@ARTICLE{Mrózek_Robert_The_2016, author={Mrózek, Robert}, number={No 60}, journal={Onomastica}, pages={27-35}, howpublished={online}, year={2016}, publisher={Komitet Językoznawstwa PAN}, publisher={Instytut Języka Polskiego PAN}, abstract={The changes in the paralinguistic (social, economic, cultural) and linguistic sphere influence the quantitative and qualitative changes in a categorically diversified onomastic resource and the communicative flow of its elements on three levels of linguistic contact — nationwide, local and individual. The flow is additionally determined in the sphere of spontaneous everyday communication and in higher communicative functions (official linguistic behaviour). The accumulation of determinants which allow the usage of appropriate names and appellative forms (official and unofficial, e.g. diminutives, feminisms) involves the application of cumulative research methods, including psycho-, socio- and pragmalinguistic description of proper names functioning in communication. The contemporary theory of discourse in its three dimensions — formal, functional and interactional gives this possibility. It also requires the constant specification and standardization of Neoslavonic onomastic terminology.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={The Continuing and Innovative Update of Onomastic Tasks}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/109406/PDF/60.2%20Mr%C3%B3zek.pdf}, keywords={onomastic linguistic sphere, analytic and interpretative research attitudes — determinants, conceptual machinery and system of terminology, the update of research tasks}, }