@ARTICLE{Birkenmajer_Krzysztof_Lithospheric_1990, author={Birkenmajer, Krzysztof and Guterch, Aleksander and Grad, Marek and Janik, Tomasz and Perchuć, Edward}, volume={vol. 11}, number={No 3-4}, journal={Polish Polar Research}, pages={241-258}, howpublished={online}, year={1990}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, publisher={Committee on Polar Research}, abstract={The lithospheric transect South Shetland Islands (SSI) — Antarctic Peninsula (AP) includes: the Shetland Trench (subductional) and the adjacent portion of the SE Pacific oceanic crust; the South Shetland Microplate (younger magmatic arc superimposed on continental crust); the Bransfield Rift and Platform (younger back-arc basin); the Trinity Horst (older magmatic arc superimposed on continental crust); the Gustav Rift (Late Cenozoic) and James Ross Platform (older back-arc basin). Deep seismic sounding allowed to trace the Moho discontinuity at about 30 km under South Shetlands and at 38—42 km in the northern part of Antarctic Peninsula (Trinity Horst), under typical continental crust. Modified crust was recognized under Bransfield Strait. Geological interpretation based on deep seismic refraction and multichannel reflection soundings, and surface geological data, is presented.}, type={Article}, title={Lithospheric transect Antarctic Peninsula-South Shetland Islands, West Antarctica}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/111189/PDF-MASTER/1990-3-4_241-258.pdf}, keywords={West Antarctica, Antarctic Peninsula, South Shetland Islands, lithosphere structure, deep seismic soundings, plate tectonic elements, geology}, }