@ARTICLE{Kardas_Marcin_The_2018, author={Kardas, Marcin}, number={No 1-4}, journal={Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa}, pages={23-35}, howpublished={online}, year={2018}, publisher={Komitet Naukoznawstwa PAN}, abstract={The establishment of the Research Network Lukasiewicz (RNL) is aimed at strengthening the research potential and knowledge transfer from research institutes to enterprises. The article presents the results of the research potential analysis of 38 research institutes that are to form the RNL, based on data on scientific publications in 2013–2016. The number of publications of RNL institutes was similar to the number of publications of TNO and VTT institutes but smaller than that of Fraunhofer institutes. The publications of RNL institutes had lower values of indicators of international collaboration and collaboration with business as well as lower values of citation indices. Co-authors of RNL publications were mainly affiliated with national scientific units, whereas co-authorship with Fraunhofer, TNO and VTT institutes was marginal. The article also outlines the limitations and challenges of the adopted research method and future research orientations in this area.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={The bibliometric analysis of the research potential of the Research Network Lukasiewicz}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/109981/PDF/2-Kardas.pdf}, keywords={bibliometric analysis, Research Network Lukasiewicz, knowledge transfer, research, innovation, scientific publications}, }