@ARTICLE{Olejnik_Marek_Imiennictwo_2018, author={Olejnik, Marek}, volume={vol. LXVII}, number={No 2}, journal={Slavia Orientalis}, howpublished={online}, year={2018}, publisher={Komitet Słowianoznawstwa PAN}, abstract={In the article there are presented the most popular Jewish names selected from the municipal books of Grabowiec and fi les of city Grabowiec XVII and XVIII century. As a result of gathered materials it has been found that Jews adapted their names to the patterns existing on the area of residence. The formant –ko was especially popular. That formant was the most popular in Ukrainian antroponymy: Heszko, Icko, Judko, Lewko. To the most popular names used by Jews as Icko (17), Lewko (11), Marko (5), Moszko (4) the names of the origin of the Bible: Dawid (6), Juda (5), Aron (4), Boruch (3), Hebraic: Jakub (9), Chaim (5), Maier (4), Yiddish: Leyba (6), Zusman (3). can be added. Frequencies complement the variants of the specifi c names.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Imiennictwo Żydów starostwa grabowieckiego XVII–XVIII wieku}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/107860/PDF-MASTER/Slavia%20Orient.%202-18%205-Olejnik.pdf}, keywords={onomastics, names, Jews, Grabowiec, Polish-Ukrainian borderland}, }