@ARTICLE{Ratajczyk-Piątkowska_Elżbieta_Wpływ_2018, author={Ratajczyk-Piątkowska, Elżbieta}, volume={tom 192 Urbanistyczne aspekty transformacji miast}, journal={Studia KPZK}, pages={254-268}, howpublished={online}, year={2018}, publisher={Polska Akademia Nauk Komitet Przestrzennego Zagospodarowania Kraju}, abstract={The revitalization of brownfi elds and post-industrial facilities is a long-term and multistage process. In the first stage of revitalization, it is important to assess the material, emotional and utilitarian value of the preserved cultural heritage. On the example of a revitalization project that has been ongoing since 1996, the former areas of the Gdańsk Shipyard, where the remains of the Imperial Shipyard and Schichau Shipyard are located, the process of formulating the value of the preserved cultural material heritage has been presented. The impact of this process on the subsequent stages of the revitalization of the Young City in Gdańsk was also presented. Gdańsk Shipyard is the cradle of Solidarity, so the emotional value associated with the events accompanying the creation of the Solidarity movement was considered to be the dominant one. Only two objects were entered in the register of monuments; BHP Hall and Solidarity Square (Plac Solidarności). When the Local Development Plan has been passed many investments have begun by various investors without comprehensive integrated activities. The demolition of the preserved halls and the dismantling of shipyard equipment began. This caused that in 2015 the uniqueness of the survived post-industrial complex, qualifying it for inclusion in the World Heritage list, was appreciated. In 2018, the Provincial Pomeranian Monument’s Conservator began the procedure of entry of the preserved objects to the register of monuments. This resulted in the suspension of all investments that commenced legally in the area covered by the proceedings. Lack of proper assessment of the cultural value of material heritage at the stage of preparing the revitalization process led to the loss of part of this heritage and caused increase of the investment activities risk in this area.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Wpływ oceny wartości zachowanego kulturowego dziedzictwa materialnego na proces inwestycyjny na terenach Stoczni Gdańskiej objętych programem rewitalizacyjnym}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/113344/PDF-MASTER/13%20-%20Ratajczyk-Pi%C4%85tkowska.pdf}, keywords={cultural heritage, Gdańsk Shipyard, revitalization program}, }