@ARTICLE{Szymańska_Kamila_"Światu_2013, author={Szymańska, Kamila}, volume={tom 30}, journal={Pamiętnik Biblioteki Kórnickiej}, pages={9-79}, howpublished={online}, year={2013}, abstract={The paper discusses the lives and activities of two printers: Johann Gottfried Haase and Gottfried Börner who operated their printing houses in Szlichtyngowa, a small town on the borderland of Great Poland and Silesia, during the years 1715-1740. Their output is represented by 101 items known today, dominated by ephemeral literature, documenting social and family life of Protestant elites, the burghers and gentry of the historical Land of Wschowa and Duchies of Głogów and Wołów. The authors of those prints were mostly Lutheran clergymen and town offi cials from Wschowa, Leszno, Głogów and other places. Very few items are connected with the local Catholic community. The downfall of printing in Szlichtyngowa was brought by the competitive activity of Michael Lorentz Presser in the nearby town of Leszno, who also served Polish language clients.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={"Światu pozostanie ten papier..." Haase i Börner – drukarze pogranicza}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/113840/PDF-MASTER/document%20(80).pdf}, }