@ARTICLE{Nowak_Joanna_Władysław_2014, author={Nowak, Joanna}, volume={tom 31}, journal={Pamiętnik Biblioteki Kórnickiej}, pages={159-182}, howpublished={online}, year={2014}, abstract={The article presents Władysław Jordan’s activity in Turkey during the January Uprising on the basis of his correspondence kept in the Kórnik library. The analysed sources have made it possible to discuss the most important directions of the colonel’s actions and the particular steps he meant to take in order to support the Uprising. The article mentions Jordan’s beliefs, such as his vision of the Nation, his opinion on the Pope’s secular power, and his distinct attitude towards the Ukrainians. The correspondence is valuable not only owing to the information on the diplomatic and military actions undertaken in the period in question, but also due to the individual opinions and emotions, which cannot be found in offi cial documents. The gathered collection of letters is also a great source of knowledge, which sheds light on the relations between Polish activists who were members of the two political groups in exile.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Władysław Jordan and his activity in the East during the January Uprising}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/113823/PDF-MASTER/document%20(72).pdf}, }