@ARTICLE{Porada_Aleksandra_Rewolucja_2019, author={Porada, Aleksandra}, volume={tom 49}, pages={143-171}, journal={Historyka Studia Metodologiczne}, howpublished={online}, year={2019}, publisher={Polska Akademia Nauk Oddział PAN w Krakowie}, publisher={Instytut Historii Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego}, abstract={Published for the fi rst time in 1721, Persian Letters has been relatively underestimated as a source of knowledge about Montesquieu’s philosophy of liberty. This paper analyses one of the main story lines of the novel, namely the relations between Usbek, the Persian traveller, and the wives remaining in his seraglio. It is demonstrated that these wives are in fact the fi gures of subjects — the fl attering and scheming subject of an absolute ruler, the law-abiding subject of a monarch, and the rebel who questions the very legitimacy of the lord’s authority. It is also demonstrated that the story of the seraglio wives’ rebellion explains why subjects rebel and how the rulers who abuse their power lose it.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Rewolucja w haremie Usbeka, czyli Monteskiuszowska koncepcja wolności w „Listach perskich”}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/114032/PDF/8%20PORADA.pdf}, doi={10.24425/hsm.2019.130579}, keywords={Monteskiusz, "Listy perskie", filozofia polityczna, wolność}, }