@ARTICLE{Dahmen_Karsten_Zur_2015, author={Dahmen, Karsten}, volume={Rok LIX}, number={Zeszyt 1-2 (199-200)}, pages={35-46}, journal={Wiadomości Numizmatyczne}, howpublished={online}, year={2015}, publisher={Komitet Nauk Historycznych PAN}, abstract={In 1822 and 1838 two finds of late Roman solidi hoarded around AD 430/440 were unearthed at the Goldberg near Klein Tromp in former Eastern Prussia (now Trąbki Małe, Poland). With an approximate total of 141 gold coins confi rmed (including one aureus of Gordian III) this hoard represents the largest hoard of Roman solidi in Poland and the Baltic region to date. Most of the coins entered the Royal Cabinet in Berlin, while smaller parts were given to the University at Königsberg and the landowner. This article provides an overview of the history of the hoard’s discovery and later fate.}, type={Article}, title={Zur geschichte des schatzfundes von klein-tromp im früheren ostpreussen (heute Trąbki Małe, Polen)}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/113957/PDF-MASTER/document%20-%202019-09-20T134126.613.pdf}, }