@ARTICLE{Przytulski_Filip_Bolszewicy_2014, author={Przytulski, Filip}, volume={vol. XXVII/2}, journal={Studia Maritima}, howpublished={online}, year={2014}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences – Committee of Historical Subjects, University of Szczecin}, abstract={Marxism, as any social ideology, contains many conflicting motives. They represent the potential of various political doctrines. The aim of the article was to show the sources, content and consequences of the ideological conflict between the two Marxists, precursors of conflicting political ideologies. Vladimir Lenin, with his monopolistic rights to the interpretation of Marxism, the army-like organization of the party and the recognition of his opponents as enemies, became the forerunner of the totalitarian system. Eduard Bernstein, touted as the creator of revisionism, has verified Marxism, rejected the ved that the socialist party should participate in a democratic system dogma of the class struggle, claimed the proletarian revolution being irrational and belie, using its mechanisms for achieving the objectives of the working class. In this way Bernstein became one of the promoters of democracy. The article discussed the main ideological and political consequences of the gap between the two ideological movements.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Bolszewicy i rewizjoniści, czyli socjaliści przeciw socjalistom. Źródła, motywy i konsekwencje konfliktu w ruchu robotniczym na przełomie XIX i XX wieku}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/108575/PDF/08_przytulski.f.pdf}, keywords={ideology, revisionism, bolshevism, dictatorship, democracy}, }