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In recent reflections on the current situation of ethnic and religious minorities in Iraq and the threat of their extinction, a number of Iraqi intellectuals have stressed they cannot imagine their society without the plurality and diversity that have contributed to the creation of a common interethnic and interreligious Iraqi identity and historical memory. Among them are writers who raise this issue not only in essays, articles and interviews, but also in their fiction. The aim of the present article is to show the interweaving of literary discourse on Iraqi minorities and the wider debate among Iraqi intellectuals on the deteriorating condition of Iraqi Christians – which has led to their mass emigration – as reflected in a number of post-2003 Iraqi novels. The literary image of this exodus cannot be discussed without addressing the position of Christians among other Iraqi communities currently and in the past, as well as the question of their identity. This article refers to the following novels: Taššārī (Dispersion, 2012) by In‘ām Kaǧaǧī, I‘ǧām (Diacritics, 2004) and Yā Maryam (Ave Maria, 2012) by Sinān Antūn, Sīra dātiyya riwā’iyya (An Iraqi in Paris: An Autobiographical Novel, 2012) by Samū’īl Šam‘ūn, Frānkanštāyn fī Baġdād (Frankenstein in Baghdad, 2013) by Ahmad Sa‘dāwī, and Sabāyā dawlat al-hurāfa (Slaves of the Imaginary State, 2017) by ‘Abd ar-Ridā Sālih Muhammad. The article is divided into four parts, including an introduction in which the above-mentioned debate is presented. The second part depicts the plight of Iraqi Christians after 2003 through a brief outline of the lives of four literary characters. The third part focuses on the situation of Iraqi Christians before 2003 by relating the memories of five fictional protagonists. These two descriptive parts are followed by some final remarks. The theoretical framework of this article is based on the reflections of Birgit Neumann and Astrid Erll concerning the role of literature as a medium in the construction of cultural memory.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Adrianna Maśko


The article highlights the significance of the first full English translation of Naqd al-Hitāb ad-Dīnī (Critique of Religious Discourse), one of the most characteristic and important works of the acclaimed Egyptian intellectual Nāsr Hāmid Abū Zayd (1943–2010). The work was firstly published in 1992 by Sīnā li-an-Našr in Cairo, coinciding with the beginning of the so-called Case of Abū Zayd (1992–1995), the campaign of Egyptian fundamentalists against the scholar. Abū Zayd’s critique of the dominant discourses and worldviews in the Arab world, created both by the Islamic fundamentalists and so-called Islamic left, has gained huge acclaim in the international academia but so far there has not been a full translation of the work into English (also taking into account the important role of the full German edition published by Chérifa Magdi and Navid Kermani in 1996). In 2018 Jonathan Wright’s translation was published by Yale University Press in the series “World Thought in Translation”. The edition was enriched by Carool Kersten’s scholarly introduction. The following article discusses the translation dilemma regarding Naqd… (e.g. problems with finding equivalents for Arabic semiotic and hermeneutical terminology utilised by the Egyptian scholar), giving examples of the choices made by the translator. Adding to it, the more general issues of the impact of Abū Zayd’s work on the contemporary rereading of Arab-Islamic turāt are analysed.

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Michał Moch


UNkulunkulu is a very important figure within Zulu pantheon but his nature is not really defined. Should he be considered God, a god or the first ancestor? The problem comes from Western (Christian) need to find and define a supreme deity within Zulu religious beliefs. In 2013, 2018 and 2019 I conducted thorough field-studies among South African sangomas and asked them about uNkulunkulu. This article aims to organise knowledge about uNkulunkulu and tries to place him within the deity stratum. Also, my research allows to show if searching for answers about uNkulunkulu is a Zulu problem or maybe just Western scholars’. Field studies that enabled writing this paper were sponsored by Polish National Science Centre, Poland (Narodowe Centrum Nauki), project no.: 2017/25/N/HS1/02500.

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Agnieszka Podolecka


In the article the author deals with the contributions of Goettingian scholars to the study of the so-called “Runic”-Turkic inscriptions discovered in the early 18th century in Siberia during the 18th and 19th centuries before their decipherment by Vilhelm Ludvig Peter Thomsen (1842–1927) and Friedrich Wilhelm Radloff (Vasilij Vasilievič Radlov; 1837–1918). The author points to the scholars speculations on the unknown language of the inscriptions based in Göttingen as well as the research in this field and times outside that town.

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Michael Knüppel


Among the big corpus of the commentaries over the Qur’an, one of the special developments was a genre of gloss (hāšiya). The study addresses main Ottoman glosses written to the Qur’anic commentaries, contextualizing it within the internal dimensions of the content transformations. It is argued that since the glosses were used as the textbooks in the Ottoman medrese, they could be considered as the “mainstream” Ottoman reading of the Qur’an. This reading was not merely one of the practices for approaching the Qur’an, but the kind of tradition with the related authorities and meaningful developments. The research covers these patterns of interpretations applied to the case of Āl ‘Imrān, 3: 7, showing the way of how the philology and theology interacted in the Ottoman tafsīr glosses.

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Mykhaylo Yakubovych


The paper presents how the pluralism of relations in the early Muslim sources concerning the memory the Qādisiyya narrative is problematic for reconstructing the event of the battle by modern scholars. Specific studies of the early Islamic sources concerning the Battle of Al-Qādisiyya lead to the conclusion that it is certainly easier to interpret the functions of particular topoi than to determinate the facts about the Maʿrakat al-Qādisiyya. The main, unsolved questions related to the Qādisiyyah narrative are the uncertainty of the date of the battle, the size of the Muslim and Persian forces that fought in the Maʿrakat al-Qādisiyya as well as some contradictions and different presentations of the battle. Scholars have undertaken many attempts to make the conflicting accounts more coherent but in fact, they only made some speculations or, at the best, case scenario – explanations made on the basis of limited and uncertain evidence. For these reasons, the paper contains the suggestion to avoid an undue emphasis on the importance of the Maʿrakat al-Qādisiyya and to replace this term by the more general expression “the Mesopotamian campaign 634–637.” The critical evaluation of the Muslim sources leads to a more general description of the Battle of Al-Qādisiyya as an element of the campaign (stage 634–637) whose unambiguous evaluation is impossible.

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Krzysztof Kościelniak


Asma Jahangir, the prominent Pakistani lawyer and human rights activist, who had received several awards for her courageous work, passed away on February 11, 2018. Her untimely death at the age of 66 was mourned by a wide public, not only in Pakistan. The newspaper obituaries particularly highlighted her accomplishments and campaigns on behalf of women, children, religious minorities, poor and disenfranchised communities. The deceased “voice of the voiceless” is probably best known for her advocacy on the rights of the most vulnerable and disempowered sections of society and her uncompromising commitment to democratic principles. However, another aspect of Asma Jahangir’s legacy, her thoughts and insights on political power mechanisms in Pakistan and beyond, has so far been rather neglected. With her long-term experience as a lawyer, an activist, and a UN Special Rapporteur, Asma Jahangir often offered useful reflections on the main causes of human rights abuses in Pakistan and the neighbouring countries. Among other things, she pointed to the detrimental effects of the politics of sectarianization and securitization, and also stressed the ongoing aspiration of a great part of the population in the global South to live a dignified life. On the basis of selected publications, reports, and interviews, this paper will provide a number of Asma Jahangir’s explanations for national, regional, and international shortcomings and structural problems (fragile democracies, undermined rule of law; the influence of militant non-state actors; regional/international interconnections and constraints, etc.) which remain relevant under the current conditions.

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Roswitha Badry


The main concern of the present paper is to determine which types of linguistic descriptions are fit to properly express a complex reality such as developed in Jaina theory of universals and particulars presented in the Jaina Literature of the Classical Period (5th–10th c. CE) in order to demonstrate a way in which the Jaina theory of universals and particulars has an impact upon the way we describe reality through language. I take into consideration the fact that, according to the Jaina philosophy, reality is not describable in the complete way and that there is always – in any linguistic act of picturing the world – the margin of non-cognizance and non-expressiveness. The Jaina philosophy of language offers the original solutions, different from those given by other Indian thinkers, to the abovementioned problems.

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Małgorzata Glinicka


Up to the present day Suhrawardy remains a controversial figure in both parts of Bengal, with Hindus often seeing him as their fierce persecutor and Bangladeshi Muslims hailing him as their country’s forefather and preacher of communal unity. This article analyses his actions during the period of his Prime Ministership (1946–1947) looking for the sources of the above dichotomy. It argues that although Suhrawardy displayed a mild communal bias at times, circumstances made him inconsistent, being as he was trapped between right wing of Muslim League, the Hindu masses unwilling to trust him and (until the end of 1946) Congress ambitions to inherit the whole Raj. The need to act quickly due to Viceroy Mountbatten’s haste, as well as the PM’s lack of social skills were other factors contributing to failure of his last initiative – United Bengal Scheme – despite his genuine efforts towards Hindu-Muslim settlement and agrarian reforms.

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Tomasz Flasiński


This article discusses an unknown tradition from the Malay Archipelago, namely the island of Lombok. The article describes a spirit possession ceremony, as it was practised in East Lombok before being subject to a ban in 1984. It also explains the reasons for prohibition and explores a recent revival of the tradition. The discussion draws a parallel with similar traditions from late colonial Malaysia. Aside from similar functions as healing rites, the traditions many times use the same ceremonial equipment during the ceremonies and have identical symbols. This encourages us to look for connections between the Sasaks in Lombok and the Malays in Malaysia and Sumatra. The article suggests some direct connections between the two, but also takes indirect connections into consideration, for example, the rule of the Bugis-Makassarese people, who played an important role in both of these corners of the archipelago.

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Áron B. Laki


Jonas Hassen Khemiri, born in 1978, is one of the most interesting contemporary Swedish and European writers with a Tunisian immigrant background. His second novel Montecore: en unik tiger ( Montecore: The Silence of the Tiger), published in 2006, has got an epistolary form deducted from the exchange of letters between Kadir and Jonas. However, the main character of the novel is Abbas Khemiri – the disappearing, estranged father of Jonas – a figure close to the real writer. Khemiri’s book has got an innovative linguistic form and contains many erudite references to the phenomena of popular culture. It is also a complex portrayal of the different generations of (mainly Arab-based) immigrant and post-immigrant communities in Sweden coupled with a nuanced look on bright and dark sides of the Swedish state, model of identity and integration. This material is enriched by the examples taken from Khemiri’s novel Everything I Don’t Remember and short story As You Would Have Told It To Me (Sort Of) If We Had Known Each Other Before You Died.

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Michał Moch


The article examines two Aramaic contracts found on the island Elephantine and dating from the early fifth century B.C. The first one is a loan contract providing for payment of compound interest on silver lent: interest not paid timely is to be added to the capital and itself becomes interest-bearing at the same rate until actual repayment. If this is not done at an agreed date, the remaining debt is doubled. The second contract concerns delivery of barley and lentils from a ship to a royal store-house deserving a garrison. The parties are the ship-officer and functionaries acting on behalf of the store-house, where barley and lentils are supposed to be brought. It is a contract of delivery combining its acceptation on the ship and the foreseen completion of the contract in the store-house with expected financial results. Both contracts refer to silver “by the stone-weights of Ptah” and record its alloy.

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Edward Lipiński


The term “comfort women” refers to the women, mainly from the Korean Peninsula and China, who had been forced to serve as sexual slaves by the Japanese Imperial Army during the Second World War. The problem emerged at the beginning of the 1990s and became an impediment especially in relations between Japan and South Korea. The article analyzes how the “comfort women” issue was approached to by nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in both countries. It is argued that while the problem led to invigoration of civil society institutions, it also incited strong nationalist movements. Anti-Japanese feelings in South Korea contributed to lack of flexibility in negotiations with Japan and rejection of the apologies by the government of that country. Such reaction, in turn, weakened the position of moderate NGOs in Japan that tried to compensate the victims, and made them prone to criticism from right-wing movements. The paper examines these complex developments.

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Karol Żakowski


The shrine antechamber is a standard component of the Indian temple architecture. It was originated in the Buddhist context, and the context was the rock-cut architecture of the Deccan and central India. The first antechamber was attempted in circa 125 CE in the Nasik Cave 17. It was patronised by Indrāgnidatta, a yavana , who possibly hailed from Bactria. The second antechamber was created in Bāgh Cave 2 in ca. late 466 CE. The patron remains unknown. The third antechamber was initiated in Ajanta Cave 16 within a few months. It was patronised by Varāhadeva, the Prime Minister of Vākātaka Mahārāj Hari Sena. When the third antechamber was only half excavated, the plan was cancelled by the patron himself due to a sudden threat posed by the Alchon Hūns led by Mahā-Sāhi Khingila. The Nasik antechamber was inspired from Bactria, the Bāgh antechamber was inspired from the parrallels in the Greater Gandhāra region, whereas the Ajanta Cave 16 antechamber was inspired from Bāgh Cave 2.

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Rajesh Kumar Singh
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The article is research into the traumatic experience of war, based on the Volodymyr Rafieienko’s novel Petrichor – Smell of the Earth after the Rain. It’s logical to examine this text from the position of trauma studies, which have become very actual in the context of the Russian-Ukrainian war and its consequences. The writer represented the prospect of overcoming collective and individual trauma in a very original way. He describes in details the painful experiences caused by the forced resettlement of people, and most of all – the feeling of guilt due to the death of close ones. Rafieienko’s novel reflects the world of imagination of a person with a disturbed psyche. In such a way, he suggests a new kind of narration where imaginarium (the world of fantasy, visions and the dreams of the characters) and the pictures of an unbearable reality, which must be recalled to understand the depth of the pain in order to continue living, are crossed in a natural way. Petrichor… represents the author’s individual vision of the cultural trauma, which causes a radical change in human identity. This new identity is the creative force and at the same time, it impresses on one the state of total danger, nationwide mobilization and solidarity. The writer raises the issue of sacred sacrifice. We mean the price that must be paid for the renunciation of the difficult past. All this leads to a persistent psychological disorder within the novel’s characters. Thus, Rafieienko carries out a mental topography of trauma, indicating its important markers and motives within a specific geocultural space.
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Alexander J., Toward a Theory of Cultural Trauma, [in:] Cultural Trauma and Collective Identity, Berkeley 2004.
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Caruth C., Pochuty travmu. Rozmovy z providnymy spetsialistamy z teoriyi ta likuvannya katastrofichnykh dosvidiv, per. K. Dysy, Kyyiv 2017.
Caruth C., Unclaimed experience. Trauma, narrative, and history, Baltimore – London 1996.
Etkind A., Russia against Modernity, Cambridge 2023.
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Hirsch M., The Generation of Postmemory. Writing and Visual Culture After the Holocaust (Gender and Culture Series), New York 2012.
Ivchenko V., Pislya 24-hо, Kyyiv 2022.
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Kononenko Ye., Toy bozhevil'nyi rik, L'viv 2023.
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Między pamięcią a zapomnieniem. Trauma postkomunistyczna, red. Matusiak A., Wrocław 2013.
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Pukhons'ka O., Literaturnyy vymir pam'yati, Kyyiv 2018.
Rafyeyenko V., Mobil'ni khvyli buttya, L'viv 2023. Rafyeyenko V., Mondegrin (pisni pro smert' ta lyubov), Chernivtsi 2019.
Rafyeyenko V., Petrykor – zapakh zemli pislya doshchu, L'viv 2023.
Slovnyk viyny, upor. Slyvyns'kyy О., il. Hordiyenko K., Kharkiv 2023.
Studenna-Skrukwa M., Ukraiński Donbas. Oblicza tożsamości regionalnej, Poznań 2014.
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Ulyura H., Pysaty viynu, Kyyiv 2023.
Vasylenko V., Opryyavnyuyuchy nezryme, prohovoryuyuchy nevymovne: katehoriya travmy v ob’yektyvi suchasnykh doslidzhen', «Slovo i Chas» 2017, № 11. 118 JAROSŁAW POLISZCZUK
Vesna ozbroyena. Antolohiya voyennoyi liryky, upor. Sydorzhevs'kyy M., Kyyiv 2022.
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Zarembo K., Skhid ukrayins'koho sontsya. Istoriyi Donechchyny ta Luhanshchyny pochatku XXI stolittya, L'viv 2022.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Jarosław Poliszczuk

  1. Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
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The material of the study was a post on the official page of the writer Serhiy Zhadan on the Facebook social network dated 03.07.2022 and comments to it, which present a heated and intense discussion about the semantic and pragmatic interpretation of feminitives during the latest linguistic feminization of the Ukrainian language and the active development of Gender linguistics, in particular within the focus of linguoaxiology. Lexicographic sources were involved: dictionaries of feminitives and explanatory dictionaries, in particular the newest ones, as well as lexicons of the language of writers (Ivan Kotlyarevsky, Taras Shevchenko, Hryhoriy Kvitka-Osnovyanenko, Ivan Franko), which made it possible to update not only synchronic, but also diachronic language segments. The Ukrainian lexeme жіночка (plural жіночки) can be placed on the evaluative scale at the “zero” mark (a neutral value in terms of expressing evaluative meanings, in particular in the function of addressing in a conversational style of speech) and slide in the direction of the (+) or (–) vector, which depends on the individual communicative experience and competences of the speaker and proves the analysis of the selected discussion. Clarification of the semantic-pragmatic load is carried out thanks to the appropriate connectivity. For the lexeme жіночка, the positive evaluative conjugation dominates in the linguistic and cultural space of Ukraine, which is characterized by an intimate tonality and makes it possible to soften the modeling of the negative intentions of the speaker.
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Arkhanhel's'ka A., Femina cognita. Ukrayins'ka zhinka u slovi i slovnyku, Kyyiv 2019.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Tetyana Kosmeda
Oksana Khaliman

  1. Вінниця, Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса
  2. Полтава, Полтавський фаховий коледж Національного юридичного університету імені Ярослава Мудрого
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The article analyses the works of Lyudmila Ulitskaya from the point of view of a dichotomous description of anthropological reality in her new collection of stories The Body of the Soul. The authors come to original conclusions connected with the author’s mythologism, especially with the two-variant narrative line developed by the author in the previous periods of her creative work. We were able to prove that in the case of one of the variants, in the collection The Body of the Soul, the author actually revealed the nature of her religious and theosophical views. At the same time, we have shown that Ulitskaya’s literary imagination is not confined to the existing schemes of the metaphysical world, but, on the contrary, it helps Ulitskaya to present this world more colourfully and vividly. Sometimes, for the sake of plot integrity, the writer deliberately changes the elements in the mosaic of the conceptosphere employed.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Zoja Kuca
Aleksy Kucy

  1. Łódź, Uniwersytet Łódzki
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The article discusses iconography as a phenomenon of theo-anthropology. The general aim of these analyses is to explain the essence of iconography from the perspective of ontological anthropology – by relating it to the human existence in terms of the possibility and duty of being oneself. In this article, we consider the hypothesis according to which icon-writing has four main complementary formulations: liturgical (icon-writing as a liturgical process), artistic (icon-writing as God’s art), spiritual (icon-writing as spirituality), mystical (icon-writing as prayer). Confirming the truth of the hypothesis constitutes our main goal. We are heading towards it through the implementation of two main research tasks. In the first of them, we demonstrate that each of the assumed models of iconography contains four components (liturgical, artistic, spiritual, mystical), but in each model only one of them dominates, and it is from its perspective that the others are understood. In the second task, we show that each of these models is based on a different onto-anthropological principle – one of the four main ones (community, reflexivity, ethics, religiosity) – corresponding to one of the dimensions of the human existence in ontological terms, the concept of which we adopt for the purposes of this article. A given anthropological principle determines which of the elements of iconography dominates, i.e. what it is above all.
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Przejdź do artykułu

Autorzy i Afiliacje

Lidia Macheta

  1. Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie
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The article presents an analysis of the thread of Yelena Katishonok’s novel Jack Who Built the House (2021), related to the theme of the Katyn massacre. In exploring the context and method of incorporating historical material into a literary text, we proceed from the basic concepts of the “New Historicism”. In the narrative about the fates of modern heroes, the writer weaves a thread related to the history of Poland, namel the arrests of Polish officers in 1939, the Katyn massacre, the formation of the Polish Anders’ Army on the territory of the USSR and the commemoration of the victims in Katyn after the war. The fate of the character associated with this thread, Stanislaw Warzynski, is in many ways the biography of a Polish artist who survived in Katyn, Józef Czapski. Katishonok depicts not only memories of historical events, but above all the efforts of several generations to commemorate the victims.
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Elżbieta Tyszkowska-Kasprzak

  1. Wrocław, Uniwersytet Wrocławski
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Picasso occupied a very special place within Nicolai Berdyaev’s philosophical considerations. What motivated him to assess avant-garde art was an exhibition at the art gallery owned by Sergey Shchukin in 1914. The Russian thinker became personally acquainted with the exhibition. In his attitude towards Picasso’s art, Berdyaev shows the universal category of assessment which he had applied earlier to random artistic phenomena. The philosopher gives avant-garde art the status of the verifier of spiritual changes, at the same time pointing to the evolution of people’s attitude towards both the surrounding reality and themselves. By paying so much attention to the works of the Spanish artist, Berdyaev formulates a thesis concerning the spiritual crisis of the culture occurring in statu nascendi. That is to say that he perceives avant-garde art as, on the one hand, the foreshadowing of inevitable socio-political changes and, on the other hand, a graphic equivalent of the spiritual changes which are about to happen. In the role of category which should present the direction of assessing not only Picasso’s works, but also, in a broader sense, the historical and cultural changes, Berdyaev uses the terms of crisis, freedom, beauty, humanism and spirituality. The Russian philosopher considers Picasso a helpless exposer of illusions of materialized and synthesized beauty, whose paintings are the proof of the crisis occurring in art, self-awareness and, in a broader sense, also within humanity.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Izabella Malej

  1. Wrocław, Uniwersytet Wrocławski

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