@ARTICLE{Grześ_Marek_Winter_2000, author={Grześ, Marek and Sobota, Ireneusz}, volume={vol. 21}, number={No 1}, journal={Polish Polar Research}, pages={19-32}, howpublished={online}, year={2000}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, publisher={Committee on Polar Research}, abstract={Studies of a snow cover on the Waldemar Glacier have been carried out during three spring seasons. In spite of its small area, there is considerable spatial variation in snow deposition on the Waldemar Glacier, different during successive seasons. Winter snow accumulation was the highest in 1995/96 (75 cm in water equivalent), but almost similar in 1996/97 and 1997/98, equal to 48 cm and 42 cm w.e., respectively. Snow cover shows specific physico-chemical features, with many sorts of snow different in its structure, hardness, density and moistening. All analysed snow profiles comprised layers of different grain size and hardness. Volume of water trapped in naledies was estimated to about 457,000 m3 in May 1998. The average winter runoff from the glacier was estimated to 0.024 m3/s i.e. about 91/s.km2.}, type={Article}, title={Winter snow accumulation and discharge from the Waldemar Glacier, northwestern Spitsbergen in 1996-1998}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/110750/PDF/2000-1_019-032.pdf}, keywords={Arctica, Spitsbergen, Waldemar Glacier, snow accumulation, winter discharge, naled}, }