@ARTICLE{Biniaś-Szkopek_Magdalena_Aldermen’s_2018, author={Biniaś-Szkopek, Magdalena}, volume={tom 35}, journal={Pamiętnik Biblioteki Kórnickiej}, pages={93-118}, howpublished={online}, year={2018}, abstract={The collections of the Kórnik Library include an aldermen’s register of Zbąszyń, which was kept between 1588 and 1914. For centuries, it was the most important book documenting the town’s life. The articles contains a detailed analysis of records entered in the volume. The text is accompanied by an annex containing the first list of the most important town officials – the mayors and wójtowie (Vögte).}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Aldermen’s register of the town of Zbąszyń (1588–1914) – a forgotten source of the history of Zbąszyń in the collections of the Kórnik Library}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/113379/PDF-MASTER/Binias_Szkopek.pdf}, }