@ARTICLE{Gurgul_Henryk_Preliminary_2001, author={Gurgul, Henryk}, volume={vol. 22}, number={No 3-4}, journal={Polish Polar Research}, pages={249-268}, howpublished={online}, year={2001}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, publisher={Committee on Polar Research}, abstract={During the cruise of the research ship r/v Oceania owned by the Institute of Oceanology of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Sopot a research on mineral suspension concentration and dispersion distributions was conducted. The research area included the western part of the Baltic Sea, the Danish Straits, the Norwegian Sea, the waters around Spitsbergen and the North Atlantic Ocean. Samples of water were collected from the surface layer. They were subjected to microscopic analysis. Measurements were done with a projection microscope (magnification lOOOx) and using the Burker's table. After counting the particles dispersion distribution was determined. The largest concentration of mineral suspension was noted offshore in the Norwegian Sea and around Spitsbergen and the smallest in the central Atlantic Ocean.}, type={Article}, title={Preliminary report on mineral suspension in the North Atlantic, the Baltic and the Norway Seas in summer}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/110742/PDF/2001-3-4_249-268.pdf}, keywords={North Atlantic, mineral suspension, concentration, dispersion distribution}, }