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This biographical dictionary includes 226 biograms of editors in chief journalists executive editors and co-workers that were also described as editors. It is based on research data as well as records in ecclesiastical and state archives, libraries and registry offices. The individual lives are presented in accordance with the customary biogram template.

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Grażyna Gzella
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Until 1914 editors of Gazeta Gdańska were taken to court on thirty occasions and were sentenced to a total of RM 2,430 in fines and eight months and three weeks of imprisonment. Of the fifteen editors taken to court, Józef Konstanty Palędzki i Stanisław Wentowski came out with most convictions.

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Grażyna Gzella
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Throughout its publishing history (1850–1866) the editors of the Nadwiślanin, a weekly published at Chełmno (Kulm) in Royal Prussia, were the target of harassment by the Prussian police, prosecutors and courts. Print runs of the magazine were often seized, the editors taken to court and sentenced to fines and terms of imprisonment.

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Grażyna Gzella
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W latach 1897–1915 ośmiu twórcom (Teodor Bobowski, Ludwik Małolepszy, Hieronim Stefanowicz, Joachim Sołtys, Idzi Świtała, Sylwester Czarnecki, Zygfryd Kąkolewski i Eryk Średzki) „Gazety Kościańskiej”, od 1902 r. wydawanej jako „Gazeta Polska”, wytoczono procesy prasowe, w wyniku których musieli oni zapłacić 1535 marek grzywny i odsiedzieć w więzieniu trzy miesiące i jeden dzień. Ponadto w większości wypadków sądy zezwoliły na zamianę kary finansowej na pobyt w więzieniu.
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Grażyna Gzella
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Although in recent decades Count Władysław Zamoyski has been attracting a lot of interest on the part of historians, which resulted in numerous papers and popular science works, he has not yet been the subject of an exhaustive scientific monograph. Its preparation is, however, going to be a difficult task for its future author. The many dispersed source materials and the Count’s more than 40 years long social, economic, and to a smaller extent political activity under the Prussian partition, in Galicia, among the Polish emigrants in France and during the first years of the Second Polish Republic – need to be described in the historical context, and, what follows, call for broad knowledge extending beyond these sources. Zamoyski’s path leading to his establishment in 1924 of the foundation ”Zakłady Kórnickie” – his life’s grandest work – should constitute the narrative axis weaving through all the chapters of his biography. It would be desirable to present extensively not only the Count’s activity in Galicia, Zakopane and his role in the famous dispute on Morskie Oko, but also his less researched and less known participation in the Polish-German fight for land in the Prussian partition in the late 19th and early 20th century.
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Witold Molik

  1. Wydział Historii UAM (emer.)

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