has grown significantly faster than Moore’s law predicted. The current system is facing significant radio frequency spectrum congestion and is unable to successfully transmit growing amounts of (available) data to end users while keeping acceptable delay values in mind. Free space optics is a viable alternative to the current radio frequency technology. This technology has a few advantages, including fast data speeds, unrestricted bandwidth, and excellent security. Since free space optics is invisible to traffic type and data protocol, it may be quickly reliably and profitably integrated into an existing access network. Despite the undeniable benefits of free space optics technology under excellent channel conditions and its wide range of applications, its broad use is hampered by its low link dependability, especially over long distances, caused by atmospheric turbulence-induced decay and weather sensitivity. The best plausible solution is to establish a secondary channel link in the GHz frequency range that works in tandem with the primary free space optics link. A hybrid system that combines free space optics and millimeter wave technologies in this research is presented. The combined system offers a definitive backhaul maintenance, by drastically improving the link range and service availability.
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Isanaka Lakshmi Priya
Murugappa Meenakshi

  1. Department of Electronics and Communication, Anna University, Guindy, Chennai 600025, India
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In populated regions, strong earthquakes are among the most devastating natural disasters. But minor tremors usually go unnoticed, as their existence is only detected with the aid of precise measuring instruments.
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Grzegorz Lizurek

  1. PAS Institute of Geophysics in Warsaw
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The first direct observation of gravitational waves was a major breakthrough in contemporary astronomy – and Polish scientists made major contributions to the discovery.
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Andrzej Królak
Piotr Jaranowski

  1. Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw
  2. Faculty of Physics, University of Białystok
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In this paper a possibility of determining a local velocity of the surface acoustic Rayleigh waves using a transducer, with the rigidly connected emitting and receiving parts, is considered. A problem on spatial resolution of such a transducer for investigation of inhomogeneous specimens is also examined. A high spatial resolution can be obtained due to the transducer displacement by a value less than the distance between the emitting and receiving parts. It is shown that in this case it is not necessary to measure the transducer displacement with a high accuracy for precise determination of the velocity. Such an effect is obtained through measuring the velocity of surface waves in one local region of the specimen with respect to the other. The criterion for optimal spatial resolution selection during spatially inhomogeneous specimens study is also proposed. The proposed criterion use is illustrated on the example of the determination of spatial distribution of the surface acoustic velocity in a steel specimen subjected to inhomogeneous plastic deformation.

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Oleh Mokryy
Oleksandr Tsyrulnyk
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Longitudinal and shear ultrasonic wave velocities were measured versus temperature in the viscosity standards of Paragon S8000S, N30000S and Cannon N2700000. The measurements were performed by the through-transmission method at the frequency of 2 MHz. Ultrasonic pulses were sent via polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) waveguides between the tips of which a small amount of the particular standard liquid was placed. The velocities of longitudinal and shear waves were determined to depend on the viscosity of the liquid and increase with the viscosity.
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Rymantas Kazys
Algirdas Voleisis
Reimondas Sliteris
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Transmission of vibroacoustic energy from an internal combustion engine (ICE) to its surroundings largely depends on how it is mounted, on available transmission paths and on the construction of the vehicle body and/or its surrounding structures. This is especially true in low speed engines in enclosed areas which generate perceptually weak noise, but strong low-frequency waves which energy has a negative impact on human health, comfort and driving safety especially in prolonged exposure to the source. The primary aim of the article was to analyse components of the ICE unit which had a determining impact on the reduction of low-frequency waves. Thus, the structurally transmitted noise from the ICE to its surrounding structure (body of the passenger vehicle) was analysed. The results of the vibroacoustic measurements were compared to modal analysis in order to determine possible resonance sources in the vehicle body and/or for assessing the influence of the vehicles safety gear on the generated vibroacoustic energy transfer into the cabin area of the passenger vehicle. Measurements were made for a passenger vehicle at rest and operating in its most common operational speed as well as for the stationary ICE of a cogenerate unit (CGU). Measurements and FFT analysis were used for the detection of the vibroacoustic energy sound pressure level (noise) and mechanical vibration. Firstly, the low-frequency noise sources were determined and their direct effects on the human body were investigated. Finally, this paper suggests some measures which may contribute to the reduction of undesirable vibroacoustic energy in enclosed areas.
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Stanislav Žiaran
Ondrej Chlebo
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The aim of the paper is a theoretical analysis of propagation of high-intensity acoustic waves throughout a bubble layer. A simple model in the form of a layer with uniformly distributed mono-size spherical bubbles is considered. The mathematical model of the pressure wave’s propagation in a bubbly liquid layer is constructed using the linear non-dissipative wave equation and assuming that oscillations of a single bubble satisfy the Rayleigh-Plesset equation. The models of the phase sound speed, changes of resonant frequency of bubbles and damping coefficients in a bubbly liquid are compared and discussed. The relations between transmitted and reflected waves and their second harmonic amplitudes are analyzed. A numerical analysis is carried out for different environmental parameters such as layer thicknesses and values of the volume fraction as well as for different parameters of generated signals. Examples of results of the numerical modeling are presented.

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Anna Baranowska
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Selected results of investigations concerning a shallow water part of the coastal zone, covering the surf zone and the swash zone, are presented. The above research has been carried out by means of field measurements, as well as data-driven and theoretical modelling. The investigations have led to development of a mathematical model of wave transformation and run-up on the shore in the Lagrangian system, as well as identification of infragravity waves (edge waves) in the multi-bar morphological beach system and their linkage with rhythmic shoreline forms (cusps). Some empirical relationships have been obtained for the description of number of bars in a bar system and dissipation of wave energy over such morphological structure. The experimental findings are based on field studies carried out at the IBW PAN Coastal Research Station (CRS) in Lubiatowo.

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J. Kapiński
R. Ostrowski
Z. Pruszak
G. Różyński
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Receiver function provides the signature of sharp seismic discontinuities and the information about the shear wave (S−wave) velocity distribution beneath the seismic station. This information is very valuable in areas where any or few reflection and/or refraction studies are available and global and/or regional models give only rough information about the seismic velocities. The data recorded by broadband seismic stations have been analysed to investigate the crustal and upper mantle structure of the Svalbard Archipelago. Svalbard Archipelago is a group of islands located in Arctic, at the north−western part of the Barents Sea continental platform, which is bordered to the west and to the north by passive continental margins. The new procedure of parameterization and selection of receiver functions (RFs) has been proposed. The back−azimuthal sections of RF show a strong variation for the HSPB and KBS stations. Significant amplitudes of transversal component of RF (T−RF) for the HSPB station indicate a shallow dipping layer towards the southwest. The structure of the crust beneath the SPITS array seems to be less heterogeneous, with very low amplitudes of converted phase comparing to the KBS and HSPB stations. Forward modelling by trial−and−error method shows a division of the crust into 3–4 layers beneath all stations and layering of the uppermost mantle beneath the SPITS array and the HSPB stations. The thickness of the mantle transition zone is larger for western part of archipelago and smaller for eastern part comparing to iasp91 model.
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Monika Wilde-Piórko
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Marine structures are one of the most important industrial and military equipment in each country that should be protected against external forces. The main aim of this paper is a detailed investigation of the underwater explosion (UNDEX) and its effects on marine structures. For this purpose, the UNDEX structure was studied qualitatively and quantitatively using numerical methods. Then, the effects of blast waves on a marine structure reinforced by perpendicular blades were investigated. Finite element and finite volume schemes were used for discretization of the governing equations in the solid and fluid media, respectively. Also, for fluid-structure interaction (FSI), results of fluid and solid media were mapped to each other using the two-way FSI coupling methods. A comparison of numerical results with the empirical formula revealed that the trend of pressure-time curves was reasonable, approving the validity of the numerical method. Moreover, the numerical results indicated that detonation of 1 kg trinitrotoluene (TNT) creates a pressure wave with maximum amplitude of 24 MPa at a distance of 2 m. Also, it was found that the reinforcement blades can be used to improve the resistance of structures against explosive charges, which also results in the reduction of structures deformation.

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Authors and Affiliations

Arman Jafari Valdani
Armen Adamian

  1. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
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Wave-Based Control has been previously applied successfully to simple underactuated flexible mechanical systems. Spacecraft and rockets with structural flexibility and sloshing are examples of such systems but have added difficulties due to nonuniform structure, external disturbing forces and non-ideal actuators and sensors. The aim of this paper is to extend the application of WBC to spacecraft systems, to compare the performance of WBC to other popular controllers and to carry out experimental validation of the designed control laws. A mathematical model is developed for an upper stage accelerating rocket moving in a single plane. Fuel sloshing is represented by an equivalent mechanical pendulum model. A wave-based controller is designed for the upper stage AVUM of the European launcher Vega. In numerical simulations the controller successfully suppresses the sloshing motion. A major advantage of the strategy is that no measurement of the pendulum states (sloshing motion) is required.

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Joseph William Thompson
William O’Connor
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Parameters of surface acoustic waves (SAW) are very sensible to change of physical conditions of a propagation medium. In the classical theory formulation, the waves are guided along the boundary of semi-infinity solid state and free space. A real situation is more complex and a medium commonly consists of two physical components: a solid substrate and a gaseous or liquid environment. In the case of stress-free substrate, the strongest impact on SAW properties have surface electrical and mechanical conditions determined by solids or liquids adhering to the boundary. This impact is utilised for constructing sensors for different gases and vapours e.g. (Jakubik et al., 2007; Hejczyk et al., 2011; Jasek et al., 2012). The influence of gaseous environment on the SAW properties is usually very weak and ignored. However, in certain condition it can be significant enough to be applied to sensor construction. In general, it concerns Rayleigh wave devices where energy leakage phenomenon is perceptible, especially when the gas being detected considerably changes the density of environment. The paper presents the results of experiments with oxygen-nitrogen mixture. Their primary aim was focused on finding the dependence of resonant frequency and attenuation in SAW resonator on parameters and concentrations of the gas in the environment.

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Mateusz Pasternak
Krzysztof Jasek
Michał Grabka
Tomasz Borowski
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The dependence of piezoelectric wave impedance on the rotation speed is investigated theoretically and numerically. The Coriolis force due to rotation is introduced into the piezoelectric motion equations, which is solved by the harmonic plane wave solution. It is shown that the wave impedance variations of longitudinal and transverse waves due to rotation are clearly different. The longitudinal wave impedance continuously increases with a small rotation ratio and one transverse wave impedance is almost irrespective of a rotation ratio. In contrast, the rotation applies a big impact on the other transversal wave impedances in the piezoelectric crystal which decreases monotonically with the rotation speed. Such characteristics are significant in piezoelectric transducers and sensors.
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Xiaoguang Yuan
Chaoyu Hao
Quan Jiang

  1. School of Transportation and Civil Engineering, Nantong University, Nantong, China
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Hybrid precoding techniques are lately involved a lot of interest for millimeter-wave (mmWave) massive MIMO systems is due to the cost and power consumption advantages they provide. However, existing hybrid precoding based on the singular value decomposition (SVD) necessitates a difficult bit allocation to fit the varying signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) of altered sub-channels. In this paper, we propose a generalized triangular decomposition (GTD)-based hybrid precoding to avoid the complicated bit allocation. The development of analog and digital precoders is the reason for the high level of design complexity in analog precoder architecture, which is based on the OMP algorithm, is very non-convex, and so has a high level of complexity. As a result, we suggest using the GTD method to construct hybrid precoding for mmWave mMIMO systems. Simulated studies as various system configurations are used to examine the proposed design. In addition, the archived findings are compared to a hybrid precoding approach in the classic OMP algorithm. The proposed Matrix Decomposition’s simulation results of signal-to-noise ratio vs spectral efficiencies.
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Sammaiah Thurpati
P. Muthuchidambaranathan

  1. Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, India
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VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd. has developed and utilized Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramic (LTCC) technology for about 25 years. This paper presents our activities related to photonics and millimetre-waves, including also a relevant literature survey. First a short summary of the technology is given. Especially, the unique features of LTCC technology are described in more details. In addition, several examples have been given to show the validity of LTCC technology in these high-performance fields.

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Authors and Affiliations

Markku Lahti
Kari Kautio
Mikko Karppinen
Kimmo Keränen
Jyrki Ollila
Pentti Karioja
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Many groups of researchers have focused on the design of micro turbine engines in recent years. Since turbo-component efficiency becomes very low due to the downsizing effect, an important problem arises of how to obtain thermal efficiency high enough to produce the positive power required. The micro wave rotor is expected to be applied for the improvement of the performance of ultra micro gas turbines, increasing the cycle pressure ratio. Wave rotors can also be built in another configuration. Applying only a combustion chamber and using oblique blades to form the rotor cells, net power can be taken from the rotor. In that way, the use in a micro scale of an inefficient turbo unit can be omitted. Such a solution in a form of wave engine was developed and practically realised by Weber [ 15] and Pearson [8], [9], [ IO] in centimetre scale. Conventional construction of wave engines in a form of wave rotor can not be directly realized in MEMS technology. The new idea of a wave disk developed by Piechna, Akbari, Iancu,and Mueller [II] and independently by Nagashima and Okamoto [7] gives the possibility of easy implementation of the wave engine idea in MEMS technology. In the proposed solution, the wave disk plays the role of an active compressiondecompression unit and torque generator. Appropriate port geometry with oblique blades forming the disk channels generates torque. The engine disk rotates with a speed much lower than the conventional turbo-unit that simplifies the bearing problem. Also, the construction of electric generator can be simpler. The paper presents the proposed flow schemes, thermodynamic cycle, exemplary engine construction and some results of simulation of the MEMS wave engine using the wave disk.
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Janusz R. Piechna

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