@ARTICLE{Dymowski_Arkadiusz_Pre-neronian_2014, author={Dymowski, Arkadiusz}, volume={Rok LVIII}, number={Zeszyt 1-2 (197-198)}, pages={73-93}, journal={WiadomoĊ›ci Numizmatyczne}, howpublished={online}, year={2014}, publisher={Komitet Nauk Historycznych PAN}, abstract={From the territory of present day Poland, occupied during the Roman Period by the Przeworsk Culture and the Wielbark Culture, we currently have a record on ten hoards of Roman Imperial silver coinage, 1st to 3rd century (denarii, and a single denarii-and-antoniniani hoard), which also contain one, at most, two Republican or Augustan issues. A comparison of the structure of these hoards with the hoards known from other regions of Barbaricum and the territory of the Roman Empire supports the argument that these early denarii entered the region to the north of the Carpathian range with the later coins during the Imperial period, the second to the mid-third century. Perhaps, some pre-Neronian denarii, known from single and cumulative finds recorded in the Przeworsk and Wielbark culture territory were introduced to the same area during that age.}, type={Article}, title={Pre-neronian denarii in hoards of roman imperial coins from the Przeworskculture and Wielbark culture territory}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/113929/PDF-MASTER/document%20-%202019-09-20T115530.347.pdf}, }